Coming to America (1988) Poster

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Wonderful movie!
Chromium_526 February 2004
The first part of this movie, showing Eddie Murphy's life as an African prince, is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I loved it. The wedding ceremony alone was so funny, I almost fell out of my chair from laughing so hard. I thought this could be one of the funniest movies of all time.

At about the halfway point, though, it stops being a laugh-a-minute riot, and kind of settles down into more of a quiet romance movie. The scene at the basketball game (with the man who worships Murphy) is the last really hilarious thing that happens. After that, it never again reaches the energy of the beginning.

This is not really a bad thing, though: it is still enjoyable from start to finish, even during the quiet parts. It has good actors, and it is fun to watch, and that makes it a great movie. I highly recommend it; it is one of my favorite comedies. I give it 8 out of 10 stars. See it if you haven't.
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Pure 80's fun ...
ElMaruecan8217 April 2012
"Coming to America" is one of these films that best exemplifies the 80's exuberance and unique appeal, it's raunchy and outrageous on the surface but sweet and good-hearted inside. And the film carries such a tender naivety in its portrayal of the fictional country of Zamunda and Royal Family's lifestyle that it makes today's films depressingly cynical in their desperate attempt to copy reality by any means or feature likable losers making their bones on redeeming bitches.

Yes, a country like Zamunda is very improbable but that makes the beginning of the film so fascinating. That Prince Akeem, waking up on his 21st birthday, would be treated with such an exaggerated devotion echoes one of Cinema's greatest values: escapism and dream. It doesn't work in every case but here it does and for a simple reason: the "Coming to America" plot line perfectly contrasts with the "Coming from Zamunda"set-up, Zamunda had to be in a total opposition with New York for the film's own comedic purposes. It doesn't avoid some clichés like the passing of zebras and elephants to show that the film is set in the African continent, yet it's one of these moments we remember the most from the film just before, as the trailer says, the fairy tale stops as soon as the first shot of New York City appears.

"Coming to America", directed by John Landis and starring Eddie Murphy, is in the same vein than their previous work in "Trading Places", a movie that I compared to Frank Capra's classics. Only this time, it's not a wags to riches story but quite the opposite, it's a Cinderella story told in reverse since it's the Prince Akeem who comes to America to marry a woman, and as he explains to his friend Semmi (Aresnio Hall) : "I want a woman who will arouse my intellect as well as my loins". This premise leads to a succession of situations so funny that you almost forget about the romantic purpose of Prince Akeem's trip and the presence of Arsenio Hall as the second lead of the film is responsible of that as he literally outshines all the other cast members and creates the perfect comic-straight man duo that this kind of stories need. Semi's priceless look from the window when Akeem shouts: "Life. Real life! A thing that we have been denied for far too long!" is the perfect counterpart to Akeem's naive enthusiasm as he joyfully gives the F-word back to an angry neighbor.

After they find a place to live and a job, the whole New York's discovery part is a tribute to the actors' extraordinary talent to portray different characters from chatting barbers to drags, from singers to pervert reverends, they both nail their roles and we, as viewers, are invited to spot them every once in a while. Eddie Murphy is top notch as the old Jewish man in the barbershop, such an uncanny impression that I admit it fooled me the first time I saw it. The beauty of "Coming to Africa" is that it features two levels of true appreciation, one on the story and another through a series of sketch-like vignettes demonstrating two sides of the actors' talent, without overdoing them. In a way, "Coming to America" prefigures the appeal of Eddie Murphy's "Nutty Professor" and his wonderful talent as a comedian when given a good role, and Prince Akeem is one of his best. But to attribute the success of the film only on Eddie Murphy's talent would be untrue, and even more unfair.

Another force of the film relies on the whole casting, starting with the perfect couple that could have ever played Akeem's parents: James Earl Jones as the authoritarian King Jaffe Joffe and Madge Sinclair as the most comprehensive mother but no less Queen Aoloan, both who'd team up later to play much ore memorable royal couple in a certain Disney film set in Africa. Both Jones and Sinclair possess a majestic and absolutely irresistible aura, and the powerful image of King Jaffe Joffe inspires an ominous sensation beautifully conveyed by the music that accompanies his own entrance in New York. The rest of the cast include another veteran actor, John Amos, as the McDowell restaurant chain owner, Shari Hadley as his beautiful daughter, Eriq La Salle as her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend, Samuel L. Jackson in his typical scene-stealing 80's supporting roles and it also features briefs but heart-warming cameos of Don Ameche and Ralph Bellamy as … you know, and if you don't, well, make a guess.

