"The Magical World of Disney" Bride of Boogedy (TV Episode 1987) Poster

David Faustino: Corwin Davis


  • Jennifer Davis : [In fright]  It's Mr. Boogedy! I saw him! He's back!

    Carleton Davis : [Sarcastically]  Oh I'm sure you did. Was he real big and scary?

    Jennifer Davis : Daddy!

    Corwin Davis : Did he drool all over you?

    Aurie Davis : Did he bite your neck?

    Eloise Davis : Carleton!

  • Lazarus : It's a statue.

    Corwin Davis : We knew that. Who are you?

    Lazarus : I'm Lazarus. I dig graves.

    Jennifer Davis : Uh, huh. Sounds like fun. We gotta go.

    Lazarus : Wait! Don't you want to see it?

  • Lazarus : [Referring to the statue]  It's been here as long as the graveyard. Maybe longer.

    Corwin Davis : Who's it of?

    Lazarus : An old pilgrim. His name: William Hanover.

    Jennifer Davis : That's Mr. Boogedy!

  • Jennifer Davis : [Looking for Boogedy in the woods]  There! He was right there!

    Carleton Davis : [Bushes rush]  Ow! You see anything?

    Corwin Davis : [Throws a rock, cat screeches] 

    Aurie Davis : Aw, Jennifer! You little baby!

    Corwin Davis : Yeah Jennifer!

    Carleton Davis : Booged goes! Come on.

  • Carleton Davis : Elois, look at this! He completly wrecked my microphone! I'm going to get him for this!

    Eloise Davis : Get who?

    Carleton Davis : Look.

    [Hands over a pilgrim hat] 

    Jennifer Davis : "T.R Lynch," I should have known.

    Eloise Davis : That's terrible!

    Carleton Davis : Would you believe it; a grown man acting like a little boy.

    Corwin Davis : What are you going to do dad? Punch his lights out!

    Carleton Davis : First things first to mob to lynch Lynch!

    Eloise Davis : Carleton! I think you boys are getting carried away. This isn't going to make matters any better.

    Carleton Davis : Mom's right guys. I mean, just because he ruined my new microphone and practically eletricuted me. I'll blow up his store.

    Corwin Davis : Yeah!

  • Carleton Davis : It's Lynch. He must of followed us home.

    Jennifer Davis : Can you see him?

    Carleton Davis : No! He's hiding. Coward!

    Corwin Davis : Well let's go get him!

    Aurie Davis : Yeah!

    Eloise Davis : [Hold back the boys]  No wait! Carleton, you're an adult. I don't want any fighting!

    Corwin Davis : But Mom!

    Carleton Davis : Elois, this is differen't. He's sneaking up on our house. This is war!

    Aurie Davis : Yeah Mom, war.

    Corwin Davis : Dad's right. We can't let him get away with this.

    Carleton Davis : Alright you two stay here and protect the women.

  • Corwin Davis : [entering the General Store]  Helloooo? Mr. Lynch? Hey, we brought you a poster.

    Tom Lynch : So?

    Aurie Davis : Hey, Corwin! Look at this!

    [goes over to several barrels of old, broken toys] 

    Aurie Davis : See? There's dribble glasses, and buzzers...

    Corwin Davis : And spiders!

    [picks up a rubber spider out of the barrel, the legs fall off] 

    Jennifer Davis : Aw, yuck!

    Corwin Davis : What's wrong with these things?

    Tom Lynch : What's wrong with it? I'll tell you what's wrong with it! Bad little boys and girls who like to touch and BREAK things!

    Aurie Davis : We didn't break anything!

    Corwin Davis : Yeah! It's already broken! It's all old stuff!

    Tom Lynch : Well, it can't be all new stuff like your father has! See, this works!

    [picks up a kaleidascope] 

    Tom Lynch : All you have to do is...

    [he takes it away from his face, the kaleidascope has left a black ring around his eye. The kids snicker] 

    Tom Lynch : Well, it just needs a slight adjustment, is all.

    Jennifer Davis : You know, you might have more people in here if you weren't so mean.

    Tom Lynch : Oh, is that right? Well, we all can't be as popular as your father is! We don't want your kind here in Lucifer Falls! And we certaintly don't need another joke store, we've got all the jokes this town can handle, right here!

