Trinity Is Still My Name (1971) Poster

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I couldn't disagree more, completely hilarious
Ben_Thayer_Dunnethaedt1 August 2005
As my title suggests, I couldn't disagree more with the previous poster. It's entirely possible that the reviewer confused this picture with the previous Trinity outing, "They Call Me Trinity", which does not compare to the sequel whatsoever. With "Trinity is Still My Name" they were firing on all four cylinders. This film is the quintessential parody of the spaghetti western, with some of the dirtiest, filthiest ant-heroes ever depicted. When this film was in its original theatrical run in the early 70's, it created a *huge* stir...young and old came unglued equally over the many "over-the-top" versions of the classic western scene. The slapstick gags were spot on, and Terrence Hill moves from scene to scene with a rogue-ish charm that breathes life into the character of Trinity. Bud Spence's understated performance rounds out the cast, and his lethargic, deadpan delivery mixes well with Hill's enthusiasm. The two actors teamed in several films, but this would be their best work.

The film is highly visual, and Trinity himself is an extremely humorous character with his use of many outlandish contraptions such as the lounge-chair saddle.

The supporting cast also provide a good bit of the humor throughout. Characters such as the family with the "windy" baby, and the one bad guy who loses his mind after receiving one of Bambino's massive head blows come to mind. Scene after scene parodies many of the classic western clichés, from card games to gunfights, all including the trademark Trinity "twist".

This film is definitely not academy award material whatsoever, but if you're looking for good slapstick fun with plenty of tongue-in-cheek humor you won't be disappointed.
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Sequel in which Terence Hill and Bud Spencer team up again as the brave brothers
ma-cortes21 August 2005
This comedy/Western follow-up concerns about Terence Hill and Bud Spencer , two bandits half-brothers who attempt to rob a family but finish protecting them . They'll fight against shady baddies and corrupt landowners and will find shelter in a monastery where disguise themselves as friars.

The formula about ¨They call me Trinity¨ deals to enhance the comics remarks of the western/parody sub-genre originated on the 1960s decade with directors as Burt Kennedy and Andrew McLagen and adding the references to Spaghetti Western model that was in real decadence . The humor is continuous though sometimes grossed-out , laughters are based on physical differences and diverse personalities regarding both protagonists ; once upon terminated the Western formula is transfered to other genres as oriental adventures , policemen or action . The comedy is developed by means of successive struggles without blood , neither guts , nor cruel killings . The choreographic fights are slights and clean , no crude violence , nor gore , predominating the parody and irony . The film isn't always good , sometimes is fresh and diverting and on a couple of memorable occasions , it's frankly delicious . This fun , sympathetic movie is crammed of fist-fights , punches , kicks , knocks-outs , overwhelming stunt-work and lots of humor . Terence Hill plays as a rascal and likable gunslinger with fast-gun and Bud Spencer as a corpulent , grumpy and two-fisted hunk man but with good-heart , besides in the support cast appears the veteran Harry Carey Jr interpreting the daddy , he's regular of the maestro John Ford . This delightful spoof of the Spaghetti Western with our unlikely heroes achieved enough smash-hit , as well as the original film . And twenty and some years later was realized a third part : ¨The fight before Christmas¨ or ¨Troublemakers¨ but didn't obtain success and was a real flop . The 'Trinity and Bambino' times had passed and the 'Fagioli Western' sub-genre had deceased . Rating : Average but amusing and entertaining .
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Better than " They Call me Trinity "
Mark-37119 November 1999
Hard to find a movie better than the original.The setting and plot in this movie is better also. This movie is about Trinity and Bambino who swear to their "dying" father that they will become sucessful outlaws.....its actually a very funny movie and you could probably buy for VERY cheap.
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More slapstick, more red beans, more cartoonish fist-fights
RogerB-P3RV319 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
More slapstick, more red beans, more cartoonish fist-fights in this sequel released a year later after My Name Is Trinity became international hit. The unlikely brothers Trinity & always grouchy Bambino (Terence Hill & Bud Spencer respectively) turns partners in crime after ailing daddy orders Bambino to teach his brother the business of rustling and all thing illegal in old West. But the siblings with heart of gold just couldn't help themselves assisting folks in trouble with other outlaws. It's just hilarious watching Trinity leads Bambino on with fake promises of monetary reward but ends up doing good. Outlandish segments are aplenty including one baddie beaten to imbecility! The food scenes will make your mouth water and send you straight to the kitchen to whip up something yummy. Comedy for people of all ages.
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A Perfect Sequel
Rainey-Dawn28 October 2014
A great sequel to the film series. Trinity and Bambino are back in another humors adventure. The laughs did not stop with the first film - they flowed right into this second film. This is spaghetti western at it's finest - or should I say funniest? Well worth watching if you liked "They Call Me Trinity".

