The Night the Animals Talked (TV Movie 1970) Poster

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Moving little Christmas story that deserves better recognition
Popeye-822 March 2000
I saw this as a child when it was first shown in 1970, and was so moved I cried...and when I found it on the USA Network in 1998 I watched it again, to see if my five-year-old tears held up--and sure enough, it choked me up again.

Not the greatest of animation...but the storyline and climax will hook you in, and never let you go. A forgotten Christmas classic that deserved much more than its single 1970 showing on network TV--search for it during the's worth it.
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A terrific X-mas cartoon. Teaches the real spirit behind X-mas.
skiedrop19 October 2006
"The Night the Animals Talked" I remember it still.

I like many comments posted here, thought this was an awesome show. I was very young "the one and only time" I saw it. Five? Six years of age? I always looked for it at X-mas time special ...and never saw it again.

At 46 years of age, I still remember it. It definitely made an impression.

Now that I know it it is still out there. I will be trying to find it.

Obviously a good cartoon for young kids.

From some of the comments I've seen posted. It is a good show for us old kids now too. I am looking forward to finding it and seeing it again and sharing with my family.

I mean here I am, searching for it on the net. Obviously it made an impression. Helps to be an animal lover, but not necessary to enjoy this movie.
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The Night The Animals Talked
jellybeanstarh19 November 2006
The first time I saw this movie, I Had just gave birth to my first daughter. This movie was so inspirational that it brought tears to my eyes. I enjoyed this movie so much, I want my children and grandchildren to see it with me. It breaks my heart that this movie is not seen any more. I am in my late fifties, and I still would like to see this movie again. It may bring tears to my eyes, but they are tears of joy. With all the trouble around us we need more movies like The Night The Animals Talked. I have been searching for this movie for a very long time, if any one knows where I can find this movie, Please let us know. I looked at the family line-up for 25 days of Christmas, and again no movie of The Night The Animals Talked. This movie, The Night The Animals Talked is a great movie at Christmas time as well as anytime of the year. We need more movies like The Night The Animals Talked, to be seen on television. and DVD's or video, so more children could understand the great joy that it inspires.
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Better than given credit for
carolyn-258 November 2003
Well, as the above commentor said, the animation is not the best, and that most certainly is true. But still, I think the tone and message of this little film is great.

If you can track this special down, give it a try. It would be great for some Christian elementary school classes, that might want try something different during the holiday season.

I would classify this special as a "B" movie. The A's being the ones that got popular and constantly repeated. This means that this isn't bad, but wasn't given the chance to catch on. It's a pity the networks didn't replay this a few more times when it came out.

The scene when the animals lose their one night gift is particulary poignant, and it does stick in the mind.

I hope it comes out on DVD in the next few years, along with a few other Christmas seventies cartoons that seem to be forgotten these days.
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Dusty classic
Bectile18 November 1998
It's a shame this movie is so unrecognized as a Christmas classic. It's a wonderful story.
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What a beautiful little film!
koalagrrl22 December 2004
I've been looking for a copy of this for years! I vividly remember seeing it on TV among all the other Christmas specials(must have been about seven years old at the time), and to this day can recall certain scenes. I remember my sister and I watching avidly, and crying because we were so touched by the animals' plight as they tried to share good news. Over the years, I've searched the net.... have even rung TV stations to see if they had any details about it in their archives. This site is the first time I've tracked down any useful information. It would bring back a lot of happy memories if I could ever secure a copy of this film to watch with my family. A true little gem - considering how much junk is displayed on TV at this (and every other!) time of year, it's a great pity that this has never been shown again on Australian television.
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Heart-warming tale of conflict and resolution on the first Christmas
Yah-Yah3 May 2000
This may be pathetic, but twenty-five years after the last broadcast of this cartoon, my brother and I still 'baaaa' at each other like goats every Christmas Eve.

This truly beautiful piece of holiday animation combines two of the most cherished genres in the world: namely (and no offense to non-Christians), Christmas and talking animals. And it mixes these two genres in a touching, intelligent way.

It's the story of one night when all the animals in a stable discover that they can speak. With this "gift" comes conflict, provoked mostly by the arrival of two (soon to be three) unwanted guests to their stable. Each animal has a differing and fitting personality and a differing stance on whether to allow the guests to stay. The eventual resolution is not only heart-warming, but, dare I say...haunting.

