The Sting (1973) Poster


Robert Redford: Johnny Hooker



  • Johnny Hooker : Can you get a mob together?

    Henry Gondorff : After what happened to Luther, I don't think I can get more than two, three hundred guys.

  • Doyle Lonnegan : Your boss is quite a card player, Mr. Kelly; how does he do it?

    Johnny Hooker : He cheats.

  • [last lines] 

    Henry Gondorff : You not gonna stick around for your share?

    Johnny Hooker : Nah. I'd only blow it.

  • Johnny Hooker : He's not as tough as he thinks.

    Henry Gondorff : Neither are we.

  • Johnny Hooker : Luther! Good God, we're millionaires!

    Luther : Jesus! Did you know he was that loaded?

    Johnny Hooker : Hell no. I just cut into him. I woulda settled for pawning one of them shoes.

  • Johnny Hooker : You're right, Henry. It's not enough. But


    Johnny Hooker : it's close!

  • Loretta : I don't even know you.

    Johnny Hooker : You know me. I'm the same as you. It's two in the morning and I don't know nobody.

  • Henry Gondorff : Glad to meet you, kid. You're a real horse's ass.

    Johnny Hooker : Luther said I could learn something from you. I already know how to drink.

  • Johnny Hooker : Listen, Gondorff! Am I gonna learn the big con or not?

    Henry Gondorff : What's your hurry?

    Johnny Hooker : I want to play for Lonnegan.

    Henry Gondorff : You know anything about the guy?

    Johnny Hooker : Yeah! He croaked Luther! Anything else I gotta know?

    Johnny Hooker : [after he calms down]  All right. He runs a numbers racket on the south side. He owns a packing house. A few banks.

    Henry Gondorff : Yeah, and half the politicians in New York and Chicago. Not a fix in this world is gonna cool him out if he blows on you.

    Johnny Hooker : I'll get him anyway.

    Henry Gondorff : Why?

    Johnny Hooker : 'Cause I don't know enough about killin' to kill him.

    Henry Gondorff : You can't do it alone, you know. It takes a mob of guys like you and enough money to make them look good.

    Johnny Hooker : I know plenty of guys.

    Henry Gondorff : It's not like playing winos in the street. You can't outrun Lonnegan.

    Johnny Hooker : I never played for no winos.

    Henry Gondorff : You gotta keep his con even after you take his money. He can't know you took him.

    Johnny Hooker : You're scared of him.

    Henry Gondorff : Right down to my socks, buster! You're talkin' about a guy who'd kill a grifter over a chunk of money that wouldn't support him for two days!

  • Henry Gondorff : Is Lonnegan after you too?

    Johnny Hooker : I don't know. I ain't seen anybody.

    Henry Gondorff : You never do, kid.

  • Luther : You're late. Where have you been?

    Johnny Hooker : I had a couple of appointments.

    Luther : How much did you lose?

    Johnny Hooker : [winces]  All of it.

    Luther : In one goddamn night? What are you spraying money around like that for? You could've been nailed.

    Johnny Hooker : Ah, I checked the place first. There were no dicks in there.

    Luther : But you're a con man! And you blew it like a pimp! I didn't teach you to be no pimp.

  • Johnny Hooker : I gave him the breakout just like you said.

    Henry Gondorff : And?

    Johnny Hooker : 'S good. He threatened to kill me.

    Henry Gondorff : Hell, kid, they don't do that, you know you're not getting to 'em.

  • Johnny Hooker : Hey, where's June?

    Loretta : She quit. I'm filling in for a couple of days, till I can get a train outta here.

    Johnny Hooker : Yeah? Where ya going?

    Loretta : I don't know. Depends on which train I get on.

  • Luther : [asking for help to make a payment drop]  You won't have no trouble. There's $5,000 there. And here's 100 bucks for you.

    Mottola : Okay, old man. I'll make your drop for you. And don't worry, you can trust me.

    Johnny Hooker : [starting to leave, Mottola puts the envelope in the inner pocket of his jacket]  Hey. Hey! If those goons decide to search you, you ain't gonna get far carrying it there.

    Luther : What'll we do?

    Johnny Hooker : You got a bag or something? How about a handkerchief?

    Luther : [holding one out]  Here's a handkerchief!

    Johnny Hooker : Here. Give it to me. Give me the money.

    Luther : Just hurry, will you?

    Johnny Hooker : [putting the money in the handkerchief]  You got any more? Better give it all to me if you want to keep it.