I appreciate good comedy films and I will tell you the Trinity saga is well worth watching. And this is coming from someone who does not like most western films.

If you enjoyed the first two films in the Trinity series then you must see "My Name is Nobody" (the third film) because it is just as funny as the first two films. -- NOTHING LOST! 9.5/10
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A Fairly Decent Sequel
Uriah435 November 2014
This sequel to "They Call Me Trinity" has both "Bambino" (Bud Spencer) and his younger brother "Trinity" (Terence Hill) meeting once again but this time at their parent's house in the middle of nowhere. Naturally their mother "Farrah" (Jessica Dublin) is happy to see them and has prepared a feast in their honor. It's at this point that the real fun begins. Now, rather than say too much and risk spoiling this movie for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this was a fairly amusing sequel for the most part. I especially thought that the scene in the fancy restaurant was hilarious. Be that as it may, there were a few dry spots here and there and because of that I don't believe this movie is quite as good as the original. But it's still worth a view for those who enjoy action-packed comedies or Spaghetti-Westerns as a whole. That said, I would recommend that a person watch the first movie prior to this one if only to acquire a little continuity. In any case I rate this movie as slightly above average.
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Better Than the First Trinity!
zardoz-138 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Rarely do sequels with twice as much material and a bigger budget top their predecessors,but E.B. Clutcher's "Trinity Is STILL My Name" surpasses his surprise hit "They Call Me Trinity." Terence Hill reprises his role as the smelly, unwashed, sharp-shooter who prefers to travel on a travois behind his horse. Returning with Hill is beefy Bud Spencer. The first "Trinity" thumbed its nose at all the western conventions and was hilariously funny. Miraculous, Barboni takes the same two protagonists and sticks them into funnier predicaments with just as much laughter. The scene when Trinity and Bambino dine in the elegant hotel dining room is fabulous.
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Slapstick Funny Movie!!!
IrishSRose15 March 2003
My dad had several of these Trinity movies when I was a kid. Sure they were a bit rude and crude, but they were also pretty funny! Until I looked them up on IMDB, I didn't realize they were some of the infamous Spaghetti Westerns people talk about. We had no idea they weren't American films! If you want to watch a funny slapstick western, pick up any of the Trinity films.
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A review from someone who isn't really a fan of Westerns
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews7 October 2007
I don't know, maybe it's that I didn't grow up with them, the way others have, the fact that I'm not American, or a variety of factors, but I've never been much for the classic Westerns. As with films regarding historic events, and films further back than a few decades, Westerns are something that I just don't make it a point to watch unless there's something special about it, someone talented at the helm or a major significance to that particular production. I watched this years ago, and I must admit that I didn't pay that much attention on this most recent viewing. It's just not really my genre. Some of the situations, action and dialog are admittedly good in some of these films, though. Technically speaking, this is good. Camera, editing and sound are fine. The fights look convincing enough, it does look as if the punches connect(though I wouldn't guess that they actually did). At one point in the film, an unusual and unexpected group dish out some physical violence. One fight plays a lot like a football game. The humor includes some repeated gags and jokes, and one running toilet humor joke. The dialog has its moments. I recommend this to fans of Westerns and comedies set in the Wild West. 7/10
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BWozniak4 April 2003
geez, this movie rules! I love Hill & Spencer and this is one of their easiest to find films. (Why are their movies so hard to find here in the US? it sucks) This movie is great because not only is it really funny, but the dudes (H. & S.) are good for any crowd, even kids, because they're against guns and are good natured. This stuff had to influence so many later movies. Terence is hilarious, a goofy, smooth ladies man, kind of a pre-Chevy Chase/Mel Gibson type, and Bud Spencer is maybe even funnier, totally grumpy and rough, but with a good heart.

