A Summer Story (1988) Poster

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Not the stuff of which heroes are made
JamesHitchcock20 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The eighties and nineties were perhaps the Golden Age of the British "heritage cinema" movement, and "A Summer Story" from 1988 is a good example. Although the film is based on a story by John Galsworthy, it is reminiscent of the work of Thomas Hardy, both in its West Country setting and in its use of themes and devices which are typical of Hardy, such as love between people of different social standing and a chance mishap or misunderstanding which prevents a crucial meeting between the lovers.

In the summer of 1904 Frank Ashton, a young London barrister, on a walking holiday on Dartmoor with a friend, falls and twists his ankle. While staying at a nearby farmhouse to recover, he meets the owner's attractive young niece, Megan David. (Galsworthy may have been influenced by Hardy's "On the Western Circuit", which also deals with a young barrister who falls for a village girl). The two fall in love and Ashton promises to take Megan back to London with him and marry her. Lacking money for the journey, however, he travels to the nearby seaside town of Torquay to cash a cheque at a bank. While in Torquay, however, a chance meeting with an old friend and his sister Stella, who are staying in the town, changes matters dramatically. Ashton finds himself attracted to Stella and realises that he has the chance of marriage to someone from his own social class.

There is a particularly fine performance from the lovely Imogen Stubbs as Megan. (This is one of Imogen's rare film appearances; she has generally concentrated more on stage and television work). In financial terms, marriage to Ashton would probably be advantageous to Megan, at least in the long term. At the start of his career, he is not particularly wealthy, but as a qualified lawyer he has much greater earning potential than any of the men in Megan's small Devon village, including her other suitor, her loutish cousin Joe Narracombe. Yet in order to achieve financial stability Megan would be required to make a great sacrifice in psychological terms, giving up the security of her family and native village to move to London where she would be a fish out of water, her rustic accent and lack of education setting her apart from the wives of her husband's friends and colleagues. Yet, knowing all this, she still loves Ashton unconditionally.

If Helena Bonham Carter was Britain's reigning queen of costume drama during this period, the James Wilby was probably the king. (He also appeared in the likes of "Maurice", "A Handful of Dust", "Howard's End", "Regeneration" and "Gosford Park"). He is not convincing as the older Ashton- that grizzled beard, more appropriate to a man in his sixties or seventies, stuck to his boyish face, does nothing to persuade us that his character is now middle-aged. As the younger man, however, he is very good. Ashton may be Frank by name but he is not frank by nature. Megan is the heroine of the film, albeit a tragic one, but Ashton is not its hero, as he is not the stuff of which heroes are made. Put to the test he proves a broken reed.

Apart from the scenes in fashionable Torquay, the film lacks the visual beauty and elaborate costumes often associated with heritage cinema, especially the work of the Merchant-Ivory team. Its visual look is more sombre, appropriate both to the humble social status of its heroine and to its tragic theme. In this respect it reminded me of another tragic period drama from a few years later, Michael Winterbottom's "Jude", based upon Hardy's "Jude the Obscure".

"A Summer Story" is today probably less well-known than most of Merchant-Ivory's output, or even "Jude", and it only occasionally turns up on television. Yet with its own beauty and a moving storyline it is one of those excellent British movies from the eighties ("Absolute Beginners" and "The Chain" are others) that is overdue for a revival. 8/10
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A wonderful weepie with an excellent score from Delerue
susan davidson11 April 2001
If you are thinking of watching this movie, make sure you have a box of tissues ready - because unless you are emotionally constipated this film will make you cry. I watched it on my return from the hospital after giving birth to my daughter and I wept buckets. It is beautifully acted, particularly by Imogen Stubbs. I can't understand why we do not see more of this talented actress. The music by George Delerue matches and enhances the heart rending story, and sounds pretty darn good without the film, too. The story is about an upper class young man(James Wilby) who, whilst on a walking holiday, falls in love with a beautiful young farm girl. I really don't want to give any more of the plot away. I loved it. If you never enjoy romance, or poignant tales of lost chances and heartbreak, then you probably won't love it!
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heart breaking romance
SnoopyStyle14 April 2015
In 1922, a man returns to the rural countryside with his wife remember a pre-war love affair. In 1904, lawyer Mr. Ashton (James Wilby) and his friend Dr. Garton from London are walking. Ashton twists his ankle and encounters country girl Megan David (Imogen Stubbs). She brings them to her auntie Mrs. Narracombe (Susannah York) and her possessive son Joe (Jerome Flynn). They aren't really related. Narracombe took her in after her mother's death. Garton takes off the next morning. Ashton is intrigued and he starts an affair with Megan. It drives Joe jealous who expected to marry her.

