Hot Times at Montclair High (1989) Poster

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Detention Sweet Detention
bkoganbing23 August 2020
Hot Times At Montclair High in a school presided over by teen idol in days of yore Troy Donahue tells the story of three boys whose trip to detention forms the basis of an unlikely friendship.

Ross Hamilton is the popular high school hero jock who is hoping for a football scholarship. But that might not be possible unless he keeps up his grades. Brent Jasmer is the local hood whose bullying ways are caused by a bad home life. Johnathan Gorman is a refugee of that odeto nerddom Revenge Of The Nerds.

I guess detention brings out the best in some people because the three form one unlikely bond. At least it wouldn't have happened in my school.

I've seen worse teen flicks and this one is far from the worst of the genre. The characters and relationships could have been better developed, but it was better than I expected.
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Poorly contrived and ridiculous
Groverdox6 February 2016
The title says it all. "Hot Times at Montclair High"? Is that the best they could do? Change the word "Fast" for "Hot", and come up with a different name for the school? This gives you an idea of this movie's level of creativity.

It feels episodic, but shouldn't. This is because there is no believable set-up for any of the things that happen in the movie, so everything feels disconnected, and you never come to know any of the "characters". The jock and the punk could've been in a better movie, but the nerd is so over-the-top that he makes the actors in Revenge of the Nerds look subtle. When characters are this much of a collection of clichés, it wears pretty thin when you have to see them on screen for most of the movie's runtime, and it certainly discredits the "serious" issues this one tries to bump up against, ala the Amy Heckerling movie it ripped its title off of.

Issues like child abuse, drug dealing/addiction, and sexual assault get short shrift, all dealt with in such a contrived, perfunctory way that you don't know or care what they're doing in the movie. Of course, there's also some raunch, including a scene with the nerdy characters spying on girls showering. "Ridgemont High" got away with sex and nudity because it dealt with these things in a realistic way, not just to satisfy the audience's need for boobs. They were used to service the plot, not to reveal that the "plot" was in bad need of servicing.
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Big hair, fake boobs, bad clothes, bad music--yep, it's the 80's alright
lazarillo19 December 2007
I really hate 80's teen movies truth be told (it was bad enough actually BEING a teenager in the 80's without watching a bunch of movies about it). This movie though is almost an unintentional parody of 80's teen movies, and it's SO dumb it completely short-circuited my brain and left me with a vague feeling of being slightly entertained. Despite the title, this is not a blatant rip-off of "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"--no, instead it's a blatant rip-off of "The Breakfast Club" and "Revenge of the Nerds". Three guys--a nerd, a jock (and dead ringer for Emilio Estevez) and a tough guy (who looks way too old to be in high school)--meet in detention, where two of them have been sent for spying on girls in the shower. They improbably become friends and band together to rescue the girlfriend of the jock (Kim Valentine) from some drug dealers.

Kim Valentine (from "Grandma's House") plays the stereotypical girl-next-door, while an even more obscure actress (the one on the poster) named Kim Anderson plays the sex bomb. Of course, Valentine is hardly plain-looking, while Anderson is a plastic-surgery disaster (albeit a sexy one) who looks like she should be camped out in the lobby of a hotel where Motley Crue is staying. (Although there's actually not nearly as much nudity as you'd expect in one of these films). And fulfilling the washed-up star quota we have Troy Donahue playing the principal.

This movie has apparently only been available on video in Australia and (in a cut version) on the TBS television station in America. Strangely though, it's been released again more recently on DVD as a "drive-in" triple feature with the 70's flick "Pickup Summer" and a Corey Feldman/Haim movie that's best not spoken of. Only one of these no doubt actually ever played at a drive-in, but oh well. . .
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BandSAboutMovies16 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At Montclair High School - can you believe the audacity of the filmmakers naming this movie - football player Sean Willis (Ross Hamilton) struggles to get good grades and has a dad who wants him to toughen up as his girlfriend Jenny Rush (Kim Valentine, who was on the TV show Tribes) finds herself in the world of sex, drugs and rock and roll thanks to her friend Susan (Leslie Owen). Then there's Ziggy Karpkinski (Johnathan Gorman), a nerd who can't find a girlfriend, and Jason Miller (Brent Jasmer, who was on The Bold and the Beautiful), the punk bully who is abused at home.

