College Humor (1933) Poster


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At Mid-West University
lugonian16 December 2000
COLLEGE HUMOR (Paramount, 1933), directed by Wesley Ruggles, is one of many college campus musicals made during the Depression 1930s, highlighted with music and a football game finale.

Following his success in THE BIG BROADCAST (1932), Bing Crosby shows promise in his initial top-billed feature role, which is actually a second lead part as Frederick Danvers, a professor at Midwest University. In support are some over-aged college students, including Richard Arlen as Ralph, a football star whose career declines due to drunken disorderly conduct and jealous rages; Jack Oakie, the real star of the movie, as his football playing pal, Barney; Joseph Sawyer (billed Sauers) as a tough named "Tex", who excels in beating up on Oakie in one scene during a college initiation; with blonde and perky Mary Carlisle as Arlen's girlfriend who has a crush on her crooning professor; and Mary Kornman as Oakie's girlfriend, Amber. With the trials and tribulations amongst the students, the lighter moments go to the comedy team of George Burns and Gracie Allen, appearing in a few scenes as college caterers. They even take a moment out to sing an Irish song, "Colleen of Korlarny." Gracie manages to sing well, even in character. With music and lyrics by Arthur Johnson and Sam Coslow, the catchy tunes include "Play Ball" (sung by off screen singers during opening credits/re-prised in opening story by Crosby); "The Old Ox-Road" (sung by Jack Oakie/ students/ Crosby); "Learn to Croon" (sung by Crosby/ students); "Moon Struck" (sung by Crosby as he plays piano); along with reprises of "Learn to Croon" and "Play Ball" before the closing cast credits.

What makes COLLEGE HUMOR interesting in itself is seeing a young Crosby in an offbeat yet small role, while Jack Oakie was actually the central character. Crosby would return to college again in later years, most notably as a student in the then popular SHE LOVES ME NOT (1934). Unseen regularly since broadcast on public television in the 1980s, it had its very rare cable television showing on Turner Classic Movies (TCM premiere: November 15, 2018).

*Warning: The 2005 video cassette copy distributed by Hollywood's Attic is not complete. Eliminated from the original 80 minute print are the introduction of leading players during the opening credits to the underscoring of "Learn to Croon" followed by Bing Crosby's opening number of "Play Ball." with James Burke, James Donlan and James Conlin (**1/2 Footballs)
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A Fine Old College Chestnut
bkoganbing9 September 2004
It's always been a source of amazement to me how Jack Oakie was able to keep playing dumb jock college students throughout the 30s. Yet he got away with it as he does here and when all's said and done, he's a pretty funny fellow.

In this one he has a coed sister played by Mary Carlisle who football jock and Oakie's fraternity pal Richard Arlen thinks he's got a claim on. But no, Carlisle has her eyes on music professor Bing Crosby.

This was Bing's second feature film and the first he'd make with Mary Carlisle. She and Bing were a perfect fit in those films.

This is also the second feature film that Crosby would make with Burns& Allen. They are personal favorites of mine and I only wish we saw more of them as a pair of caterers at a fraternity party.

Bing recorded three of the songs from College Humor, the biggest hit being Learn to Croon which immortalized his Buh-Buh-Buh-Boo for the ages. It's a nice number done as Bing teaches a music class as we learn that all the past music immortals would eventually been buh-buh-buh-booing it with Der Bingle.

He sings a nice ballad to Mary Carlisle entitled Moonstruck and no it has nothing whatsoever to do with Cher's film two generations later.

For once Paramount gave Crosby a Busby Berkeley like production number in Down the Old Ox Road which apparently was the slang term back in the thirties for the local college passion pit. The number travels all over the campus showing the students singing about the glories of Ox Road with Bing in the finale.

I think this is one of the early movies that Crosby did that doesn't hold up as well as the others. But I think none of those college films from the 30s do, with rare exceptions. In this one I don't think anyone was getting an education. Especially Jack Oakie, just see what he does with his college degree at the end.

College life has undergone so much change in the over 70 years since this film was made. I can't identify with any of it from the 60s so God only knows what college kids would think of it today. Still it's a fine old chestnut and anything with Der Bingle and George and Gracie you can't go wrong with.
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Sex and Football
boblipton16 November 2018
With a title based on the popular magazine founded in 1920, COLLEGE HUMOR is a major ensemble piece with the rapidly rising Bing Crosby singing several songs. The plot, such as it is, concerns Mary Carlisle (in the first of three pairings with Der Bingle) pursuing professor Crosby, with him much in favor of the idea and football player Richard Arlen unhappy over the couple. Jack Oakie is Carlisle's brother, on the varsity team and paired with Mary Kornman. Burns & Allen are also around for laughs and singing.

