Home and Away (TV Series 1988– ) Poster

(1988– )

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catherinemncw19 May 2023
This would be much more bearable if they got rid of Felicity and Tane who are constantly pawing each other. It's nauseating. I thought she'd leave and stay away when she broke off the engagement but unfortunately Tane lured her back. Has he no sympathy for us. They could at least have sent her to rehab for a while, along long while, and give us all a break. Same with Cash and Remi. They're meant to be adults, not lovesick teens. It ruins the show. Felicity is the worse character ever, the actress can't act, everything is over the top including the ridiculous faces she makes. It went downhill when that stupid band rolled in to town. They are among my least liked characters, along with Justin (wooden, and even worse actor then Felicity), Alf, a despicable character, Irene an interfering old busybody and Roo the neighbour you would hate to have. Love Marilyn, John, Mac. Liked Tane pre Felicity Loved Dean and Ziggy.

We're just at the eve of the second attempt at the Felicity /Tane wedding and I'm hoping a bomb will go off in Salt when they are in there. Do us all a favour.

Time to get rid of the deadwood and freshen it up before it gets really boring. Because unfortunately it's heading that way.
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Bad characters
shepherdpaula18 November 2021
I've been watching home and away since it started and I love it, BUT some of the characters like that idiot Theo have really spoilt the program for me. I'm really hoping he will not be back next year or I won't be.
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A good place to escape to!
Leon-4012 July 1999
Summer Bay is a good place to escape to, every night. Something you can relate to..fun,vibrant, and there is always something happening, you're never bored! Over the years you get to think you know the characters, you've been watching them for so long. A show which I'll look back on and remember.
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This show gives Aussie TV a bad name.
ultrademonwarrior15 November 2019
The only thing it's good for, for me, is letting actors go on to bigger, better things. The story-lines are repetitive, which is par for the course with any soap opera (and I hate them all). The writing is sub-par, the acting varies, and sometimes, they get a bit amateurish with their camera-work. One example: Someone being interrogated about something, then it cuts closer to his face three times in less than three seconds, and it just looks tacky.

Everyone who doesn't live in Australia, don't worry, this is the worst show we have to offer. We make some good stuff, at least! Please avoid this like the plague.
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Worst Show Ever!
xyfdjm3 December 2022
I would rate this show a 0 if I could. Home & Away is a boring, repetitive and uncreative show set in a town in New South Wales where random things happen. The characters are unlikeable and the show was terrible from the beginning. Overtime, the show became drastically worse, which I didn't think was possible. The story/stories are pointless and uncreative.

The acting is some of the worse I've ever seen, probably in my whole life and don't get me started on the dialogue. The scripts for some episodes are utterly awful. Some episodes don't make any sense and dialogue is thrown around for no particular reason in some scenes in certain episodes.

This show fails on every level and my advice, stay away from this terrible and overrated show.
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Where Do I begin???
NeverAgain8523 January 2010
Lets start off with the line "Im Sorry", yes, this is the most overused line in the whole show. People get thick with each other, say I'm sorry,everything is hunky dory again, and then it all starts again,over,and over,and over,and over again. Second off, the story lines are mind boggling, absolutely, atrocious. Each character in the whole show has to be the most unluckiest person in the world,being cheated on, being accused of murder, get pregnant by someone who eventually leaves town, and then finally death, or just leaves anyway because his/her business contract has expired after 2 years. 1 of these things has happened to at least all the character on the show. And the drinking problem storyline is still there, yup, after 22 years,its still there. And you know what makes me really sick is that each character has to stick their nose in to other peoples business, and the other person gladly tells them everything thats happening in their life, while the other person says "well if there's anything i can do,let me know" if it was me,id tell them to mind their own go damn business. Each person is one and the same. It is so unreal that this programme gets funding. This is the perfect example of bad television, it is juvenile, the female adults are either pure soccer mom stereotypes, or just act like teenagers themselves. Its a disgrace
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Casting Awful
lucinda_williams20 July 2022
The casting in the past year is absolutely awful. So many wooden actors with no personalities. The show has lost its family feel and the characters feel separate as a year ago they were like one big family. Far to many 20 year olds just bed hoping around the bay. The direction the show is going isn't for me! After 20+ years of watching it's time for me to switch off!
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bevo-1367831 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I like the bit when Alf Stewart says "ya flaming mongrel"
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taloolah8523 May 2006
I have to say that I am from the UK and i love and always have loved Home and Away. I've watched it since Pippa and Sally, Michael and Bobby and Marilyn were in it!! Just to say not all people in the UK don't like Home and Away. Many just prefer Eastenders and all the British soaps because they are home-grown and because to them, Home and Away is sometimes not as real-life and gritty as British soaps-not taking anything away from Home and Away as it is a brilliantly entertaining programme. Anyway, just wanted to comment on the last comment posted. Also, this is one good video -classic Home and Away with lots of the old classic characters from the beginning!
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briortega22 July 2020
When was the last time a new character joined the show that wasn't built like a flawless gym junkie as a male or a flawless stick figure for the females? Considering none of them ever use the gym or do any serious physical activity, how do they expect us to believe them based purely on their physique? Then there's the cardboard acting together with the cliche storyline...

