Ballad of Death Valley (1970) Poster

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A movie with method
unbrokenmetal28 October 2005
Calloway helps 3 bandits to escape from prison. The deal is that they shall give him 50 percent of the gold they have hidden. Of course, as soon as they are free, they have little intention to divide the treasure with him. A long ride through the desert "valley of death" seems the perfect opportunity to get rid of him. However, Calloway is like a cat with 9 lives...

"Sartana nella valle degli avvoltoi" is a quite methodical movie which develops its story step by step instead of relying on mindless action. Yes, the movie is a bit slower than others of the genre, but since it takes time for its characters, for example the puppet maker, it has more qualities than the average low budget western. Nothing extraordinary, but I was satisfied.
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SARTANA IN THE VALLEY OF DEATH {Edited Version} (Roberto Mauri, 1970) **
Bunuel19769 February 2008
This is the first entry I've watched in a long-running series of Spaghetti Westerns revolving around the titular figure, played here by William Berger; as such, he displays no particular features that would make him stand out from similar anti-heroes (such as The Man With No Name or Django) and, in fact, is never even referred to by that nickname! Incidentally, this seems to have been considerably trimmed for American export – given that the running-time is a mere 79 minutes; what remains is a thinly-plotted affair which virtually resolves itself into one long chase! Incidentally, the R2 C'Est La Vie DVD sports German credit titles and even the first spoken bits of dialogue is in that language!

Sartana springs a trio of no-good brothers from jail intending to cut in on a fortune in gold that awaits them; however, the latter soon double-cross him and he's stranded on foot and without provisions in Death Valley (hence the title) – they also get even with their former associates (including puppet-maker Luciano Pigozzi) for letting them take the rap. Eventually, of course, Sartana catches up with the gang – taking some time-out to romance a gal who aided in his convalescence…but she too turns out to be harboring ideas above her station! At the finale, the 'outlaw' is revealed to be a courier for the American cavalry entrusted with a crucial message – and his reward for the accomplishment of said mission is that he gets to keep the brothers' gold for himself! For the record, the song playing over the opening credits "King For A Day" is quite decent and is even warbled, for no good reason, by a blonde bar-room chanteuse at one point in the film.
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A Good, if Uneven Spaghetti Western.
JohnWelles31 January 2010
"Sartana nella valle degli avvoltoi" (English translation: "Sartana in the Valley of Death") AKA "The Ballad of Death Valley" (1970), is one of the hordes of unofficial sequels to "If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your Death", directed by Gianfranco Parolini, who made the interesting "God's Gun" (1976). This offering is directed by the competent Roberto Mauri, who stages some nice action scenes, and gets the great William Berger to do some cool business with a gun. The supporting cast is fine, and the photography frequently uses some neat angles, but the real problem with the movie is the exteriors. There are repeated shots of people riding across green and moist hills, covered in grass. This is supposed to be set around the Mexican border! The only "desert" scene is the sequence in Death Valley, which looks like it was filmed in a quarry. This aspect really let the film down for me, and it's a shame, as the rest of the movie is quite good.
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Mildly diverting spaghetti western
Wizard-825 November 2003
While "Django" was the most-ripped off name in spaghetti westerns, I think "Sartana" must be in second place. Though the hero of this spaghetti western dresses in black, he is not the fantastic Sartana character John Garko played in several movies. For one thing, he's played by William Berger - pretty appropriate, since this character is an anti-hero. (And he's not even named Sartana!)