Paramount was still unsure about how to deal with Crosby, and of his three musical numbers, two are elaborately shot production numbers and the romantic "Moon Struck" is staged to feature Miss Carlisle's figure. Cinematographer Leo Tover uses a lot of back-lit high lighting.

Looking back 85 years, it's a sentimental and stereotypical college musical of the era, in which academia is all about sex and football, but director Wesley Ruggles directs as if these are the important things about college. The result is a very amusing bit of fluff.
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Pleasant on a wet, June, Sunday afternoon
theowinthrop25 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Ambrose Bierce, that perceptive (if dark) critic of his fellow creatures and (especially) fellow Americans, wrote a pair of definitions in his DEVIL'S DICTIONARY. Academe (the ancient Greek term) was a place where wisdom and ethics were taught. Academy (the modern version) was a place where knowledge and football were taught. That image, of college as a four year football game with the student body as a big cheer leading squad, was probably ingrained into Americans in the 19th Century by dime novel hero "Frank Merriwell" of Yale who Burton Standish made a paragon of sport and sportsmanship, and who always scored the winning touchdown at the last moment of the game (isn't that the way it always happens?).

The image persisted throughout the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s. Films as diverse as the Marx Brothers HORSE FEATHERS (which actually probed the idiocy of this view to it's extreme - Professor Quincy Adams Wagstaff's tenure as new President is shaky unless he gets Huxley a football victory) to GOOD NEWS (where June Alyson's expertise as a French Major is dragooned to assist the football hero with failing grades - Peter Lawford!) kept up this image.

COLLEGE HUMOR is no different from these. To a small mid-western college comes Jack Oakie, the son of a wealthy creamery owner. Oakie does not have to get a degree - he'd inherit the business. But his father sends him, and he was a high school football hero. So he intends to join the college football team. We watch as he is bullied by senior classmates Richard Arlen and Joe Sawyer in a process leading to his acceptance into the college fraternity, and his acceptance by his fraternity brothers. Their bullying does not prevent them cadging cigarettes and money from Oakie.

The college's teaching staff includes Bing Crosby, who naturally sings many of his lessons, but actually is teaching drama and singing. We see Jimmy Conlon and James Burke as two other faculty members, but the film does not explain what they teach.

Oakie is introduced to the sorority on the campus by Arlen, and meets his future girlfriend Mary Kornman (who is a feather head, but pretty), and Arlen is dating Lona Andre. We see that Sawyer, Arlen, and Oakie make up a great football team backbone, and then Sawyer leaves three weeks before he was supposed to graduate. More about this point later. The new school year begins, and Arlen meets Oakie's sister, Mary Carlisle. She is very sweet to him, but she falls for Crosby (who falls for her). This leads to Arlen's growing jealousy, and his increased alcoholism. He is arrested for drunk and disorderly behavior, and Crosby gets him out in time for the big game - which he wins. But college President Lumsley Hare expels him for unbecoming behavior. In anger Crosby quits the faculty (and tells off Hare as a pompous fathead). At that point I will leave off the remainder of the plot.

The music in this film is pleasantly sung, in particularly THE OLD OX ROAD, which is a more earthy version of such later melodies in other films as FLIRTATION WALK and THE KISSING ROCK. THE OLD OX ROAD is "talk-sung" (like Rex Harrison's style of singing in MY FAIR LADY), but I wonder if this method was used because of the current musical film work of Rodgers and Hart at Paramount (where COLLEGE HUMOR was produced). Crosby concludes it with suitably melodic singing. There is also a wonderful song and dance by Burns and Allen during a college party they are catering, centered on Gracie's Irish ancestry.

But though the film is pleasant enough it is actually fairly disjointed. The scene where Arlen meets Carlisle is described by Arlen, but we never see it. Was it shot but cut? Why were Crosby's three cronies on the faculty shown in the opening scene and rarely shown afterward. Arlen's incarceration and release was told to Hare by his sources - my suspicions here is that a bookish fellow who had also gotten drunk and was in a nearby cell (but escapes when Crosby got Arlen released) probably told the President of the College. Again this is a guess.

