Bullets Over Dallas (1970) Poster

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Inferior Paella Western in short budget with unknown actors and poor direction
ma-cortes28 September 2018
Below average chorizo western dealing with a stranger , Charles Quiney, who arrives in Tombstone town where time ago the local farmers sold their land to railway. As the purchase of farms that occupy land in which the railway is going to run causes a lot of troubles . Nowadays, Tombstone is a crossroad , and the stranger is interested in ranch 3 Cruces, and its owner called Ralston . The mysterious stranger asks for the ranch's owner to a saloon girl and singer, Claudia Gravy,. Later on, he is being hitting and punched by some hoodlums. A bit later on, there appears Ralston, Luis Induni, and things go wrong .

This is a paella western with thriills, action, fights and shootouts. Badly directed by Jose Maria Zabalza , he is a sort of Spanish Ed Wood, similarly to Italian Demofilo Fidani or Miles Deem . This is a Spanish made Western that came to the big screen when the top time of the genre was falling . It stars a tarnished actor , Charles Quiney, who played subpar adventure , terror, warlike and western movies such as Rebellion Buccaneers, El Zorro caballero de justicia, Tiger Khiber, Zorro Monterrey , Ivanna, Orgia muertos ,Comando al infierno, Consigna matar comandante en jefe . Costars the beautiul Claudia Gravy who starred various Westerns and adventure films such as Matalo, John il Bastard, Hombe Rio malo, Tigres de Mompracen , El perro and Utimo dia guerra. So-so support cast with some familiar faces from Spaghetti and Paella wedtern as Jose Truchado , Luis Induni , Guillermo Mendez and Jose Marco.

Anticlimatic musical score by Ana Satrova . Passable and atmospheric cinematography in Eastmancolor and Techniscope by Leopoldo Villaseñor . The motion picture was lousily directed by Jose Maria Zabalza. His films debuts were two acceptable films : Tambien hay cielo sobre el mar and Entierro de un funcionario en primavera. Both of them were a flop and then he directs commercial films. As he makes all kinds of genres . He directed Gangster movies :Homicidios en Chicago, Regreso Al Capone , Terror: Furia de Hombre lobo, Retorno de los vampiros ,Comedy :Divorcio a la Andaluza, De la Troya al Palmar, Erotic : Con bragas y a lo loco, Musical: El milagro del cante, Western : 3 dolares de plomo, Rebeldes de Arizona, Las malditas pistolas de Dallas , 20000 dolares por un cadaver and Al Oeste de Rio Grande
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Boring and cheap Spanish western with a weak protagonist
Leofwine_draca16 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
BULLETS OVER DALLAS is a Spanish western devoid of intention and interest. The film itself is a low budget effort with the action centred in and around a single small town, which is no big problem in itself as dozens of similar movies found their ways around similar constraints to become solid entertainment. Not so this one. The story is more detective fiction than western adventure, and the film is saddled with one of the weakest heroes ever.

The hero is played by Carlos Quiney as one of the weakest and most unappealing protagonists seen in a western. He shows no affinity with action and spends the entire running time getting beaten up and abused by the various underlings hired by the film's major villain. After these beatings he seems to take a long time to recover as well, and then it's time for the next. He's hardly the kind of guy you can get behind. Otherwise there are the requisite gun-fights and plot about land grabbing and the building of a rail road, but it's all a big disappointment. The dubbed-in English voices of the female singers is also a big embarrassment.
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Zabalza #1: Dangerous Inquiry
unbrokenmetal14 November 2013
'Prendi la colt e prega il padre tuo' ('Plomo sobre Dallas') was one of three westerns director Zabalza shot in 1970, mostly with the same cast. A tall, dark, handsome stranger (Carlos Quiney) comes into town and makes inquiries about a man named Ralston and his ranch Tre Croci (Three Crosses). Somehow nobody wants to tell him anything, and later a few scoundrels show up in his hotel room to tell him not very politely to go away. Nevertheless, when a beautiful singer (Claudia Gravy) in the saloon surrenders to his natural charm and gives him clues, these lead him straight into danger (of course). The dubbing of her songs, nowhere near lip-synch, is embarrassing. Otherwise it's a western created with acceptable craftsmanship, and the script with its carefully built up investigation story is even quite ambitious for the genre and its low budget. I voted 5/10.
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The movie has more unconvincing fights than it does bullets
jordondave-2808520 November 2023
(1970) Bullets Over Dallas/ Plomo sobre Dallas (In Spanish with English subtitles) SPAGHETTI WESTERN

Produced and directed by José María Zabalza that has mysterious stranger, Dale Bryce (Carlos Quinley) coming into town looking for a guy named Ralston and wanting to know where the "3 Crosses Ranch" is located. And as a result of looking for one or two of those things, he is then threatened by some of the townspeople regarding the information connected to a foreman, Terry Morse (Juan Cortés) who manages the "Minister's Ranch" and another outlaw named Burkett (José Truchado). After bonding with the singer Helen (Claudia Gravy) from the saloon, we then find out that it regards some shady dealings in regarding the railway comp and cattle ranchers.

If you don't want to know then stop reading for I am about to reveal more about the movie, and not the ending.

It turns out that the reason the star Bryce is looking for Ralston (Luis Induni) is to inform him that his son, Mark had died. And because of what he knows about Ralston that he changed his mind about giving him half of the land title that may have been his son's had he still be alive. We also find out that Ralston and Terry Morse are conspirators with one another, motivating Ralston to steal the deed from Ryston even more.

Tons of dialogue and less action- excuse me, I mean there is action if you do not mind the few fights that usually have the star getting it at the end. And it is not until the final 5 minutes, the star Ryston finally gets to use his gun and not kill any baddies. There's nothing really cringing about this movie- it's just plain boring.
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