As a comedy and romance (not a romantic comedy, mind you) the film is not without some predictable situations, but it delivers what is expected, it's funny, it has a happy ending, and most of hits scenes can be watched regardless of their context. It's a great movie to watch and re-watch and its classical status can't be denied, since 24 years later after its release, the image of Murphy as the Old Jewish man, Arsenio Hall as a woman, the McDowell's logo and the unforgettable 'Soul Glo' will forever be associated with the 80's, a decade where movies were made just for fun and only for fun.
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Excellent humor and a nice story
philip_vanderveken10 April 2005
I once used to be a fan of Eddie Murphy and his movies, but in recent years the only one of "his" movies that I loved was 'Shrek'. He's excellent as the voice of Donkey, but the rest of his movies aren't exactly the best examples of fine humor (think of movies like 'The Nutty Professor'). It's a good thing that from time to time you can still see one of his older ones on the television, so you won't forget that the man really has some talent.

In this movie Eddie Murphy plays, most of the time, the role of Prince Akeem of Zamunda. On his 21st birthday he'll have to marry a woman he has never seen before. Because he isn't too happy with that and because he wants a wife that can do more than doing exactly what he tells her to do (like for instance barking like a dog), he decides to go to America to find the love of his life. The only problem is that the girl shouldn't love him for his title and his money, but for his personality. At first all he gets is a big culture shock, but eventually he'll find a girl he really likes...

This movie is really one of the funniest Eddie Murphy has ever made. It has a good story and offers plenty of laughs, but this isn't a comedy full of toilet humor and may therefor seem dated to the youngest viewers (let's say those who were born in the nineties). Personally I really appreciated the fact that not all humor was about farting, vomiting and other bodily functions, but perhaps that's just me, perhaps I'm just getting too old to understand today's humor (almost 27 right now).

There are some excellent parts in the movie (I really love those old men at the barber shop for instance) and overall the quality is high enough to enjoy the entire movie. That's why I give it a 7.5/10.
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Another Great Comedy Starring Eddie Murphy
soranno14 December 2002
After several years of starring in rowdy action comedies and con man capers, Eddie Murphy gets a chance to deliver a more restrained performance with this film and he manages to do so very well. Murphy portrays Akeem, an African prince who is being pressured into a forced marriage by his parents (James Earl Jones, Madge Sinclair). The woman that they have chosen for him only sees him for his royalty and therefore does not really love him. Akeem sees this right away and brings his loyal servant, Semi (Arsenio Hall) along with him on a discreet mission to America where Akeem hopes to find a beautiful woman who will love him and accept him for who he really is and not just see him for his royalty. Posing as "common folk", Akeem and Semi get jobs at a McDonald's style restaurant and Akeem soon falls for the daughter (Shari Headley) of the restaurant's owner (John Amos). The film features many hilarious scenes and characters especially a group of boxing obsessed senior citizens who spend their days arguing with a barber shop owner. Murphy and Hall demonstrate their levels of versatility by managing to go under heavy makeup and portray several different costarring roles. Yet another example of why Murphy is one of the funniest actors in recent Hollywood history.
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Gotta love this off the wall comedy
mjw230529 December 2006
Eddie Murphy is the Prince of Zamunda, he is very wealthy and very pampered. When he refuses to marry the bride his father has arranged for him, he goes to Queens to find his queen. With his closest companion (Arsenio Hall) they try to blend in with the everyday people of New York, taking jobs as cleaners in a local burger bar.

The entire film is packed with slick gags, hilarious characters and delightful parody. Coming to American is a romantic comedy that entertains you again and again, and Eddie Murphy is on top form throughout.

