The Gendarme and the Gendarmettes (1982) Poster

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Again Louis De Funes shows his special talent with the Gendarmes in Sainz-Tropez
ma-cortes5 November 2008
Officer Ludovic Cruchot's(Louis De Funes) along with his outfit(Maurice Risch, Grosso and the chief, Michael Galabru, though isn't Jean Lefevre) are transferred to new and modern Gendarmerie Nationale with computer included. When appear four Gendarmettes the gendarmes group is revolutionized. Then two Gendarmettes are kidnapped by an issue of secret codes and Cruchot goes into action. He's secretly moving in disguise, dressing as woman.

This agreeable French comedy about the sympathetic gendarmes contains enjoyable humor, brief intrigue, too much fun and lively situations. There's a certain critical to the French customs and especially a banter of French Police called Gendarmerie. Louis De Funes, as always overacting , he puts faces, grimaces, stooges, tongue twister and lots of gesticulation . This is a pretty amusing farce with the master comic Funes in his usual role. Claude Gensac as his habitual wife, she collaborated with Funes in ten films, often acting his character's spouse. Fine local photography and atmospheric musical score with catching leitmotif by Raymond Lefevre. The motion picture is well made by customary director, Jean Girault. Picture is a Funes vehicle, he's a real comic and authentic farceur. If you like Funes' crazy interpretation you'll enjoy this one. This is the last picture from Cruchot series, another films are : The Gendarme and the creatures from outer space; The Gendarme takes off; The Gendarme get married; Gendarme in N.Y. and the classic, The Gendarme of St. Tropez.
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still nice
majdo0072 July 2005
Well, we have the last film about famous French policemen. We may ask if it will enchant us with something new. Actually yes. Everyone who has seen previous parts and enjoyed them should take a look at this one.

In my opinion, the plot isn't boring. As for humour, you won't be let down. However, I must admit that some of stuff is pretty similar to that seen before. But after all it is a small drawback and of course Louis de Funes did a good job as usual. It is one of the last films with him (or even the last one!).

On the whole, we get a sensible end of the serial. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
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The Gendarme of Saint-Troopette...
ElMaruecan8229 July 2018
Comedic series usually falter down after the third opus, when even the most forgiving audience can't overlook the enormity of a half-assed script and the lousiness of half-baked gags.

But every golden rule has an exception and "The Troops of St. Tropez" series is the perfect illustration that the antidote to these detestable screen symptoms has only only ingredient: star-power. Louis de Funès was a living audience-drainer. After the 1964 hit, the team could adapt to the craziest formulas, they were fishes out of water in New York City, they got married, they were set apart and reunited, they even fought Aliens and each time, the film never attracted less than four million viewers. Neither did "The Troops and the Troopettes" despite challenging every notion of bad taste and dated humor.

Maybe it was time for the series to end. Maybe the sight of a frail-looking De Funès was an indirect reminder of the living thunderbolt he used to be. Maybe watching him trying to hold his grimaces and gesticulations was like watching the Lemmon of "Grumpy Old Men" while reminiscing "Some Like it Hot". Maybe a seventh opus would have put a deathblow on his winning streak. But the actor died three months after the release, reputation unsoiled and legacy ensured by millions of viewers and trillions of laughs. His death was a sad time for French cinema but came at a good timing because the torch was being passed to a new breed of humor, screwball Pierre Richard under Veber's sophisticated direction or biting satire with the Splendid Troop. The days of glory were over and a crisis-stricken France generated a more mature audience craving for some social commentary behind the jokes.

Even Jean Girault (who died during the filming of "Troopettes") and De Funès felt the change of wind and made a different movie with "The Cabbage Soup", a film that showed the loneliness of isolated farmers and the effects of modernity in rural France. Looking up my "Cabbage Soup" review, I said it was the penultimate movie of the old-time partners and their ultimate classic if we forgive the final "Gendarmes" movie in 1982. I'm glad I didn't say "forget" or "dismiss" but I suspect I'll be in a minority if I say that the ultimate de Funès' movie wasn't the ultimate outrage many fans claim it to be... I concede that some parts can be outrageously bad but outrageously and uninterestingly are two separate words and in-between, there is a realm of enjoyment that prompted me to wear my 'devil's advocate' coat. Sure it is a turkey but I would say, a turkey... à l'orange!

