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Almost Too Heart-Wrenching To Watch
ccthemovieman-11 November 2005
Man, this is a powerful and great movie. We are all moved different degrees by different things, but to witness sincerely nice people being treated cruelly always bothers me big- this film is tough to watch in spots. Some scenes are just painful and depressing to view.

Whatever your sensitivity, the movie is very involving and hauntingly shown with eerie black-and-white photography. Eerie, and downright beautiful camera-work in here, so kudos to cinematographer Freddie Francis, one of the best in the business.

A young Anthony Hopkins is very likable and John Hurt is, well, someone you won't soon forget as John Merrick, "The Elephant Man."

This is an uplifting movie at times, too, not just a tear-jerker or horrific in showing man's cruelty to man. Be prepared for an emotional experience and an amazing story.
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A heartbreaking expose of society
The_Void22 December 2004
Nobody but Lynch could have directed this movie and made it the masterpiece that it is. Where other people would have gone for fake sentimentality and/or gruesome imagery; Lynch just presents the story how it is. The film is never gratuitous, and that is much to it's credit. It is, however, utterly repulsive. The black and white cinematography enforces this. There is nothing pleasant about The Elephant Man; it is as ugly as it's title character, and that is the way that this story needs to be. On the surface, it is ugly and repulsive; but just like it's title character; the movie has a hidden depth that is ultimately touching and heartbreaking. The movie sets itself up for this early on; the scene in which the Elephant Man is introduced is most of the most gut wrenching ever committed to film. As the doctor (Anthony Hopkins) sees the freak rise up and realises the extent of his deformity...a tear slowly form and rolls down his cheek. From this, you can see the pity that he feels for this man who has drawn the lot of a lowly circus freak; just from that one shot of a tear, David Lynch shows us the sorrow and the pity, and that's all he needs. Where some directors would have piled the sentimentality on, David Lynch is economic; that's all it needs, so that's all it gets. And that is the mark of a great director. Something that David Lynch most certainly is.

The film is also ironic. Aside from it's visuals that link to the title character, it also observes how society is not unlike a circus. The good doctor has taken the Elephant Man away from the glares and the scowls of the circus audience, the exploitation that he's had to face, and put him a kinder and more loving environment; only now the scowls and stares come not from the circus audience, but from society's upper crust, who want to exploit the Elephant Man themselves for their own selfish reasons - to impress their friends. The Elephant Man is not merely a horror story of the life of a very unfortunate man; it's a story of love, a story of acceptance. Despite being taken from one circus to another, the Elephant Man is happier and more fulfilled than he ever was; he doesn't care about the looks and the exploitation, he merely wants to be loved. By 'normal' people, this is taken for granted; but The Elephant Man shows us that love and acceptance isn't something that can be taken for granted. As one doctor notes in the film, "we can't imagine the life he's had". We can't.

David Lynch also succeeds in making voyeurs out of his audience. Just like the various audiences in the film; we too want to see the Elephant Man, and yet are utterly repulsed and disgusted by him. With this, David Lynch makes a mockery out of today's society, without ever making a mockery out of the character upon which this film is based. The Elephant Man himself is a perfectly balanced example of how pathos can be achieved. Not only is this man seen as a monster, but his character is pathetic also. With The Elephant Man, Lynch is saying to the world that it is society that is the monster, not the freaks that live within it.