Recommended 7/10
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Eddie Murphy's greatest movie.
PWNYCNY7 November 2005
If "Trading Places" is Dan Ackroyd's greatest movie, then "Coming to America" is Eddie Murphy's greatest movie, and for much the same reasons. Although the movie may be considered a comedy, and indeed has its humorous moments, its theme is quite serious. For it's about a man who is willing to sacrifice money, privilege, power, and position in quest for personal happiness. This is a powerful role and Eddie Murphy is great in this role. This movie is proof that when given the chance, a comic actor like Eddie Murphy is capable of playing a complex character that is central to a story. The producers of this movie evidently knew that in Eddie Murphy they had a actor around whom they could create an excellent movie, and with this movie they prove they were right.
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This movie makes you feel royalty
ironhorse_iv21 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so rich with funny scenes that you can't help feeling good about yourself after watching this movie. There are so many gems in this movie from the "She's Your Queen" song, the McDowell's vs. McDonald's shtick, to the preacher relating a bikini pageant to God's creation. There is countless amounts of funny humor. Coming to America stars Eddie Murphy as Akeem. Akeem is an African prince from the made up country of Zamunda. The depiction of Zamunda was hilarious, and I'm floored that some critics took it serious due to it making fun of Africans natures. First off, the portrayal of Africa is nothing like Africa itself and I think we all know that not all African women are subservient and are only interested in wealth. Yes, the African culture stresses obedience among other things but there is a fine line between being obedient and being subservient. Let's note that the portrayed is very fictitious, so don't get too serious about this. Most people who saw this film surely know that many African countries suffer from dire poverty, so some people might not find the story of a fabulously wealthy "African Prince" aristocrat going to America, not interesting. The reason for this is that Zamunda is based on the country of Zaire. Akeem's father, King Jaffe Joffer (James Earl Jones) the cap and lion pelt sash wearing king is modeled on Mobutu Sese Seko who ruled the country of Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) from 1965 until shortly before his death in 1997, was one of the most evil dictators of the 20th Century, right up there with Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and Idi Amin. The idea of a popular movie glorifying this level of theft, treating it as an object of amusement, is nauseating to some. Still the movie is interesting. Akeem go to Queen to avoid a loveless, arranged marriage and find a wife whom he can respect for her intelligence, non-materialistic and independent. That's so funny in a way, because how he misunderstood that by going to Queens that we will find a royal type woman. He will give up all his wealth and stand up to his domineering family in the name of freedom to feel disconnect in America due to the fresh off the boat misunderstanding of everything, and getting into all kinds of ridiculous situations with being an immigrant in America. Eddie Murphy's playing of the pampered prince was equally funny as Murphy manages to look smug and naive at the same time. I could easily understand his need to get away from the Royal Family and see what some other part of the world was like. Akeem and his sidekick Semi (Arsenio Hall) get mediocre jobs at a McDonald's rip off, McDowell and meet some interesting characters on the way. Characters like Lisa McDowell (Shari Headley) and her father Cleo (John Amos). Star spotters will have a field day locating Cuba Gooding Jr., Donna Summer, Louie Anderson, Eriq La Salle and Samuel L. Jackson in their minuscule supporting roles. Not only those Murphy and Hall play the two main characters, but countless amounts of sub characters in makeup. The make up on this film is amazing. Eddie Murphy was Clarence the barber and horrible singer Randy Watson. Believe it or not, the Jewish guy is also Eddie Murphy. Mind blown. Hall was also Morris the barber and Reverend Brown in the film. The movie was light and frivolous, just as expected. Gags were aplenty. The acting bordered on corny, but that's common in comedies. I left the video wondering if Queens was actually that bad or if it was just all part of the joke. Good funny movie and a very sweet story, made at the peak of Murphy's popularity. Check it out.
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Murphy and Hall shine
SmileysWorld13 April 2002
It must take a lot of hard work to play multi characters film,and the hard work of Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall really pay off.They take a very unique idea for a film,play most of the characters in it,and the results are nothing short of hilarious.Murphy plays (among others), Prince Akeem of Zumunda.Akeem,discouraged with the arranged marriage tradition of his beloved country,seeks to find the true meaning of love in America.The typical fish out of water style here is worked to perfection by Murphy,as well as Hall.Also excellent are James Earl Jones(as always),and Madge Sinclair as King Jaffe and Queen Aoleon, Akeem's parents.Jones and Sinclair would later portray husband and wife again 6 years later,as the parents of Simba in The Lion King,a little trivia for those of you who may not have known.There is a clever tie-in involving Don Ameche and Ralph Bellamy,portraying their characters from another Murphy film,Trading Places.A unique story,great character acting and a great supporting cast make Coming to America great fun to watch.
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Extremely over-indulgent but it has its moments
planktonrules10 June 2007
In some ways, seeing this film is a tad disturbing to me. First, the film has a pretty big budget and plenty of gloss--and this has the effect of muting Eddie Murphy's natural comedic talents. Second, while it's obvious that he and his buddy Arsenio had a great time making this film, I felt like I was watching an inside joke and just didn't see what all the hubbub was about, as the movie made huge bucks at the box office. While there were some decent moments here and there, it just seemed like Murphy was standing around smiling at the camera expecting to be loved and adored instead of being funny. This was especially true during the scenes where he and Arsenio played multiple roles--it just wasn't all that funny.
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Hilarious romantic-comedy-drama with a great ensemble cast
aaronclemens5 February 2005
Coming to America centers on the story of young prince, set up for an arranged marriage. He leaves his home in Africa to find a woman that he can truly love. Like all good tales, this one has already been told many times. It covers how a newcomer must adjust to a new culture, including encountering difficulties in the romance department, and fathers who just don't understand. This is all done to comedic effect, but not without romantic and dramatic overtones, to the credit of all involved.