    Luther : [Mottola hands over his own money he has to deliver]  They think I've been holding out on them. My wife got sick, and I had to pay the bill. I wasn't holding out on 'em.

    Johnny Hooker : [folding the handkerchief up, he sticks it down the front of his pants]  Stuff it down your pants here. Like that. Got it?

    Mottola : Uh-huh. Yeah.

    Luther : Hurry, will you?

    Johnny Hooker : [handing the handkerchief back]  Ain't a tough guy in the world that's gonna frisk you there.

  • Johnny Hooker : Are you nuts, carrying a wad around like that in a neighborhood like this? No wonder you got hit.

    Luther : Thanks, I'm obliged to you. But I got to get going.

    Johnny Hooker : [he tries to stand up]  You ain't goin' nowhere on this leg. Let me see.

    Luther : I gotta... got to run some slots down in West Bend for a mob here. I got a little behind in the payoffs. So they figure I been holding out on them. They gave me until 4:00 to come up with the cash. If they don't get it, I'm dead.

    Johnny Hooker : It don't look good, Gramps. It's almost 4:00 now.

    Luther : I'll give you and your friend 100 bucks to deliver it for me.

    Johnny Hooker : I don't know. That mug that hit you is mad enough at me already. What if he's waiting around a corner waiting with some friends?

    Luther : He won't know you're carrying it. Come on. You've got to help me out.

    Johnny Hooker : Hey, I'm sorry, pal. I'm gonna maybe help you get fixed up, get to a doctor, but I ain't about to walk into no knife for you.

    Luther : How about you? All you got to do is put it in the door slot. I'll give you the whole 100.

    Johnny Hooker : Hey, what makes you think you can trust him? He didn't do shit.

    Mottola : Hey, butt out, chicken liver. I gave him back the wallet, didn't I?

  • Johnny Hooker : Guy turned out to be an oil well. Which way did he go?

    Joe Erie : Due north. He was gonna take it all.

    Johnny Hooker : Aw, the bastard. He can blow his nose all the way.

  • Alva Coleman : Luther said you was something to see today!

    Johnny Hooker : I don't know, Alva. I got to get faster tyin' up that bundle. I'm still givin' 'em too much time to think.

    Alva Coleman : Oh, bushwah, I used to make that switch with slower hands than you got. 'Course, the "Up and Down Broadway" was my best game. Me and Luther didn't make much on it, but it wasn't so touchy. Them marks can beat you up awful bad when they catch you making that switch.

  • Henry Gondorff : Sorry about Luther. He was the best street worker I ever saw.

    Johnny Hooker : He had you down as a big-timer. What happened?

    Henry Gondorff : I conned a senator from Florida on a stock deal. A real lop-ear. Thought he was gonna take over General Electric. Some chanteuse woke him, though, and he put the feds on me.

    Johnny Hooker : You mean you blew it.

    Henry Gondorff : Luther didn't tell me you had a big mouth.

    Johnny Hooker : He didn't tell me you was a screw-up, either. You played any big cons since then?

    Henry Gondorff : Oh, I lammed around a bunch of bohunk towns, one kick ahead of the G-men. Would be still if Billie hadn't set me up here. Don't kid yourself, friend. I still know how.

  • Johnny Hooker : Crystal, you want to get out of here tonight? I come into some dough.

    Crystal : Oh, I can't. I got a 10:00 show. I need the five bucks.

    Johnny Hooker : I'll spend 50 on you.

  • Eddie Niles : Lonnegan gets most of his income from the numbers, even though he's been putting more and more money into his savings-and-loan business.

    Henry Gondorff : You think he's moving out of the racket?

    Eddie Niles : No, he owns most of the stock that's traded. But my guess is he's just trying to build himself a respectable image. He came out of Five Points, but he's been telling everybody he was born in Forest Hills. He knows the market, though. I don't think we can take him on a stocks deal.

    Henry Gondorff : Twist, what about the numbers?

    Kid Twist : Tipsters say it's run out of a packinghouse on 14th by a guy named Combs. Lonnegan comes out every three weeks or so to check on it, but he stays away from the day-to-day stuff in case it's raided. These are two of Combs' favorite torpedoes, Riley and Cole. You ever seen 'em?

    Johnny Hooker : [taking a pair of photographs]  No.

