American Rickshaw (1989) Poster

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We totally loved its unorthodox style!
tarbosh2200022 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Scott Edwards (Gaylord) (No, that's his name) is just your typical college kid: to make ends meet he is a rickshaw puller in Coconut Grove, Florida. He's getting his college degree presumably due to the fact that no one even knows Florida has a rickshaw industry. He attracts all the street business because of his snappy Tiger tanktop. Apparently, he was born in the Chinese year of the tiger. Isn't your tanktop your preferred method of telling the world of your Chinese animal sign? Anyway, this must have attracted elderly Chinese mystic Madame Luna (Kobi), who Scott picks up one day during a rainstorm, so she watches out for Scott using a cat and a cobra that do her bidding. Meanwhile, Scott gets embroiled in a conspiracy and is framed for murder. Professional hit-man Francis (Greene) is after him, so Scott goes on the run with prostitute Joanna (Victoria Prouty) and tries to clear his name. But the power and sway of televangelist Reverend Mortom (Pleasance) is going to complicate matters. And that barely covers the supernatural forces at work, apparently brought about by a "stone of evil". Will Scott pull his way out of this one? This movie is very, very weird. In a good way, of course. It probably doesn't get the attention it deserves because of the title and box art. It seems like a standard type of thriller with no surprises, so customers must have left it on video store shelves. Thanks to some poor marketing by Academy video, that is what it seems like. But like the world inhabited by Scott, Reverend Mortom and Madame Luna, all is not what it seems. Anyone familiar with Italian horror and giallos will know the name Sergio Martino - the man is amazing. He's worked in every genre imaginable - post-apocalyptic, Spaghetti Westerns, sexploitation, Poliziotteschi, the list goes on and on. For American Tiger, he brings the off-kilter sensibility he brought to such movies as After The Fall of New York (1983), Suspected Death of a Minor (1975) and Your Vice is a Locked Door and Only I Have the Key (1972), but this time adds the ultimate 80's coolguy: one Mitch Gaylord.

Everything from the opening quote by Confucius to the music (featuring a song that really sounds like "I'm in a restaurant, whoah-oh"), to the utter strangeness of the ending, nothing ever makes concrete sense in this movie, giving it that addictive Italian feel that American filmmakers cannot achieve. It's almost like Martino was going from his subconscious, almost like a dream, rather than any kind of written script. Thus, the vibe of this movie is impossible to describe, so we encourage you to see it for yourself. The only people that will not like it are filmgoers that demand everything make absolute sense all the time. But doesn't that get boring after awhile? Movies like American Tiger give us a break from the ordinary and thus have memorable moments we can talk about. So we applaud that, even if it is confusing to our logical minds.

Daniel Greene, whose best role is in Hands of Steel (1986) but also appears in Skeleton Coast (1988) and The Maddening (1996), throws himself into his role and seems to be having a good time. We always love seeing Donald Pleasance, and while wags might accuse him of slumming here, we thought his presence added a lot, and besides, he's been in much worse. Even Sherrie Rose appears briefly as well. But the man of the hour is clearly Gaylord, and if any gymnast is going to make a movie career, only he and Kurt Thomas should be able to do so. Can anyone explain why they were never in a movie together? Also known as American Rickshaw (now there's a title that'll pull customers in), we definitely recommend American Tiger. We totally loved its unorthodox style.
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pretty ludicrous storyline
christopher-underwood30 November 2013
'American Rickshaw' on my disc but even with its Italian title, 'American Riscio', it would be no better. Directed by prolific and usually reliable, Sergio Martino, this suffers from weak and mostly inexperienced cast and pretty ludicrous storyline. Male lead, Mitch Gaylord is famous for having been the 1984 US Olympic gymnast champion and his female counterpart is unknown Victoria Prouty, who does well enough compared to everyone else but is asked to play a lap dancer despite a most modest chest. Actually, this begins fairly well and remains quirky throughout but things start to go wrong with appalling police representation and then this Chinese mumbo jumbo which becomes more prominent as the film progresses. We also get a spluttering performance from, always willing but not always able, Donald Pleasence as an evangelical nutter preacher, gone very wrong.
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BandSAboutMovies28 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A rickshaw driver in Miami is protected by an Asian witch when he comes up against a conspiracy involving him being videotaped having sex with a mysterious redhead and it causing the death of the son of a faith-healing televangelist played by Donald Pleasance - all directed by Sergio Martino (Torso, All the Colors of the Dark, The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh and so much more)!

