Rumpole of the Bailey (TV Series 1978–1992) Poster


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Played to perfection
nicmart13 September 2004
Rarely has television fit a role and an actor together as perfectly as Rumpole and Leo McKern. (A couple of other examples would be Vic Morrow in "Combat!" and Derek Jacobi in "I, Cladius".) The singular pleasure these episodes afford is watching McKern act as the mildly cynical, but resolutely libertarian, barrister. It is easy to see why McKern came to loathe playing the part since it is the ultimate case of typecasting. One can less think of McKern sans Rumpole than he can Connery sans Bond. Better to rewatch Rumpole than the colorless blather on Court TV.

The scripts and additional cast are good enough to make repeated watching of McKern worthwhile.
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Take a Step Back in Time and Enjoy
born-giantsfan11 February 2016
Rumpole is an endearing character full of vim and vigor, as they say. despite his casual appearance and his well worn hat, he is a master of the courtroom and a defender of peoples rights to the end.

His little monologues in his mind are both entertaining and educational as he dispenses his thoughts as he walks to the Bailey or as he listens to the prosecutor drone on and on. His dry wit is at times so subtle that I occasionally back up the DVD to listen to his comments again. And I enjoy how most of the other characters don't seem to understand him.

While this show is a lesser known show outside the UK and the legal circles, it is worth sitting down and watching. You may find yourself doing the anti-binge watching as we do - doling out 1 episode at a time because we know there is only a limited number to be watched. We are into season 2 now.
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From a third-generation Rumpole buff
elisereid-296667 March 2020
I got into Rumpole when I discovered episodes on tapes I inherited from my grandfather when his hearing started to go and couldn't listen to them anymore. I was so enchanted that I started reading the Rumpole books I found at the library as well. Part of it, for me, is that Rumpole himself was very much like my grandfather-the same dry sense of humor, and the same sense of justice. I can see why he appreciated the stories and characters so much, and it gives me a greater connection to him to watch the show now, long after he's passed away.

The stories are solid mysteries that Arthur Conan Doyle might've appreciated, but what really makes the series special is the characters, both Rumpole himself and the supporting cast. It makes the series more accessible that the stories carry little in the way of political messages. This is because everyone in the show, apart from Rumpole himself, is an absurdity, regardless of their political leanings. Both left and right wingers are portrayed this way. Rumpole alone sees how ridiculous everyone in his life is, from his fellow barristers to his wife, and isn't afraid to comment on it. He is single-minded in his mission to carry out justice for his clients, which is refreshing.
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Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury
hgallon7 April 2006
It is hard to know who deserves the most credit for this courtroom series; author John Mortimer QC (a noted barrister himself), or actor Leo McKern.

Obviously, the series was written with the benefit of intimate knowledge of the English legal system, but almost every branch of it is portrayed very unflatteringly. Most Barristers are shown as smug and pompous, fencing with each other in Latin phrases while the defendant and jury look baffled; policemen are bent, solicitors are shady and judges are either more concerned with barristers' correct dress rather than the evidence, or sadistic and bigoted.

The seamier side of the profession is also shown; with prestigious barristers having to work from poky "chambers", at the mercy of clerks for their work ("briefs") and undervalued secretaries for their paperwork.

In such a world, a weary and introspective character such as Rumpole dominates the scene. McKern's booming delivery and range of facial expressions make this all too easy. The language is a delight, as Rumpole quotes Browning, Tennyson, Shakespeare at will. Some of the most hilarious scenes occur as lawyers take on their clients' personas and start arguing their cases with each other in the first person, in bars or restaurants.

Rumpole's home life with wife Hilda, "She who must be obeyed", is also shown as quite a caricature, as Hilda Rumpole is portrayed as having few interests beyond her husband's lowly position in the pecking order, and household cleaning agents.