    Kid Twist : They're the ones who hit Luther. They also got the numbers runner you conned, a guy named Mottola. Found him in a quarry with a knife in his eye. Lonnegan's had seven or eight people rubbed on his way up. His pattern has been to get close to a racket boss, learn the operation, then move in on it. He's done it to Gorman, O'Donnell, Buchalman, took the numbers from Sharkey. All four of these guys are dead. He's vindictive as hell, Henry. Kills for pride. Doesn't add up he'd let Hooker get away from him.

    Henry Gondorff : You see anything, kid, you let us know. If they put you on the spot, we got to fold the con. You got that?

    Johnny Hooker : [still looking at the pictures of Lonnegan's hitters]  Yeah. You sure it's gotta be one of these two guys?

    Kid Twist : No. They're just the only ones we know of.

  • Johnny Hooker : I'm looking for a guy named Henry Gondorff. You know him?

    Billie : Nope.

    Johnny Hooker : [double-checking the address Luther gave him]  You sure?

    Billie : Beat it.

    Johnny Hooker : Luther Coleman sent me.

    Billie : Are you Hooker?

    Johnny Hooker : Yeah.

    Billie : Why didn't you say so? We heard about Luther last night. Come on.

    [leading him inside] 

    Billie : I thought maybe you were a cop or somethin'.

  • Johnny Hooker : Sometime after 2:00, a guy's gonna call on that phone there and give you the name of a horse.

    [handing over an envelope] 

    Johnny Hooker : All you gotta do is take this two grand across the street and down the alley to Shaw's place and bet it on that pony. There's nothing to it. But don't take too much time. We've only got three or four minutes after you get the call.

    Doyle Lonnegan : You'll not break him with a $2,000 bet.

    Johnny Hooker : This is just a test. The big one comes later. But be careful with that. That's all I got.

    Doyle Lonnegan : And you were going to pay me back out of your own pocket?

    Johnny Hooker : I am. After the race.

  • Johnny Hooker : Here's your wallet. He hired a dame to take it from you. Shaw's been planning to beat your game for months. He's just been waiting for you to cheat him so he could clip you.

    Doyle Lonnegan : [pushing him up against the wall]  Who do you think you're talking to, errand boy? Nobody sets me up! Take him back to the baggage room! Put one in his ear!

    Floyd : For Christ's sake, there were four witnesses at that table!

    Doyle Lonnegan : Then go back, get that other goddamn son of a bitch and we'll dump them in the first tunnel we hit.

    Floyd : Doyle, we're gonna be in the station in a couple of minutes!

    Johnny Hooker : It ain't gonna look too good, you killing a guy you owe money to. There's better ways of taking him down. What do you think Shaw would do to me if he knew I was telling you this?

    Doyle Lonnegan : Okay. Why the rat?

    Johnny Hooker : I want to take over his operation, and I need you to help me break him.

    Doyle Lonnegan : Where's my money?

    Johnny Hooker : Shaw's got it. How the hell could I ask him for it back?

    Doyle Lonnegan : I'm giving you a lift home.

    Johnny Hooker : I was supposed to go with Shaw.

    Doyle Lonnegan : Explain it to him somehow.

    Johnny Hooker : Yeah, but he's expect...

    Doyle Lonnegan : [insistently]  I'm giving you a lift home. You follow?

  • Doyle Lonnegan : You're past-posting, aren't you?

    Johnny Hooker : [a little taken aback, but keeping his cool]  Could be.

    Doyle Lonnegan : How?

    Johnny Hooker : You're gonna stay in?

    Doyle Lonnegan : Not until I get some answers.

    Johnny Hooker : I got a partner downtown. And he runs the central office of the Western Union. Now, race results from all over the country come in there and go right across his desk to the bookies. Now, all he does is hold them up for a couple of minutes 'til he can call us, get a bet down on a winner. Then he releases the results to the bookies. We clean up on a race that's already been run. Now, you can't miss. Unless the Western Union dicks get a hold of it.

    Doyle Lonnegan : You got the 400 grand yet?

    Johnny Hooker : [taking an envelope from one of Lonnegan's bodyguards]  No, not yet, but... hey, there's only a grand here.

    Doyle Lonnegan : Make another bet tomorrow.

    Johnny Hooker : What the hell is this? Where's my money? I got 16 grand coming.

    Doyle Lonnegan : You owe me 15 grand already. Besides, if your setup's as good as you say it is, there's plenty more to come.

    Johnny Hooker : I decide when to place the bets!

    Doyle Lonnegan : Not if you want me to keep making them for you.

    Johnny Hooker : Well, I gotta talk to my partner first. We can't afford to expose too much.