I could watch this movie every week (actually, I have been lately, since it's on CINEMAX). The writing and direction was fantastic, the film is perfectly paced, with constant sight gags and witty repartee. The film works because actors selected have great timing.

Eddie Murphy (Akeem, et al) is quite versatile as the lead. He's in his very best form, earnest when he needs to in this feel-good comedy, with on-point comic timing.

Shari Headley (Lisa McDowell), she's level headed, perfect in delivering outrage and frustration as well as contentment and laughter.

Allison Dean (Princess in "Cool as Ice") as Patricia is not only hot, I love her nappturality hair styles. (Shari's got some nice ones too). Allison ideally portrays the jilted, petulant, and gold-digging little sister.

Eriq La Salle (Darryl) is the outlandish villain you can actually feel sorry for. His Jeri curl, damn, it's atrocious.

Arsenio Hall (Semmi, et al) was a great, smarmy, sidekick.

I could go on and on. The supporting cast, from James Earl Jones (King Jaffe Joffer) and Madge Sinclair (Queen Aoleon) to Frankie Faison (Landlord) and Samuel L. Jackson (hold-up guy), are spectacular.

Every time I watch it again, I find something new. I enjoyed it when I was younger, but now I like it even more.
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It aged okay, still some funny scenes with Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall.
deloudelouvain12 April 2021
I just rewatched Coming To America thirty-three years after it first came out. I rewatched it to set up the mood for the sequel that just came out so many years later and that I will watch tomorrow. The first one is still funny, maybe not as funny as the first time I watched it but still good enough to entertain me. Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall both play four different characters and credits to the makeup artists that did a good job changing their looks completely. The movie got nominated at the Oscars for Best Costume Design and Best Make up. Maybe not really Oscar material but they did a good job altogether. The story is enjoyable to watch, maybe a bit simple but then again it's a simple movie. After so many years there are still scenes that were fresh in my mind so I guess it had some impact since the first time I watched it. Up to the sequel now, which I heard wasn't as good.
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Just saw this again after 33 years...
Top_Dawg_Critic6 March 2021
...and I loved it. Had to refresh my memory before I see C2A. It's nuts how many familiar-now names were in that one; Cuba Gooding Jr., Samuel L. Jackson, Louie Anderson, John Amos, etc. For a 1988 movie, it was excellent. Hoping part 2 is as good if not better.
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Murphy still holds the throne of this "comedy fable".
emm6 May 1999
COMING TO AMERICA was Eddie Murphy's finest hour, and a big shift from raucous movies prior to this. So far, this remains to be Murphy's best effort, and not like these overblown remakes of the 90s. It's still the old-fashioned love story where a modern-day Cupid finds a new mate. but it took a genius like John Landis to turn it into a royal fairy tale set on the streets of Queens. And talk about a BIG movie, because it certainly feels like one! Murphy handles a very capable part as an African prince using his "royal oats" to find the new bride-to-be he really wants. While he seriously proves to be funny (and has often tried), he's less vulgar and much more profound in his comedic acting. Notice how two cultures collide, and how they interact directly with the movie's sense of humor. Best moments: the "cameos" of Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall anywhere in the movie. Whenever you see any of John Landis' creations, always remember to look for the little ad that says "See You Next Wednesday".
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I just did not think it ran well on all cylinders.
Aaron13751 July 2008
