Southwest Passage (1954) Poster

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Camel Caravan!
hitchcockthelegend18 January 2019
Southwest Passage (AKA: Camels West) is directed by Ray Nazarro and written by Harry Essex and Geoffrey Homes. It stars Rod Cameron, John Ireland, Joanne Dru, John Dehner and Guin Williams. Music is by Emil Newman and Arthur Lang and the Pathe Color photography is by Sam Leavitt.

A robber and hid girl join a Camel Caravan to escape their pursuers.

Originally filmed in 3-D, one might be surprised to find that as fanciful as the premise to this seems, it's very much grounded in facts. Edward Fitzgerald Beale (1822 - 1893) the character played by Cameron is a most fascinating person whose real life work is far more interesting than the film is! Further reading on the subject is recommended.

This is all very routine as a group of various ethnicities and walks of life trek across the desert with camels in tow to test their usage for the U.S. Cavalry. Ireland (posing as a doctor) and Dru (gorgeous but looking like she just wandered in off of a Estée Lauder advertisement) are hiding out. So they are on the bluff which keeps the "will they get caught" factor simmering away. Naturally a rapscallion fellow (Dehner) figures things out and wants a share of the couple's stolen goods.

To further complicate matters and up the peril quota, the water is running low. Add in the fact we are in Apache country and you get the drift of where the picture is heading. Cast make things watchable at least, while the location scenery out of Kanab, Utah, is a treat for the eyes. It all builds to a frantic finale, which is well staged and high on rapid gun fire, but once the "too tidy" resolution is reached it's a Western that quickly fades from memory. 5/10
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Motley crew in the desert
bkoganbing17 July 2017
Rod Cameron and the then married team of Joanne Dru and John Ireland star in Southwest Passage about an expedition to test the feasibility of using camels in the American Southwest. Purportedly after the experiment was eventually dropped and the camels turned loose on the Arizona desert descendants of them even now can be spotted to this day every now and then.

Rod Cameron plays the real life character of western explorer Edward Beale who in his life also had naval service and eventually got to be Ambassador to the Hapsburg Empire. I think his life would make one fascinating movie myself, the real story.

But here he's on a surveying party with camels, mules, and horse and the human participants are soldier, muleskinners and a few Arabs. Add to them a fugitive John Ireland posing as a doctor and his girlfriend Joanne Dru as someone they rescue in the desert you've got quite a mix facing the Apaches who eventually turn hostile.

Ireland has just robbed a bank and bottom feeding muleskinner John Dehner recognizes him. He also recognizes he's got needs when he sees Joanne Dru. She takes a liking to Cameron. The real Beale was a married man so there's no hint of reciprocation. But Ireland is not a happy camper.

There's a nice desert shootout with the Apaches which must have been something in the original 3-D this was shot in.

Southwest Passage is a nice action packed most adult western where the camel experiment is just a side note. Nothing whatever to do with the really fascinating career of Edward Fitzgerald Beale.
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Will That Be One Hump or Two?
bsmith555214 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The "Southwest Passage" of the title is an government sponsored expedition across a desert in hopes of finding a shorter route to California. The trek led by Ed Beale (Rod Cameron)is also testing the feasibility of using camels as they had proved capable of traveling for long periods with little or no water in their home lands.

The story opens with bank robbers Clint McDonald (John Ireland), Lilly (Joanne Dru) and her brother Jeb (Daryl Hickman) being pursued by sheriff Kenneth MacDonald and his posse. When Jeb is wounded Lilly brings a tipsy Doc Stanton (Morris Ankrum) to tend his wounds. Clint learns that the Doc is scheduled to join Beale's expedition. He decides to impersonate him and joins up with the expedition with Lilly joining him later.

This picture was filmed at the end of the 50s 3D craze so most of the film is designed to show off the usual 3D "comin' at ya" effects such as rifles pointed at the screen, a bull whip cracking in your face, a pitch fork, an Indian attack etc. etc.

As for the story which makes minimal use of the camels, the deception of Clint posing as a doctor takes up most of the plot. Mule skinner Matt Carroll (John Dehner) learns of the deception and blackmails Clint. Meanwhile, Clint is forced into using his "skills", as we knew he would be on the trail guide, grizzled side kick, comic relief Tall Tale (Guinn "Big Boy" Williams).

Although Cameron is top billed, the story centers on the Ireland and Dru characters. Coincidently, they were married at the time. Cameron appeared in a similar role the following year in Republic's "Santa Fe Passage".