It's a heart breaking romance. It's kind of a reverse romance. Ashton's weakness is the bane of this movie. I never really liked the chemistry of the couple because of his character. I would like to follow her story more than his story. The ending is harsh but that's what so good about this movie.
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I need to watch it again
quayevano23 May 2004
I remember watching this film way back when I was in high school as a TV special (since it was never released in movie theaters in my country).

My sister and I, as young as we were then and perhaps still idealistic and what have you, were moved to tears watching this great film. I can still remember my sister and I trying to find out the name of the actress when the credit was being shown because we were so touched by the truthfulness of her performance.

For one strange reason or another Imogen Stubbs' name really got stuck in my mind from then on, although I have never ever seen any other movie of hers after that. This movie made an impression on my young mind and has stayed with me ever since. For a couple of years now, I have been desperately trying to find a VCD or DVD copy of this movie so that I could watch it again and experience the same emotions I had back then when I was watching it with innocent eyes. But alas, I still have not found any copy.

I really would love to watch this movie again... something to help me revisit the child in me.
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A Tale of Lost Love.
silenceisgolden30 January 2002
I found this film on ebay and was the only person who bid on it, many people are evidently missing out on never seeing this beautiful film. I wasn't sure what to expect cause I bought it on a whim because of the ratings it had gotten in some review books and because James Wilby is in it who I think is one of the most underrated actors alive. Imogen Stubbs is just wonderful, you really feel her pain. You also feel his - he lives his life regretting the choices he made and doesn't seem very happy. I don't want to give anything away but I can't recommend this film enough. It's beautifully directed, top notch acting, and for such a simple story it's amazingly effective. Anyone whose ever loved and lost will feel what the characters are feeling in this film! It will make you cry aswell, otherwise you don't have a heart. ;-)
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Men are pigs
syllee10 August 2022
Charming period piece. A story line that sadly hasn't changed much through the ages. As far as this movie goes, the review title pretty much sums it up.
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a precious film
lagrande-122 December 2004
I watch this gem about twice a year, when I feel like having a good cry. This film truly transports me to another time and place.

There are timeless morality issues dealt with in the story, and the unforgettable ending gives a person goose bumps. Seeing the film inspired me to read the story it's adapted from(The AppleTree.) There are some differences between the story and the film, of course, and the endings are somewhat different, although the overall idea is on the same wavelength. I feel the ending of the film is very,very strong and extremely suited to the film genre as compared to the written page.

The music is exquisite. Not only does it cast a beautiful spell from the very first note, but it remains in your mind long after the film is over.

A precious, precious film.
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A beautifully photographed and acted masterpiece!
richievee19 November 1999
This film, though little noticed by the general moviegoing public, is a beautifully photographed and acted masterpiece. It is a bittersweet tale of lost love, based on a short story ("The Apple Tree") by John Galsworthy. Most of the film, in writer Penelope Mortimer's skillful adaptation, is presented as a flashback -- sandwiched by an introduction and coda that are devastatingly poignant. Piers Haggard directs with a lighthanded touch that makes the characters seem utterly real. I cannot recommend this film too highly. Every time I view it, I am overwhelmed anew by its intense vision of human nature. A gem!
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Sad--Main character very selfish
suzypatriot7 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am surprised by all the good reviews of this film. If you like Jane Austen-type movies, you probably wont like this one. I thought it was a well-done film, but the story was heart-breaking and aggravating with a very selfish main character. It was so painful to see, not beautiful the way everyone else seems to see it. A man takes complete advantage of a girl, promises he'll never leave her and within two days drops her like a hot potato. He never comes back. Meanwhile, she's pregnant, has his child and dies of a broken heart. Not that she wasn't to blame, she shouldn't have been so foolish to fool around with him. I like movies where people like him are the villain, not the hero (Like Willoughby in Sense and Sensibility, or Wickham in Pride and Prejudice were villains) People, stop thinking that selfishness and taking advantage is "romantic!!" Viewer, BEWARE!
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A sad poignant tale of class expectations vs, heart in one's mate choice, sited in early 20th century England.
weezeralfalfa18 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The basic plot, on the surface, tells a simple tale of a very common happening through the centuries, in England, as well as the rest of Europe. A young unmarried gentleman 'sows his oats' with a poor trusting peasant girl, then abandons her to marry an often spoiled girl of his own class. However, this case is a bit out of the ordinary in that the gentleman felt a real love for this girl and didn't intend to abandon his promise to marry her, until a series of unexpected events compressed into a couple of days caused him to get cold feet and make a fateful decision. He was swayed by the common advice to young upper class gentleman to 'never make the mistake of marrying your mistress', and let his head overrule his heart at the last minute. Unfortunately for Megan: the girl involved, Frank Ashton, the gentleman involved, was not the sort to keep a mistress on the side. Thus, he never sought her out again until it was far too late. Thus,she was left to care for their infant son he didn't know existed, and soon thereafter died of a combination of depression and a winter illness. This, Ashton didn't learn until many years later.

