Review of Maharaj

Maharaj (2024)
Issues that exist today have existed for over centuries. This movie highlights issues with blind faith
26 June 2024
When you watch the movie, you will realize that the issues it addresses are not just historical but continue to resonate in today's society. It's disconcerting to confront the fact that in the past, such exploitative practices were not only prevalent but sometimes even celebrated within families.

This film serves as a good reminder of the dangers of blind faith, whether rooted in religion or caste, and emphasizes the importance of rationality and critical thinking in societal norms.

While the direction and screenplay of the movie show room for improvement, they manage to convey the message effectively.

Regarding the acting, Jaideep and Junaid bring different levels of experience to their roles. Junaid, being new to the industry, has shown promise in his portrayal, and with more opportunities, he is likely to deepen his understanding and portrayal of characters over time.
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