This Eddie Murphy comedy was somewhat funny at times, but I don't know...for me it missed the mark. Started out relatively strong, but faded in the end when it got a bit to sentimental, which admittedly a lot of comedies tend to do. The story has Murphy as a Prince who is to be married to a woman who has been groomed to be his bride by following his every command. Eddie's character does not want this though, he yearns to find real love so he is off to America a place where not everyone knows who he is to find Mrs. Right as it were. He gets a job as a worker at a McDonald's rip off type joint (which to me is the funniest parts of the movie) and falls for the daughter of the man who runs this establishment all the while keeping his identity as a prince a secret. Arsenio is rather good as his faithful traveling companion as is most of the cast. They are not the problem, the fact this movie tends to lag is. Slow lengths of the film where there is not all that much funny stuff going on, the movie is under two hours, but feels more like a two and a half hour movie. I say I would have liked it more had they trimmed it down ten or so minutes and kept the laughs going throughout the whole movie as they were the first part of it.
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Royal Laughs
george.schmidt28 February 2003
COMING TO AMERICA (1988) *** Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, James Earl Jones, Madge Sinclair, Shari Headley, John Amos, Eriq La Salle, Louie Anderson. Murphy does a fine job as an African prince unhappy about his upcoming nuptials to a woman he has never met so he sets off to New York to find his true love (and queen) with some sweet moments as well as comic (thanks largely to his and Hall's neat hat trick of playing several different characters thanks to the miracle of Rick Baker's make up). Look sharply for Vondie Curtis Hall (of tv's "Chicago Hope") as an overly welcoming fellow native stateside; Cuba Gooding Jr. in a blink-and-you'll miss cameo (getting a haircut) and the clever inserting of Don Ameche and Ralph Bellamy as the Randolph Brothers from Murphy's and director John Landis' previous joint effort "Trading Places". Best bit: Murphy becoming a real New Yorker and greeting a screaming abusive neighbor with "Yes! Yes! ... and F**K YOU TOO!!!"
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Has its issues but really funny overall
ronakkotian6 March 2021
I'm a fan of Eddie Murphy. He's a comedic actor who I don't get tired off and manages to bring such a delightful presence to each film he acts in. Coming to America is one of his ventures that is very funny.

Coming to America revolves around Akeem, an African prince who travels to Queens, New York in search for his bride.

Coming 2 America has arrived and to prepare I watched this film for the very first time. The entire cast of this film is great. Eddie Murphy as usual is fantastic. He plays a likeable character and you root for him the whole way through. The film doesn't use his comedic talent to the fullest but I guess with the way the character was written he's meant to seem more sweet than funny. Regardless there are scenes where Murphy shows his comedic abilities and is able to shine. Alongside him, Arsenio Hall is also terrific here. Him and Murphy have great chemistry with each other and he's really funny here. It also surprised me by the amount of characters both play. It shows their range in comedic acting and how good the makeup team were in disguising them. John Amos, James Earl Jones and Madge Sinclair were all great. Shari Headley was great even though I wish there was more to her character. There were also a few cameos showing big actors who were not that well known at the time like Cuba Gooding Jr. and Samuel L. Jackson.

The film had plenty of jokes to make you laugh throughout and the way some actors delivered those jokes made it even funnier. From a story standpoint, there is room for improvement. I thought the whole romance angle wasn't developed enough and the film ended too neatly in my opinion. A conflict is set up towards the end which could have developed characters further but the film decided to wrap it up as soon as possible. It felt as if a chunk of the film was missing.

Aside from those issues, Coming to America is a decent watch. The acting is solid by everyone especially from Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall who seemed to have a lot of fun making this film and there are a great amount of jokes that are genuinely funny.
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The Royal Penis Is Clean Your Highness
jaimemedina-362886 June 2020
This movie is a classic.