Addressing the elitist section of movie fans, cinematic purists or the cohort of cinephiles drooling over anything stamped "Nouvelle Vague", I say, yes, your honor, "The Troops and the Troopettes" is a never-ending series of outdated jokes, over-the-top tantrums and cringe-worthy exploitations of women that make Benny Hill look like Monty Python, not to mention some unnecessary racist jokes... yet there wasn't one second in the film where I was bored, which I guess is a basic accomplishment for a comedy. The first "Troops" movies had their slowest moments and their share of lame gags but they were never as daring and bold as the last onzq... and I've got to admire a movie that pushes the level of bad taste up to eleven, if it doesn't make you laugh, it finds a way to impress you. What's more impressive is that the film manages to be driven by a plot, crazy-nun driving but driving nonetheless.

Four new recruits who all seemed to come up from Givenchy ads, and naturally catch the eye of our six gendarmes, one has a double effect because of her ethnicity as it seems that our old Frenchies aren't accustomed to the sight of an African woman. Now, ethnic gags were hit-or-miss with De Funès, it was a disaster in "The Tattoo" but hilarious in "The Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob". The references to Macumba's origins are so redundant it stops being funny but the film insists so much that it ends up ridiculing the Troops, not the woman, the film even uses the beginning of a racial slur as if it really highlighted some old colonial bigotry, it's not as subtle as in a Tarantino movie, but it's so outrageous it becomes inoffensive. We forgive them, they're just out-of-touch old guys, De Funès, Galabru, Jacques François, even the youngest ones (Guy Grosso and Michel Modo) can't hide their white hair and balding sideline while Patrick Préjean and Maurice Risch provides the 'young' touch... which isn't saying much.

What's more to forgive? Well, the plot is an improbable salad made of James-Bond like situations and stunts, improvised choreographies, cartoon gags, vaudeville hysteria with a Claude Gensac more excitable than ever and Grand Guignol histrionic mimics where it seems that Galabru waited for the final film to have the upper vocal timber on Cruchot. The whole thing is insane, indigestible, noisy but it has a few sweet and tender moments. And amidst that brouhaha, something happened I didn't expect, it opened my eye on the notion of "over-the-top" and made me accept that there comes a moment where comedy needs to stop being too subtle and just implode its ugly irreverent side to the face of the earth.

Interestingly, the very actors who dethroned De Funès would play in similar over-the-top movies in the 90s, but in 1982, they wanted their idol to star with them in their movie "Gramps is in the Resistance" but fate decided otherwise, Galabru played the "Gramps" part and the film was dedicated to his long-time partner. But one can't watch "Troopettes" with bitter eyes for the role that made him a star was the perfect swan song for Louis de Funès. In a way, the film is about a bunch of "gramps" who are resisting... the march of modernity through one last musical march across St Tropez.
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Sadly, the last one
Bored_Dragon23 July 2018
The last movie of "Le gendarme de Saint-Tropez" franchise and the last one of the legendary Cruchot, who died the very next year. The movie is consistent with the style of its predecessors and nicely rounds the franchise. In my opinion, only the first one is better.

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the end
Kirpianuscus26 May 2017
the end of series. and the last film of Louis de Funes. nice, predictable, seductive, a new idea who becomes pretext for new adventures, large doses of humor, Saint Tropez atmosphere and a great job of de Funes. few scenes - Karl Marx as lecture of a nun, beautiful troop-ettes and the romantic scene between Germaine and Ludovic are good points of a series who seems be the same but far to be boring. because all is charming - dialogues, gestures, story, confusions. and nostalgia is the perfect package for an easy story, naive and fresh , so far by present but useful for remember to it the basic truths.
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New era
kosmasp28 March 2020
While the movies in general paid tribute to women in general, finally some are coming into the work force. Not without the usual (sexist) jokes. But the movie is able to swerve away from that a little bit. We get to see powerful women/characters, who also happen to be beautiful. Again not saying it gets everything right, but it does try.