This is probably one of my favorite comedies ever, it's great for any occasion, and always gives a lot of laughs. There are so many great scenes, I crack up whenever they pig-out on beans! Hill and Spencer totally rule! check out the barbarian brothers movie too for more good-natured, goofy buddy films.
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Trinity & Bambino!!!
elo-equipamentos11 March 2019
Since 1976 when I saw the first Trinity, they becomes my favorite on Spaguetti western, a couple of the brothers totally opposite each other on their behavior, Bud is a crude and insensible crook try to steal even poor people, Trinity is a humorous guy who faces the life more easily, helping poor and weak people, trying to conceal to his brother is good nature as human being, those slapstick comedy driven to a humor approach, they were a massive success here in Brazil on those formulaic reverse characters, also has a bit nonsense on some scenes, they made history on cinema industry having a own trademak on eaten beans and those endless fights, sadly in Brazil those movies that came out on DVD all them without an ultimate restoration, just VHS transfer onto DVD!!


First watch: 1993 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 7
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Great Western Comedy
stamper1 October 2002
I saw this film (as I've seen all Bud Spencer / Terence Hill films) synchronized in German, so I cannot really speak for other versions of the film, but as far as the German version goes, this is a really great film. The synchronization is very well done and the lines are very funny. The voices suit the actors very well and the rough tone of the film fits very good into the story and the characters as well. The story is also good and so are the numerous fighting scenes throughout the film. This is one to enjoy. I've been seeing this film every now and then for the past ten years of my life or so and I'm still not tired of it, just like I'm not tired yet of many other Spencer / Hill films, for instance Lo chiamavano Trinità …, to which this film is the sequel. Try this one out in German synchronization, for I cannot guarantee entertainment in any other language.

7,5 out of 10
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Great Sequel Does Not Quite Match Original But It Is Fun!
adrianovasconcelos21 September 2022
Enzo Barboni directed TRINITY IS STILL MY NAME, the sequel to THEY CALL ME TRINITY, and he scored another comic and commercial success, albeit not nearly as good as the original.

Still, the opening sequence where baddies have the misfortune to meet the half-brothers Trinity and Bambino, is truly memorable, as is the sequence in a restaurant where the French-speaking waiter makes the mistake of suggesting crepes suzette to the impeccably dressed duo, who otherwise just eat like savages and somehow find themselves helping a Catholic community, even playing American Football/Rugby with the loot.

Spencer in particularly effective head-stamping form, must have caused quite a few headaches to the stunt men. Hill and Spencer function like Stan and Ollie, only more crudely - but that does not detract from their capacity to keep you interested in their shenanigans!

Somewhat overlong and lacking the fabulous song theme of the original, TRINITY IS STILL MY NAME is good enough to deserve watching and rewatching a couple of times (at least!)
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Not as good as the first
westerner35717 November 2008
(aka: TRINITY IS STILL MY NAME) This sequel looks like it was done to capitalize on the outstanding European box-office success of THEY CALL ME TRINITY, only this time Joseph E. Levine and Avco-Embassy pictures wanted to capitalize on it in America as well. Too bad they didn't get very far since the Hill/Spencer pictures have had only had marginal success here in the U.S., and this largely boring, drawn-out film doesn't help it out any.