You will never forget this.
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a lost Christmas classic
jcars8616 December 2005
I was only five years old when my brother and I sat in front of the TV, mesmerized by this cartoon with so much feeling and such a beautiful, loving message. I would like to have a copy of this movie for my children to experience. I would like to know if it is going to be shown this holiday season. There are certain experiences that leave marks on our memories and hearts and this movie is one of them. I am not sure why the TV stations would not want to show this cartoon. I don't understand how they could show The Drummer Boy and not show this cartoon afterall, there is Christ in Christmas-that's what it is all about!
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Been searching for this one a long, long time!
golindee8 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I can only remember this film as seen through my child-eyes. Perhaps it would not seem so "excellent" to me now, after so many years. But I wholeheartedly agree with the general consensus regarding the sweet poignancy of this work. As one who never heard the legend before seeing the movie, I was enchanted by the simple dialogue, the profound reasoning, and the genuine wonderment expressed by the animals. So carefully crafted was this portrayal, that I was completely taken by surprise when the Christ Child was born and the animals rushed to share their gospel experience with the world.

Indeed, I cried when the animals lost their gift of speech, scattering out of the barn and into the night, "praising" God in their "native" tongues. My husband has a similarly fond memory of this film, and not a Christmas goes by that we don't recall it, ponder it, and long to see it again. Sadly, it likely would not withstand the politically correct climate in which we live today.
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Oops! I Thought I Already Had a Review!
richard.fuller111 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I had already reviewed this childhood memory. Certain I had.

Standout characters were the gentle dog, the wise ox and the discriminated pigs.

Most of the animals, the cow, the goat, they were hateful and hostile, reflective of the times.

They didn't want to share their manger with humans. They didn't want to share their manger with the pigs. Pigs were disgusting.

It seems the pigs spent much of the cartoon trying to peer over the gate to see what was happening with the humans and the birth.

After the birth, the animals opinions softened.

The pigs, still struggling to see over the gate door, suddenly burst into the manger, afraid of how the other animals would react to them being there.

The other animals turned to look at the pigs, then calmly stepped aside, so the pigs could see the baby Jesus as well. Slowly the pigs approached, and they too smiled happily.

Now came the part where the animals decided they must tell humanity about the birth of Christ, and they took to the streets, yelling as loud as they could, and suddenly, one by one, each animal returned to his assuming voice.

The dog began barking, the goat began baaing, the rooster began crowing.

They all sadly made their way back to the manger.

The ox, as quickly as possible with his lumbering self, sought to summarize the events, until he too began mooing.

Effective cartoon. Deserving of the ten.
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best Christmas story
hughwatkin16 January 2005
cant remember much about this cartoon but i know its stuck with me ever since i saw it in the seventies, every Christmas when the holiday TV books come out the first thing i do is to look to see if any of the channels are showing this, as usual there not, this should be shown every Christmas , like the wizard of oz is, the Christmas cartoons they show now are rubbish compared to the seventies ones, another great Christmas cartoon thats just recently come out on DVD is Santa clause and the bears anyone remember that, so there could be hope of getting the night the animals talked on DVD that would be one great Christmas present, anyone know what studio made this maybe if we all bombard them with messages they might have it released, would be worth a try anyway, lets hope it comes out soon and start to get back to the traditional Christmas cartoons about the birth of Christ etc
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What ever happen to the Christmas Movie, "The Night the Animals talk"
antbre2 December 2006
I have watched this movie once as a kid,some where between 1973 and 1974. I would like to see it again but it seem to have faded away from the Christmas television list. Most of the other old time favorites are still on television during the Christmas season, but what ever happened to "The Night the Animals Talk." I have only seem it once and would like to someday see it again. I really enjoyed watching it in the seventies and most definitely would like to see it on television again. Why do we allow good things to slip away? "The Grench who stole Christmas" has been around for years and it also is one of my favorites. Another one of my favorite is, " A Christmas story." These movies I feel are classics and should alway be around for our kids,kids to view. "The Night the Animals Talk" was a movie that would leave one wishing that they would have talked long enough to finish the message. But as I remember they stop talking right before the animal could get it out that a miracle had happened. I feel this is one of the best Christmas movie and it hasn't gotten the props required to make it a house hold Christmas viewing. This movie ends making one wanting to see it again, hoping the animal could get the message out.