The story is pretty confusing, with some bad editing and a lack of explanation in some key scenes (like: where do those explosions on the city street come from?) But the story takes several interesting twists and turns, like how power switches back and forth from one character to another. And it's interesting to see Berger as a kind of hero, after playing the heavy in so many other roles. Movie also has one of the more memorable theme songs - "King For A Day" - even though it doesn't really apply to Berger's character or anyone else!
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I looked for gold, but all I find is lead that lead to disappointment.
ironhorse_iv23 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This Spaghetti Western could had been good, but it was such a disappointment. First off, this movie is hard to find due to it being produce with different titles. It lead to much confused of what the film is called. It is often mistaken for other movies. One such title for this film is 'Ballad of Death Valley" which happens to also be the title to an earlier film. Now retitled, as 'A Pistol for Ringo' (1965). This movie has nothing to do with A Pistol for Ringo's film. So if you're thinking this is a remake or the original of that movie, you just waste your money. The second one is more complex as this film goes by Sartana in Death Valley, Sartana in the Valley of the Eagles or Sartana in the Valley of the Vultures. While the man in the film dress up like Sartana, it's not Sartana at all. Sartana was a semi- famous Spaghetti Western character that was introduced in 1968's If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your Death. Sartana was often played by Gianni Garko in most of the sequels to these films, but not here, as William Berger supposedly plays Sartana, despite the fact in the film, his character is name Lee Callaway. Lee Callaway doesn't have the Sartana like charm. There is no smoke bombs, no derringer with double chambers, and not even a robot name Alfie. Surprising, it doesn't have the same high death count as the other Sartana films as well. There is only a few similar to the other films like how Lee Callaway is trying to get money. Lee Galloway is an infamous outlaw, who is hired to break the three Douglas brothers out of jail and look for their stolen treasure of gold. After the Douglas (Craigs in some versions) brothers double cross him in the Valley of Death, Galloway must learn how to survive the harsh environment and seek revenge on the gang. While, the film looks like he would have an awesome showdown against the brothers in the end. Sadly, it was disappointing. I blame it on the scorpion on the wires. Watch it, to get what I meant with that. I just couldn't root for Galloway anyways. He's a criminal, just like the brothers. Austrian William Berger is not that good to look at, plus, he looks like the villain. He did help the brothers, gun down the doll maker in the beginning of the film that got me anger and done a lot of vile things. The best part is the Valley of the Death walking scenes with the Douglas gang mocking Lee for not having a horse. It add suspense that was needed for the film. The film was shot somewhere in Italy. To make the vast desert landscape the script calls for, the crew simply made a sandpit as Spain would be too expensive to shoot in. I find the sandpits interesting since you can measure a film's budget by sand. I think they did what they can, but it doesn't look like a desert. The exteriors had repeated shots of people riding across green and moist hills, covered in grass. The story is pretty confusing at times due to bad editing and lack of explanation in some key scenes like where did those explosions come from? Even the odd twist and turns are pretty out there. The movie is in widescreen format with English audio, but the dubbing is really bad as some German is add in on accident in the beginning. The dialogue is pretty awful, as some of what they say, doesn't make any sense. For 79 minutes, it's a short film, but with a slow pace. In some version of this film, it's approximately 15 minutes cut off. I don't think the 15 minutes lost, even added anything. The whole scene, missing in that version is the movie's beginning which is pretty pointless. It's just supposing showcasing of the hero's unhuman shooting abilities. It really boring and not that much action in it. The action, we get wasn't that good anyways. The music sounds like an odd folk rock song, 'King for a Day' sung by Augusto Martelli. It is pretty catchy, but forgettable. I did like the girl that sang at the saloon scene. She was very beautiful. I also did Pamela Tudor as Esther. She was one hot woman in her time. Her scenes was just there for sex appeal, as it was bit cheesy. Overall: In my opinion, I don't think this is a Sartana movie, the producers most likely use that name on the title, just to capitalize on that character's fame, so more people can go see it, thinking it's a Sartana's movie, when it's not. It's so misleading. Who knows? I might be wrong. The character Sartana does have a certain affinity like the Man with No Name hero of Sergio Leone character as in the fact that he might give or sell false information about himself. In many cases, the Sartana in these movies bore little resemblance to Garko's interpretations in the original film cycle. It's clear to see that in this Roberto Mauri's low budget film as it doesn't have the action nor charm of that character.
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A hollow time passer
TankGuy19 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Drifter Lee Galloway springs three outlaw brothers from jail in the hope that they will split their stolen loot with him. This doesn't quite work in Galloway's favour after they betray and leave him for dead. Galloway sets out in hot pursuit of the brothers and now he wants all the loot for himself.