Then there is the interesting problem of Joe Sawyer. He tells Oakie that he has to leave school to earn a living three weeks before his graduation. What's the rush? When we next see him, about a year later, he has a wife and two children with him at the football game. In modern parlance, it looks like he knocked up a girl and felt obliged to marry her. This was still possible to show in 1933 before the tightening of the movie moral codes, but it opens up some problem. When did Sawyer, who was a terrifically good quarterback, find the time and energy to date and impregnate the girl?

But the film's biggest problem is the failure to show (really show) the interest in the college to teach it's student body. This is not too hard to understand. College, in 1933, was a rich person's prerogative - meant for the wealthy to prepare the next generation for it's role in ruling the world. Only gifted exceptions (scholarship winners or football/sports phenomenon) could get admission. An escape-seeking Depression audience seeing this film would not have cared to see the Lumsdale Hare version of college (the realistic classrooms). They could tolerate Crosby teaching his students to croon to win at love, or Groucho and his recalcitrant students Harpo and Chico turning a classroom into a vaudeville turn. This film is a fascinating brief antique - it has very little reality in it, except in showing what the 1933 audience expected regarding it's setting.
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Getting past the Lost Weekend to win the big game.
mark.waltz27 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This college musical actually gets a bit of a serious theme here as it deals in one of its plots with alcholism through a football player (Richard Arlen) who is fighting his drinking problem and resents being threatened with expulsion. In today's world of binge drinking games at colleges, this 80 year old film is surprisingly timely even if it is only a subplot of another "Good News" type film where music is the most important class (and Bing Crosby is the instructor!) and a Friday night is only complete if you take your best gal "down the old ox road".

Crosby in 1933 was at his cinematic height with three films, and while he is top billed, the real star of the film is Jack Oakie as another football hero who must, like Ruby Keeler in "42nd Street", step up to take over when the big star can't go on. He seems a bit long in the tooth for being a football hero, and even if there was a G.I. bill, he's not quite right on the mark for being a gridiron star. But where there's Oakie, there's always comedy, and it starts right from the beginning where he is trying to get the young dumb collegiate on that old ox road, which is the major production number here. The movie lacks in dance, but it does feature Crosby singing "Learn to Croon" (later sung by Alfalfa in the "Our Gang" series) and Burns and Allen doing their routine about Gracie's wacky family.

George and Gracie only have a small part here, as caterers at the big college dance where Gracie gets some delicious pre-code dialog in their routine, especially when talking about family members who just got married where only the wife got to go on the honeymoon. They pop up out of nowhere at the end where Gracie gets to throw in a few more delightful malapropisms before the game comes to its raucuous conclusion. Overall, this is an entertaining but familiar mix of what Broadway and Hollywood had been letting us know about college life, and the inclusion of some potent drama adds to the surprise power you might not find too often in other similar themed musicals.
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Even more plotless and incomprehensible than I expected!
planktonrules21 September 2020
During the 1930s, films about college were very, very popular...even though most folks at the time could never dream of affording to go to college. And, most of these films are fluff...with little in the way of plot. This is DEFINITELY true with "College Humor"...a film that is so slight and plotless...even compared to films like "Horse Feathers"!

Instead of plot, this film seems to be made up of snippets. So, while I could try to explain the plot, I won't other than to say it's mostly about football. Additionally, one of the professors (Bing Crosby) spends a lot of time crooning and occasionally putting the moves on one of the co-eds. And, Burns & Allen are there...well...for no reason whatsoever.

Because there is almost no plot and a few of the characters complete jerks (Richard Arlen and Joe Sawyer's are both good examples), it's a film I am loathe to recommend. It's not just seems more slight, more silly and more of a time-passer than usual for this ever so slight genre.

By the way, like so many of these college films, most of the students are well into their 30s!
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Not much humor at this College
kidboots13 July 2008
If you can believe Jack Oakie, Richard Arlen and Joe Sawyer (billed as Joseph Sauer) as college kids then what a vivid imagination you have!!!! Joe Sawyer looked in training for his tough guy roles and Arlen looked as though he'd be more at home on skid row than a college campus. At least Jack Oakie was still in his "trim" period but all of them looked older than they actually were (I thought). I know Jack Oakie was in a couple of college films - "Touchdown" and "Sweetie" where he played a vaudeville hoofer who followed Nancy Carroll to college - but I don't know whether he actually played many "college kids". Eddie Nugent, surprisingly, had a "blink and you'll miss him" part as Whistler.