To put it simply: David Lynch has taken a story that could have easily been told simply and expanded it to take in themes that are outside of the central premise. This small story of one unfortunate man has been moulded into a striking comment on society. And all in all; it's a masterpiece.
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Great Film-making, Problematic Treatment of John Merrick
erinmerle27 June 2010
Moralising narratives are at the heart of many "outsider" biopics as a means of exposing the flawed logic of a "civilized" yet inherently inhumane society. This approach is exemplified to the extreme in David Lynch's The Elephant Man. The famous biography of John Merrick is presented as a horror film in which the viewer is repeatedly subjected to scenes of violence against a helpless and cripplingly deformed man. Historical documentation reveals that Merrick indeed suffered a great many injustices but testament to his survival is his industriousness and independence, qualities not explored in the film. The intelligent and gentle nature of Merrick is emphasized not to explicate his strength of character but rather to expose the stupidity and brutality of his tormentors. Fictionalized abuses such as a kidnapping, a violent manager, and a psychopathic night-guard supplement an already grotesque vision of 19th century England as an era of absolute inhumanity. The industrial nightmare which is the basis of Lynch's earlier experimental film Eraserhead is recycled and juxtaposed with the world of etiquette and bourgeois finery of the self-righteous Victorian upper classes. The system of capitalism is exposed for its inability to acknowledge the worth of human life outside of productive capacity. Those without labour power are dehumanized and stripped of all dignity in order to survive, fuelling the prevalence of prostitution, child exploitation, and freak shows. The treatment of John Merrick in The Elephant Man is yet another exploitation of sorts as it reduces an extraordinary life to a moral tale. When Dr. Treves says, "Mr.Bytes, I'm sorry but all you do is profit from another man's misery", one has to wonder at the hypocrisy of a film which replicates the spectacle of the freak show and exaggerates victimization in order to drive home an unsubtle misanthropic narrative.
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a perfect film
Bastian Balthazar Bux6 November 2004
If one was to turn on David Lynch's The Elephant Man midway through, without knowing what it was, one might be startled at the appearance of the main character. One might even be tempted to make fun of the character. But if one was to watch the film from the beginning, one's sympathy with John Merrick (John Hurt), 'The Elephant Man,' would be strong enough to deny that the former situation was ever a possibility. Lynch does not allow his audience to glimpse Merrick sans mask until his appearance has been built up substantially. When we the audience are at our zenith of anticipation, we see him-no dramatic music, no slow motion; a simple cut and he's there. There he is. And it's no big deal.

This is the beauty of Lynch's direction. We are led through our morbid curiosity at the same rate the characters in the film are. We develop alongside them. More specifically, we develop alongside Frederick Treeves, played with an astounding sublimity of emotion by Anthony Hopkins. Next to Treeves we pity Merrick, respect him, pity him again, and then ask ourselves with him, 'is he just a spectacle to me? Am I a bad person?'

Lynch certainly doesn't let us bypass this question easily. Are we bad people for being intrigued or are we good people for pitying? Certainly there is a mix of intrigue and pity with every character who first meets John, and we are not excluded. However, as with almost every character who truly comes to know John and confer with him, we learn to respect him as a human being and not as a spectacle. Nonetheless, this issue never finds close in the film, nor do I feel it ever can be closed in actual life. Hopkin's Treeves is never fully sated in how he feels about this dilemma, and so, neither can we be.

Technically, The Elephant Man is a beautifully shot film. In crisp black and white, the film recalls the cinematic technique of American cinema circa the 1930's. The scenes dissolve into one another; there is no brisk editing. The lighting is kept low-key during dark scenes, balanced during daytime scenes-this is standard film-making of the era. The one digression from this form are the distinctly Lynchian surrealities-pseudo-dream-sequences of commendably original imagery that break up the film and serve as distinct mood-setters for the audience. These are, for the most part, fairly intimidating sidenotes. We as an audience are caught off-guard because in these tangents we are not identifying with Treeves, we are put instead into Merrick's shoes. It is unsettling.

But Lynch has never been a director to flinch at unsettling prospects. We must watch Merrick beaten, abused, harassed, humiliated, and tormented. We may feel a surge of happiness when he finally stands up for himself, but by that point we still have to cope with what we've already, what he's already, experienced. I suppose that is the greatest and most devastating aspect of the film-empathy. Every moment is heartbreaking. Yet no matter how hard it gets, and how much better it then turns, there is always the threat of another jab. And those jabs only get more and more painful.