    Jennifer Davis : But this is a hardware store.

    Tom Lynch : Oh, is that so? Well it just so happens, this is a *General Store* little Miss Know It All!

    Jennifer Davis : [Jennifer spots Lynch's cloak and brimmed hat on the hat stand and is reminded of seeing Mr. Boogedy in the woods] 

    Tom Lynch : [looks over to the hat rack, then back to Jennifer]  What are you looking at?

    Jennifer Davis : Nothing.

    Tom Lynch : Did your father send you here to spy on me?

    Jennifer Davis : *Spy* on you?

    Aurie Davis : [picks up the poster and tears it in half]  Hey! What'd you do that for?

    Tom Lynch : I don't like posters!

    Corwin Davis : So? You didn't have to tear it up!

    Tom Lynch : I don't like carnivals! And I don't like kids! So, go on, get out of here! Beat it!

    [shoos the kids out of the store] 

    Tom Lynch : Go on! You should have got out of that house when you had the chance!

    [the kids leave] 

    Tom Lynch : Heh Heh Heh Heh! So, tried to pull a fast one on me, huh Davis? Well, when I get through with you...


    Tom Lynch : , you'll be sorry you ever moved to Lucifer Falls.

    [picks up the kaleidascope again, which still doesn't work, not knowing the gag has left another black circle under his other eye. He puts it back in the barrel] 

    Tom Lynch : Hmmph. Junk.

  • Corwin Davis : [a dark figure comes up the hallway in the wax musuem, his face masked in the cloak. He stretches out his arm and green lightning shoots out]  It's him!

    [back at the graveyard the split statue of William Hanover begins to bubble between the halves] 

    Jennifer Davis : It's Mr. Boogedy!

    [the figure steps closer and removes the hood] 

    Jennifer Davis : Mr. Lynch!

    Tom Lynch : It's mine now!

    Corwin Davis : You stole it from us!

    Tom Lynch : You people think you're so smart! Fooling everyone into liking you! Making believe you're stupid!

    Eloise Davis : Why would we make believe?

    Carleton Davis : Mr. Lynch, we don't have to fight! We can be friends!

    Tom Lynch : Ha! That's rich!

    Eloise Davis : You don't need a magic cloak to make friends!

    Tom Lynch : Easy for you to say! After you humiliate me in public, and steal the carnival right out from under me!

    Eloise Davis : Mr. Lynch, that cloak is *evil*.

    Tom Lynch : Yeah, sure it is. So evil, I should just take it off and give it over to you?

    [Lynch moves over to the wax figure over the pot and waves his hand so the figure looks at him] 

    Tom Lynch : Very clever Davis, very clever. See, you use this cloak so you can weasel your way into Lucifer Falls

    [he waves his hand and the statue's head faces forward] 

    Tom Lynch : ... and become mayor of Lucifest.

    Carleton Davis : No, no, that's not true. People would like to get to know you, if you gave them a chance...

    Jennifer Davis : Stop being so mean.

    Carleton Davis : Mr. Lynch, we'll be your friends.

    Tom Lynch : [motions to the kids]  What about them?

    Jennifer Davis , Corwin Davis : [the kids nod their heads]  Mmm hmm.

    Tom Lynch : No, it's a trick! Yeah, one of your stupid little *gags* isn't it, Davis?

    [turns to leave] 

    Carleton Davis , Eloise Davis : No, No!

    [motion for him to come back] 

    William Hanover : [a smokey, bubbling cloud apparition appears before Lynch]  Lynch! The Cloak! Bring me The Cloak!

    Carleton Davis : No, Mr. Lynch! Don't give it to him! Bring it to us!

    William Hanover : Now, Lynch, Now! I want that cloak! Now!

    [the smokey, bubbling apparition envelops Lynch, energizing him with the spirit of Mr. Boogedy. Lynch's hair stands on end and he begins to spin] 

    Carleton Davis : Oh, great!

    Eloise Davis : Mr. Lynch has been Boogedyized!

    Tom Lynch : [now posessed by the spirit of Mr. Boogedy, Lynch reaches out to Eloise and speaks in Mr. Boogedy's ghostly voice]  Marian!

See also

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