Pink Is a Many Splintered Thing (1968) Poster

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In the 1967 bird census, ornithologists counted . . .
pixrox127 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
. . . 22,879 Northern Spotted Owls on America's West Coast. Population counts for this crown jewel of U. S. avian wonders swiftly nose-dived after the release of PINK IS A MANY SPLINTERED THING the following fall, declining each and every year since. Today's birders say we should consider ourselves lucky if there are a dozen of these majestic winged natives left. Before SPLINTERED, it was fairly common for sharp-eyed naturalists to spot one of these feathered friends in a barn or garage as far East as Illinois or Wisconsin. Nowadays, even the majority of West Coast residents have never seen a Northern Spotted Owl in the flesh. Scientists place much of the blame for this horrendous decimation of one of our National Treasures squarely upon SPLINTERED. With the Pink Panther and his even more insidiously successful Old Growth giant tree slayer chortling while clear-cutting the precious Spotted Owl habitat, it tantamount to depicting vandals dynamiting Mount Rushmore, prying apart the Liberty Bell or toppling Devil's Tower.
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He's Not Exactly Paul Bunyan
ccthemovieman-112 May 2007
Our boy (The Pink Panther) is out in the forest wearing a strange outfit: some bowler-type hat, collar with bow tie and lumberjack boots. When he comes to a cabin advertising: "Wanted: Lumberjack," he applies and immediately an ax. That's not a good idea. You just know that the Pink Panther with an ax in his hand means some bad things are going to happen.

Actually, most of the bad things happen are to the Panther. Usually other people suffer but not here. The PP has trouble right off the bat, not being able to dent this big redwood-type tree. He spots a smaller one but as soon as he gives it a whack, a swarm of very talented bees goes after him. The bees are very inventive in what they can do, and there are some pretty funny sight gags with them. Then, the foreman comes out, does his "timber" routine but yells each time AFTER the tree has either smashed the ground or the Panther.

The ending to this cartoon is a little strange and not quite what I expected. Without spoiling things, I expected the ending to be some confrontation with that foreman. Still, an entertaining cartoon and fun to watch. It's nicely drawn, too.
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Pink Panther suffer this time
fedelince2 December 2015
After disturb Big Nose for many times, in this chapter the Pink Panther is the victim. It is Justice! Pink Is a Many Splintered Thing tells the story where Pink Panther decides to be lumberjack. This is a bad idea because bad things happen for him. At first, the Panther has problems with the bees then they sting him a lot. Then comes the worst for him. Another lumberjack makes him the impossible life. The little man cut a tree that crush Pink Panther. Newly this character runs over Panther with his car. And finally, Pink Panther falls down into a ravine and then a big rock crush Pink Panther like often happens to Wile E. Coyote.
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The Pink Panther attempts at lumberjacking.
OllieSuave-0072 August 2016
This is a rather funny Pink Panther cartoon where he takes on a job as a lumberjack and attempts to gather lumber and wood. However, his lumberjack skills weren't quite up to par as hilariously shown in this short. From an ax that just won't budge to a swarm of bees chasing him, the panther has encountered bad luck one after the other.

I don't like to see the panther getting the brunt of all the bad luck, but this cartoon short made it hilariously done, with the timing of the slapstick humor, the panther's expression and the guy that kept yelling "timber" while trees fall in the Pink Panther's way. A funny one indeed!

Grade A
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Timber with the Pink Panther
TheLittleSongbird26 September 2013
Pink is a Many Splintered Thing may not have the most surprising of stories and the ending is agreed rather strange. It still makes for great entertainment though and well worth the watch. The animation is colourful and carefully if simply drawn. The jazzy orchestration in the music is still a treat to listen to, and the theme tune still hasn't lost its infectious classic status no matter how many times you hear it. The gags are great and never less than amusing, the gags with the bees are the most effective. The pacing doesn't lull in any way, and while the supporting characters are well-characterised and appealing Pinky steals the show, funny and cool and you sympathise with him too, not in a while has he been the butt of the joke.

All in all, fun and entertaining, Pink Panther will not be disappointed. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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