Review of Leonardo

Leonardo (2011–2012)
Written by idiots for idiots
3 July 2024
Another sorry excuse for entertainment brought to you by the participation trophy generation. Like Merlin, another terrible show, the writers have changed a remarkable story into something that one would find at the bottom of an unmaintained portable toilet. It is easier to write garbage than to actually come up with something feasible. Perhaps it is because the participation trophy/whole class valedictorian generation never learned anything, because the truth may have hurt their little sensibilities. This show dishonors Leonardo DaVinci by making him look like an idiot and not a genius. Throwing a few of his better known inventions, that were designed when he was in his 30s and later, into really dumb plots involving a teen show is what this garbage is; I am surprised it lasted 1 year, maybe the Brits really enjoy terrible shows. Even Doctor Who has gone to pot, because it was destroyed by the same caliber of writers.
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