The screenplay contrasts the earthy communal feel of rural English peasantry with the city world of uncaring bureaucracy-obsessed arrogant bankers and out-of-touch leisured upper class families. Of course, this is a caricature that doesn't always ring true. Nonetheless, we are treated to the perception of Megan as a carefree young woman, full of fun, yet skilled in the tasks of a farm girl: a girl with self confidence in caring for children in a fun way and doing the common chores of a housewife, capable of real passion in a romantic relationship with the right man, despite disapproval by her family. The background music for the film was quite appropriate in helping to accentuate it's various moods.

This story has personal relevance to me, as I didn't make Ashton's mistake. Against all advice, I decided to marry a girl rather like Megan, from a poor family on the other side of the world, of quite a different race and non-western culture, and whom I had known only a short while. Despite many challenges, it has generally worked out well for 20+ years, thus far. With my considerable financial and knowledge help, she became a medical professional and has adapted well to US culture, while retaining a keen interest in her native family and culture. However, you must begin with the right two people for this to work out well over the long run.
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A Movie to Remember
mystery_angel23 August 2011
I thought I was the only one who remembers A Summer Story. I cannot believe this movie is not more widely known. This should be regarded as a classic. I watched A Summer Story nearly a decade ago. I was barely in my teens then, just beginning to understand the mysteries of this world. This is one of the first movies that truly touched me. I didn't understand all of it but understood enough to lie awake the whole night crying into my pillow. The next morning my mom asked me if there was anything the matter with me because my eyes were all red and puffy from crying. I am glad to know that I am not the only one who cried after watching it. And the final scene! My heart aches even now when I think of it. If anyone doesn't cry after that final moment they must be made out of stone! True, my memory of A Summer Story maybe tinted with the rosy glow of yesterday but from what I remember every tear I shed for this movie was worth it.
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Oh my, did this one throw me for a loop!
xyscaling7 March 2004
What a great story. Excellent acting. I watch my old VHS copy about once a year. So very sad, so realistic, so human. I stumbled on this one day while watching a partially recorded copy of the movie. The tape ended about 20 minutes before the end of the movie. I could not believe it. I closed my shop and immediately went to the video store and rented it to see how it ended. Probably not to extreme except for the fact that I'm an "action","sci-fi", "fantasy" kind of movie lover.............I can't recommend it highly enough, and easy 10+.

I don't think you will be disappointed.
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A moving tale of romance, obligation, and conscience, worthy of a box of tissues.
mazinman-18 January 2017
I first saw this great little movie a few years ago while overseas in the Middle East on a late night movie channel that carried older "B" movies. I was so mesmerized with this tale, when it was over I spent 30 minutes long distance on the phone with my wife explaining the plot. When I got back to the States I some how found an old DVD of the movie on the internet and bought it immediately. My wife and I watched this wonderful movie again recently (Jan 2017) and ended up crying together all over again! A Summer Story is so well cast (Imogen Stubbs in the lead female role and James Wilby as the lead male) and with a story that is so beautifully written. The production values are extremely well done that you feel transported to the 1904 Dartmoor countryside and the lovely coastal town of Torquay. Beware to be supplied with a box of tissues for the plot climax at the end!

Technical Note: The DVD this viewer watched had high contrast, with narrow dynamic range, resulting in poor image detail in the shadows and highlights, and loss of screen resolution. Film chain transfer is of low quality and accomplished on a non-CCD device, with no digital post-transfer correction, and displayed reverse screen vignetting.
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Story about summer fling stays with you forever!
Doriano19 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Talk about getting thrown for a loop! I watched this movie with no expectations and became mesmerized by its tale! It is so true and powerful that it stays with you forever. Love, after all, is all about decisions and compromises. Everyone chooses to give up something (someone) when they choose to love someone (something) for life.