Trinity and Bambino swear to their dying father (Harry Carey Jr.) that they will become successful outlaws and take care of each other. They later get involved with arms-traffickers who smuggle guns out of a monastery, and who mistakenly think they're a pair of federal agents. It all winds up falling flat in spite of a couple of funny scenes, especially the one where Trinity and Bambino are in a fancy French restaurant and don't know how to carry themselves. And the scenes with the card sharks was mildly humorous as well.

The opening title music sung by Gene Roman sounds like a fair Bobby Goldsboro-like early 70s pop song while the music cues sprinkled throughout the movie are pretty good. Not sure if I'd want to buy the CD soundtrack of it but some others might.

The film could have had a half hour whacked off of it and it wouldn't have dragged on for so long. It looks like a lot of scenery is being chewed up here. In fact, I lost interest in it about 2/3rds of the way through. The DVD is also terrible, with a constant hum in the soundtrack and a poor print that looks like it should have been sent to that great scrap heap in the sky.

A big step down from the previous film.

4 out of 10
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Better than the original
rabbit9112 April 2000
I saw the Trinity movies in order and yes, the second one is better. It is the great spaghetti western, complete with speeded up gunplay. There are a lot of boring westerns out there, but believe me, this one is definitely worth it's salt. *****
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Better than the first....for what that's worth.
gridoon1 December 2003
This sequel to "They Call Me Trinity" is a slight improvement on the original; it has a couple of chuckles here and there (like Maltin says, the "restaurant scene" is the funniest) and a LARGE-scale final showdown between the "good guys" (including some monks) and the "bad guys", but still nothing to write home about. Hill and Spencer had obviously perfected their screen personas by that point, but it's a pity nobody sat down to write them a real script; the story in "Trinity Is Still My Name!" meanders and tires before long. I would like to say, however, that it may be the best-dubbed movie ever; no awkward synchronization problems are present, and those who did the voices were obviously enjoying their work. You would SWEAR it was filmed in English! (**)
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Everything that was good about the first TRINITY is better here
billywiggins196712 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Quite honestly, after seeing the first film in this series (THEY CALL ME TRINITY), I was a little underwhelmed, perhaps sold out by my own high hopes. That pic was the breakthrough buddy-comedy-western smash that made Hill and Spencer into superstars. I enjoyed it, liked its meandering pace and whimsical attitude, but was not blown away.

Now, after having seen the follow-up, I get it. Everything that was kinda shaggy, kinda loosey-goosey about the first film has been finely groomed here and the difference is notable. The story plays out slowly but steadily, with proper amounts of both slapstick and action, not to mention some damn fine slapstick action.

Spencer's Bambino is introduced first, duping a group of crooks out of their freshly cooked beans in hysterical fashion. Not long after the thugs have regrouped from the incident, along comes Hill's Trinity to do the same exact thing! These two gags set the tone for things: The two protagonists are never cocky or cruel in getting their way; rather they use their charm, and occasionally, Spencer's beefy fists if necessary.

The boys head back home in time to hear their father's deathbed wish, that they work together to find their way in the world, rather than constantly bickering. Their resulting adventures lead them to aid (repeatedly) a lost farming family, pose as federal agents, and get involved in a monks-versus-gunrunners battle.

The general spirit of the film is kind and genial, and for this reason it reminded me of the films of Jackie Chan's Hong Kong heyday. Much attention is paid to intricate gags (several involving food); there are numerous well-staged and complex fistfights; even a running bit with a flatulent baby that would have seemed right at home in a JC flick.

Terence Hill's Trinity is a happy-go-lucky layabout that is too lazy to even ride his own horse (he prefers to be dragged slowly behind on a makeshift cot). Trinity is handsome, charming, funny … a great character to be sure. Hill is capable of doing intense (e.g., VIVA DJANGO), so his embodiment of Trinity speaks as much to his acting chops as it does his personal charisma. As for big Bud Spencer, as Bambino he is the sour to Trinity's sweet. Perennially grumpy, the character owns an underlying air of geniality that seems at odds with his willingness to swing his fists around. You get the feeling Bambino begins each fight with a big resigned sigh, as if he'd really rather be elsewhere. The two actors had appeared together in films several times before this series, but it was the Trinity and Bambino personas that really clicked with audiences of the day.