This spaghetti western from Roberto Mauri is anything but rousing and has all the marks of a Fidani, in fact a Fidani would be much better than this movie. In some countries it was packaged as a Sartana spin off and certainly is a lesser effort as far as the franchise' unofficial sequels go. The so called "Death Valley" of the title is represented by some chilly looking sandpits and the narrative skips incoherently from day to night and vice versa. The version I watched was only 79 minutes long and seemed to have been cut to ribbons. The sparse action scenes consist of a few guys getting shot and the body count is disappointingly low for a spaghetti western. The extras even lacked soul as they pretended to be gunned down(no pun intended). The movie's lightweight villain meets his demise when he gets bitten by a laughably fake looking Scorpion and everything is alright in the end as the cavalry turns up out of nowhere and allows Galloway to keep the loot. The unintentional humour was quite funny and William Berger seems to be enjoying his role. I also really liked the title song "A King For A Day".

Ballad Of Death Valley is among my least favourite spaghetti westerns, ironically coming from someone who always enjoys the trashier efforts. Still, why not wile away a dull hour and a bit. 4/10.
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washboard10 August 2005
I found this film quite disappointing. There are some good moments but the pace is pedantic. The storyline involves the usual hunt for hidden gold spaghetti western fare, but was, at times, non-sensical, unless I fell asleep in the middle, which may have happened. The dialogue and acting was quite poor in parts. William Berger's hair colour looked ridiculous and at time he almost looked like a peroxide blonde. The music was quite odd at times and often did not match the mood. The Japanese DVD release version was of surprisingly good quality. Not recommended unless you are a spaghetti western die-hard like me and must see them all.
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Better than expected
gareth6336 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Pleasantly surprised by this one because it has a very poor reputation. In fact it's a slightly flawed but enjoyable western with a simple, easy to follow story which i wont repeat here but it holds your interest where some westerns can veer toward the confused (Return of Sabata for instance).

The late great William Berger is given a leading role for a change and apart from his terrible dubbing is very good. More of an anti hero than a good guy. Definitely not Sartana in fact he isn't called by this name at any point in the whole film as far as I could tell. Similar black wardrobe but otherwise a different man.

Decent gun-play, the agile Berger leaping about blasting away at his adversaries as he usually does. Still don't know why half the street at beginning explodes when he shoots the ground though, maybe some of the plot ended up on the cutting room floor that explains this because the editing is very jumpy. Perhaps he has exploding bullets or hid some dynamite there earlier! Daft! I nearly spilt my beer when it happened. However, the version i saw was apparently missing about 15 minutes so that definitely would explain the choppy editing.

Good fun though and the action sequences are reasonably well spread though the film so it does not ever get boring. There isn't anything fancy or original, just the usual gun fights, punch ups and explosions, but done well enough.

Unfortunately the theme song is really dreadful, thankfully its only really sung over the opening credits and after that just a short burst later on by a saloon singer. The incidental music is better, though fairly nondescript. Does the job.

The other actors are adequate, familiar face Franco Ressel is there as a villain but doesn't last long. No really terrible performances, though the dubbing is particularly poor.

It seems to be a very low budget picture so as as other people have commented the 'Valley of Death' in the title is a bit unimpressive. Bit too much foliage for death valley, it looks more of an abandoned building site than a desert, but they did the best they could i suppose. Most of the action takes place in greener pastures.

As for the climax to the film it is good and satisfying end to a very enjoyable spaghetti western experience. If you prepare yourself for something more modest and lower budget, you will not be disappointed.