Given the nature of Ireland's character, I found that the "happy" ending of the story to be a little too Hollywood. But nonetheless the overall film makes for an entertaining 75 minutes.
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Camels on the Range
dougdoepke13 March 2012
Good outdoor western with an unusual plot and a generally unpredictable storyline. Surveyor Beale (Cameron) is leading a mapping caravan through an Apache-ridden desert. Along the way he picks up two fugitive bank robbers (Ireland & Dru), one of whom poses as a doctor. Meanwhile finding water is a real problem, even for the camel pack-animals and their Arab drivers. So how will all this sort out, especially since both guys are stuck on the same girl.

I'm thirsty just looking at the barren Kanab, Utah locations. They sure look like a long way from nowhere. It's a good strong cast, particularly Ireland as a good-bad guy and Dru who really looks like she can ride and shoot. Okay, maybe budget-minded Edward Small Co. couldn't get the Duke for the big guy role, but Cameron still manages to persuade.

Some good touches add color. It's really strange seeing the Moslem Arabs doing their bowing to Mecca in the middle of a western. But there they are. The camels too, are a good imaginative addition. But note the brief scene with the wrecked wagon that Beale orders chopped up for firewood. I wouldn't be surprised it was wrecked during filming and was cleverly inserted into the narrative. Whatever, it adds a realistic touch.

My only complaint is an ending that appears pretty contrived, unlike what went before. Oh well, it's Hollywood, after all, a place where no one really dies. Still, it's a pretty darn good little western.
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Unusual western with camels!
coltras3524 January 2022
Edward Beale (Rod Cameron) and his caravan are en route to California as part of the U. S. Cavalry's initiative to utilize camels as cargo carriers for desert treks. Beale and his men join up with an escaped bank robber, Clint McDonald (John Ireland), who is impersonating a doctor. When one of Beale's men discovers McDonald's fraud, he blackmails the thief for a share of the bank loot. But then a far more menacing threat emerges in the form of American Indian warriors.

Fairly good B-western that is a little unusual due to the inclusion of camels and Muslim Arabs, but other than that it's business as usual with a long trek across the desert, there's a robber and his girlfriend, a crooked wagon member and Indians - John Ireland is particularly good as the robber who is conflicted over whether to return the money to the bank he robbed from, and that's what his girlfriend-Dru -wants him to do. The film ends with a sprightly Indian attack. Great locations in Kanab, Utah is a highlight - so are the camels!
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Panoramic Western With A Middle Eastern Twist!
wgie19 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Actor John Ireland and his wife Joanne Dru star in this originally released 3-D color Western that was filmed in what appears to be John Ford Country (Monument Valley, Moab). Ireland met his future wife on the set of "Red River" and appeared with her again in "All the Kings Men". While this film is not in the same category with those two cinema classics, it does feature Rod Cameron and a healthy menu of great character actors such as Guinn "Big Boy" Williams, John Dehner, Morris Ankrum, etc. The story centers around Ireland, Dru and her brother (Darryl Hickman) robbing a bank. Eventually Ireland and Dru join Rod Cameron as he leads an expedition complete with camels to survey a new route to California. The group encounters a band of outlaws as well as Apaches along the way that keeps the viewers interest. What I found most interesting was the introduction of Middle East values to the wild west. A conflict result when Dehner, a mule skinner, starts a fight with the Arab camel drivers when he tries to force them to eat pork .... a custom opposed by their religion. Dehner grumbles about the camels constantly and cannot accept the fact that they are necessary for the expedition. I thought the script left something to be desired as the dialog was sometimes humorous when it was not meant to be. An example of this is when Dehner complains to "Big Boy" Williams, "What are you trying to do kill my mules? Standing out in this sun is worse than working them to death!" Williams replies, "The camels seem to be enjoying it." Dehner counters, "They ain't got sense to know better. All this map making is a bunch of buffalo chips. Can't he tell that's a mountain without looking through a spy glass?" Big Boy then shakes his head and says, "Man when they gave out brains in must have been in New Orleans!" The only thing that saves this film from being less than mediocre is the veteran group of actors, the John Ford type of location, numerous action scenes and the beautiful color employed in the filming.
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Joanne Dru Is Lovely in Her Cowboy Hat
TedMichaelMor14 October 2010
Making the film must have taken great effort with location shooting in Utah. I would like seeing it in 3-D; the colour is vivid, well saturated. Director Ray Nazzaro knew his business; writer Harry Essex was not as skillful. The plot works but the dialogue often sounds silly.

The cast with beautiful Joanne Dru, her husband John Ireland, and Ron Cameron, along with excellent stock actors make watching this movie fun. You realise that actors like John Dehner, Darryl Hickman, and Stuart Randall enriched many films and television programs we enjoy.

I almost forgot about the camels while watching the movie. The hook works, I suppose, but that is not what makes it work. The fine cast, good direction, interesting photography, crisp editing, and great location do.