This seems like the perfect union of everything I love in movies. It's pure junk and perfect for 3 AM weekend viewing! Scott (U. S. Olympic Gold Medalist Mitch Gaylord, American Anthem) just wants to get ahead in class and help his roommate with his rickshaw business. But after that aforementioned redhead hooks up with him, all hell breaks loose. Reverend Mortom's (Pleasance) son Jason was taping the action and Scott flips out, beating the guy's ass. But soon, Jason ends up getting killed when the boat the action happened on is set ablaze. Soon after, a hitman (Daniel Green, in a role made for George Eastman) comes after Scott, killing his roomie with another inferno.

There's also an ancient Chinese woman, Madame Luna, who Scott helped with his rickshaw who uses a cobra, a cat and magic to rescue our hero throughout the movie. She also wrote him a letter that he never seems to get to finish. Even after it's been eaten by rats, her voice still plays in his head when he is near the paper.

The cops are also after Scott, thinking that he's killed the reverend's son and his roommate. So our hero goes to the Pink Pussycat and kidnaps the redhead - who we soon learn is Joana Simpson, the girlfriend of the dead man. I should also mention that Scott is pretty much the most moronic hero in a film and that's covering so much territory. Yet even after kidnapping Joana at gunpoint she still likes him and ends up helping him.

Throughout, Martino uses tons of crazy zooms, weird cuts that defy editing logic and everyone is constantly running and grimacing. It's like a Rob Liefeld comic come to life.

However, let me make my argument. Any movie where Donald Pleasence is an evil televangelist with a warthog statue that is locked in eternal combat with a sorceress directed by my favorite giallo director is going to obsess me. There's also a shower sex scene where our hero keeps his jeans on, confounding me even further. There's also a magical key that unlocks the secret of the statue that burns through the killer's hand. There is also a magical cat. I have no idea how anyone would even come up with these concepts.

It turns out that Scott and the reverend's son were both born on the highest day of the Chinese calendar - 6/6/66 - which means that when Scott says that he wears a tiger t-shirt because he was born in the year of the tiger but he was born in the year of the horse and American Horse is a worse title than American Tiger or American Rickshaw. It's also the title of a song by the band The Cult, but I think I'm probably the only person who knows or cares about that.

Donald Pleasence comes to attack the Chinese woman, but the cobra and cat attack him before he chokes her. Have you ever heard Pleasence do a Southern accent at the same time that he can't shake his British voice? You will. I'd say this role was beneath him, but I can also point to so many other films that he was in that are worse.

The killer finally catches up with Scott, who runs across railroad ties and trips - he was an Olympic gymnast - before a semi takes out the killer, who suddenly has a snake come out of his eyeball!

Scott takes the statue back to Madame Luna, who is young again. The cops listen to Joana, who tells them that Scott is innocent. And the Reverend goes on TV and transforms into a warthog while Luna outs him to the world. Yes, you just read that correctly. Then, his wife screams that he is the devil and shoots him as everyone watches the warthog under his skin emerge. "He was the devil!" she screams as the cops matter of factly lead her away. A man just turned into a giant bloody pig. This should be a much bigger deal than the way the cops behave.
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Odd supernatural action pic
lor_24 June 2023
My review was written in June 1991 after watching the film on Academy video cassette.

Olympic gymnast Mitch Gaylord makes an okay hero in the Italian action pic "American Tiger". Poorly scripted effort is being released directly to video in the States.

Credited to four writers, including director Sergio Martino, storyline unwisely attempts to inject a mystical element into an otherwise straightforward suspense plot.

Muscular Gayulord plays a young student in Mami who earns money pulling a rickshaw carrying tourists (pic's original title was "American Rickshaw"). Pic opens with him being kind to an old Oriental woman (Michi Kobi) by giving her a ride in the rain. It turns out she's an ageless witch who's been guarding a legendary Boar Statue that's about to fall into the hands of unscrupulous televangelist Donald Pleasence unless Gaylord saves the day.