The Elephant Man is a perfect film. It is sorrowful but it apologizes not at all for it. It is a film about where our empathy stems from, a film that asks you to feel sorry but rebukes you for your blind pity. It asks you to respect Merrick, not cry for him. But you can't help crying. The Elephant Man is a film that treks you through despair and asks for your hope in the end. It asks you to hate humanity but to love the humane. It asks you to look at a man who appears sad and know that inside, he's okay.
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Cuts Deep
Cheetah-621 July 2001
There have been many films made dealing with an individual who's outer appearance is completely at odds with their inner character. Some of these films are quite good but this is by far and away the very best. This is probably one of the most perfect films ever made. It succeeds on every level. Visually it transports one into a dark, grey, industrial nightmare of a world. It's within this world that we come to discover true beauty. It lies within one hideously deformed, abused and unfortunate soul who is being kicked around in this hellish existence. The screenplay, acting, direction all come together to create this extraordinary viewing experience. You really feel like you get inside this man and his tortured existence. The ending is one of the most effective and completely engrossing I've ever seen. Rarely does a film find a way to leave us with such a sense of closure and lingering fascination. The thing that really makes this film truly great is it changes the way people see themselves, other people and the world. I can still remember the palpable air of silence and awe over the audience when leaving the theater both times I saw it on the big screen. There's a transforming quality about it. You only need to read the many other user comments to see how people were moved and changed by this film. If you haven't seen it, it's a must!
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Nothing Will Die.
dnights30 July 2003
This movie changed my life forever. To see someone so beautiful, dignified, and unique, hidden behind a body and face that society considers ugly, made me realize how the body is a decaying pile of dust, but the soul is a breath-taking and uniquely formed indestructible diamond.

I believe that everyone should get a chance to see this film, for those of an open mind, and a caring soul, there is nothing else like it.

It also shows the detestable ways some people treat others. I felt at first pity for John Merrick, but then my feelings changed to admiration, as the film went on. John, in the film starts as a severely deformed mute figure being badly mistreated, as the story progresses, he becomes the hero. A bold and courageous man, standing against the evils of modern society.

Joseph (John) Merrick, was a man so one-of-a-kind, that someone else like him physically or emotionally will never appear again. His life should be taken as an example to everyone.

As in the film, John's mother says "Nothing will Die", Joseph Merrick will live on in the hearts and souls of everyone who has witnessed the story of his life.

My love goes to Joseph Merrick, where ever he may be.
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i'm speechless
ofurkusa14 August 2002
I just watched this movie last night and i must say... it touched me in a way no other movie has... some of the scenes even brought me to tears, which has never happened to me before.... John Hurt and Anthony Hopkins are simple incredible, and this movie is just filled with unforgettable scenes....

but like some people have mentioned here before, it is an incredibly hard movie to watch, especially after you realize what a sweet, kind, smart and innocent man John Merrick was, it is often painful to watch the way he's treated by some people, and like Hopkins says after he sees him for the first time "I pray to god that he's an idiot", sadly, he is everything but that...