Any one of the episodes makes good viewing.
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Unforgettable, Unique, Undefeated!
Wayner501 November 2006
"Rumpole of the Bailey" is the subject of a great series of books by John Mortimer, and most have been made into episodes of this terrific TV series. No one but the great Leo McKern could possibly be Horace Rumpole, henpecked husband, dedicated barrister, brilliant examiner, seeker of truth, clever investigator, tweaker of authority, and I hope I didn't leave anything out, the man you'd want defending you in Her Majesty's courts. The shows almost invariably start with Rumpole's introduction to his hopeless client. Rumpole gathers evidence to clear the unfortunate while navigating office politics, domestic crises and society's craziness. Each episode is enjoyable on its own, but try to see them in order to see how relationships begin, flourish, wither and end or continue to grow stronger. Leo McKern is perfect as the quick-witted Rumpole and he's well supported by the rest of the cast who appear in varying numbers of shows. Of course, each installment features an unexpected twist, which leaves Rumpole triumphant or, rarely, humbled. These exploits are great, if you think Perry Mason or Matlock are great, catch Rumpole.
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Nothing to complain about here...
TheLittleSongbird13 September 2010
Before I got engrossed in this brilliant show, I considered Kavanagh QC my favourite legal drama. Now after watching Rumpole of the Bailey, I have changed my mind, though Kavanagh QC will always have a special place in my heart. There is very little I can add to the comments praising this show, but I'll try my best. Rumpole of the Railey is simply brilliant. The writing is always superb and really clever and the stories are engrossing(even some of the weaker episodes are compulsive viewing). The photography is wonderful, as is the music, costumes, locations, direction and music, while the courtroom scenes are a joy to behold. Much has been said about Leo McKern here, and with good reason, he is phenomenal playing one of the most interesting and enjoyable lead characters I've ever seen. Everyone else is very well cast, but it will always be McKern's show. To conclude, Rumpole of the Bailey is wonderful with very little wrong with it. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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An immortal television classic character
pekinman8 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Rumpole of the Bailey is one of those television shows, like Upstairs/Downstairs, I Love Lucy, The Prisoner, and a few others that are so well written, performed and produced, all things considered, that they are beyond criticism after a certain point in time.

What keeps Rumpole of the Bailey afloat is Leo McKern's Rumpole. They are one. McKern would probably not have liked that but in the minds of the legions of Rumpole fans he is just that. He was also a great theatrical performer on the stage and big screen and his nuanced performance style is very appealing on the small screen.

This show is funny but often deep. Rumpole always triumphs but there is a deeper cost for him. He lives in the world of the street villains, like the blessed Timsons, and sees the small tragedies that occur when blind Justice delivers a particularly harsh blow on a misguided soul who made a mistake. There is a rogues gallery of justices before whom Rumpole must plead his case for the defense. Rumpole is like a mongoose baiting a cobra before there stern, unforgiving and often buffoonish natures.

McKern is ably supported by the wonderful crew in chambers and in the courtrooms. Peter Blythe is the bumbling, ineffective boob who is appointed head of chambers, and he plays this man with a solemn, empty-headed and stony-hearted ineptitude that invokes laughter and disgust at the same time. Blythe was a great comedian, a perfect straight man for McKern's rollicking and wily Rumpole. The two Hilda Rumpoles were played by Peggy Thorpe Bates and Marion Mathie. The former was a true dragon and as hilarious as she was alarming. Mathie is no less invincible in the last 3 seasons of the show and a fine comedienne as well.

Jonathan Coy's Henry, the chambers clerk, is a fine bit of subtle comic timing. Coy was present in the cast from Day One to the final episode 14 years later. You will also see young actors at the beginnings of great careers appearing here as guest stars or in bit parts.

If you are a collector of great British television of all genres this must be in your collection. If you are a Rumpole fan this must be in your collection. I bought the 2004 edition of A&E's set. The only special feature is a nice in depth interview with Abigail McKern, Leo McKern's daughter, who plays Liz Probert in the last 4 seasons. She does all the talking and is quite interesting as she reminisces about her father, who died in 2002.

The Introductions before each episode are inane little commentaries by the author John Mortimer. He looks to have one foot in the grave already and wheeled out to sit behind a desk and read off these useless prologues. After seeing one or two of them I began skipping the Introduction on the play list and starting each episode just as the credits end with the second cue on the disc. These discs are easy to use and the sound and picture quality are excellent.