While Peasence's henchman Daniel Greene is killing folks and hunting Gaylord for a missing key to obtain the statue, Mitch is thrown together with a young stripper (Victoria Prouty) as innocents on the lam. Martino stages the action scenes well with plenty of Miami location atmosphere but keeps injecting idiotic supernatural interventions, as Kobi starts fires or uses her pet cat and snake to try to confound the villains.

Prouty is an attractive redhead who deserves better roles than this while Gylord shows some promise as a he-man action star. Pleasence is embarrassing wearing a wig in flashbacks as a younger version of himself -he already was bald back in '50s movies, so the effect is incongruous..
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Atypical nineties trash......
FlashCallahan27 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A Miami college student finds himself framed for the murder of an evangelist's son.

He hooks up with an Asian witch and a stripper to find the real killer and clear his name.......

I honestly only saw this film because of the stars ridiculous name, and the fact that it was advertised as a martial arts movie in the UK, under the title, American Tiger.

It's nothing of the sort. What we do get is a really bored looking Donald Pleasance, a woman in old lady make up, a cat, a snake, and a whole host of wonderfully bad nineties clothin and hair-don'ts.

A raunchy movie is filmed without the stars consent, a boat blows up and the rest of the film consists of our lead being chased by a hulk version of Lorenzo Lamas.

And it all ends with Pleasance making a speech and his voice turning into an animals.

It has an air of mysticism to it, but to be honest it gets lost up its own backside come the conclusion.

It's not a surprise that the lead didn't get many starring roles after this, what with his name and performance.

It's pretty risible stuff, but just about worth seeing for Pleasance overacting.
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Starring Mitch Gaylord.
BA_Harrison16 August 2017
When seeking fame and fortune as a movie star, a change of name is sometimes advisable. Take Mitchell Gaylord, for example: he's hardly got the kind of name that one would naturally associate with a cool tough guy persona. Unfortunately, Mitchell only saw fit to shorten his name, to Mitch Gaylord, which somehow sounds even worse.

Still, even if he had changed his name to something a lot less effete, I still doubt his film career would have amounted to much with incomprehensible crud like American Tiger on his resumé. As Italian z-grade nonsense goes, this is amongst the worst, with an utterly nonsensical plot made all the more confusing by the muddled direction and editing.

Mitch plays rickshaw driver Scott Edwards, who finds himself framed for the murder of Jason Motom (Gregg Todd Davis), son of a popular TV evangelist (Donald Pleasance, seriously slumming it). Scott attempts to clear his name with the help of a stripper (Victoria Prouty), and an old Chinese witch (Michi Kobi), but his every move is dogged by the real killer (Daniel Greene), who is searching for a key that will lead him to a magical statuette (that looks like Pumba from The Lion King).

Crappy action, dreadful dialogue, risible special effects, and numerous moments that seriously defy description, American Tiger is one for dedicated bad movie buffs only.

2/10. Half a point for Daniel Greene's massive torch, a half point each for Prouty's itty bitty titties, and another half point for Pleasance turning into a pig at the end. Yes, he really does!
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A sad state of affairs
Leofwine_draca2 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
American Tiger is a really low budget Italian action film shot in Florida, seemingly a location to go for for Italian crews after the continuing success of the Hill/Spencer collaborations. Watching a film like this, you realise just how far the genre had collapsed by the 1990s, because American TIGER is a very bad film indeed. The unlikely-named Mitchell Gaylord plays a student framed for murder who finds himself going up against a crazed TV evangelist, played by Donald Pleasence in that 'anything goes' stage of his career.