I enjoyed watching this movie.
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Routine and ordinary oater with one novelty , the U. S. Cavalry testing camels in the West
ma-cortes28 June 2022
So-so Western displaying action , shootouts , Indian attacks , and though sometimes is slow-moving , isn't tiring neither dreary , sustaining the interest for quite a while . Resulting to be dramatically slack and some moments there's nothing left to maintain viewer involvement . Reportedly based on real events , in fact an actual test once conducted in the Big Bend area of Texas . Horses were having a tough time in the arid climate, and the "powers that be" thought that camels might just be a better option . As the U. S. Cavalry is experimenting the novel idea of using camels rather than horses as a means of transportation . As the General Headquater orders to test the feasability of camels in the deserts of the Southwest , receiving a shipment of fine Arabians , that's why Edward Beale (Rod Cameron) is in charge of finding a shorter trail across the American desert and to also test the practicality of using camels in the West . Along the way , Clint MacDonald (John Ireland) , an outlaw one jump ahead of a posse , then the astute bank robber unites the caravan by posing as a doctor when he's a simple veterinary . His girlfriend , Lilly (Joanne Dru, at the time married to Ireland) , also comes along joining the expedition . But it starts to move when cunning Matt Carroll (John Dehner) becomes aware of MacDonald's true profession as a crook and he wishes to take the gold from the bank robbery . At the beginning the Apaches afraid of the strange camels , but they eventually lose their fear and carry out a violent assault . Wagons West! - The Cry That Rocked the Desert Frontier! A Thousand Miles of Roaring Excitement! For every mile forward, a storm of Apache arrows pointed the road back! All the greatness the West could muster was thrown into the battle for the Great American Desert!

This one is a cheap and so-so Western , originally in 3-D , mostly shot in Kanab , Utah, where during the 50s and 60s were filmed several oaters . There is action enough and shootouts but no too much but the little action sequences are effective . Although in this B-movie there is a whole lot of footage of the other United Artists A-films regarding the grueling trek across the desert . Agreeable and passable though mediocre movie about a desert expedition passing illegally through Apache lands, triggering an Apache retaliation against the trespassing blue soldiers , while the cavalry tries keeping out . There's another film dealing with camels in the West : ¨Hawmps!¨ (1976) by Joe Camp with James Hampton , Christopher Connelly , Slim Pickens , Denver Pyle , but this one is more hilarious than ¨Southwest Passage¨(1954) that relies on action , shootous and drama . Set on spectacular landscapes and it attempts to fit briefly to historical facts , as the U. S. Cavalry tried camels out in the southwestern desert for a short, but memorable , period of time . The picture is regularly made , with plenty of action sequences , fights , crossfire , cavalry charges and anything else . In the film there are gorgeous outdoors shot on desert location well photographed by cameraman Sam Leavitt , though a perfect remastering being extremely necessary . The picture didn't obtain success and was a real flop in box office , in spite of the spectacular sets , colorful cinematography and atmospheric musical score from Arthur Lange and Emil Newman . The protagonist is a famous actor who starred B-series called Rod Cameron . Along with John Ireland , his wife Joanne Dru and John Denner . Furthermore , large plethora of notorious secondaries , such as : Guinn 'Big Boy' Williams , Darryl Hickman , Stuart Randall , Douglas Fowley , Kenneth MacDonald , Stanley Andrews and Morris Ankrum .

This Indian-on-the-warpath motion picture was regularly directed by Ray Nazzarro who made a lot of Westerns in low-budget . By 1945 he fell into directing westerns for that studio, a genre and a studio in which Nazarro would spent the vast majority of his career. He worked steadily for the next 20 years, churning out dozens and dozens of Columbia's westerns, including many in the "Durango Kid" series with Charles Starrett, and was at the helm of a slew of Columbia's musical westerns and low-budget hillbilly musicals, which featured such acts as The Hoosier Hotshots. As he made Westerns as The Range Rider , The Kid from Amarillo , Fort Savage Raiders , Al Jennings de Oklahoma , Frontier Outpost , Streets of Ghost Town, Texas Dynamo , The Tougher They Come , Outcast of Black Mesa, Trail of the Rustlers ,Renegades of the Sage , Bandits of El Dorado , South of Death Valley , Cyclone Fury , Laramie , The Blazing Trail and many others . As the era of the B western ended, Nazarro journeyed to Europe, where he turned out some "spaghetti westerns" and was one of several directors to work on a bizarre and trouble-plagued Jayne Mansfield film, Einer frisst den anderen (1964) . He also returned to directing television series , a medium in which he had occasionally worked since the early 1950s again, mostly in westerns. This Western could have been a lot worse but that's no reason to watch it . Rating : 5/10 , average but passable and acceptable . Only for hardcore Western fans.
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Based upon a true story.
weezeralfalfa10 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a little more than a 'routine' western. It has some historical basis. The romantic couple: Lilly(Joanne Dru) and Clint(John Ireland), who have the most screen time, are quite fictional. But Edmond Beale(Rod Cameron)was quite a famous trail blazer and surveyor in his day. The supposed camel trip across Utah, New Mexico and Arizona was a mix of two of his trips. The trip where he used camels was actually from Fort Defiance, central NM, straight across central AZ to the Colorado River. This became a famous wagon trail, eventually part of US Route 66 and the Santa Fe railway.