This 2004 A&E set of Rumpole of the Bailey is self-recommending.
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Classic British Comedic Drama
kenbarr-ny1 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Rumpole of The Bailey" is one of those classic British comedic dramas that found fertile ground on American Public TV. Shown on these shores as part of the "Masterpiece Mystery" anthology series, Rumpole brings us a crusty "Old Bailey Hack," masterfully played by Leo McKern, who plies his trade amongst the common thieves and villains that inhabit the criminal courts of Britain. He refuses to move amongst the higher class of barristers, British for trial lawyers, referring to the senior Queens Counsels (QC) as "queer customers." One should not infer any homophobia here, Rumpole is the ultimate egalitarian, all who come before the bar of justice are entitled to "the Golden Thread" of British justice, the presumption of innocence until proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. He encounters many characters who attempt to derail his efforts, unreasonable judges like "The Bull" and pompous heads of chambers, including the fence sitting Guthrie Featherstone QC MP, played by "To The Manor Born's" Peter Bowles and the Bible thumping prig "Soapy" Sam Ballard (also called Bollard by Rumpole), played to delicious perfection by Peter Blythe. His overly ambitious wife Hilda, known to Rumpole as "She Who Must Be Obeyed," constantly chafes at the penury that she has become accustomed to. She is particularly embarrassed by Rumpole's habits, the ash of small cigars staining his robes and his fondness for cheap wine, which he calls Château Thames Embankment. An assortment of other characters of the court give "Rumpole" the unique feel the very best programs of its genre provide. It takes its place with "Morse" (Oxford turned sideways) and programs that didn't make the trip across the pond, "Minder" and "Only Fools And Horses." The series is based on the highly successful "Rumpole of The Bailey" short stories written by John Mortimer, ironically a QC barrister before turning to a highly successful career as an author. "Rumpole" hasn't been seen on these shores in quite some time. It is overdue for a return to our screens.
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gee-1517 June 2019
There are few TV characters more fascinating than Leo McKern's Rumpole. He's a portly, cigar-smoking, claret-swilling, poetry-spouting egotistical lawyer with an almost absurd confidence in his abilities and an absolute dedication to defending the accused (particularly the Timsons!) Each client involves a mystery of sorts (a few are even murder...Rumpole's favorite kind of trial) that is almost always resolved even if Rumpole fails to successfully defend his client. And there are the continuous conflicts with the more foolish and hypocritical members of "chambers" who view Rumpole as an artifact of the past at best and a nuisance at worst. Yet, an interesting thread of humanity runs through the series with Rumpole at times forced to reflect on himself (see the Heavy Brigade for an example). In addition, Rumpole views the people he works with some affection often solving their problems for them using the same devious machinations he employs in defending his clients. That same reluctant affection is also directed towards "She Who Must Be Obeyed" his somewhat domineering wife, Hilda. True, the series gets a bit repetitive by the final season. It's the earlier episodes that are really the best. But Rumpole is still Rumpole throughout and McKern never fails to entertain.
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Rumpole does not plead guilty or prosecute
Sulla-25 August 2015
Horace Rumpole is not one of those rich high flying barristers. He's an 'Old Bailey hack' who is equally comfortable with Magistrates Courts. He is particularly comfortable in Pommeroy's wine bar. He certainly doesn't want to be a judge because they send people to the 'Chokey' He doesn't not want his clients to plead guilty possibly because trials are a better earner. He has no ambitions to be a QC even though this would mean that he would not need a 'leader' in big cases. This is a great series with loads of humour.The fact that this was written by a barrister makes it even better.

He lives with his wife Hilda...She who must be obeyed. He is annoyed that she prefers to buy cleaning products like Vim rather than bottles of wine. His most famous case is the Penge Bungalow murders. He is usually successful even though no judges appear to like him.
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grantss31 December 2023
Horace Rumpole is an aging barrister, plying his trade at the Old Bailey. He only does crime trials and is always representing the defendant. We follow his cases, his eccentricities, his relationship with his wife Hilda and his interactions with his colleagues.

An entertaining courtroom drama series. The cases are often quite intriguing, sometimes seeming unwinnable but with Rumpole as the defendant's barrister anything is possible. The home life and the office stuff can be a but dry at times but also provide some of the lighter moments of the series.

The episodes could be a bit hit and miss though, depending on the case. Some are quite plain affairs while others are quite profound and thought-provoking.

