Boy posle pobedy (1972) Poster

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How Kramer fooled Galena or The End of the Saturn trilogy
lyubitelfilmov26 April 2023
Historical drama. The final picture of the Saturn trilogy is about the service of the Soviet intelligence officer Kramer (Krylov), which is based on the memories of the real intelligence officer Kozlov Alexander Ivanovich, and specifically here they were also greatly inspired by the service of Heinz Felfe (SS Obersturmfuhrer, who after the end of the war became our agent in the BND of Germany). And the marathon of Soviet film intelligence officers of the Great Patriotic War continues. Well, this part goes longer than the first two, and it contained a lot of events, and I wanted to find out how Kramer's story ended, so viewing the third part was inevitable, and here's my brief opinion for you - How Kramer fooled Galen. I want to note right away that there are no minuses in the picture (after all, Soviet trucks in the American army and a lousy picture quality will not be considered as minuses), so I will focus your attention on the expressive advantages of this military drama.

So, here they are: 1. Scenario - On May 8 (Berlin time, May 9 Moscow time), 1945, Germany signed the surrender. Kramer, along with other Saturn employees, find themselves in an American filtration camp, from where they are unexpectedly rescued, and later accepted into the so-called "Galen Organization" - the prototype of the future BND of Germany. Its head, Wehrmacht Lieutenant General Reinhard Galen, works for the US special services, and wants to continue his former activities - to fight against the USSR, but already under the wing of Western allies, and an experienced Kramer should help him in this. Kramer has a difficult situation - there is no connection with the Center, there are practically no loyal people, there is chaos and tense relations between the USSR, the USA and England, and in these conditions the hero will have to do almost impossible - find a connection, and convey to the Center that he is alive and report the most valuable information to Soviet intelligence. In the third part, the creators told and showed so many events that not everyone will be able to figure it out, although if you know the history, then there should be no problems. In this part, Kramer no longer walks on the razor's edge, he dances a waltz on it, and in a fast rhythm, because the risk of failure is monstrously huge. I am amazed at the steadfastness and endurance of this scout, who was "on the other side" for more than five years, and was able not only to survive five years of a difficult war, but also to successfully complete a number of tasks, and thereby save the lives of thousands of people, and after the war to continue service, because for intelligence the war never ends, but and to place the execution of new sabotage against not only the USSR, but also the nascent GDR. And the finale makes me just admire this hero, who not only successfully completed the task, but also left Galen a "surprise".

2. Atmosphere - the Great Patriotic War ended, and preparations for the Cold War began immediately, which would break out already in 1946. Distrust has already begun between the USSR on the one hand and the USA and England on the other, which Galen took advantage of by creating his organization (and handing over his archives to the USA, with valuable information accumulated during the war years). Issues with displaced persons, the extradition of Fascist war criminals, the archives of the former Abwehr and the RSHA, the hunt for scientists and specialists, the division of Germany itself - all this is perfectly conveyed in the picture as far as possible with the allocated budget (although they clearly spent more on this part than on the first and second).

3. The Battle of Intelligence - now new players have joined the confrontation, and a divided Germany has become the battlefield, and now the Russians, along with the Germans, are fighting against the Americans, the British and the French with the support of other Germans. Moreover, spies and scouts from both sides have tremendous experience of the war that ended just yesterday, so it's interesting to watch this confrontation, rooting for our people, of course, and sad when our people die under enemy bullets. And Kramer is at the center of all this - at the very heart of Galen's organization, which organizes sabotage against the nascent GDR and against the war-ravaged Soviet Union.

4. Characters - both old acquaintances (Krause, Wilhelmi, Andronov) and new ones (Galen, Smiles, Elsa) attract attention. They are all different, there are pragmatic politicians, fascist fanatics, and anti-fascists, and there is a story behind everyone, even if they are in no hurry to tell it. Each of them deserves special attention, but if I paint them all, then the review will turn out in twelve parts (and maybe more).

A little bit about the main characters: 1. Kramer (Krylov), played by Mikhail Volkov, is a captain (haupman) of the German army, a former Abwehr officer (liquidated in July 1944, which is not mentioned in the picture) and an employee of the Saturn school, who became one of the leaders in Galen's organization. Smart, tactful, has a phenomenal memory and developed empathy (which is extremely important for a scout). And again, Mikhail Davidovich was great in this role. Bravo!

2. Wilhelmi, played by Nikolai Prokopovich, is a major in the German army and Kramer's boss at the Saturn school, who helps the hero get into Galen's organization. And the most interesting thing is that the major does not fully realize that Kramer is our man. Although everything ended very unexpectedly for the major. Nikolai Konstantinovich was great. Bravo!

Georgy Zhzhenov played General Timerin again excellently.

So ended the service of the Soviet intelligence officer Kramer, who in these difficult years remained loyal to the Motherland and successfully carried out the tasks of the command, often taking the initiative (without which it is impossible in this case). I was glad to meet such a hero, who was invented from the biographies of real people, whose service and fate was no less fascinating and full of twists than Kramer in this trilogy.

My rating is 10 out of 10 and my recommendation for viewing!
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