Anyone who's been to an Australian country town knows that having one buff guy living there that doesn't play football/rugby is near on impossible. Then add in that every person in town is the most stylish person to ever live without wearing any brand names, when in reality, brand names are common and style isn't much of a factor in country towns.

You have to wonder if the casting directors have ever left a modelling studio if they think these people are an accurate representation of country life.
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Long time fan
andreacaple-8156516 March 2021
I have been watching this outstanding Australian Drama for as long as I can remember and still watch every episode, like if I was going to church on a Sunday morning haha... The actors are great people when/if you get the opportunity to do so.

Hope the show continues to bring great storylines out of the surf and goes on for many years to come.
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Pleasing Fluff for Daily Viewing
supersoaker90015 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I used to watch Home and Away when I was a kid but as I grew up stopped watching it. I recently, at the age of 27, caught up on YouTube on the last month of the program and I like it. If you're not looking for over-realistic soap then this is a great program to watch.

When compared with British soaps it's more light-hearted, funny and entertaining to watch. I for one don't pay for a TV licence so that I can watch a realistic program about a bunch of unwashed-looking English people shouting at each other. Watching shows like Eastenders in comparison it's no wonder all foreigners think we're booze hounds who like to fight and talk in stupid accents.

Don't get me wrong, Home and Away isn't perfect: between the big story lines where something huge happens (like the Hugo skipping town storyline and corrupt cop Eaves), some story lines can get a little banal, like Alf's fear of a ventriloquist dummy spanning SEVERAL episodes, or Elijah's parents being annoying for an entire WEEK but accomplishing nothing much is a bit boring and annoying, but some story lines keep things ticking along nicely and prevent it from getting horrible to watch.

One of the biggest flaws with this show is that there is ALWAYS someone with a drinking problem every couple of months, there is ALWAYS a wedding that's getting rocky during planning, there's ALWAYS a young girl and an older guy crush... aka the standard soap story lines. It would be nice if H&A broke the mould and came up with a new 'dramatic' story line.

What I love about soaps is that you can pick up after a long time of not watching it and just start; you'll get caught up soon enough. With Home and Away this is especially easy because they keep it simple, which is what I like.
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It's had it's day. Time for something new.
poprocktom16 February 2015
This show has been around for years. It's been a success and now it's getting kinda boring. The acting isn't terrible but it isn't the best in the world. Most of the acting is good but some is just annoying and can make me cringe. The story lines used to be good, really good now it's just unrealistic, repetitive and just boring. Sure every season finale is packed with (unrealistic) drama which is worth a watch but most of the other story lines through the rest of the entire season is just annoying. It doesn't try and break the boundaries like it used to and it looks like the writers are trying too hard to be risky but end up failing. They have had only 1 storyline which I actually enjoyed back in 2012 (I think) where Rosie got raped. That felt realistic and was actually enjoyable. It wasn't filled with murders, gangs, annoying people complaining about minuscule problems or boring comical relief. Ever since then it has only had boring gangs, murder, violence, annoying love triangles and drug deals which were entertaining at first but it's filled with it now and it gets boring. I want to see story lines that teens face. They have teenage characters but only give them boring annoying primary school issues. By primary school I mean story lines that teens would just shrug off and kids in primary school would make a big deal out of. I want to see story lines such as Anorexia, homosexuality, peer pressure, child abuse, suicide, bullying/cyber bullying, self harm or teen pregnancies. I want to see that come into the show than maybe if give it another go.
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Watch the earlier episodes...
da cissy pimp16 August 2001
Those people who, like me, live in Australia should know that Channel 7 is currently screening the older episodes of "Home and Away" (otherwise known as "Home and Away, The Early Years) in addition to the new ones. I would recommend watching these older episodes (which, at the time of my writing this, go all the way back to 1989), but forgetting about the current ones. The earlier episodes of "Home and Away" seem a lot fresher (probably because all of the storylines had only been recycled a few times, rather than fifty or so which is no doubt the case by now), and also give the viewer a chance to laugh at all of the horrible late '80s fads and fashions depicted in them (I remember one earlier episode, for example, which had Carly wearing a T-shirt with the message "Twenty Decades Old" on it; God, that is sooooooooooooo 1988!). The characters also seem a lot more interesting A friend of mine once said that the series really suffered when that lovable pair of dimwits Lance and Martin left it; he may well have been right.

Although I have attempted to watch the newer episodes of "Home and Away" on various occasions, I came to the sad conclusion that I was simply killing too many brain cells each time I did this, so have since given up on them. From what I have heard from other people who still watch the current episodes, I have gathered that these episodes have two glaring faults ie:

1) the producers are more concerned with ISSUES these days than simply telling a story.