Not bad at all!
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Passable Spaghetti with William Berger/Sartana facing off three vicious brothers in a sunny desert
ma-cortes10 April 2014
The film deals with a cache of gold that takes on Sartana against treacherous sibling trio. This Sabata movie gets the usual Western issues , such as greedy antiheroes, violent facing off , quick zooms , exaggerated baddies and musical score with Ennio Morricone influence , among them . The dark , elegant hero named Lee Calloway or Sartana (William Berger) helps three imprisoned brothers (Wayde Preston , Aldo Berti , Giordana) break out from prison under the condition that they give him fifty percent of the stolen gold they have hidden in the desert. The film deals with a cache of gold that have hidden turning into several hands . As freelance gunman named Sartana is double-crossed and appears to chase the nasty thieves , and settles disputes by shooting . Bemusing Spaghetti Western with Sartana as a tough and stranger protagonist , he's an efficient gunslinger acting as judge , jury , and executioner . At the beginning Sartana arrives in a small town where occurs a shootout when a bounty hunter attempts to kill him and he is subsequently betrayed by powerful Norton (Franco Ressel) . Later on , Sartana is taken prisoner by the bandit brothers and suffering hitting , knocks , punches and tortures . It follows the seemingly endless adventures of Sartana in search of a cache of stolen gold . At the end takes place the inevitable confrontation , a spectacular showdown in which Sartana contends against all .

This acceptable Western contains an interesting but twisted plot , violence , double crosses , shoot'em up and results to be quite entertaining , though drags at times , balancing in ups and downs . There is plenty of action in the movie , guaranteeing some violence , crossfire or stunts every few minutes . SARTANA is a fundamental archetype in Spaghetti/Paella genre as well as James Bond in spy-genre , here William Berger-Sartana stars an entertaining SW with lots of action , gun-play and fun . As always , the mythic personage appears elegant and dressed in black and with a killer look . Sartana is the standard by which every spaghetti antihero is measured along with Lee Van Cleef's Sabata and Franco Nero's Django . It's a thrilling western with breathtaking confrontation between the protagonist William Berger against the heartless enemies formed by a trio of brothers led by Wayde Preston . There is a very odd implementation of shots in the camera work during some particular scenes as well as a lot of twists and turns , as the film approaches its climax , as in the final and the unusual conclusion . Austrian William Berger in this Sartana Western , is fine , as he ravages the screen , hit and run and kills . Fair-haired Austrian leading man Berger appeared in many Spaghetti westerns between 1966 and 1987 such as ¨La Grande Notte di Ringo¨, "They Call Him Cemetery" , "Fast hand" , ¨Noose for Django¨, "Jaider's Gang" , among others . He also played several Western as a secondary actor as he had got fame and fortune with his unforgettable co-starring in ¨Sabata¨ as the banjo man , ¨Face to face¨, ¨Keoma¨ , ¨California¨ and ¨Tex¨. He had a reputation for being a rebel and a vociferous anti-establishment figure . Berger's career was also at times interrupted by drug abuse . There appears usual actors from Spaghetti Western such as Franco Ressell as Norton , Federico Boido or Rick Boyd , Franco De Rosa and special mention to Luciano Pigozzi or Alan Collins nicknamed the Italian Peter Lorre as a doll maker ; furthermore two beauties as Jolanda Modio as Juanita and Pamela Tudor as Esther . Atmospheric Eastmancolor cinematography by Sandro Mancori in Technicolor , Techniscope , though being necessary a good remastering and filmed in Elios studios , as usual . Enjoyable musical score by Augusto Martelli , including catching songs performed by Betsy Bell who plays a Saloon Singer .