I noticed that Bactrian (2 hump) rather than dromedary(1 hump) camels were used. Historically, they were imported from Tunisia, therefore should have been dromedaries, which are the usual camel in North Africa and the Middle East. Bactrians are the usual camel in Central Asia and western China. Bactrians are notably larger and can carry or pull heavier loads, up to 1000 lbs., whereas the top limit for dromedaries is 600 lbs. and for horses and mules 300 lbs.. Although camels had various practical advantages over horses and mules in the dry rough parts of the Southwest, there was a general prejudice against substituting them for their familiar pack animals. Also, horses and mules were generally afraid of them.

Getting back to the story, the threesome of Clint, Lilly, and brother Jeb are being chased by a posse, after robbing a bank of gold. Jeb is badly wounded, but they manage to lose the posse. Lilly goes to town to find a doctor, and returns with a drunkard veterinarian who says he can't do anything for Jeb. Clint bargains with him to buy his clothes and medical bag,so that the vet. can return to the east, instead of joining the camel caravan, and Clint can impersonate him when he joins the caravan. Lilly remains behind with Jeb, who eventually dies. She then finds the caravan and is reluctantly accepted. Clint's ruse is finally discovered, and he banished from the caravan after a fist fight with Beale. But, he finds a water hole, which the caravan badly needs, and helps fight off the attacking Apache. Therefore, he's accepted back into the caravan, and gives his stolen gold to Beale to return to the bank he stole it from. Beale says he can't buy his freedom from prosecution, but he's earned interesting perspective.

I thought Joanne was especially beautiful and charismatic. She was John Ireland's(Clint) wife at this time...Shot around Kanab, Utah. See it in color at YouTube or the expensive DVD release.
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Avoid This Below Average Western
doug-balch6 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was sucked into watching this movie because of the lead actors, John Ireland and Joann Dru. They were husband and wife at the time after they met during the filming of "Red River", five years before this movie. Despite its poor quality, "Southwest Passage" does have some interesting elements.

Here's what I liked:

  • Dru and Ireland deliver good performances, given the limited opportunity the script gave them. Dru is much better looking and has more charisma than I remember from "Red River".

  • Stalwart John Dehner makes an interesting appearance as a heavy.

  • Camel/Arab theme is unusual.

  • Interesting location shoots. Unlike what another user review claims, this is in no way Monument Valley.

Here's what ruined the movie:

  • Plot wise, it starts out OK, but quickly devolves into an absurd simplistic patch work of illogical characters, conflicts and transitions. They clearly were shooting without a script and made the story up as they went along. There's no point in going into details, since the movie isn't worth watching to begin with.
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Cavalry tests camels in the U.S. desert
bux29 October 1998
A routine western with a hook-it's based on tests the Army conducted using camels in the Southwest desert. Cameron, Ireland and Dru(Irelands' wife at the time)handle the acting chores competently, and the action runs smoothly.
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It started off well...but ended with a whimper.
planktonrules2 July 2022
As you watch "Southwest Passage", you can see that it was originally a 3D movie. All too often, folks strike at the camera with whips or pitchforks in a cheesy way to thrill the audience....a common cliche 3D filmmakers often put into their films.

When the story begins, three folks are running from the law. Soon one of them is shot and the remaining two (John Ireland and Joanne Dru) make their way to a caravan heading to California. The folks they meet up with turn out to be Cavalry folks escorting some Muslim men and their camels, as apparently the military is considering importing camels because of their ability to live in the desert. Unfortunately, while this seems like an interesting idea, the film seems to have forgotten this plot about midway through the film. The rest is mostly cliches...with the usual Indian attacks and and ending that really made little sense. It could have been worse...but should have been a lot better.
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Hollywood Degrading Arabs
rak-2700324 March 2024
The degradation and mocking of anyone not Euro-American continues. The handful of Arab camel herders are draped in unrepresentative stereotypical funny colorful robes and headdresses. They are portrayed as non-pork eating weaklings. The are referred to as monkeys. They are shown in prayer, whose movements and words are of a kind of which doesn't exist in Islam. In the early 1950s there existed Arab communities throughout California. The producers never bothered to pull in an advisor from the Arab-America community.

Finally, Arabian camels are one hump camels not two hump camels.

Must also mention that the heroine goes through thick and thin, but continues to appear with lipstick, makeup, clean clothes and a hairdo.
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