So if you are curious about the fuss over TRINITY, I'd just as soon recommend that you skip right to TRINITY IS STILL MY NAME to get the full gist of Spencer and Hill at their best. 8/10 stars.
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the childhood trilogy
huck-926 June 2013
The trinity trilogy would play at least once every summer at the $1 (!) movies. parents in my hometown would use it as a child-watching service in the '80s.

the trilogy was great! the opening scene with the gun and boots dragging in the dust is my personal meme for all the spaghetti (w/cheese) westerns. and the gun/slap scene is the hallmark of the trilogy.

i enjoyed the hokey group battle action scenes as a kid, but not sure i could watch this as an adult w/out the nostalgia kick. if you have not seen these in 20+ years, put in a little effort to dig them out.
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Son of a buzzard.
chriswright196920 June 2020
In 1971 Trinity is Still My Name became the most successful Italian movie ever made. It is my favourite Spencer/Hill flick. Now you could say it's more of the same than They Call Me Trinity. But it's also better and funnier.
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Pretty solid sequel, not much worse than the first, if at all
Horst_In_Translation2 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Continuavano a chiamarlo Trinità" is an Italian movie from 1972, so this one actually has its 50th anniversary this year and this shows you how old it really is. Sadly, this also means that the majority of people working on this one here is gone by now, but at least they left us their art. This includes mostly writer and director Enzo Barboni who was in ahrge here using an American alias. Still I think these films never really made it big in the United States and today not too many remember them anymore over there, but where they are still seen is here in my country Germany because Bud Spencer is still very famous. However, he is not really seen as the protagonist. The Italian original title references Terence Hill's character and Hill is also the one you see on the poster and the one whose name is on top on said poster as you can witness here on imdb. Kinda fitting though that for the German title they used something that includes both protagonists because (no offense to Hill), Buddy is simply the much bigger name here and probably also was back then. But maybe not in Italy. Anyway, before I get to the actors, let's have another look at the people who made this. Barboni I mentioned already and I find it pretty strange that each and every single directorial effort from him goes with the name E. B. Clucher. He was an increibly prolific cinematographer in the entirety of the 1960s, but went on to directing afterwards and the films he made there are what he is known for today, even if he has many more credits as a cinematographer. This is of course also because he worked on several Spencer/Hill films, not just this one here. Barboni was under the age of 50 when he made this one here. His co-writer was Gene Luotto and even if the name does not sound like it (at least the last name), Luotto was mostly in charge of coming up with the English-language dialogues for this film that is Italian in the original. Still it includes some English as well and even some Latin verses because of the church background we got here. I will get to that later.

I already mentioned something about the German title earlier and how there was less focus on Hill than with the original title, but you can also see how popular the duo was/is in Germany from the fact that this one here won another Golden Screen, the awards for movies that are seen by a really, really high amiunt of people in theaters here in my country. Anyway, the Italian original title also makes it obvious that this film is a sequel indeed to a movie that came out a year earlier and the ending is so smooth in the first film and how the second film picks up on it that I am sure Barboni had plans right away that there would be a second movie. Oh and this is a spaghetti western obviously, one of several that feature Hill and Spencer from a time when western movies (at least the serious ones) were already definitely on the declined. Admittedly, these lighter westerns probably did not help either in reviving the genre. So no surprise that the famous duo we have in here focused on other genres afterwards, especially Spencer in those many movies in which he was the one and only lead in the years following this one here. Not really (too m)any German actors in here as you know it from other Spencer films, but I think this happened later when he was a bigger star already. Interestingly enough, the biggest female character is played by a (then) young Finnish actress. She is still alive today and so is the one who played her mother. Another one still alive today would be Riccardo Pizzuti. He is one who has been in really many Bud Spencer films and every time playing one of the bigger antagonists, but rarely the biggest. I like him, glad he is still with us now closing in on 90 and I hope he still has a few good years left. Really nice recognition value and he is always a delight when on screen, like how his character here wins the fight with the other thugs, but Hill's character is long gone when he realizes and wants to get his reward.