This Italian production is an exciting Sartana movie starred by William Berger , it is plenty of action , shootouts , double-crosses , twists and loads of violence and blood . Sartana himself is like a crossover between Clint Eastwood's The Man with no Name and ¨Django¨, a black-clad amoral anti-hero ; adding the special characteristics from James Bond , his quirky gadgets and elegance . Sartana character is in equal parts mysterious , cool and deadly ; he is not out there to chase the bandits like a simple bounty hunter , he is just out for money and blood . His quirky gadgets often bring to mind the other similar character , Sabata played by Lee Van Cleef and Yul Brynner . The first Sartana was ¨Gunfighters Die Harder" or "If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your Death" a trend-setting film by Gianfranco Parolini with Gianni Garco , Klaus Kinski and Fernando Sancho . The best Sartana are directed by Giuliano Carmineo , alias Anthony Ascott, he realized various with George Hilton who replaces to Garco . Hilton played more natural and roguish than Garco who was cold and peculiar . The later "Sartana" movies directed by Anthony Ascott became increasingly cartoonish and humorous . It was followed by director Alfonso Balcazar with ¨Sartana non Perdona or Sonora¨ with George Martin , Jack Elam and Gilbert Roland . Miles Deem directed two Sartanas deemed lousy and cheesy . Furthermore , a string of sequels and rip-offs with other Z-series directors. ¨Sartana in the valley of death¨ perhaps is not a Spaghetti masterpiece, but a watchable and sometimes unusual movie nonetheless .
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Nifty spaghetti Western
Woodyanders10 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Smooth and lethal gunfighter Lee Calloway (an excellent performance by William Berger) helps three no-count bandit brothers escape from jail under the condition that they give him fifty percent of the stolen gold they have hidden. Of course, the treacherous sibling trio don't plan on keeping their end of the deal. Writer/director Roberto Mauri relates the engrossing story at a steady pace and stages the rousing shoot-outs and rough'n'tumble fisticuffs with real skill and aplomb (the climactic confrontation between Calloway and the three bandit brothers in a rock quarry is especially tense and exciting). With his piercing blue eyes, laid-back self-assured demeanor, and neat all-black wardrobe, Berger's Calloway makes for a very cool and engaging anti-hero. Berger gets fine support from Wayde Preston as the hot-tempered Anthony Douglas, Aldo Berti as the sickly George Douglas, Jolanda Modio as the fetching Juanita, Luciano Pigozzi as amiable toymaker Paco, Josiane Tanzilla as the sweet Carmencita, and Betsy Bell as a lovely saloon singer (she sings the catchy theme song "A King for a Day"). Sandro Mancori's crisp and agile cinematography boasts several striking shots of the desolate desert landscape. Augusto Martelli's twangy and harmonic score hits the stirring spot. A fun film.
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Berger's lead role
tcaramela10 November 2011
Sartana in the Valley of Death (1970) I found was much better then most have reviewed. It was nice to see William Berger in his only SW lead role as Calloway. This is not a Sartana film as they tried to market it as to draw a larger crowd. I watched the 78 minute cut version which was not bad and most have viewed this version I am getting the original 98 minute version soon and will follow-up. The 78 minute people have to take in consideration that with 20 minutes gone we have problems like Calloway shooting in the ground and it blowing up also when Calloway meets with the one Craig brothers it was grossly edited and it rushes into Calloway going into the Sheriff's office.

The lead score "A King for a Day" by Augusto Martili at first made me laugh then it grew on me like cancer and got stuck in my head for three days. This song reminded me of a untalented Italian Elvis impersonator singing.