At least the girls were pretty and youthful, including a very cute Mary Kornman who played Amber. She had been leading lady in the original series of "Our Gang" and then the spin-off series from the early 30s "The Boyfriends". She had also co-starred with Bing Crosby in a couple of his shorts.

Bing Crosby (looking young and beautiful) plays the drama and music professor, Fred Danvers. The film doesn't really hold up that well and could have done with more of Bing and his singing. "Down the Old Ox Road" could have been done more like "Flirtation Walk". It is such a catchy song when Bing sings it but before that Richard Arlen has a go - and he can't sing!!!. Then Jack Oakie and Mary Kornman walk and sing - it is very disjointed. "Learn to Croon" again is a very catchy song that Bing sings to his students - "if you're looking for a sunny honeymoon, learn to croon!!". He also sings a few bars of some of his big hits - "Please", "Just an Echo in the Valley", "I Surrender Dear"

  • as if audiences needed reminding that he was Bing Crosby!!! He also sang it again at a party. "Moonstruck" was a love song sung to Mary Carlisle, with Bing at the piano.

This was Mary's first film with Bing and she was beautiful and compli- mented him very well. She plays Barbara Shirrel, Barney's (Jack Oakie) sister, who is supposed to be Mondrake's (Richard Arlen) girl but has secretly fallen for Mr. Danvers. Arlen's character is not appealing - he is grumpy, a heavy drinker and just does not look like a college type. Another reviewer questioned Joe Sawyer's character leaving college - then turning up a year later with a wife and 2 kids!!!! - I think it was just the shoddy story line. In the scene where Mondrake goes with Barney to meet his date Barbara, Ginger comes down the stairs and they go out!!

Lona Andre was given a picture credit but she was completely under-used

  • she had about 2 lines in the film. Likewise George Burns and Gracie Allen only had a scene - they looked like they were included as an after thought!!!!

6 out of 10.
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A mishmash of a poor comedy and film, even with the music
SimonJack19 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't Bing Crosby's first singing picture, nor his first lead in a film. But it is his first feature film with a leading and singing role. And, while Crosby's singing is okay, the film overall is a real dud. But for the build-up and attraction to see the rising singing star, I doubt that "College Humor" would have had much, if any, draw. It finished way down the list of comedies and musicals for 1933.

Watching this pointless and plotless film today, one has to wonder if the film's goings on would have been of any interest to the pubic right in the middle of the Great Depression. But for the Hollywood hype of the day and the attraction of the new singing star, I doubt it would have. And today, with all of that far behind, I don't think many now would find it of much interest. The screenplay is disjointed and lacks any thread of a plot. The setting takes place over three years, as nearly as one can tell. The clue is on-screen writing that announces the next term or season. Most of the acting, but not all, ranges from blasé to poor. The directing, and camera and technical work all seem inferior.

But the worst part is the stuff of the film, which seems to be nothing but a collection of unrelated scenes interspersed with a song or corny poetic skit. For starters, a bunch of football players are heavy smokers - always bumming cigarettes or lighting up. There are girls of two groups - those who are bait and after men, and the bookworm and nerdy type who are doomed as wall flowers. Even with some singing here, these scenes are quite boring.

Then there's the fraternity initiation of Jack Oakie, who plays Barney Shirrel, the new football star hopeful. Crosby is Professor Danvers who apparently teaches drama. But all we see of his class is one day arrival at class, instructing the kids with music, and their response in harmony; and at the end of that song, the class is dismissed. The screenplay has three or four scenes with rhyming dialog that is really quite amateurish, even for that time. And, when Oakie's sister, Barbara (played by Mary Carlisle) enrolls the following year, the supposed rivalry between Prof. Danvers and the star football player occurs. One doesn't see any competition or strong effort on the part of Danvers, but Richard Arlen's Mondrake is a case of nerves, jealousy, and fightin' anger.

There's more bad screenplay in this mishmash of a film. Two or more scenes have to do with dating couples talking about the "Old Ox road." No one seems to know where it is, but most want to go there. The intimation is that that's where the serious necking and sex take place. Then, George Burns and Gracie Allen have a couple of scenes, and this is the most un-funny and un-wacky I've ever scene Gracie Allen in film or on TV.

Is all or any of this the view that people in the early 20th century had of college and college life? Was it supposed to be a humorous take on college at the time? Or, maybe it was intended to be revolutionary? Crosby's professor argues with the college president about dismissing the star football player for being drunk and disorderly and getting arrested. Then he resigns in protest. Ah, yes, Prohibition would not end for another half year, so it's time to start touting the virtues of alcohol and overlooking the bad behavior of those who over-imbibe? Especially the heroes for the youth?