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a Christmas classic about . . . Christmas???
CineMage5 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers

I have not seen this cartoon in far too many years, and that is a shame. While I agree that in the United States Christmas has become a secular nation-wide holiday to be shared by Christian, Jew, Muslim, Pagan, Hindu, Atheist, etc., and while I enjoy the spirit of generosity and playfulness it inspires across religious lines, it seems fitting that the occasional Christmas special actually deal with the Christian origins of that holiday.

"The Night the Animals Talked" is a cartoon depiction of the legend that, on the day Jesus Christ was to be born, the animals suddenly found themselves with the power of speech! The animals immediately pick up human foibles along with speech in the best tradition of Aesop's Fables and Orwell's _Animal_Farm_, and what results is a surprisingly honest look at the strengths and foolishness of human nature.

I have not seen this cartoon since I was a kid, yet I will always remember that sequence when the animals run around trying desperately to tell people about the miracle happening in their midst only to be ignored into silence as they lose their one day of speech. The gentle critique of human nature in that moment has stayed with me my entire life.
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the best Christmas cartoon next Little Drummer Boy
LReis00110 October 2004
This was my favorite cartoon at the holidays when I was young though it did not play for a long time it was just a couple of years that it was aired, but I still remember this cartoon. I wish it would be released on DVD or re-released for TV so that our children could enjoy this cartoon. This was based on a legend that the animals spoke the night Christ was born. It's just a good cartoon for children, in the league of Ziggy's Gift and The Little Drummer Boy which are classic Christmas cartoon this one also would be a classic if people were allowed to see it again. For the life of me I can not understand why it is not shown, unless its thought to be to religious. I will always love The Night The Animals Talked
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Christmas Classic - available to watch on YouTube!
FilmPolice19 November 2023
I'm not allowed to post the link but the best version I found is by user Aeolus 13 Umbra.

I remember seeing this once as a child. I always remembered it but never saw it again on TV. As far as I know, it was never remastered or released on DVD. I have looked for it over the years and I always wished it would be rebroadcast, available to stream- something! FINALLY I found it on YouTube, and while it's not "remastered" it certainly has better video/audio quality than other vintage shows, commercials, etc., that I've dug up in the past.

This show is just as good as I remember! Cute animation, a few songs, and a universally great message about coming together for greater good.
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Oh what a Beautiful story, never shown at Christmas time.
schartorrstb19 December 2021
Now in my 60s, children grown already, maybe, the grand children would appreciate a GOOD story. I would say the early 70s my niece Older than me. Shouted "ITS ON.. HURRY UP". I was still doing my chores and couldn't sit for the whole show. But, what I did see and so enjoy, even the tear that welled up in my eyes as they lost the ability to speak. Left me thinking, I'll see it again, hopefully again this Christmas. Ugh, I've searched over the years and with the birth of the internet and God bless GOOGLE. I found it, The joy that I will get to see this show again and share it with my grand children. It's not the best picture as it's a older animated almost black and white. But, the story and the reflective properties are strong as I remember. Somebody has to believe it's worth resurrecting from the dust covered boxes, give it a sprucing up and get it on some network to be viewed by us old-timers that just love a good movie.
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One of The Best Christmas Stories You've Never Seen or Heard
george-ciccarone2 December 2020
I saw this as a child when it first aired on ABC-TV. for the past 50 years around Christmastime I've thought about this forgotten Christmas story. I was delighted to find it on YouTube. Still now in my 60's it still chokes me up. Do yourself a favor. Get the kids away from the phones and videogames and gather the family to watch this. The animation is crude but that kind of lends itself to this classic forgotten story. Enjoy!
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A True Christmas Classic
Timothy Fay16 January 2002
This special was broadcast at least four times on ABC: December 9, 1970; December 17, 1971; December 15, 1972; December 15, 1973.

It is a pity that that THE NIGHT THE ANIMALS TALKED isn't shown much any more (though it has appeared on PBS and USA Network in recent years). It is a unique and gentle tale, one that gets its message across without preaching to the viewer. Along with Charlie Brown, the Grinch and Rudolph, it is one of my all-time favorite Holiday specials. It is a true Christmas classic.
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barcino28 March 2003
this film is terrific and should be shown every christmas, just as rudolph the red nose reindeer is. it is just as good. why have i never seen a rerun of it? . it is terrific and if it were real life would be better if animals did talk.
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