10/10, no question
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Ones of the most heart rending films of all time.
coop-1614 April 1999
It is truly baffling to me that there are people who have seen this film who still think that David Lynch is a cold and cruel film-maker. David Lynch is ,in fact, a man of extraordinary gentleness and sensitivity, who cares deeply about the sort of people whom mainstream society stigmatizes as 'freaks'.Please, watch this film--watch it carefully-- and you will see that Lynch's deepest concern is with how a over-industrialized, rigid, and profoundly hypocritical society crushes its outsiders. It may sound odd, but I really believe that the non-Christian Lynch has, in the person of John Merrick portrayed one of the most profoundly moving "Christ figures' in all of film. Let me also note how well Lynch( In only his second effort at directing!) handled such legends as Hiller, Gielgud and Hopkins.
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A Masterpiece, Truly Remarkable
mhs_njrotc200410 May 2004
David Lynch is a remarkable director and The Elephant Man is a remarkable film. Inspired by a true story in the streets of London during the Victorian Age, the film is based entirely around the life of John Merrick (John Hurt), an individual dubbed by his `owner' Bytes (Freddie Jones) and others as 'The Elephant Man' because of his hideous deformities. With this film, Lynch grasps his audience and stretches them to a new parallel of an emotionally capturing film. And what makes this so daunting and so intriguing is the fact that 'The Elephant Man' is a true story, no part of it is fictional. Anthony Hopkins plays Dr. Frederick Treves, the man who somewhat saves John from those who persecute him for being a freak, being a `monster.' A story of human triumph could never be so remarkable as that of The Elephant Man. Lynch takes The Elephant Man to a new level of technical aspiration with a dark, dank setting shot completely in black and white. This film is amazing and would undoubtedly be just okay any other way. The black and white adds to the story in a way that touches the audience much deeper and much more personal. Not to mention stunning performances and dialogue by all cast, `David Lynch's portrait of John 'The Elephant Man' Merrick stands as one of the best biographies on film.' Literary critic Leslie Fiedler maintains that freaks stir `both supernatural terror and natural sympathies' because they `challenge conventional boundaries between male and female, sexed and sexless, animal and human, large and small, self and other.' In this very interesting and moving film, we are challenged to clarify our values in regard to `very special people.' However, in one powerful scene of tension and curiosity, John Merrick screams out, `I am not an animal! I am a human being! man!' This particular sequence, I believe, is incredible and it ties in with the whole focus of the film itself, human dignity and emotion. David Lynch is known for some pretty twisted films, and yet, The Elephant Man is not that twisted at all. Even though his audience views John Merrick as not the average person because of his medical condition, the story is cherished because of how it is put onto the big screen. Compared to his other films such as Blue Velvet and Eraserhead, The Elephant Man is more surreal in terms of what Lynch was going for. Lynch does a magnificent job in portraying his version of The Elephant Man, and many people along with critics alike agree. I can easily rate The Elephant Man with four stars because David Lynch deserves no less. The Elephant Man is a classic, a striking and devastating film depicting the account of John Merrick's search for a dignified and normal life. I would definitely recommend this film to those in search of a wonderful story about one man's conquest to a regular life. Dr. Treves' account with John not only presents him with respect and normalcy, but also takes him as far as an uplifting scene where upon John states `my life is full because I know I am loved.' With such an inspirational and true story, David Lynch puts on a film that should be loved by many, if not all.
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An elephant never forgets, and "The Elephant Man" is unforgettable.
lee_eisenberg19 December 2005
Anthony Hopkins is so associated with Hannibal Lecter, that we almost forget that he did star in movies before that. "The Elephant Man", for example. It's sort of hard to determine whether the main character is disfigured John Merrick (John Hurt) or Dr. Frederick Treves (Hopkins). Either way, it's the movie's plot that's important. The plot of course shows how Merrick has been treated as a monster all his life and Treves tries to cure him. As for the possibility that the movie may have revered its subject too much...well, would you feel comfortable mocking him? A particularly interesting combo is the people behind the movie: director David Lynch and executive producer Mel Brooks (Brooks' wife Anne Bancroft appears as an actress). The former is synonymous with deliberately weird cinema, while the latter is synonymous with silliness. Both men show a different side here. All in all, this is definitely a movie that everyone should see.
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Very good and almost universally misunderstood.
kingrobertwilliam23 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I come to write this review because on having read one or two others that have been put up, both by the lay-people as you and I and by the 'professionals' such as Ebert (a man whose reviews are consistently poor!); I believe that a serious disservice has been done. Both by those who have praised the film and by those who have condemned it.

The film appears to have been assessed almost unanimously on its portrayal of Merrick and its message regarding his strength of character. I however feel that the more nuanced and more praiseworthy element of the feature is how it addresses the ethics of exploitation. A theme which is opened within the first ten minutes of the film with Treves mention of how terrible are these new machines. These machines being the steam powered machines of the workhouses and factories. That means of capitalist exploitation from which England was birthed and that exploitation which was practised by every strata of society.

What I took the film to be is a very subtle exploration of who might be in a position to call the other morally reprehensible, who it is that might condemn the actions of others. In just the same way as Treves asks who might be more of a monster; Merrick or his 'owner' (or rather in the film Trevers actually charges Merrick's owner of being a monster, but his character this moral question of the audience).

As for the opening scene of the movie at which Ebert takes such offence; besides David Lynch simply being David Lynch (and we might all be thankful that he is), the opening scene might readily be interpreted as Lynch having us imagine all by ourselves that the woman was raped by an Elephant. It is never made explicit that this is what happens and in fact, when Merrick is first being introduced as The Elephant Man his back-story is given as being the result of an elephant trampling his mother whilst in her fourth month of pregnancy.

Who is perverse here, Lynch or us? Who is the exploiter here, Treves, the 'owner', society - us?

As for the sermon which Lynch is giving on Merrick I don't believe that it is quite so patronising as Ebert suggests. In the final scene it is quite clear that Merrick is choosing to sleep in a way that will end his life (as explained earlier in the film). And again there is a subtlety about this. Is suicide an escape from something unbearable (is it weakness?), or is it the fruition of Merrick's realisation that he is a man - for he is choosing to sleep as 'normal people' do.

