TASS upolnomochen zayavit... (TV Mini Series 1984– ) Poster

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Soviet Spy Thriller
nicholasdewhurst-9473423 April 2023
A Soviet spy thriller in the best tradition of international spy fiction, TASS is Authorized to Declare is a 1984 Soviet ten-part television mini-series, based on the novel of the same title by Yulian Semyonov. It reverses the ideological balance of the novels of John Le Carré, Frederick Forsyth and other masters of the genre.

The conflict centres on the small African state of Nagonia, newly liberated from colonialism and under Soviet protection, which awaits an invasion (Operation Torch) from the 'contra' forces of Gen. Mario Ogano (Kalifa Konde), backed by both the CIA and the Chinese government. The invasion army, led by German Nazi mercenaries, is training in the jungle and preventing essential supplies reaching Nagonia. There has recently been an explosion on a Soviet cargo ship bound for neighbouring Lewisburg with a cargo of agricultural equipment, lorries and medical supplies, causing a fire and killing three crew. The CIA are believed responsible for this.

In Lewisburg, American commercial interests, working through under-cover CIA agents, and businessman John Glebb (Vakhtang Kikabidze), are warily in contact with field officer Slavin (Yuri Solomin), whom the KGB have sent to investigate the situation and find a way to prevent the invasion.

Coded radio messages fly to and fro between Moscow and Lewisburg, Washington and the clandestine receiving post of a CIA mole (Trianon) in the Russian capital. Trianon can advise the CIA of likely Soviet responses to American actions. Tension mounts as those with secret knowledge are killed or disappear. At the Moscow centre intelligence agents under General Konstantinov (Vyacheslav Tikhonov) of the KGB work against the clock trying to unravel contradictory evidence and secret codes.

When the mole is finally uncovered and a CIA officer under diplomatic cover is caught engaging in espionage red-handed, the US ambassador is summoned to the Soviet foreign ministry in Moscow and confronted with the evidence. He agrees to have Operation Torch called off in return for silence on the part of the Soviets.