So while you could view this as a step in the right direction, it still has to balance the jokes and de Funes at what he is best at. It's not the best of the 6 movies series, but it does what it is supposed to do. If you liked the ones before (timeline and continuity be damned), then go ahead and have fun with this too
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Not one of the best
LouisDF11 November 2005
I'm a big fan of Louis de Funès, but this movie wasn't very good.

To begin with: I think the plot wasn't interesting, just another kidnapping drama that we already have seen several times. The jokes were a little silly. I think about the scene were Gerber says that Cruchot peed in his bed at the age of 14. Another example: the scene where one of the gendarmettes loses her skirt, over all I think that there was too much nudity humor.

On the positive side we have the acting. The gang from "Le gendarme et les extra-terrestres" is back with de Funès, Michel Galabru, Claude Gensac, Guy Grosso, Michel Modo, Patrick Préjean, Maurice Risch and Jacques Francois. They all make a very good job as usual. The actresses who plays the gendarmettes were okay, even if there acting wasn't breath taking.

Over all, a pretty mediocre movie. But at the same time it holds a certain atmosphere since it was the last film made by de Funès and director Jean Girault. I give it five stars.
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Thw end of the story.
martinkutisk9 October 2021
This should be in the bible, a good final movie to a fun and funny franchise.
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When You Think It Can't Get Worse Than "The Extra-Terrestrials"...
joefhaddad-680-747117 August 2020
I thought I had hit the absolute rock bottom of French industrial cinema with "Le gendarme et les extra-terrestres".

I was wrong.

"Le gendarme et les gendarmettes" hits record lows and, contrary to past Louis de Funès bummers, it's not even funny from a "small, unpretentious, low-budget comedy" point of view.

The script is awful. The acting is awful. The editing is awful.

It's racist, it's sexist, it's patriarcal, it's 90 minutes of cultural appropriation as every other "Gendarme" entry and Louis de Funès screams all over the place to try and make you smile to no avail.

Actually, this has always been the problem with de Funès: he wanted his films to be an excuse for him to act. He said so himself: he chose, towards the end of his career, to limit himself to films directed by Jean Girault because he's "only a technician" who butchers his films to let de Funès shine on screen. De Funès acted in 2 films by Édouard Molinaro and swore never to be on set with him again because Molinaro works on all aspects of his films equally.

So, if you still wish to go on with the latest entry of the most successful franchise of B movies, brace yourself for characters that change names midway, troops that change grades midway, a computer that "guesses" you're a hypocrite, a black intern "troop-ette" who does an African dance, another intern "troop-ette" who loses her skirt "by mistake" and 50 cars that collide because a third intern "troop-ette" decided to do a Bollywood dance with an old male troop with a molester smile.
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fil-nik096 January 2021
I am giving to all films from Gandarme series a 10 out of pure nostalgy. These days around New Year they played on TV all the films and though I can admit that now they do not seem as funny as they once were... still they gave you a really good feeling. And this one is my favorite as it has so many iconic lines - most connected to La soeur. It also remind me of my highschool days and one of my friends who died of aids... as we were using some of the lines from the film to laugh at everyday things... Those were the days...
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The weakest of all Gendarme movies.
deloudelouvain2 December 2021
I rewatched all the "Gendarme" movies, classics from my youth, when you didn't have much choice too chose from. I'm a big fan of Louis de Funès so I never thought I would say it but I think enough is enough. This one is definitely the weakest of all the Gendarme movies. The plot is just not good. It's also borderline sexist and racist, maybe not for that time but certainly for this era. That said it's always fun to watch Louis de Funès, the man of thousand faces. Michel Galabru is also a great comedian and when those two form a pair it's just worth watching. It's a shame the plot is sometimes so dumb, a shame for those two great actors. From all the movies starring Louis de Funès I think this one is the weakest.
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