Before there was Tyler Perry, before Wakanda, there was Coming 2 America. This is Landis at his best: raunchy, irreverent, and real. There's a lot to love about this movie and the cast is magnificent.

To take this movie too seriously is to miss the whole point. It is surpassed by a hair only by Trading Places.
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One of Eddie's Biggest Hits (Overrated in My Opinion)...
Isaac58553 April 2007
Eddie Murphy had one of his biggest hits with COMING TO America, an expensive and somewhat entertaining comedy which found Eddie playing the crown prince of a fictional African country who travels to Queens, New York to find himself a wife after deciding that he's tired of being waited on hand and foot and not thrilled about having no say in the wife that has been selected for him. Eddie's Prince Akeem and his manservant Semi (Arsenio Hall) arrive in Queens, pretending to be broke and get jobs at a fast food restaurant where Akeem falls for the owner's daughter (Shari Headley). This film is lavishly produced and well cast (James Earl Jones and the late Madge Sinclair are perfect as Akeem's parents, the King and Queen)but there's a certain emptiness about the whole thing that doesn't sustain a film of such length and expense. Murphy is charming as Prince Akeem and he also gets to shine in one fabulous scene in a barbershop where he and Hall play everyone in the scene, but the film does not sustain interest until the end. Eddie later became involved in a lawsuit that claimed he stole the idea of the film from someone else which also casts a pall over the film which makes it hard to view all these years later, but it was one of Eddie's biggest hits and for his hardcore fans, there are laughs to be found, but personally, I think Eddie has done better work (BOOMERANG, THE DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMAN, THE NUTTY PROFESSOR, BOWFINGER, DREAMGIRLS), but judge for yourself.
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Queens and Princes
kosmasp7 March 2021
In Germany the movie is called Prince from Zamunda (and the sequel just got a 2 added to the title). And that Prince being played by none other than Eddie Murphy. Back when I was little when I watched Eddie Murphy movies, I always saw them dubbed in German. He has quite the high pitched voice, which may or may not have certain ... meaning, but let's not delve into what they were doing back in the day and how this can be viewed nowadays.

I've never been to New York, but like the Prince it is a dream of mine. He did realize that dream - and probably had a similar stay as I would have! Me because I wouldn't have any money, he because he wanted to get away from all the privileges and see what "real life" is like. Which also includes working and bathing himself (a joke that is quite sexual and has the nudity that was one of the factors that led to the R rating).

Arsenio Hall and Eddie Murphy both play many roles in this and have quite some fun (even in drag, which gets sort of reprised in the sequel for an inciting incident). Generally speaking there are quite a lot of good people here - and knowing that Wesley Snipes almost got the role of Eddies nemesis in this movie is more than funny. It worked out for everybody though.

The movie is not entirely PC, but Eddies character really going out of his way to empower women and what their role in society/Zamunda. The opening shot looked like a matte painting and then we get dragged into the palace with quite a skillful shot ... John Landis as you know and expect from him.

A nice throwback to the 80s (hairstyles and such), although some parts of New York probably still look like this. There are other people who are better judges on that. Good comedy, if you are not too easily offended
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Charming but could be funnier
hall8951 June 2013
Coming to America is a movie which is generally remembered fondly. But in retrospect it is not quite as funny as you might remember it as having been. It has enough laughs to keep you more or less satisfied but it never truly reaches the heights of comic genius. The comedy is hit and miss, some of it really works but much of it does fall flat. The movie does have a story and a star that are sweet and endearing. Yes, this may be the one time Eddie Murphy can be described as sweet and endearing. He plays Prince Akeem, heir to the throne of the fictional (and somewhat bizarre) African nation of Zamunda. It's impossible not to be charmed by Akeem, who after being pampered to ridiculous extremes his whole life just wants to be normal. Most of all he wants to find love. In Zamunda a marriage has been prearranged for him. His beautiful bride-to-be has been groomed to be completely obedient and subservient to him. This is exactly what Akeem does not want. He wants an intelligent, independent woman who will love him for who he is, not for his wealth and royal status. Akeem will set out on a journey to find his ideal woman. Destination...Queens?