Izvestiya is later able to report: "TASS is authorised to declare that Soviet counter-intelligence has uncovered and neutralised a CIA operation aimed against the USSR and Nagonia."
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KGB against the American "mole" or Fight for the prestige of the Soviet Union
lyubitelfilmov29 January 2021
Spy detective. A screen adaptation of the novel of the same name by the famous Soviet and Russian writer and journalist Yulian Semyonov, in turn based on real events. He was also the author of the script here, so you don't have to worry about the original source. Well, now it's time to say goodbye to the world of intelligence and espionage (which will still flicker in other films), and decided to end it on this hit of the Soviet period, which the older generation of viewers watch and love to review, which I finally watched in full, without being distracted by any what, and here's my brief opinion - the KGB against the American "mole". Despite my good impression of the show, the merits of which are obvious to everyone, there were some drawbacks, which I will mention in order to be honest with you. On this, let your humble servant finish with the introductory part and get down to the point. So, the advantages: 1. Scenario - in one of the African countries, whose government is friends with the Soviet Union and receives assistance from it, an armed coup is planned, in which local CIA agents play a key role, and if they succeed, the USSR will face complications in the international arena and undermining authority. Not only that, there is information that the CIA recruited a Soviet citizen who transmits from Moscow information constituting a state secret, including regarding assistance to a friendly African government. The KGB only knows the call sign of the spy "Trianon". KGB General Konstantinov begins to search for an agent in Moscow, and a colonel of the same department, Slavin, is sent to Africa in order to stop the actions of the CIA on the spot and prevent a coup. For ten episodes, they manage to tell us a dashing and confusing story about the confrontation between intelligence services, human relations, political games of the leading superpowers, from our position, showing the United States and the CIA in the truthful position of warmongers, for whom peaceful coexistence with the USSR is impossible, therefore they use the most insidious intrigues in order to harm our country anywhere in the world, and preferably as painful as possible. Well, and the courage and intelligence of the KGB agents who manage to unravel this tangle and thereby destroy the plans of the American imperialists. Moreover, all the events really took place in reality in the late seventies, and the creators of the series were consulted by the KGB officers. 2. Dialogues - heroes and simple human emotions are revealed in them, and it is interesting to listen to them, since the Chekists have to communicate with completely different people, from the valiant patriots of the Fatherland, to the former "Vlasovites" and other traitors to the Motherland. I especially liked the dialogues between Slavin and the CIA officer, played by Vakhtang Kikabidze, and with the American journalist, played by Dmitry Petrenko. Especially in the field of history and relations between the two countries and systems. 3. The atmosphere is tense, nervous and intimidating. Because the KGB agents have to eliminate the "leak" as soon as possible and prevent the coup, having minimal information. And here everything depends on the qualities of each person on the spot, his ability to think outside the box, recognize people, their habits, their aspirations, and so on. The creators clearly managed to plunge the viewer into the maelstrom of the events taking place. 4. Scenery - some of the filming took place in socialist Cuba, some in Moscow, so the residents of the capital recognize many places, although some have already changed almost beyond recognition. When watching the series, there is no falsehood, because you believe everything that happens. 5. Patriotism - it literally comes through from every frame, from every scene. KGB officers are shown as ordinary people who have miscalculations and failures, but they analyze their mistakes, and again perform the assigned tasks from understanding the need for their work, their profession, without which at all times the state was hard, and in the modern world its role has increased many times ... No wonder the series received the KGB award. So the disadvantages: 1. Understatement - well, that's why it is? What happened to this hero? What about this? Damn, ten episodes we were told an exciting spy detective story, and at the end they did not even mention the further fate of the heroes and how everything was resolved. And how is this to be understood? 2. Names - why were the real countries renamed? Heroes okay, but why was Angola called Nagonia? It sounds silly to me. Everyone already understands which country is meant. This is not only stupid, but also funny in some way. 3. Lack of dynamics - dialogues, reasoning, this is the basis of this series. There are practically no chases and fights here. It was boring for me to watch, not boring, but rather boring, since not all dialogues in the series deserve interest. And I understand that this is the work of intelligence, and not constant explosions and gunfights. But boring. A little about the main characters: 1. Konstantin Konstantinov, performed by Vyacheslav Tikhonov, is a KGB general tasked with finding the Trianon and neutralizing the US station in Moscow. An intelligent, reasonable, balanced and stubborn security officer who needs to find, as they say, "a needle in a haystack." And Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Tikhonov coped with it just fine. He can do with words alone what sometimes cannot be achieved under a dozen tortures. Bravo Vyacheslav Vasilievich! 2. Vitaly Slavin performed by Yuri Solomin - a KGB colonel sent to Africa to prevent a coup and to find out the identity of Trianon on the spot. An intelligent and calculating scout who understands where he got to and who instantly managed to settle down in the surrounding space, establishing contacts with CIA agents and "interested parties". Yuri Methodievich splendidly played an experienced and attractive Chekist who personifies a Russian person in every sense of the word. Bravo Yuri Methodievich! 3. John Glabb, performed by Vakhtang Kikabidze - Deputy CIA resident, who is preparing an armed coup. Sly, cruel, cunning. Hates the USSR and its political and social system. A strong enemy that must be defeated by Colonel Slavin. Now I understand why Kikabidze is always snarling at Russia - it's just that the old man hasn't left the image of a CIA spy. And he succeeds in this role. And many more famous and wonderful Soviet and Russian actors, the listing of which will take tens of minutes. Therefore, you can not worry about the acting! As a result, we have a good spy detective story of ten episodes, with an excellent script, excellent atmosphere, interesting and boring dialogues, explicit and well-presented patriotism and a whole scattering of great and great actors. My rating is 8 out of 10 and my recommendation for viewing!
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Excellent work
babushkaizpravdy13 March 2006
I don't know why this is so underrated here. In my opinion it is one of the best political detective stories produced in Soviet Union. Yes, it was shot during Cold War and it is sure permeated with the ideology of fight between two superpowers of this time but nevertheless all this can not overshadow plentiful merits of this mini -- elaborated plot, attentive and careful direction, superb music by Eduard Artemyev. And another thing which strikes me every time i watch it -- every, literally every actor and actress hits directly here, there is no at least one bad performance!!! Director manages to create suspension, and he does this not worse than Sidney Pollack in The tree days of Condor. The plot is very intriguing and really absorbing. I want to point out also to another aspect of the movie -- despite the time set in it soviet movie makers tried to depict Americans as very worthy enemies -- American agents of CIA presented here with big respect which means that soviet respected themselves. And this goes in contrast to most of Hollywood production shot during the Cold War where soviets were depicted simply as morons. It is an excellent movie, and i rate it 9
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A Fine Series
nickdewhurst29 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A Soviet spy thriller in the best tradition of international spy fiction, 'TASS is Authorized to Declare' is a 1984 Soviet ten-part television mini-series, based on the novel of the same title by Yulian Semyonov. It reverses the ideological balance of the novels of John Le Carré, Frederick Forsyth and other masters of the genre.

The conflict centres on the small African state of Nagonia, newly liberated from colonialism and under Soviet protection, which awaits an invasion (Operation Torch) from the 'contra' forces of Gen. Mario Ogano (Kalifa Konde), backed by both the CIA and the Chinese government. The invasion army, led by German Nazi mercenaries, is training in the jungle and preventing essential supplies reaching Nagonia. There has recently been an explosion on a Soviet cargo ship bound for neighbouring Lewisburg with a cargo of agricultural equipment, lorries and medical supplies, causing a fire and killing three crew. The CIA are believed responsible for this.