    Doyle Lonnegan : I'll talk to him myself.

    Johnny Hooker : No!

    Doyle Lonnegan : You've been waiting a long time for this, Kelly. Don't ruin it for yourself. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 3:00. You follow?

  • Henry Gondorff : Why didn't you tell me about Snyder before?

    Johnny Hooker : I thought I'd lost him.

    Henry Gondorff : Well, you found him again, and we're gonna have to do something about it. What else haven't you been telling me?

    Johnny Hooker : Nothing. That's all there is.

    Billie : [tending to his wound]  Hold still.

    Henry Gondorff : Why'd you move out of your room?

    Johnny Hooker : [having been shot at by Lonnegan's hitters]  It was too noisy.

    Henry Gondorff : You can't play your friends like marks, Hooker. You know how easy it would be for one of Lonnegan's guys to get you?

    Johnny Hooker : Henry, all we need is a couple of days and we can get the son of a bitch and nail him.

    Henry Gondorff : You just won't learn, will you? Christ, you come in here, I teach you stuff that maybe five guys in the whole world know. Stuff that most grifters couldn't do even if they knew it, and all you want to do is run down a bullet.

    Johnny Hooker : I'm asking for a couple of days, that's all. I can stay clear that long!

    Henry Gondorff : Christ, they'll probably miss you and hit me.

  • Black Gloved Gunman : [killing Loretta]  She was gonna kill you, kid. Her name's Loretta Salino. Lonnegan's people set her up in the diner. Come on. Let's get out of here. Come on! Come on!

    Johnny Hooker : [in the gunman's car]  But she could have killed me last night.

    Black Gloved Gunman : Too many people could have seen you go into her room. She was a real professional. Used to work in the Dutch Schultz mob.

    Johnny Hooker : Who are you?

    Black Gloved Gunman : Gondorff asked me to look after you.

  • Johnny Hooker : [finding Gondorff passed-out drunk]  The great Henry Gondorff.

  • Burlesque House Comedian : Hi, Hooker. Getting married or something?

    Johnny Hooker : Get used to it, Leonard. I'm gonna look this good from now on.

    [to another stagehand] 

    Johnny Hooker : What do you say, Ed?

    [watching Crystal do her burlesque routine, Hooker tries to get her attention when she approaches the wing] 

    Johnny Hooker : Hey. Psst! I want to tal...

    [amused at his get-up, she goes back out to center stage to finish, then returns as the music ends] 

    Crystal : Hiya, Hooker. You getting married or something?

  • Luther : I got an old friend in Chicago named Henry Gondorff. I want you to look him up. There ain't a better inside man alive. He'll teach you all you got to know.

    Johnny Hooker : To hell with that. I want to work with you, Luther.

    Luther : I'm out, Johnny.

  • Johnny Hooker : Oh, hi there, Snyder. What's the matter? Things a little slow down at the bunco department tonight, huh? Somebody lose the dominoes?

    Lieutenant William Snyder : You scored blood money today, Hooker, and you need a friend.

    Johnny Hooker : Go find yourself a shoplifter to roll.

    [Snyder sucker-punches him in the mouth] 

    Johnny Hooker : You got the wrong guy, pal. I've been home with the flu all day. You can stake out my toilet if you want.

    Lieutenant William Snyder : [throwing him up against a wall]  Keep talking! I'll tell you what you did, smart boy. You tied into a loaded mark on 47th across from Maxie's. And you and Coleman played the switch for him and blew him off to a cab on 49th. If he hadn't been a numbers runner for Doyle Lonnegan, it would've been perfect.

    Johnny Hooker : You're crazy. I ain't stupid enough to play for no rackets money.

    Lieutenant William Snyder : Not intentionally, maybe. That don't cut no ice with Lonnegan. He'll swat you like a fly.

    Johnny Hooker : Yeah, well... well, I'll square it with the fixer.

    Lieutenant William Snyder : Nobody can buy you a prayer if I put the finger on you. Now, I figure your end of the score was at least 3 G's. I want 2, no matter what it was.

    Johnny Hooker : My take was only 1.

    Lieutenant William Snyder : Then you're gonna have to come up with another grand somewhere.

    Johnny Hooker : All right.

    [he takes out a wad of money, but before he can count it out, Snyder takes all of it] 

    Lieutenant William Snyder : You're a smart egg, Hooker. No sense getting dead over two grand.


    Lieutenant William Snyder : Relax, Erie. I'll bill you.

    Joe Erie : I thought you blew all your money.