The main annoying problem, I had with the film one was everyone kept calling Berger's character Galloway and on the wanted poster it shows Calloway. All in all for a low budget SW it was a nice flick about Calloway, who is a gun for hire that wants 50% of the loot the Craig brothers stole and hide in order for him to break them out of jail. They decide to play cat and mouse games and double cross him in order to keep whats theirs. The opening scene of the movie shows how Calloway is worth every red cent and if you double cross him you die...
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Okay Spaghetti Western
zardoz-1322 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
You won't find a character in "Sartana in the Valley of Death" who is named Sartana. The William Berger protagonist dressed primarily in black is named Lee Galloway, and he has a ten-thousand dollar bounty on his head. The version of "Ballad of Death Valley" that Echo Bridge Home Entertainment has released on their Spaghetti Western DVD go by its Teutonic title: "Der Gefürchtete." In fact, the first few words the passengers in a stagecoach utter are German. Afterward, the characters stick to English and the dubbing isn't bad. Clocking in at a meager 80 minutes, this Italian produced horse opera doesn't malinger. During his twenty plus year career, "Vengeance Is My Forgiveness" director Roberto Mauri helmed 26 films and ten of them were western. Mind you, Mauri was never as good as any of the three Sergios. Nevertheless, Mauri makes this western enjoyable, and I think "Sartana in the Valley of Death" may qualify as his best film. It is definitely better than "An Animal Called Man." As Spaghetti westerns go, this one boasts two American actors in the leads, William Berger and Wayde Preston of the Warner Brothers television series "Colt .45." An outlaw with a price on his head breaks the three Craig brothers out of jail so they can recover the loot from their last robbery. Our hero apparent has ten thousand dollars on his head. This dusty European oater contains more than an adequate number of gunfights. If you're a fan of the genre, you must add "Sartana and the Valley of Death" to your watch-list. Berger lacks charisma, but writer & director Roberto Mauri has done a competent job orchestrating the events. Peterson makes an excellent villain and his unfortunate death is something that you don't often see. It reminded me of the Kirk Douglas western with Henry Fonda entitled "There Was A Crooked Man." The production values look reasonable. The photography is splendid.
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Berger gives a good performance but cannot save this one.
johnwaynefreak3 February 2003
Lee Galloway/Sartana (William Berger) is a wanted man. The film begins with an ill-fated bounty hunter on his tail (who, upon arriving in town finds the Sheriff is "tied up with a funeral"). Needless to say the hunter doesn't last long - Galloway then breaks the dangerous Craig brothers out of jail - in exchange for half of the gold the gang stole from the army. The brothers unsurprisingly doublecross Galloway and from then on the film degenerates into a formulaic game of cat-and-mouse; that said, I'm sure you can guess the outcome of this tired, uninspired western.

Although the whole affair's rather dull, there are a few nice touches: the scene involving the musical-doll maker (the fake Father Brown from "Sabata"); the catchy music and title song; the attractive landscapes (more lush-green than desert-yellow here); and a scene I find hilarious but shouldn't when, out of Galloway's shooting range, one of the Craig brothers gasps and pretends to have been hit - then sits up and blows Galloway a big raspberry! Alright, I know it's not exactly the Tuco/Gunsmith scene from "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", but what it lacks in subtlety, it makes up for in it's short and sweetness. Trust me. Oh, please yourselves... Another plus is the presence of Berger and Wayde Preston. Both pretty much sleepwalk through their roles but they play them both straight and convincingly and stop this from being a complete and utter waste of time. I guess this isn't bad enough to be in the "so awful it's good" category, but for one or two viewings it's passable. Just make sure you go down the pub/bar before watching it...

*Dumb dialogue* The doll maker's daughter (Clementine in my version) commenting on how economically sound it is to waste food: "I do get pleasure from fixing dinner as if there were a lot of people around - to help us forget we're poor."
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Decent, With A Frigid Performance By William Berger
FightingWesterner27 June 2014
Ice cold outlaw William Berger frees three brothers on the verge of execution in exchange for fifty percent of their unrecovered loot. Unfortunately for him, recovering the money isn't as easy as he'd hoped for, having not accounted for the double-cross the brothers have planned.

What could have been a run-of-the-mill spaghetti western is made more watchable by an interesting performance by Berger, who plays his role with no emotion whatsoever, making the few times he shows any joy or compassion look like the mimicry of a sociopath!

As far as everything else goes, direction and production values are adequate, though it's the gun-play and seeing how the aloof Berger reacts to different situations and challenges that really makes the film fun.
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Above average spaghetti
ferryman-99910 June 2002
I liked William Berger in this film and I liked the story. The final gunfight was very exciting. It was something like the one in For a Few Dollars More.

The ending wasn't all that funny, though and I thought the film dragged somewhat in the middle. The jailbreak was good and so was the hunt through death valley. I think many of the same people who were in Sabata were in this film although I am not sure.

The theme song "King for a Day" was very good and fitted the film. All spaghettis should have good music and this one does.
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