The emotional power of what might have been is breath-taking and impacts every one of us no matter how happy we are or how good life turned out.

We know it would have been vastly different had we chosen a different path. Anyway, I am buying this one on DVD. (on ebay right now).
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Emotional roller coaster
jra-449268 July 2020
I watched this many years ago and loved it. I have tried for years to find it again and found it. I'm older now and with age brings more emotions watching anything which can bring tears. This film brings it out of me and if you want a lovely film with tissues handy then this is the one. I watch a lot of action films and horror but this film has remained within my emotional locker.
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The way this is presented, you'd think it would be an opera rather than a motion picture.
mark.waltz29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Every moment in this romantic drama seems to be being played as if it was some grand tragic epic, completely lacking in subtlety and overdone as far as emotion, music and direction are concerned. It concerns the upper class James Wilby who falls in love with the working class Imogen Stubbs and desperately tries to get back to her when he is stranded without money. Told through flashback, it shows Wilby reminiscing as an old man about his past, staying with Stubbs and her family (which includes mother Susannah York), and it becomes very obvious where this is going.

Beautifully filmed in the country, this should have reigned itself in, and every moment truly seems to be trying to be larger than what came before it. Wilby and Stubbs are lovely, but much of the supporting cast is directed as if to play to the top of the balcony, with the music at times completely overshadowing the nuances of the story which could have been quite touching had it toned down on the emotion. After a while, it becomes difficult not to start laughing at the melodramatic mood, with its final revelation so determined to draw out tears that it just left me in near hysterics. But it's so delightfully old fashioned in its motivations that it's completely impossible to totally dismiss, even if at times it seems like one of those lush women's pictures that dominated the 1930's, 40's and 50's.
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Painfully beautiful
sbarbaric-294419 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching this movie 15 years ago, as a child, with my mom and aunt. I think back then we'd watch it at least once a year, so I must have seen it at least 5 times. Now 15 years later, it just randomly crossed my mind, and I had to watch it again. It was so much more easy to find it than I expected. Needless to say, I cried for another good 20 minutes after it ended. I'm really not so much into the heart-break and romance, but the way Stubbs portrayed naiveness and purity of her character, and all that put into this story, just breaks my heart. Wilby's acting too. Especially at the end of the movie, when he realizes how much he messed up. Such a beautiful movie.
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Mediocre drama with by the numbers ending
phuckracistgop30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I read all these rave reviews prior to watching this movie, only to find this to be another by the numbers "Naïve Farm Girl screws up her life falling for the lies of a city slicker".

I was rooting for this girl to have a revelation of common sense or at least listen to her aunt who pegged this clown for the self-centered bastard that he was.

The ending which was also the beginning with an added touch giving this POS a glimpse of the bastard child he ignored and the heartbreak that his selfish lies created. And allegedly lead to the bad health of the girl. And her predictable demise.

And how does one get drawn into a character and not see that Frank Aston was no better than his lecherous hiking buddy and I would have considered Frank worst than his hiking buddy since he did not even have the decency to send a second telegram stating that he changed his mind. As for Betsy, she should have stuck with the one who truly loved her and lost the most in this situation.
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Wow, This guy (me) loves this movie!!
xyscaling4 March 2004
Too many people are missing a great story and a great movie.

Since I discovered this movie during the Summer of 1996, I've watched it about once a year. I was completely drawn into the story and the characters. So beautiful and so sad. I could not believe the way things ended. I was so very, very sad.

I wish it was out on DVD, but I can still watch my old VHS copy and have heartaches just the same. I gave it a "10" as I am seldom "moved" by this type of story. Being an action, sci-fi, and thriller type of guy, I think it speaks highly of the film that I enjoy watching this story over and over.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
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Quite an experience
nikhil27720 April 2008
I watched this movie way back in 1995 on Star Movies. It was not recommended and I was just changing channels when I stumbled upon this movie (luckily). It had just started so I thought I'll just check the start and I couldn't change the channel till it was over. A brilliant movie. The name of the movie struck me. I have a few friends who are movie buffs and I had told them about this movie but they had not seen this movie, I thought it was odd that only I liked this movie. But now after reading all the reviews, I'm glad that there are so many people who appreciate this movie. It really is a movie many have not seen.

What can I say about the movie, it's mesmerizing. Strongly recommended. Just go for it, worth an experience.
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True Love Can Be Simple
abner266531 May 2012
A Summer Story opens with the year of 1922, after the first world war, but quickly goes back to 1902, the year of "The Gilded Age."