    Johnny Hooker : I did. The stuff I gave him is counterfeit. They'll spot it the first place he tries to spend it.

  • Johnny Hooker : What the hell's eating you? I've blown money before.

    Luther : No class grifter would've done it, that's all.

    Johnny Hooker : You think my play is bad?

    Luther : I think you're the best. I wouldn't be getting out otherwise.

    Johnny Hooker : What the hell are you talking about?

    Luther : I'm getting too old for this racket. You hang on too long and you start embarrassing yourself.

    Johnny Hooker : We just took off today on the biggest score we've ever had.

    Luther : It's nothing compared to what you could be makin' on the big con.

    Johnny Hooker : But you played the big con. You told me yourself it was some dumb game for mama's boys and flakes.

    Luther : [with a chuckle]  Hell, I never played no big con. I hung around and picked up a few things. Ain't no rich boys gonna trust a hungry nigger enough to be conned. But I tell you, I've been looking for this one all my life, Johnny. Now I have a chance to step out when I'm ahead.

    Johnny Hooker : Come on! What would you do with yourself?

    Luther : Oh, I have a brother down in K.C., runs a freigh outlet. I can go halfsies with him. It ain't too exciting, but it's mostly legal.

  • Henry Gondorff : You're on, kid. But I can tell you, it's a hard act to follow.

    Johnny Hooker : How'd it go?

    Henry Gondorff : We got working money. Hey?

    Johnny Hooker : Yeah?

    Henry Gondorff : He's steamin'.

    Johnny Hooker : Yeah.

    Henry Gondorff : Watch yourself.

  • Johnny Hooker : Twist, I told him the tale, but he didn't go for it. He wants to see my partner tomorrow at 3:00.

    Kid Twist : 3:00?

    Johnny Hooker : Yeah.

    Kid Twist : No, we'll never get a telegraph store set up by then. Any chance of talking him out of it?

    Johnny Hooker : None. I would have stalled him, but I didn't have many friends in the room.

    Kid Twist : Yeah, all right, we'll have to play him on the fly. I'll get Eddie looking for a place.

    Johnny Hooker : Let me know when you got something.

    Kid Twist : Sure thing, tootsie.

  • Doyle Lonnegan : What makes you think you can beat him?

    Johnny Hooker : I've been planning this for two years. I know his organization backwards and forwards. And I need somebody who's respectable but not completely legit.

    Doyle Lonnegan : I'm a banker, Kelly. That's legit in this state.

    Johnny Hooker : All you gotta do is put down a bet for me at Shaw's place. I'll do the rest. I'll supply the money. I'll supply the information.

    Doyle Lonnegan : What about the money you come to collect? Isn't he gonna miss it?

    Johnny Hooker : I'll tell him you paid it. I keep his books. He trusts me. If you help me out, I'll pay you back the money he stole out of my own pocket.

    Doyle Lonnegan : It's worth that much to you?

    Johnny Hooker : Yeah. Oh, yeah. Maybe a couple of million.

    Doyle Lonnegan : Where do you come from, Kelly?

    Johnny Hooker : From the East Side of New York. A place called Five Points. But I got out of there.

    Doyle Lonnegan : Out and up, huh? Hey, Floyd, I'm gonna have to keep you away from this guy. You're liable to get ideas.

  • Johnny Hooker : Well, what'd I tell you?

    Doyle Lonnegan : You got lucky once. That's not enough.

    Johnny Hooker : Oh, lucky, hell. I can do it every time.

    Doyle Lonnegan : Why don't you, then?

    Johnny Hooker : 'Cause it's better to do it all at once. We're gonna put down 400 grand next week. At 5-1 odds, that's $2 million. 20% of that is yours if you stick with it.

    Doyle Lonnegan : Got a system, Kelly?

    Johnny Hooker : No. You can still lose with a system.

  • FBI Agent Polk : We've got a tip that Gondorff is gonna run a con on the South Side here. All you've got to do is tell us when he's gonna play his chump. We come in at the sting, make the pinch, and you walk out free as a bird.

    Johnny Hooker : No.

    FBI Agent Polk : You want to spend the next 20 years in a federal penitentiary, starting tonight?

    Johnny Hooker : I'll make parole.

    FBI Agent Polk : Like hell. You won't even get a review.

    Johnny Hooker : I'll chance it.

    FBI Agent Polk : Okay. If that's the way you want it. We might even provide you with a little company on your way up the river. That wife of Luther Coleman's, Snyder, what was her name?