In Lewisburg, American commercial interests, working through under-cover CIA agents, and businessman John Glebb (Vakhtang Kikabidze), are warily in contact with field officer Slavin (Yuri Solomin), whom the KGB have sent to investigate the situation and find a way to prevent the invasion.

Coded radio messages fly to and fro between Moscow and Lewisburg, Washington and the clandestine receiving post of a CIA mole (Trianon) in the Russian capital. Trianon can advise the CIA of likely Soviet responses to American actions. Tension mounts as those with secret knowledge are killed or disappear. At the Moscow centre intelligence agents under General Konstantinov (Vyacheslav Tikhonov) of the KGB work against the clock trying to unravel contradictory evidence and secret codes.

When the mole is finally uncovered and a CIA officer under diplomatic cover is caught engaging in espionage red-handed, the US ambassador is summoned to the Soviet foreign ministry in Moscow and confronted with the evidence. He agrees to have Operation Torch called off in return for silence on the part of the Soviets.

Izvestiya is later able to report: "TASS is authorised to declare that Soviet counter-intelligence has uncovered and neutralised a CIA operation aimed against the USSR and Nagonia."
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Intricate, detailed, spy drama of Cold War
iconians30 July 2010
I seen this movie some years ago as a child and now I had the chance to re-watch it again. Many movies that we loved as children now become silly and lose its charm, not this one though.

The movie is set in the early 1980's, and while the Cold War is over, this ovie remains by far one of the smartest movie ever made.

The premise is the following: In a fictional African country that is now supported by USSR, an uprising (that is supported by the USA) is about to depose its leadership. Because USSR has an agreement to step in, the CIA has to find out exactly what will USSR do in order to make their move.

All this was prompted by the anonymous letter that was given to the USSR consulate of the neighboring country, which the author claims to witness CIA meeting its Russian Agent.

The other main plots are these: 1 - In Moscow KGB General (Tikhonov) has to find a an American spy, a Russian who is leaking classified information to the CIA. He sends Colonel Slavin (Solomin) to the African country in order to figure out who the author of the letter is, who the spy may be, as well as other CIA related actions.

The parts that set this movie apart from many others is the details that are missing everywhere else. For example, when Slavin arrives to the country, in order to find out about a previous accident, we see him masterfully banter with locals. He does not press them for answers but merely uses his superior intellect to slowly massage the conversation to get information he needs.

Another situation is when KGB General (Tikhonov) is analyzing known information in order to make decisions.The detail given to the back story and the facts and the reasons, makes it plausible and paints realistic view of how such decisions are made in that situation. In a separate episodes, 10 minute shots were shown in details to not give the audience answers but merely to guide them through the process.

Yes, I will admit, that at times the movie can be a bit slow, such as during some of the ethical or sociological conversations, where for good 10-15 minutes, nothing really happens except two people quoting famous thinkers of the past in order to push western or socialist reasoning.

I find that to be the difference between quality adaptations and Hollywood money making layer-less flicks. Yes, you can cut 10-15 minutes from each episode because nothing really happens there, but there is actually something happens.

That conversation Slavin had with another person in earlier episode, was just 15 minutes of nothing really, except it achieved one of the important things: down the line when it came to the point to judging that person's motives & reasons to betray his country, Slavin was able to make the correct decision. Such layered nuances in acting and script, create a movie that can withstand time.

The last reason why I really enjoyed this movie is because it's the most realistic one, where each side KGB/CIA are treated as smart counterparts. The movie does not try to push agenda or paint one or the other as unpatriotic, it simply stays away from that. Instead of shows both sides thinking, methods, and reasons for doing what they do.

This is truly a masterpiece
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Cult and table top must have
levelclearer24 December 2016
"TASS is authorized to declare" is TV series story created 99% from real events which really did took place in USSR during Brezhnev. CIA managed to recruit an officer working in one of the secret departments of the Soviet Ministry of Foreign affairs, so American intelligence starts to receive highly secret classified information about Soviet international activities directly from the top of the table in the highest cabinets of the Soviet MFA. Quite soon Soviets start indirectly to feel a leak judging by the American government behavior and take active measures to detect who is the mole. The TV series show a big game of the Soviet intelligence VS American intelligence in detail, the characters on both sides brilliantly played by top Soviet and foreign actors, the tactics and strategies of the intelligencies, and the political situation in the world determined by the civilizational clash between the Russian world and the Americanized world. If you are into a good political detective, this is a must watch.
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