Two young men, on a journey, are setting across Somerset, when one injures his foot while trying to jump a gate. The two find a young girl, who leads them to a place where they can stay. The tranquil setting is too boring for one of the two young men, so he leaves, while his friend, with the injured foot stays on.

A romance begins to start with the girl. The only problem is, the home owner's son also has feelings for her.

This movie has great photography, one of the finest soundtracks by well known film composer Georges Delurues, and a very enduring love story.

The landscape settings are unequaled. The only fault I would have for this film is that it has not been remastered for release on DVD. Don't Be Fooled!!!! The DVD that is available is a simple transfer from a VHS tape! This movie deserves a good transfer to DVD and Blue-Ray.

You might find it interesting to know that the soundtrack album is worth anywhere from $200 to $250, as it was released for a very short time in 1988 by Virgin Records, and because of the quality of the music, considered Delurues' finest, is in high demand.

The film has not been shown on the premium channels (HBO, Cinemax, Showtime or Starz) since 1991. It is long due for a repeat presentation.

If you get the opportunity to watch this movie, do it! I don't think you will be disappointed. The running time is 97 minutes. It was released in 1988.

I hope the distributors for this movie will see this review and get the hint and make a proper transfer to DVD and Blue-Ray. "A Summer Story" deserves nothing less.
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An unforgettable movie.
charlescorn22 June 2014
I was lucky enough to watch this when it first came out way back in 1988, and I've never forgotten it, but only recently watched it again on YouTube. It's a mesmerizing film, haunting, lovely and painful all at the same time, and the feelings linger for days after. Imogen Stubbs is just captivating. A truly wonderful acting performance. Together with the directing and music, the movie really pulls at the heartstrings.

It's one of my favourite films and I'm amazed so few people know of the film. Even when it was first released, there wasn't much mention of the film, but people are missing out on a real gem.
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A Timelss Love Story
kareburke14 April 2007
I thought I was the only person in the whole universe who knew about this film.It is not only timeless and relevant,but how can a truly great film,brilliantly acted become so obscure that I not only cannot find another (I have managed to get 2 VHS copies,though very grainy)but the soundtrack is impossible to get as well.Imagine,films from the 1930's have been restored and converted to DVD,but this beautiful work of art(made in 1988) is lost somewhere on some shelf or maybe lost forever.I'm ready to write letters to Atlantic Entertainment and beg the question WHY HAVE YOU BURIED SUCH A MAGNIFICENT FILM?????? I could never begin to count the number of times I have watched this film.It has become my all time favorite film.So the word PRECIOUS does not even sum up my feelings....PRICELESS seems more appropriate.I admit, it breaks my heart every time I watch it.But I'm so drawn to it I just can't seem to help myself.Therefore,I'm so happy that there are other (A SUMMER STORY) aficionados out there.I am not alone.
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a classic...spoiler alert
vbhoolai28 April 2010
I am happy to know that I am not the only person this movie had a profound effect on. How can it be so good and yet so many people have no clue about it.

I saw it around the year it came out. I was living in Toronto and I can't remember whether or not it came to the theatres but late one night I looked at it on the movie Channel. I was bored and had nothing else to do. Fantastic movie, the ending was so sad.

For years I would recommend this film to friends and nobody would really know what I was talking about. For months after I had seen the film I would think about it and the way it ended.

I have never forgotten the name Imogen Stubbs. I looked out for her for years. I saw her in one film with Robert Duvall but nothing after that. I was always on the look out for her in the nineties. A few years ago I looked her up on the net and found out she had more or less married and settled down.

This movie and Imogen Stubbs had a profound effect on me. A great romantic tragedy that far too few people know about.

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A very poignant film
pgodbole-4973314 March 2015
I have seen this movie only once, about 20 years ago, on television and ever since, it has struck a chord with me. The very recollection of the film brings me to tears. An extremely well directed film, and equally good performances by Imogen Stubbs and James Wilby. The film scored very high in other departments as well, photography, music, direction and what not. My only regret is that I have not been able to see it again, as it is not available on VCD, nor has been telecast (to my knowledge) in my country again. I only wish I could have this film on VCD so that I could see it whenever I wish. I would strongly recommend this film to anyone who enjoys good cinema. The film has a sad end, but that is how it should be. I understand that short story (Apple Tree) on which this film is based, had a different end. Surely, it could not have been better.
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