Overall, reasonably interesting and entertaining.
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Leo McKern is Horace Rumpole
bugsmoran2912 September 2016
Only the incomparable Leo McKern could play the role of Horace Rumpole, the old Bailey hack. Each episode is a gem in and of itself. It's good fun to watch Rumpole in the court room and using his booming voice to lead the proceedings. It's quite refreshing to see a short and heavyset middle-aged barrister play the part of the leading man. Our Horace is man of routine: Guinness Stout, Thames Embankment Ordinary Wine, whiskey and water, cross word puzzles, steak with kidney pudding, mash spuds,tiny cigars and grandstanding in court. Rumpole greatest clashes or oftentimes with his strong-willed and strong opinionated wife Hilda This series is a fresh as it was over 40 years ago when the original broadcasts aired.
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One of the most enjoyable characters ever!
yossarian1002 February 2004
Rumpole, a barrister spewing poetry and thunder and husband of She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, entertains with a unique style of oratory, wit, and his own particular slant on the world. In a world drowning in political correctness, Rumpole is a life saver. Rumpole is also one of my favorite of all time characters. The stories and supporting cast are refreshingly British and the entire series is an absolute delight! I'm so pleased this was finally released on dvd.
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A great character in a well-written series
blanche-29 February 2015
Occasionally a role and actor are perfectly matched. Since Rumpole of the Bailey was created by John Mortimer specifically for Leo McKern, it's no surprise that this is one of those times.

Rumpole is a brilliant barrister dedicated to seeking justice for the downtrodden, and that's what most of his clients are, downtrodden. All the small-time crooks know his name, and he's defended various members of one family, the Timsons, who know who he is from birth.

Rumpole at home has to answer to "she who must be obeyed," his wife, Hilda. She's not happy about his lowly job and wants him to move up, but Rumpole isn't interested. In his daily work life, Rumpole deals with all kinds of people: Claude Erskine-Brown, usually in trouble of some kind; his wife Phylida, whom Rumpole calls Portia, who adores Rumpole; Judge Guthrie Featherstone, a judge who at one point is involved in a sex scandal when someone sends him to a massage parlor for his bad elbow; and junior clerk Liz (played by McKern's daughter Abigail). Rumpole sees through pomposity and his quiet asides are hilarious.

Sloppy, contemptuous of authority, enterprising, Rumpole is fantastic, usually coming up with a last minute save for his client. One of my favorites was when he had to stay with Portia and Claude Erskine-Brown, and his habits drive them insane. Going up against Portia in court, when they reach a point where she could object, Rumpole says under his breath, "I'll be out tomorrow." In another episode, while defending one of the Timsons, the judge asks if the young boy was prodigo vicis per amicitia (spending time with friends), to which Rumpole says, "Ah, prodigo vicis per amicitia. Yes, that's something he says all the time, prodigo vicis per amicitia. I'm prodigo vicis per amicitia." He's the best.

Highly recommended for the cast, the writing, and most of all, for Leo McKern as Rumpole.
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My greatest idol!
momsmand126 June 2012
Working in the legal profession myself I have drawn great inspiration from Rumpole.

John Mortimer, the creator, was a barrister himself, and he pins the psychology of a trial right on the nose.

I am not married, and therefore Rumpole's conflicts with "She Who Must Be Obayed" are outside my scope, but the pure interaction with fellow barristers, junior colleagues, and judges (especially "The Mad Bull" Judge Bullingham) has taught me a lot about how to handle oneself in the workplace.

Also, Leo McKern's portrait of Rumpole is on my retina every time I re-read the books.

All in all: If you are not afraid of storytelling with an under-laying morale, this is the series for you!
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Played to the gallery with perfection!
johnlamb35 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is screen writing at it's best, John Mortimer's insight into the legal process, the Central Criminal Court and it's characters gave television it's first glimpse of how barristers interact with members of the public, and how judges presented themselves as sometimes pompous oafs in front of the court, and shone a light on the social morays that were so deftly cut through with a hot and sarcastic knife through butter by our heroic Horace Rumpole. If anyone is in doubt about British acting's ability to portray the criminal court, they should watch this iconic series which ran for 14 years. A gem of a TV series much missed, as is it's lead actor, Leo McKern.
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Great programme.
fourlegsnm22 June 2022
I love watching Rumpole it is well written and superbly acted. Leo Mckern is sublime in the title role. If only current productions had this quality I would watch more television.
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just watched ep0, omg, great writing, great comments, great cast.
surfisfun15 October 2021

Ep 0 great, hope the series dosent lose it charme and commentaries. That would mean excellent writing you cannot see on tv for a long time.

Old school, awesome commentaries from a great voiced personna.
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Part lawyer, part detective
Bernie444421 January 2024
This series closely follows the feeling and the sarcasm of the written stories. The stories are not in the same order as the book, however each one stands alone. In a brief time, there is posed a mystery or a problem and then some recognizable interaction with people that I am sure you can say you know someone like them. A little drama and it is finally wrapped up in short order. More than the stories that do not leave you hanging are the comments that make the episode interesting to watch.