With that said the film can certainly be taken on a(n extremely) sentimental level. But this is surely only something that we should Praise Lynch for. He has succeeded in making a film on many levels. One that your mother can watch and merely gloss the surface of, or, that you can analyse and discover something deeper. Moreover he has also facilitated some brilliant performances and crafted a brilliant aesthetic.

He's also thrown in a few wonderfully 'Lynch' elements such as the scene with Elephant and Merrick's rescue by the 'freaks' of the circus from a baboon cage.

So go and watch the film. It will not be the greatest film you ever see, but it will certainly be one of the better ones and it will test your subtlety of appreciation.
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A master work.
shneur26 March 2005
There's always the inclination to say, "My God, how could anyone go wrong with a cast like that?" but of course the list of such disasters is long. This is one of those (few) movies about which, in my opinion, there's just nothing bad to say. The story is true, and John Hurt's incredible make-up corresponds very well to photographs of the real-life "elephant man." Hurt's interplay with Anthony Hopkins carries the film along on the evolution of their relationship from detached scientific fascination to enduring friendship. Ann Bancroft's performance is as masterful as one would hope and expect. The interviews included on the DVD were worth watching too, and will add to appreciation of the next viewing.
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Troubling and moving
burgan620330 August 2003
"The Elephant Man" has its faults(historical inaccuracies, at times overly sentimental), but it is one of those films where the good things manage to outweigh the bad . The excellent acting(esp. by John Hurt in the title role), inventive cinematography and an emotionally involving story would be the good things. Indeed, there were moments during the film when I was nearly moved to tears; the vision it presents is of a gentle, intelligent man who is ostracized and abused because of his appearance, and his struggle for dignity had me mesmerized. "The Elephant Man" may have flaws, but it is never the less a troubling, moving film that shows how hideous humanity can be--and how beautiful.
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shallow, pathos machine
onepotato211 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is the story of Joseph Merrick (here called John Merrick). Whenever I watch this movie I appreciate that it was filmed in b&w, and I cry a bit. It always makes me consider what an unbelievably cruel god it must be to take an already difficult Victorian life, add to that poverty and abandonment, and add to that virulent tumors that misshape a man to this degree, insuring absolute cruelty from his society, and that he can never seek employment. It's why I always have a big "No thank you" for religion. But I'm astonished that David Lynch (!) didn't attempt more with the material than mere sentiment. He tries to squeeze tears from viewers over and over. Apparently audiences are too stupid to get a point unless he wraps pathos-scented wrapping paper around a cinder-block and drops it on your toe.

The movie vacillates between two types of scenes. A) Sympathetic figures cry, or cause Merrick to cry, and b) Merrick's heartless antagonists show up at the hospital and torment him. That's 90 percent of the movie. No doubt the hospital situation was better than the sideshow mistreatment, but visitors with an agenda treat him with a treacly, phony solicitousness that must've soon become tiresome even to him. As in, "Hey famous actress, I don't like abuse but I don't need your self-congratulatory pity either." It always grates on me. For how little John Hurt is given to do, you could stick anyone under all that lumpy make-up. The character of Merrick is two-dimensional, if you're being generous.