This is when the double audacity hits you and you wonder: Is this movie cosplaying The Breakfast Club, at least for it's three male leads? Perhaps the stay in detention that changes the lives of Sean, Ziggy and Jason will tell you all you need to know.

This is a movie where Jenny gets assaulted by the rock singer she's in love with and her boyfriend gathers his new friends for revenge just as much as it's a movie where the boom mic should have been in the cast. Troy Donahue is one of the teachers and the foreign teacher is Ziggy's love interest, which made me wonder if this was a Menahem Golan movie. Menahem never fails to put in a sexed-up older blonde musician or music teacher who shows a young boy the ways of love to the point that I believe that this is either his main fetish or tells us how he lost his cherry.

This is not a Menahem Golan movie. It would be way better.

It is directed by Jose Altonaga, who made Reawakened as recently as 2020, and written by Mark S. Simpson, who left behind writing after this. He did direct Lost Island in 1994.
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What is so bad about this movie????
atthegraves26 May 2007
Hot Times At Monticlair High is a good teen comedy to watch.Reminds me of a better time in my life when i watch it.I also own the movie on DVD by the way.But like i was saying it was an all around great movie.So what the movie may not have any big names in it or a big movie budget but the point is the director did his best with what little he had.For one thing them actors in the movie was their first acting job they ever had so give them a break.What i really liked about the movie was the music.Not sure what the name of the band was or even if you could somehow buy the songs on CD.But i thought it was really that good.So go buy this movie on DVD you can find it at FYE store and watch it.Lot's of memories will come back to you trust me....

Roger Sandy,Utah
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Fake but authentic
gchillag-2076822 November 2021
As a period piece of it's own time, I like the contrast between late 80s and early 80s Ridgemont high. Not as well made, much cheaper movie, but what surprised me was the music, it really helped this movie place itself in time. There's that hint of grunge that was stirring in the late 80s, and it's a good capture of that. Otherwise it's a predictability cheap ass shot at good comedy film. Doesn't really carry it's own weight in that regard, but the soundtrack is actually quite remarkable. Plus there's some hot chicks and the hairstyles are totally authentic 80s. So it has that to balance things out, like I said, as a period piece of it's own time.
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Sleep inducing
$TEVE McD13 April 2000
Why did they make films like this?Nobody watches them.It seems like there was some sort of competition on in the 80's to see who could make the worst teen comedy.Apart from a shower perving scene(now where have I seen that before?),this has no redeeming value at all.If you're looking for a way to get to sleep,you've just found it.
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Honkforhugs15 August 2007
I'll admit Hot Time at Montclair High was a stretch. But, coming from Montclair, and going to Montclair High, it is a school FILLED with drugs, sex, and teenage drama. Watching the movie made me think about the high school a lot, and it was just like it in so many ways! It was really fun to relive some old memories!

Some of the parts were a little too sexual, but over all the film was entertaining. I suggest watching it, if you are an open minded person. It's a lot like all the other teen films, but it is one that will really replay some fun memories!

In conclusion, watching the film was no waste of time! it was fun, exciting, and enjoyable! I enjoyed it a lot, and i really hope you will too!
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Poor script and execution
icemanalt25 November 2004
I am probably the most passionate person when it comes to teen movies - I absolutely love them. But this film flat out sucks! The dialogue is so clichéd and awkward, and the acting in general is quite poor. Again, I don't want to make generalisations about all the actors, as a couple (Troy Donahue and Jonathan Gorman to an extent) are actually passable in patches, but the film is a perfect example of the school of overacting. And what's with the dragging 3-minute music scene? Surely it could've been cut to 30 seconds... maybe it was a time filler, considering the film was barely 80 minutes.

My rating: 1/10 (the 1 is for the close-ups on Kim Anderson's bust!).

My take: Any aspiring screenwriters, watch this film... then walk away and completely do the opposite when penning your own piece. This film, if i serves for anything other than a sleeping pill as another gent alluded to, is the blueprint for how to NOT write and direct a film.

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