    Lieutenant William Snyder : Alva.

    FBI Agent Polk : Alva. That's it. Alva Coleman. Pretty fair grifter in her time. Snyder's given us quite a folder on her. Nothing major by itself, but, uh, put 'em all together, it could add up to a lot of years.

    Johnny Hooker : You stink, mister.

    FBI Agent Polk : Don't be a sap. It's not her I want. If you're too dumb to save yourself, there's no sense dragging her down with you. It's over, Hooker. You can save me a lot of trouble. But I'm gonna get Henry Gondorff whether you help me out or not.

    Johnny Hooker : Will you wait 'til the chump is played?

    FBI Agent Polk : Hell, yes. We don't care about the mark. He deserves what he gets.

    Johnny Hooker : I mean completely played. You come in before we beat him, and I'll kill him.

    FBI Agent Polk : All right, Hooker. But you try to take it on the lam, and we'll shoot you down on sight.

    Johnny Hooker : As long as I get to finish the play.

  • FBI Agent Polk : We want to talk to you about Henry Gondorff.

    Johnny Hooker : Yeah? I don't think I know him.

    FBI Agent Polk : Well, give yourself a couple of seconds. You wouldn't want to lie to me. Lieutenant Snyder here says you've done a lot of confidence work in his town.

    Johnny Hooker : Oh, yeah? Lieutenant Snyder doesn't know shit. You ain't got nothing on me.

  • Johnny Hooker : How many guys you conned in your life, Henry?

    Henry Gondorff : I don't know. Two, three hundred. Sometimes we played two a day when I was with O'Shea's mob. Of course, Chicago was a rigged town. The fix was in. The dicks took their end without a beef. We had it down to a business. And it really stunk, kid. No sense in being a grifter if it's the same as being a citizen.

  • Doyle Lonnegan : [after being "shut out" from placing a bet]  I'll have half a million here by post time tomorrow. We'll lay it on the first race where the odds are 4-1 or better. Make sure I get to the window this time.

    Johnny Hooker : How the hell am I gonna do that?

    Doyle Lonnegan : I don't know. Figure it out for yourself, Kelly.

  • Doyle Lonnegan : I want to see it one more time.

    Kid Twist : I can't do it. We got telegraph inspectors all over the place.

    Johnny Hooker : One more time isn't gonna make that much difference.

    Kid Twist : We've got 400 grand coming in from the coast next week. You wanna risk that on a lousy 15 G's?

    Doyle Lonnegan : If it works again tomorrow, I'll finance the whole thing. Half a million dollars. 60/40, we split.

    Kid Twist : What are you talk... I told you, we already got a guy. He's gonna give us half. What am I supposed to say to him?

    Doyle Lonnegan : You'll say to him what you want. What I know about your operation, if I were you, I'd be worried about making me happy.

    Johnny Hooker : He's right, Les. Your guy says a week. How do we know it won't be a month? Lonnegan here's a banker. Now, he can get the money without any questions asked.

    Kid Twist : But we can't keep going into Shaw's place and cleaning up on long shots. He's bound to get wise.

  • Johnny Hooker : Hey, I wouldn't ask you to do this, you know, if it weren't for Luther.

    Henry Gondorff : Nothing's gonna make up for Luther. Revenge is for suckers. I've been grifting 30 years. I never got any.

    Johnny Hooker : Then why are you doing it?

    Henry Gondorff : It seems worthwhile, doesn't it?

  • Loretta : [Hooker leaves half his lunch uneaten]  You done?

    Johnny Hooker : Yeah. Guess I should have had the meat loaf.

    Loretta : It isn't any better.

  • Johnny Hooker : I, uh, was wondering if you might want to come out for a while, maybe have a drink or something.

    Loretta : You move right along, don't you?

    Johnny Hooker : Hey, I don't mean nothing by it. I just don't know many regular girls, is all.

    Loretta : And you expect me to come out just like that?

    Johnny Hooker : If I expected something, I wouldn't still be standing here in the hall.

  • Johnny Hooker : You got a back door to this place?

    Loretta : What's wrong with the front?

    Johnny Hooker : Look, I don't have time to mess around. There's a guy out there I don't need to see. Don't look around.

    Loretta : What does he want?

    Johnny Hooker : He'd like to kill me. Now, look, do me a favor. Go into the bathroom. Open the window and wait there.

    Loretta : Why should I...

    Johnny Hooker : Just do what I tell you, and everything will be jake.

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