The movie has very low dramatic stakes. I had sympathy for Merrick before the movie existed. I don't need Lynch to pump me for more. The developments in the script are repetitive and poor. Merrick is safely sequestered from his enemies in a hospital, after the first 20 minutes, but you can't do much with that dramatically. So, the script inexplicably allows cretins to reach him in his room over and over (with and without whores). Seemingly any villain can get to him inside his confines, and at the films weakest point, when some cheap tension is needed, his antagonist just knocks on his window, and voilà, now Merrick is in some quarters on the first floor, despite early interior sequences which showed people mounting stairs to reach him. Each ward invasion is more eye-rolling than the previous one, with shouting, etc. At one point an entire drunken midnight party converges on his room, and the ten-person strong, screaming crowd still fails to awaken the hospital staff. Gee, that's some terrific security that lets people roam your building at night; and some masterful handling of conflict. Come on! The absurd, manufactured conflict becomes very trying.
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David Lynch's most accessible work. A truly remarkable film!
Infofreak3 February 2004
I first watched 'The Elephant Man' over twenty years ago, not long after it was released. It was the first David Lynch movie I ever saw, thought at the time I'd never even heard about 'Eraserhead' and knew nothing about the guy. I was incredibly impressed by the film, as I have been every time I watch it. Eventually I became a big Lynch fan, and could see the similarities between 'Eraserhead' and 'The Elephant Man', both visually and in their use of sound. Apart from that, they are very different movies. 'Eraserhead' still freaks most people out, but 'The Elephant Man' is arguably his most accessible film. It has heart and an emotional impact, something rare in Lynch's movies ('The Straight Story' is another exception). Anthony Hopkins is an actor I've frankly had it up to HERE with, especially after his increasingly hammy Dr. Hannibal Lecter, but boy, is he wonderful here! Probably his finest performance to date. Of course John Hurt is superb too, especially taking into consideration him having to work under pounds of make up. It's hard to fault anybody in the supporting cast, especially John Gielgud and Hannah Gordon, who plays Hopkins wife. Freddie Jones, who Lynch has worked with a few times since, is really evil as Bytes, and the late Michael Elphick ('The Element Of Crime', 'Withnail and I') plays another memorable baddie as the hospital's night porter. 'The Elephant Man' is a remarkable achievement. Lynch doesn't seem to have compromised his unique vision one bit and yet manages to make a genuinely moving drama about one of the screen's most unlikely heroes. I don't throw the term "masterpiece" around lightly but it's difficult not to use that word when describing this truly extraordinary film! Simply one of the best movies I've ever seen.
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amazing....but not for the weak at heart
gethistr826 January 2002
this is a brilliantly done film. it is quite raw and blunt about its subject matter, however, so it should not be viewed for "entertainment" purposes, thought he story is inherently intriguing. we must just sit and watch in curiousity and amazement, but in concurrence with extreme sorrow, as we are shown the brutality that john merrick must face as his reality. a smile from another human being, or even a pleasant greeting (which is something that we all take for granted), is treated by this man as the highest form of complimentary behavior possible.

one of the best films that i have ever seen. it wouldnt be called a top 25 of all-time film by the public (though i may place it there), however, based solely on the fact that it, as i mentioned earlier, is lacking in terms of typical "entertainment" value. even though you will certainly be immersed the entire way through. ah, who knows! im not expressing myself very well. make it a priority to see this film. enjoy

absolutely amazing and memorable - 10/10
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rainking_es30 December 2005
There is no feeling, no virtue, no human baseness "The Elephant Man" doesn't scrutinize: hypocrisy, cruelty, mercy, sadism, love...). David Lynch reached the status of genius with his second movie, he created an instant classic for the history of cinema, a masterpiece. He probed his huge talent beyond the oniric or surrealistic fits of "Eraserhead" (and of most of his filmography). He probed he's capable of doing anything he wanted to with a camera on his hands. For those who think Lynch is just a pretentious guy which only films nonsenses, please take a look at this movie.

As for John Hurt, he didn't need to become the elephant man to demonstrate he's one of the best actors of his generation; nevertheless, he accepted the challenge... and he won. He made an outrageous display of physical and mental effort, and of body talk. I can't imagine how hard it was for him to carry that disguise all along the whole filming. Please let's take our hats off to Mr. John Hurt.

The Elephant Man, just an essential film.