It is here, in a run-down area of perhaps New York City's least glamorous borough, that Akeem will seek his bride. He adapts to the commoner's life pretty well, almost reveling in being a poor man mopping the floor in a fast-food restaurant. His friend and traveling companion Semmi meanwhile longs for the lavish lifestyle they have left behind. The back-and-forth between this odd couple provides some laughs. It does not take long for Akeem to zero in on his ideal woman. Lisa is the very smart, and very beautiful, daughter of the owner of the restaurant in which Akeem works. Unfortunately she is in a relationship with Darryl who, in one of the movie's gags which doesn't work very well 25 years later, is heir to a Jheri curl fortune. Lisa's father likes Darryl because he's got money. He would never approve of his daughter being with poor Akeem. If he only knew. Akeem will never let on about his wealth. He will try to win Lisa's heart using his personality alone. It is a very charming pursuit.

By Eddie Murphy standards Coming to America is a very tame comedy. There is nothing all that raunchy or outrageous about it. Unfortunately there are stretches where there is not that much funny about it either. Comedic high points are scattered throughout but there are some pretty long lulls between the better moments. The movie is performed very well. Murphy is excellent. Arsenio Hall, playing Semmi, proves a good partner for Murphy. Shari Headley is excellent as Lisa, making it very easy to see why Akeem would fall in love with her. Eriq La Salle makes for a convincing jerk as Darryl. John Amos has some very good moments in playing Lisa's father. And James Earl Jones is a commanding presence as Akeem's father, the king of Zamunda. But for as good as all the performances are the movie never quite kicks into high gear. It is paced rather slowly, taking quite the meandering route to the finish line. Murphy is very charming as Akeem, and the character has a few good fish out of water moments, but he is not as consistently funny as you would hope. In fact the funniest Murphy moments in the film come from some of the other characters he plays rather than from Akeem. And that is a problem in what is for all intents and purposes Akeem's movie. This is a movie which definitely has you rooting for its main character. It just doesn't have you laughing with him enough. Not a bad movie by any means. But no comedic masterpiece either.
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Probably the funniest movie ever
undsosache@hotmail.com27 January 2004
I had to buy it on DVD... I saw this movie about 100 time on VHS and I felt this movie has to make part of my "digital-collection". I saw it first time in theatre in the out-coming-year and the gags influenced my whole youth. Even nowadays (I'm 27 years old) I often talk about this movie with my friends. I simply love it like all the Eddie-Movies till and including "Boomerang".

Where's the spoon? Aha...........
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Would benefit from some judicious editing, but still a lot of fun.
BA_Harrison19 December 2021
By the late 80s, Eddie Murphy was one of the biggest and most bankable names in Hollywood; Coming to America sees the star succumbing to what I call 'Jerry Lewis' syndrome, in which a comic actor is given so much free rein to fully exercise their funny muscles that it can sometimes be to the detriment of the movie. Like Lewis in The Family Jewels (1965), Murphy takes on multiple roles (thanks to superb make-up by Rick Baker) and improvises dialogue, director John Landis allowing his star to fully indulge himself; this approach works brilliantly at times, but it also results in quite a few bloated scenes, as evidenced by the film's almost-two-hour runtime.

The good news is that the good definitely outweighs the bad, the film delivering plenty of genuine laughs and iconic moments, with even the majority of the more drawn-out scenes being bearable thanks to Murphy's charisma and the likability of his talented co-stars, who include Arsenio Hall (who also plays multiple characters), James Earl Jones, John Amos, Eriq La Salle and Shari Headley. Even Samuel L. Jackson and a very young Cuba Gooding Jr. Have supporting roles. The script is a heartwarming fairytale romance in which Murphy's African prince Akeem travels to Queens, NY, to find true love in the form of Lisa, daughter of burger joint owner Cleo McDowell (Amos). Hall is Akeem's best friend Semmi, who reluctantly accompanies the prince to New York.