Do not expect Rumpole to be a Perry Mason that wins every time, or a Johnathan Creek that figures out the impossible. Rumpole may lose now and then but to serve to teach "Us" a little about the real world.

A note on the side you will recognize many of the actors from both Agatha Christie and Dorothy L. Sayers movies.
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Delightful series from the UK...
quamp19 July 2002
I think everyone can identify with the lead character Horace Rumpole. That's because he's a crafty, witty barrister surrounded by a bunch of stuffed shirts and idiots. There's Claude Erskine-Brown, the close confidant of Rumpole's who seems to stumble from one disaster to another; Phylida "Portia" Erskine-Brown, Claude's wife and about a third of his source of problems; Judge Gutherie Featherstone, a rather hapless man who gets caught up in a sex scandal right as he's trying to decide on a case in that matter; junior clark Liz Probert, played wonderfully by Leo's daughter Abigail McKern; the hapless Timson clan, who Rumpole constantly rescues from trouble despite their antics, and most of all, we should not forget "She who must be obeyed" - Hilda Rumpole. The cast was a superb choice and the writing was excellent. What was sad about this series is its ending - it's the kind of thing you don't want to end.
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standardmetal11 June 2003
The late Leo McKern had the kind of identification with John Mortimer's character that occurs rarely (other examples being David Suchet as Hercule Poirot, Raymond Burr as Perry Mason and probably Joan Hickson as Miss Marple.). In fact, I think the author agrees and said so more than once.

Hilda Rumpole, "she who must be obeyed", (the name comes from Rider Haggard's "She") is a perfect foil for Rumpole. (She was played by two actresses over the years, Peggy Thorpe-Bates 1978-83 and Marion Mathie from 1987-92) The other characters are also perfectly cast.

The stories are most enjoyable and are a fine basis for the series.
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A superb trilogy,Mortimer,McKern & Rumpole
steve-12415 January 2010
Mortimer is such a clever writer and his creation Rumpole is a work of genius,and who better than to pull it all together than Mckern. The author always weaved in 3 stories within an episode, the case,the chambers & home life with She Who Must Be Obeyed.Every episode is worth watching and even some of the weakest bare strong comparison with any other drama. McKern is mesmerising and you cannot take your eyes off him when he is on screen.This is truly great entertainment and the supporting cast are magnificent. This series is probably the greatest of all time as courtroom drama.

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ckomanduri23 January 2001
I saw 16 or so episodes of this show a long time ago, but the memories of it are enduring. While the show's tone was humorous, the legal drama was as intense and as interesting as anything on American TV. Leo McKern's Rumpole is funny and charming, but with a serious sense of vocation underneath that Falstaffian bulk. He's been sort of a hero of mine ever since. I hope PBS will re-air this series, or BBC America will air the unedited, unabridged Rumpole in the not-too-distant future.
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Fantastic...Golden TV
jcmcgee27 September 2014
Over the past decade I've watched The Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad and The West Wing.

Rumpole stands alongside them as classic TV.

Great stories, brilliant scripts and fantastic acting.

It has that mark of a really great piece of drama in that after watching an hour long episode, I'll sit and discuss it for an hour more.

It's amazing to see, almost 40 years later, how much has changed in the UK....and how much hasn't! It may be dated in a few places, but it's universal in many many more....I imagine that it cost less to make EVERY episode of Rumpole (and there are lots!) than it did to make one episode of Breaking Bad or West Wing.

Just go watch it!
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airman-7821322 May 2016
Rumoole of the Bailey is one of the really great English shows!

But perhaps someone can enlighten me:

What's the story on IMDb and the photos?

Why do so many people not have photos?

IMDb would be a lot more useful with photos.

This is even worse: Apparently I have to write ten lines of text. Making the reviewer pad the review by writing ten lines of text when just two or three lines of text would suffice to get the point across perfectly well is even dumber than not having photographs of the cast and crew. I can't imagine why this requirement is in place, but I'm typing away with my thumbs in order to comply with this strange and inexplicable requirement put in place by someone at IMDb no doubt for some lame reason, or quite possibly just to have rules for the sake of rules, to exercise power over others like a bureaucrat. Does this make sends to anyone else? Is that ten lines? Whew. My thumbs are getting tired and I want to go get liquored up.
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