*My rate: 10/10
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A Beautiful Mind
george.schmidt12 March 2003
THE ELEPHANT MAN (1980) **** John Hurt, Anthony Hopkins, Anne Bancroft, Wendy Hiller, Freddie Jones, John Gielgud. David Lynch's masterpiece of the human spirit about the true-life account of John Merrick, a hideously deformed man in England's Victorian Age, who was taken in by a physician after a hellish stint in a freak show. Hurt rises to the occasion and delivers a heart wrenching Oscar nominated performance emoting under tons of make-up to full effect. Equally good is Hopkins in low-key form as the humanitarian doctor. Beautiful black and white photography resonates the production; nominated for 8 Academy Awards including Lynch and Best Picture. Best scenes: Hurt's recital of the 23rd Psalm and his immortal line: "I am not an animal, I am a human being!" Incredibly powerful ending perfectly accentuated by the classical "Adagio For Strings". Dare not to be moved. One of the best. – Trivia note, look for little person Kenny Baker during the carnival sequences; he's the guy inside R2-D2 in `Star Wars' and the head bandit in `Time Bandits'.
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The most moving masterpiece of all time!
TheLittleSongbird9 February 2009
You have got to love the Elephant Man. There isn't one scene that doesn't move me. It is also underrated, as it is very difficult to find, and is hardly on TV. The cinematography was beautiful, and the subject matter about a doctor treating a heavily-disfigured man is so sensitively handled I felt I was there. One of the most moving scenes, was right at the beginning when Treves sees Merrick for the first time, and a tear rolls down his cheek.Extraordinary! The scene with Treve's wife is so sad that I had tears in my eyes for the rest of the movie. When he cries, "I am not an animal, I am a human being," I was actually sobbing. i really was. The ending, with the lovely Adagio for Strings(the only time it has been played well) was so poignant, as was the scene in the theatre, with the Tchaikovsky-like music, and Merrick enjoying himself like a 6 year old boy. The music is very haunting, as made apparent in the crowd scene mocking Merrick in the hospital. Don't criticise the beginning, or the end, because David Lynch was trying to create images of pure sadness and inner beauty, and they were very powerful images. As for the performances, never have I seen Anthony Hopkins more sensitive than he was here(well except for the final scene of Shadowlands). His performance was actually one of the main reasons why this movie is so beautiful. The best performance, without a doubt, is the heart-rending performance of John Hurt as John Merrick. Almost unrecognisable, but so magnificent, especially when he recited the psalm without the help of Treves. It is also incredibly difficult to speak with a lopsided mouth, and John Hurt mastered it. Other notable performances are from Freddie Jones, Anne Bancroft, Michael Elphick and Sir John Gielgud. Anyone who gave this a 1/10, what is wrong with you? This is an absolute masterpiece, without question! 10/10. Bethany Cox
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The most touching film I have ever seen
Lamprey18 April 1999
I see lots of films, and have a "Top Ten" list that only the most incredible of movies can enter. However, upon seeing Elephant Man for the first time, it immediately broke onto that list which is dominated by Sci-Fi "guy" movies.

The reason is that this movie is so heartbreaking, so sad, and yet so full of hope, there is little you can do to hold back your emotions while watching it. I recommend watching it alone, for two reasons: 1) it is very painful and sad to watch and 2) the value is lost if you are trying "not to cry" or have something else on your mind (like talking to your friend).

The performances are very well done, by Hurt, Hopkins, and everyone else in the cast. The only gripe I have isn't really a gripe - the film isn't 100% true. But it will make you forget all your problems for a while. Witnessing the life of "John Mellick" makes your own life seem like paradise.

Even after repeated viewings this movie loses NONE of it's impact. Paramount, please release it on DVD!
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Superb haunting story about human nature.
Ben_Cheshire1 April 2004
With a crowd bearing down on him, the tortured cry of The Elephant Man (John Hurt) rings out: "I am not an elephant! I am not an animal! I am a human being!"

Set in Victorian England, it looks into the Freak Show trade that was popular then, through one particular gentleman, grossly and uniquely deformed, by the name of John Merrick (The Elephant Man), and is based on the memoirs of the doctor played by Anthony Hopkins, Dr Frederick Treves. It shows the humanity of poor Mr Merrick and condemns the society that exploited him for its own monetary gain and sick pleasure.

The story itself is a difficult one, and i'm surprised that any producer, even someone as offbeat as Mel Brooks, would have agreed to pour money into this idea. It has none of the classic elements of the commercial formula for making a movie that will make money: it has no love story, it has no sex, and, without spoiling too much, it is quite a tragic, unhappy story.

The pervasive tragedy of the story is that John Merrick is an intelligent man, trapped inside this hideously misshapen body. Hanging over the head of the story is also the fact that nothing can be done for Mr Merrick. And the metaphor running throughout is that Merrick is no elephant man at all, he's just as human as the rest of us, but this exhibitionist, heartless society whipped him and made him dance around for them like an elephant in a circus tent.

"Luck, my friend," A circus dwarf says to the elephant man at one point in the story, "and who needs it but we."

It is a story of immense sensitivity and humanity, and one the likes of which you won't see anywhere else. Its definitely not for the weak-hearted or depressed. Its often devastatingly difficult to watch (mainly in one or two scenes), most of this story is wildly compelling and human drama due to the immense talents of Lynch and Hopkins in particular. There are certainly moments of reprieve - all is not black.