Featuring a predominantly black cast, Coming to America embraces African American culture and affectionately plays with stereotypes, with a hilarious preacher (Hall) at a Black Awareness meeting, an ageing barber and his argumentative clientele, bad '80s African American fashion trends (La Salle's Darryl being the biggest culprit with his 'Soul Glo' hair product), and Jackson as 'hold-up man' (gotta start somewhere).
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Funnier than ever
aheaven20054 March 2021
Such a well aged classic that is still as funny as it was, probably more than what I first watched it. Murphy is just a magician in this movie and so well supported by the rest of the cast.
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'It was a most gripping victory'
Jack_Yan25 December 2005
Coming to America is harmless fun—though at the time of the release I remember some African–American groups being less than delighted about it. I can't remember the reason, and being neither black nor white, I saw the film without any politicization surrounding race. And when viewed in that vein, this is a charming, traditional, popcorn love story, with the mainstream laughs you would expect from a 1980s Eddie Murphy film.

It's the old tale of the prince in an arranged marriage who wishes to seek, instead, an independently minded woman. And he meets her on his first night in Queens, New York, the place that seems the farthest from the mythical Zamunda, a wealthy African nation where zebras and lions roam outside the royal palace and James Earl Jones is king. The courtship is fairly speedy as the movie has to finish within two hours; though I'll hold back on whether Prince Akeem gets the girl or not due to IMDb rules.

However, this was produced by Eddie Murphy and he came up with the original story, so there are suitably naughty bits—in the day when Murph wasn't a Dad and wasn't making kid-friendly fare. The opening scenes of a pampered prince are enjoyable, not to mention an early appearance of Garcelle Beauvais; Madge Sinclair, as the queen of Zamunda, plays her role with such class she could pass for royalty. Murphy's and Arsenio Hall's multiple roles are memorable, including Murphy's (white) Jewish character, Saul, and singer Randy Watson. Eriq la Salle gives a convincing portrayal of a spoilt heir, in direct contrast to the conscientious prince—there is meaning behind these roles.

Despite these characterizations, Coming to America breaks little new ground, but it is largely satisfying. It is what it says it is—a romantic comedy—and succeeds on both those counts.
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Just tell me you didn't love me when you thought I was a goat herder, and I will never bother you ever again.
hitchcockthelegend7 September 2012
Coming to America is directed by John Landis and adapted to screenplay by David Sheffield and Barry W. Blaustein from a story originally created by Art Buchwald. It stars Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, James Earl Jones, Shari Headley and John Amos. Music is scored by Nile Rodgers and cinematography by Sol Negrin and Woody Omens. Plot finds Murphy as Akeem Joffer, an African prince who comes to the United States in the hope of finding a good woman he can marry.

Released at a time when Eddie Murphy was ruling the 80s, Coming to America proves to be viable material for Murphy's talents. That's not to say it's a great film, a good one? Debatable now, and it was for sure a success at the box office, but it feels like a lazy excuse for some one liners and the picture hangs on a flimsy premise thread. As a whole it barely works as a romantic comedy (in fact the romance is distinctly tepid), but as a series of comedy set-ups for Murphy and Arsenio it does entertain the nostalgists and those who like immature gags. You do feel that with director Landis stating that Murphy was a pain on set-that Eddie had lost the zest and the willingness to learn that he had on Trading Places five years earlier, that Murphy didn't let Landis produce the picture the director originally envisaged.

No doubt about it, I liked the film much better back in the day, back then the fish out of water comedy hadn't been done to death, and of course Murphy was still coasting in on the wave of charismatic success, which to myself and many others was enough to warrant being in his company. However, watching it now it feels tired and weary, the one film in Murphy's 80s comedy output that doesn't hold up, a chore to get through at nearly two hours in length, many comedy sequences stretched too far (the multi character gimmick played by the leads runs out of steam), an indulgence to ride in on the appeal of the film's two stars. The film actually marks a turning point for Murphy, he would follow this film with eight years of cinema mediocrity, something which I do believe lends Murphy fans to praise Coming to America far higher than they should.

It's certainly not a stinker, not at all. There is occasionally fun to be had, some well written gags, honest intentions to create a charming characterisation for the people. While a cameo appearance by a future star is always worth watching. But in the minority as I am about it, and I do consider myself a Murphy fan, I have to say the film smacks of cheating and laziness, and no amount of penis gags can alter how I now feel about it. I'm off to cuddle my copies of Trading Places, 48 Hours and Beverly Hills Cop. 5/10
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