A few of the people who have seen this film and rated it on IMDb also seem to think it's fairly good. But very few have seen it who have cared to rate it or comment. My guess is that a large majority today wouldn't enjoy this film - or think much of it, at best.
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Dated but light
HotToastyRag9 December 2018
College Humor is the perfect title for a silly, youth-oriented romantic comedy about a college football star whose girlfriend has fallen in love with a professor. Trust me, it sounds much more serious than it is.

The funniest part of the movie in my opinion was the production number that shows all the coeds coupling up and finding corners to "neck" on date night. Jack Oakie chases after his girl, Mary Kornman, repeatedly nodding his head, hoping to get a nod in return, but only getting a shake when she decides she's not in the mood. At the end of the song and dance, they wind up outside the professor housing. Bing Crosby stands by his open window and croons, unknowingly making Mary fall for him. Then, resigned to his fate, Jack looks at Mary and shakes his head. To his surprise, Mary grins and nods her head-it's go time! Sure, it's a little weird, but it's a little funny at the same time.

Much of this movie is dated for the simple reason that college coeds nowadays have different problems than winning a football game. College movies, and college life for that matter, are very raunchy, so the intended audience will be incredibly bored watching this one.
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An unusual film as far as connection between title and content are concerned.
doc-552 November 2000
The film is called College Humor, but there are very few truly humorous incidents. Some of the situations are downright poignant, especially those involving the two older football stars. The Burns and Allen appearance, predictably, is probably the lightest moment in what resembles melodrama with music. The frequent repetition of two songs suggests that many components of the film were just thrown together. All this being said, I have come back to the film four or five times and am engaged by it. The Old Ox Road sequence is terrific. (Crosby once commented that it was his personal favorite among his recordings.) Perhaps what draws one in is the attractiveness of the performers. In a "college musical" can one expect much more?
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Not an Example College
view_and_review14 June 2024
"College Humor" took place on the college campus of Midwest University where Professor Danvers (Bing Crosby) spent more time crooning than teaching. I know that the movie was just a platform to showcase Bing Crosby's singing and George Burns and Gracie Allen's comedy.

Barney Shirrel (Jack Oakie) was a new student and a new pledge to Delta Alpha fraternity. If you didn't like fraternities to start, "College Humor" won't help any. Barney's senior frat bros were Mondrake (Richard Arlen) and Tex Roust (Joe Sawyer). They were unnecessarily cruel, but I suppose it was all an expected part of frat culture.

This movie, along with not being funny, was in poor taste. One of the coeds, Barbara Shirrell (Mary Carlisle), Barney's sister, openly kissed Mr. Danvers (Bing Crosby) on the mouth in class. The appropriate response would have been to chastise her right away, but Professor Danvers clearly enjoyed it and made himself the third leg of a love triangle.

It was hard to tell if it was a triangle or not. In a normal triangle there is one person who is the object of the love of two others. In this case, Barbara loved Danvers, but it wasn't clear that he loved her. Mondrake loved Barbara, but she didn't quite love him. It was a mess.

Barbara didn't help matters any. She openly flirted with Danvers while being arm and arm with Mondrake. It was a whorish scene that took moxy and shamelessness.

Besides the Barbara mess, the fraternity hazing was a bit too serious. They did hazing in "Animal House," but they made it funny and it wasn't too violent. In "College Humor" the hazing was more serious and definitely too violent.

"College Humor" made college look like a detestable place to be. Frat boys were abusing pledges, pretty girls were romantically involved with their teachers, all the school pride was based on the football team, and jocks were expected to be treated special. "College Humor" was not a good showcase of what a healthy college looks like.

Free on YouTube.
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College Humor On Location filming site.
tstocksl17 September 2007
I haven't seen this movie, but I just read an (unconfirmed) story about it today:

The football game scenes of "College Humor" were filmed in Riddick Stadium on the campus of North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC! The stadium has since been torn down, and the only remaining remnant of the site is the old field house (re-purposed several times since the 1950s when games moved to a new stadium), which is now used as a construction office. The building is due to be torn down and replaced by a parking garage in 2009.

Not sure if anyone can confirm this or not.

According to the story, the field house was so small that there was not enough room for the whole team to sit down for meetings!
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