The saddest thing about this nonsense little film isn't the bad action sequences or worse acting, but rather the presence of director Sergio Martino, who had a long career of great gialli, action, and science fiction movies behind him. You don't get to see any of his style in this film, which could have been directed by any old person. The only time this film threatens to become interesting is when it veers into random supernatural elements, with the climax a particularly amusing head-scratcher.
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I'm sure you're familiar with AIDS.
nolan-091549 September 2021
Not your typical B movie schlock. I've had this one on my shelf for about 6 months now and finally built up the nerve to sit down and watch it and it did not disappoint! A storyline so chalked full of confusing twists and turns, most of which prove to be completely unnecessary, American Rickshaw confuses and then kind of explains it all by the end of the movie. It's a headscratcher and rightfully so as most low budget Italian American films turn out to be in this era of B movies. Some hilarious scenes (Jeans shower, Aids threat and of course Donald Pleasance pig transformation) as well as some genuinely well done practical effects (burning key, Donald Pleasance pig transformation). If you're into these types of movies this one definitely isn't your average bad movie, it has its own charm and wild storyline. I Very much recommend!
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American Confusion
Cole829 April 2002
After seeing this movie, I realize how bad a film can be. I was sober when I began the movie but it left me intoxicated with stupidity. I've never seen a movie about a rickshaw driver and, because of this movie, I never will again. What was Donald Pleasence thinking? A horrid film such as this does not deserve even a hint of his presence.
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What just happened?
paulwattriley17 January 2021
Not sure how I ever came about downloading this but its utter trash - I've gave it a 4 because there still about 50 minutes viewing left but it is never going to get any better.

This is the sort of film my did would have got at the video store to add up the 4 for the weekend deal and we would watch and then forget that it ever existed.
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Somewhat well-executed INSANITY
bartgodboy4 January 2021
This movie is baffling, but baffling in every best ways a movie can be. If you are someone who loves strange, unorthodox and confusing storylines, it doesn't get much better than this. You will find yourself baffled many times, saying "what?'' and usually it would make for a terrible viewing experience, but this is actually enthrallingly confusing. The acting isn't the best you'll ever see obviously, but it is certainly passible and as bonus, you even get to see the one and only Donald Pleasance do ludicrous stuff towards the end that I won't spoil.

I'll just end by saying that for a movie that may somewhat have the reputation of being bad, I was captivated by how confusing everything was. I sincerly think every lovers of bad movies should give it a shot. 10/10 recommended.
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A little enjoyable, a little flawed, and a little bit of potential squandered
I_Ailurophile7 November 2023
The cat is lovely - although, given some of the shots that we see, it's readily evident that the poor feline was mistreated to obtain the desired reactions. It's nice to see esteemed, prolific voice actor Darin De Paul in a rare live-action (supporting) role, and he's readily recognized; on the other hand, while iconic Donald Pleasence is usually able to lend a point of integrity to even the most tawdry of flicks, in this instance he flounders just as much as everything else. I can appreciate that an evangelical preacher is depicted as a villain, which is certainly all too true to real life, and the premise of mysticism and black magic is promising; would that the movie did something useful with any of this before the last act. I would love to have more major, positive words to impart about this film, but to be honest, all this is just about the nearest that I can get. 'American rickshaw' is dull rubbish pretty much from start to finish.

The writing is achingly thin, and some dialogue and scene writing is just bewildering - not least as characters possess perfect knowledge about specific relevant information (watch for when De Paul's character remarks upon a date's special meaning), or betray such information in senseless ways (e.g., a henchman pointlessly says aloud exactly what we know the protagonist needs to hear). The preponderance of the length is an ordinary thriller about an innocent person getting drawn into a quagmire of murder and whatever, and only after we get a lore dump partway through the third act does the picture meaningfully bring the premise to bear. The back end feels rushed and forced, for that matter, as if filmmaker Sergio Martino realized he still had to do something with the story he helped to write, and it became necessary to cram it all into the last stretch. The latter messiness notably makes the narrative at large feel all the more flimsy. There are times when Martino's direction doesn't come off well (is that why he filmed under a pseudonym?), and there are certainly more instances when some of the acting raises a quizzical eyebrow.

In fairness, other facets actually are well done. Stunts and practical effects look pretty terrific; I like the art direction. This is well made from a technical standpoint, and all those behind the scenes turned in good work. Though some of the acting falls short, mostly it's just fine. The problem is that none of this means all that much when the storytelling is at best bland, and often altogether questionable. It's not that 'American rickshaw' is emphatically bad, but more than not it's nothing special - and more to the point, it shoves those aspects about it which are special into a very small corner. There are bits and pieces to enjoy here, but there are also flaws, and some of the best potential is mostly squandered. It remains true that there are much worse things one could watch, but what it comes down to is that unless you're a huge fan of someone involved, there's just not all that much reason to check it out. If anything this feature is best reserved for a lazy, quiet day when you want something that doesn't require or inspire active engagement; would that this made better use of the included notions so as to stand out more from the crowd.
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