2) the show is now filled with annoying fifteen year-olds who are always wanting to hop into bed with each other ie it's trying to become the Australian version of "Dawson's Creek" (another lame show).
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Tired , lame and needs to be put down
johnginesi-7227819 February 2021
Home and Away was a great Aussie soap in 1988 to 2000, when the River boys moved in I moved out, I loath the show because it has lost it's magical scripts fun and laughter, replaced by cardboard actors resembling an amateur hour series. Even some of the great actors don't watch it now, we lost Roo Justine Clarke later replaced by fake Roo Georgie Parker, she does not fit in should have stayed in A Country Practice, the show has gone off the rails and over the ravine, bring back the fun and I will improve my score. Early H&A was far superior.
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Absolutely Unbearable
Home and Away is easily the worst television show I have ever had the unfortunate chance of watching. It is physically hard to put into words how much I dislike this show, there is quite literally nothing good I can say about it. First of all the writing is absolutely terrible. Every character is written in exactly the same, incredibly boring manner and it's hard to differentiate between the characters at times because of this. They're all absolutely dull and are portrayed with abysmal performances from the cast. The story basically repeats itself over and over again in Home and Away and it's hard to see why people would still live in the fictional town the show is set in as nothing ever happens in it apart from everyone in the show being shady and having melodramatic problems that make me want to throw a brick at the screen, as well as the occasional death. To be honest I'm not entirely sure how this show has been running for so long and how people can actually enjoy watching it but hey, be that as it may.
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It's a bit boring really
marc_mcintyre21 July 2022
It's very slow paced for a soap. Not a lot goes on. The writing is terrible and it's just a bit boring. Used to be great back In the day. Maybe time to rest this show if this is all they can give.
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Home and Away is brilliant!
zanystreet17 May 2006
I really think that home and away is amazing. It is so much better than that rubbish neighbours! I tune in to watch it everyday and i'm never disappointed! My favourite characters are Robbie, Matilda, Cassie, Rick, Lucas, Sally, Flynn, Leah and Barry. I watched it when I was on school holidays when it was on ITV but I started watching it again a few years ago. It so easy to catch up on even though a lot of dramatic story lines have gone by. I also like Scott and Hayley even though it was a different actress by the time they left. I am ecstatic Scott is going to be a paramedic in casualty called Greg I hope he does really well in it. So in conclusion home and away is my favourite programme and everyone should watch it!-Alice.S
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Good family show
moniquemarkov26 August 2018
I'm from nz and we our top tv soap is Shortland street. The quality of acting and story lines are far better than shorty.
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Someone needs to fire the script writers.
nickrandallphotography3 February 2022
This show just got even stupider in 2022 and I did not think it possible.

The scripts make no sense whatsoever so I won't waste any more time on this review except to say we now find that the Antiques Road Show delivers much more interesting content, characters, and story drama.
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What a TV Show
kenonutt22311 July 2006
I used to love that show all the time. I even used to watch that show all the time as well. This was a great show. I knew that it reminds me that Australian was my favorite nationality. I should buy the VERY 1st season on DVD. Since earlier before it was released, I was watching Fame. The theme was great. It should be on TV again. I could always remember that show. And back in 2002, I even watched the newer version. Just before I moved to BC, when I lived in Manitoba, I even discovered the first season of Home & Away. I should get the first season of Home & Away, just like that I got the first season of Fame on DVD. I always love home and away. I used to find that show MOST ADORABLE! It's been a perfect show.
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Still consistently good!
Victor-fitforlife7 February 2022
This show is still as good as it ever was. I'm from the UK and started watching it as a kid in the late 80s. I enjoyed it then and I enjoy it now. Yes like all long running dramas it will go through periods of poor storylines just as it goes through periods of superb storylines, but more often than not it is good, entertaining family viewing.

And all that sunshine and all those healthy and fit looking people alongside the excellent main characters is worth an extra mark.

Good show and long may it continue!
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Low Skill Acting . Poor Storylines every 3 Years
sean-435547 August 2022
This show should have been dismantled years back How has this. Bay remained.in tact , given it has sustained more natural disasters. Than the Pacific Ocean fault line and hurricane season . More bush fires than all of eastern Australia 🇦🇺, it's actually pathetic.

Then add the poor acting , pathetic special effects , story lines that are either over the he top, unbelievable and WOKE, you have a pathetic tv show meant/targeted for 12 year old girls . The storyline's are repeated every 3 years to expose the new batch of tweens as the old fans grow out of this crap .
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A light-hearted but entertaining show
helen-213 July 1999
I think H&A is a great show. You have to appreciate the history to enjoy the show. The show has a lot of history and helps budding young actors get started. Kate Richie is one of the best actors, probably because she was there from the start and we (the viewers) were able to see her grow up. The show is obviously a little exaggerated I mean our ordinary life is not as adventurous but I think that's what makes us (the viewers) watch it. Thanks for a teriffic show, I will always watch it.
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