Its certainly a beautiful movie - every frame is perfection. Gorgeous black and white cinematography give this subject the class it deserves. A wonderful score by John Morris helps give it a haunting beauty. It is directed with superb classical storytelling, illustrated by Lynchian brushstrokes: expressionistic dream sequences and trademark Lynchian soundtrack. David Lynch should be very proud of this early effort. It is a marvellous film. The sensitivity of the construction, and its classic perfection, are the work of a master.

But it is hard to say what this movie would be without Anthony Hopkins. It is a topic that easily could have fallen into the trap of the society it depicts, of exploiting freaks for the petty thrill of exhibitionism. But whatever credit for this that does not go to Lynch, must go to Hopkins. His sincere delivery, in one of the most genuine performances i've ever seen, are a major factor in our believing this story really happened (which it did), and taking it seriously (which we do).

5 stars.
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suegrayson5 March 2006
Great performances by Hopkins, Gielgud and Hurt. Also look out for small roles from some famous British faces, including a young Pauline Quirke!

Beautifully shot and a heart rendering tale that thankfully doesn't get too soppy or sentimental. A lot can be taken from the film about the way we treat people in general, not just the Elephant Man.

I wonder if anyone else saw a clear link between Merrick making a model of a cathedral and the story of Quasimodo in Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame? Was this intentional by Lynch or just a happy coincidence. Worth thinking about!
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There will always be Elephant Men
zennokangae10 July 2004
I'm not writing any more plaudits for this movie, for most everything has been said about it before. Even a quarter century later, I weep everytime I watch Mr. Hurt and Mr. Hopkins in their roles. The great humanity of David Lynch and the producers has left us with an equally frightening and endearing vision of Mr. Merick.

Sadly, there will always be elephant men, as long as ignorance and the impulse for destruction rule men and their domain.
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A biopic that means well but misses its point by a lot
The elephant man has always been a marvelous character to comprehend. From the day he was born, he was doomed to live a shortened life span and that's not the worst part. He had to live as a disfigured individual and there was nothing he could do to change it. He lived in a time where cures for diseases were very rare and if they were available, it cost a fortune. So it is fair that this film will be tragic because it is explaining the life of a tragic individual. But it's the way it's portrayed that is questionable.

Anthony Hopkins, an actor whose performances I've enjoyed multiple times plays Frederick Treves, a Victorian surgeon who happens to run into the elephant man while visiting a carnival event. Playing the elephant man, or by his real name, John Merrick, is John Hurt. Hurt honestly gives an emotional performance as Merrick, especially in the beginning. Merrick is quite sensitive since he never experienced any real appreciation from anybody until Treves finds him. Even more astounding is how Hurt makes his voice so gentle as if he couldn't swat a fly. That's good characterization.

But what squashes this exceptional acting is how the view of John Merrick wasn't ever changed. The only people that saw the potential in the character of John Merrick were Dr. Treves and his wife. All of Dr. Treves fellow doctors took him only as a lab rat. The public viewed him as a freak. And the people that Merrick was with originally, saw him as an outcast, because to them, he didn't deserve what the upper class had. If Merrick wasn't in his room, which was specifically made for him, he never had it easy. I'm not saying life was supposed to be easy for him, but the script could have been written so society was a little more flexible.

I felt that this film might explore John Merrick's nightmares but I didn't think it would drag him so far down to the point of no end. I thought this project was written in recognition of the life he lived. Not to have audience sit through two hours worth of good acting and for what? To see a man, who has a troubled life get even more complicated than it was before? It at least should have had a satisfying ending but that didn't even happen. It felt more like it was a story of humiliation more than nobility. How's that recognition?

The story of John Merrick or the elephant man is a sad one, but no one said the film had to be this depressing. The actors perform well but the tone needlessly blacks it out.
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After Thoughts
freethinkingworld7 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think for me, I was in the wrong mood or went in to this film with the wrong expectations. I wasn't the biggest fan of it and don't understand why it's on the IMDb top 250. The film relys on you loving or feeling sorry for the Elephant Man, but I felt it tried too hard to make you feel sorry for him. With it feeling like it's trying so hard to make you feel sorry for him I felt very disconnected and honestly numb to the whole movie. The bullying seemed so over the top and theatrical that it made the film have not groundedness to me. It looks nice. But it was kind of lifeless to me. Practical effects looked good. Maybe needs another watch.
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