Speaking of female characters, those are never really prominent in these films. The Finn I mentioned is the love interest to Hill's character and he is there to save her and support her (and her parents) several times. Hill's character frequently have a little bit of romance in these films, but him basically getting ready to hug it out as we see in here (and some kiss action too) is already much more explicit than what we usually get. It's about the guys and mostly about the comedy, even if there are some slightly more serious moments here and there. But even with those, you can never be sure. Just take the example of the one who is supposed to be our heroes' father and his little performance as if he was a dying man. He seemed really too young anyway, not just for death, but also to be the dad perhaps. Anyway, let's not look for flaws here, it's all in good spirit. Otherwise, we could also say for example that on several occasions clearly the characters are not hitting each other when it is implied that they knock each other out. Instead, let's focus on the good. Maybe the funniest moment for me was when Spencer's character is ready to extinguish the fire on the plate because he has no idea that it is supposed to be part of the cooking process. That was hilarious. They so did not belong into this exclusive society. I was also a bit surprised at the joke on the word "member" as I thought I invented that one, but apparently the writers here were fasted and honestly I am curious how they did with this language-wise in the Italian original. I watched the German dub of course. Not sure what the running time in my version was, but I think there are several versions out there, the longest running for over two hours even, but other ones staying fairly comfortably under the two-hour mark. I must still say that here and there it had a few lengths honestly, but then there were also fun moments like the introduction with the group of thugs running into the two brothers one after the other. Or when another group of gangsters is ready to leave jail, they run into our two heroes right when they are about to leave the sheriff's place. That sheriff is as corrupt as they come by the way. Many criminals from all perspectives in here, even priests it seems. Our heroes' mother would not have been happy at all about that. But she also would not have been happy about responses like "we're on our own" to statements like "may the Lord be with you".

There you have a bit of the religion component that is used in the German title. I will not quote it here. If you are from my country, you know it anyway and otherwise you don't need to understand. I guess I will just do some brainstorming for the rest of my review now, so forgive me for a bit of a lack of structure and chronology here. Just gonna elaborate on scenes and moments that stay in the mind for me because they felt memorable or were just funny. In general, this applies to Spencer's character clearly not being too happy about Hill's character's company, but that we have seen in many movies. One quote that was a good example here is when he said that working alone is already enough of a nuisance (I agree!), but even worse with a lazy bum like his brother, which I actually found really funny because it made clear that he was just as lazy. Then the scene where they are playing cards. Now that was a bit absurd of course with how good everybody's cards were, but it's okay. These films are not about realism. The scenes in which Spencer's character constantly has to pay for the kind-hearted family were also fine. He is not too happy about it, but knows it is right and Hill's character just wants to impress the girl, but these scenes also make clear how impossible they are as gangsters as they constantly lose money instead of robbing it from others. Anyway, it also happened to be these small moments that made this movie count, probably much more than the key story. If there even is something like a key story here. I think it's much more about individual sequences and how entertaining they were honestly. I could give a dozen examples, but I am sure you will know what I mean when you see it. Like take Hill's character's super speedy hands on one occasion when he asks the guy if he wants to see it again because not too many grasp it on the first occasions. And in order for this film to not take itself too seriously, they got in Spencer's character's unimpressed reaction when he complains about the noise from these tricks. So everything for everybody to get entertained I suppose.

