BoJack Horseman: The View from Halfway Down (2020)
Season 6, Episode 15
BoJack Horseman Season 6 Episode 15 Review!
28 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode was genuinely terrifying, to be honest it's hard for me to make a Review of it right now since I'm just kinda speechless, but I'll try my Best to make one anyway. The Episode begins with BoJack at this party with a bunch of people from his past that are currently dead, all of them are here besides his father. Before they all sit down to eat a bird finds its way into the house, but BoJack was able to get it out. Once they all sat down to eat you'll realize that everything each person is eating is the last thing they had before they died, and on BoJack's plate he had pills which was the last thing we saw him consume in the previous Episode, and BoJack also has a bottle of water that he instantly spit out since it for some reason tasted like chlorine. While they're eating this black ooze keeps leaking from the ceiling and falling right on top of BoJack's head, so he gets a bucket to deal with the leak. Then it's said that BoJack's father has arrived, but when he comes in he actually looks like Secretariat, which makes sense since BoJack used to watch tv more than anything as a kid. After they all finish eating they do play a show, the first person up was Sarah Lynn and after she played her song she instantly falls through a door that leads to a black dark abyss. BoJack freaks out and asks Herb if she's okay, but Herb ignores him. After all of this Secretariat or his father asks him to go out for a smoke, while they're outside BoJack's father says that even though he never showed it he truly cared for both him and his mother. Then BoJack says at least you get to tell me all of this before I wake up, but then his father says you don't get it, then he tosses his cigarette off the edge and see it fall into a pool where we see BoJack's lifeless body. BoJack starts getting confused since he doesn't remember going into the pool since he called Diane, while he's wondering what happened the show continues and this time it's Secretariat's turn. Secretariat reads this poem called The View from Halfway Down and each time he gets deeper into the poem the closer the door to the black dark abyss gets, and eventually once the door reaches him he starts to freak out and regret his decision, this shows us how Secretariat felt when he committed suicide by drowning himself. Next it was Beatrice's turn, she does a ballerina dance, and it ends with her saying now the easy part, which means that the easiest part of life is death. Now we finally get to the final part of the show, it's BoJack's turn. Once he gets up to the stage BoJack asks Herb if death is terrifying, Herb answers "No, I don't think so, it's the way it is, you know? Everything must come to an end, the drip finally stops." Then BoJack says " See you on the other side." But then Herb answers "Oh BoJack, no, there is no other side, this is it." Then Herb gets consumed by the black ooze that was on the ceiling earlier. BoJack instantly makes a run for it trying to escape the ooze, but while running he finds the bird back in the house again. Both him and the birds run into the kitchen, but before the bird makes it out the window it gets consumed by the ooze and dies. After all of this BoJack takes the phone in the kitchen and asks if Diane is there, but once he takes the phone he realizes that she never even answered his call, which is why he drowned in his own pool, he was killing himself. Once BoJack realizes all of this he walks outside and asks the fake Diane on the phone to stay on the call and wait for death to reach him, and the last thing he says before death is how was your day, then the screen goes black and rolls to credits with a loud beep to indicate he's dead. That's the Episode, and my extremely long Review. Overall this Episode is an absolute masterpiece from start to finish, and this is easily for me a Top 4 Best Episode of all Television!
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