Finally, I also want to emphasize once again the great quality of the dubbing and dialogue translation writing. The voices are perfect as always with these Spencer films and the brute language they possess also works really well. They should not talk the way noblemen do. The best example is basically the family meeting relatively early on. It's not only the way they talk there, even if we know where they got if from, namely their parents, but all the interactions. The only think that basically makes them different from animals is the way the mother (also very young) wants everybody to pray before eating, but when this is over, then she basically eats just like an animal, like a pig herself, although this may be a bit unfair to pigs. What a mess this was. But truly entertaining nonetheless. This film delivers a lot of comedy with how it goes over the top and I think they did fine there. I mean we even hear babies fart later on and it does not feel desperate or try-hard or cringeworthy. It's all in good spirit. And there is a certain charm to these brutes without a doubt. I have to dig pretty deep to find true weaknesses here. I guess it's easier from a general standpoint. The lack of a real story makes it difficult to see more in this film than comic relief. It's never a great film. Good enough though and easily a positive recommendation. Go see this one.
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The best of the post, but avoid the Italian DVD
t-100115 January 2005
So, here we are. This movie, in its theatrical acception is one the best "Fagioli Western" I ever seen. I know it, pratically line by line (like the Alexander's Army...:)), and is funny exact like the original. If someone thinks that is poor in script is, imho, wrong, because everything is perfect. The gags are still funny, except for one or two that better in the original but, after 33 years (i wrote this in 2005!!) they still works, also better than in some Hollywood craps...the real problem is in the Italian DVD (manifactured by Medusa, owned by the Italian prime minister...:((). The first thing is there are a lot of missing scenes, including one "Leone-Morricone" trumphet one, that was in the original theatrical, that was quite more than 1 minute long!!!! It was placed after the restaurant and before the one when they meet the bad guys boss that offers them money "to keep eyes closed". Maybe was a scene too much political (infact, if my memory is not wrong, was about the people's conditions in the village). The other missing scenes are placed, with perfect video restoration and a "mysterious" bad audio, in the "Cut scenes" section of the DVD. I cannot believe! This is a very bad thing. When the movie passes on TV the scenes are all at their places (is more than 3 minutes of unnecessary cuts!). Why on DVD this bloodbath? So my rate is 9,5/10 for the movie and 5/10 for the DVD. We want the original ones. Thanks
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two kids
henriqueac-627839 April 2023
Come on, these are two kids fighting they way in the old west world as horse thieves. Trinity seems to be more outgoing, better with girls but still, harsh and ruthless against the enemies. Meanwhile, Bambino, as the name says "bambino" seems to be even younger. Bambino does not know how nothing works, he is totally impolate and violent. The latter, moreover, is a more experient thieve and he is surely a pro when it comes down to drinking whisky. It is a subtle comedy, a movie to unwind, a very light movie. Some scenes gripped more my attention: the beginning, the card game and the boys attempt to eat out in a fancy restaurant. Good movie genre to visit sometimes.
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Trinity Is Still My Name - the most watched Italian film of all times. Bud Spencer and Terence Hill, the records duo.
nickrigato-7265515 February 2021
1972: Trinity Is Still My Name - by Enzo Barboni. With Terence Hill and Bud Spencer. The sequel to They Call Me Trinity ... is almost a remake of it: from bean dishes to burps and sganassones, everything is re-proposed in unison. But perfect is the feeling between the famous couple Hill-Spencer. Rampant sympathy and truly unprecedented or subsequent success: 6 billion lire in takings, 15 million tickets sold and almost two uninterrupted years of screenings in cinemas. The most watched Italian film ever, an absolute record in the history of Italian cinema, still unmatched today.
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Great beginner
inacan-90-89426122 June 2022
It's a good sequel although not as good as the original with less visual Moments. A great film for those who like their westerns might or those who want a family friendly film. I kind of wish there were More of these.
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Horable no good at all
crystalsun9925 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen this movie and the other one. Trinity is my name and i find that this one is worse then the first one. I have no idea why they even made another movie it was stupid and pointless sorry to say that i have all of them. I have sat through them number of times and it still drives me to turn it off 5 minutes into the movie. I like Terence Hill movies and i like Bud Spencer but this movie just drove me up the wall. If it had a different story line or at least more of a plot and more comedy it might have been funner and worth the 5 dollars i spent buying all the movies. But you make mistakes so i would say save your money and don't bye this movie or any of the ones that go with it trust me on this one.
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