Aladdin (1992) Poster


Scott Weinger: Aladdin



  • Aladdin : Genie, I wish for your freedom.

    Genie : One bona fide prince pedigree coming up. I... What?

    Aladdin : [holds the lamp up to Genie]  Genie, you're free!

  • Genie : I'm free. I'm free. Quick. Quick. Wish for something outrageous. Say, "I, I want the Nile." Wish for the Nile. Try that!

    Aladdin : Uh... I wish for the Nile.

    Genie : No way!


    Genie : Oh, does that feel good!

  • Aladdin : [saving Jasmine from an irate merchant]  Thank you, kind sir. I'm so glad you found her.

    Aladdin : [to Jasmine]  I've been looking all over for you!

    Princess Jasmine : [whispering]  What are you doing?

    Aladdin : [whispering]  Just play along.

    Farouk : You, uh, know this girl?

    Aladdin : Sadly, yes. She is my sister. She's a little crazy.

    Farouk : She said she knew the sultan!

    Aladdin : [gesturing to Abu]  She thinks the monkey is the sultan.

    Princess Jasmine : [bowing to Abu]  O wise Sultan, how may I serve you?

    [Abu mutters gibberish] 

    Aladdin : Tragic, isn't it? But, no harm done. Now, come along, sis. Time to go see the doctor.

    Princess Jasmine : [to a camel]  Oh, hello, Doctor. How are you?

    Aladdin : [through his teeth]  No, no, no, not that one... Come on, Sultan.

  • Genie : So, what'll it be, Master?

    Aladdin : You're gonna grant me any three wishes I want, right?

    Genie : [as William F. Buckley]  Uh, almost. There are a few, uh, provisos, a, a couple of quid pro quos.

    Aladdin : Like?

    Genie : [normal]  Uh, rule #1: I can't kill anybody.

    [cuts his head off] 

    Genie : So don't ask.

    Genie : [fixes his head]  Uh, rule #2: I can't make anybody fall in love with anybody else.

    [turns into a pair of lips and kisses Aladdin] 

    Genie : You little punim there.

    Genie : [turns into a cross between slimy Genie and Peter Lorre]  Rule #3: I can't bring people back from the dead. It's not a pretty picture. I don't like doing it!

    [he returns to normal] 

    Genie : Other than that, you got it.

  • Aladdin : Genie, I need help!

    Genie : [as Jack Nicholson]  All right, Sparky, here's the deal. If you wanna court the little lady, you gotta be a straight shooter. Do ya got it?

    Aladdin : What?

    Genie : [pointing to each word on a blackboard]  Tell-her-the-*truth*!

  • Aladdin : You're a prisoner?

    Genie : It's all part and parcel, the whole genie gig.

    [grows to a gigantic size] 

    Genie : Phenomenal cosmic powers!

    [shrinks down inside the lamp] 

    Genie : Itty bitty living space!

  • Genie : [as a female flight attendant]  Thank you for choosing Magic Carpet for all your travel needs. Don't stand until the rug has come to a complete stop. Thank you. Goodbye now. Goodbye. Goodbye. Thank you. Goodbye.

    Genie : [back to normal]  Well, how about that, Mr. Doubting Mustafa?

    Aladdin : Oh, you sure showed me. Now, about my three wishes.

    Genie : Dost mine ears deceive me? Three? You are down by one, boy!

    Aladdin : Ah, no, I never actually wished to get out of the cave, huh. You did that on your own.

    [Genie's mouth drops] 

    Genie : Oh, I feel sheepish.

    [he turns into a sheep] 

    Genie : All right, you ba-a-a-ad boy. But no more freebies.

  • Aladdin : Provisos? You mean limitations? On wishes? Huh.

    [to Abu] 

    Aladdin : Some all powerful Genie. Can't even bring people back from the dead. I don't know, Abu. He probably can't even get us out of this cave. Looks like we're gonna have to find a way outta here.

    Genie : [stomps his foot to stop Aladdin, Abu, and Carpet from leaving]  Excuse me?

    Genie : [scoffs] 

    Genie : Are you looking at me? Did you rub my lamp? Did you wake me up? Did you bring me here? And all of a sudden you're walking out on me? I don't think so. Not right now! YOU'RE GETTIN' YOUR WISHES, SO *SIDDOWN!*

  • Aladdin : Wow. The palace looks pretty amazing, huh?

    Princess Jasmine : [glumly]  Oh... It's wonderful.

    Aladdin : I wonder what it'd be like to live there, and have servants, and valets.

    Princess Jasmine : Oh, sure. People who tell you where to go and how to dress.

    Aladdin : That's better than here. You're always scraping for food and ducking the guards.

    Princess Jasmine : You're not free to make your own choices.

    Aladdin : Sometimes you feel so...

    Princess Jasmine : You're just...

    Aladdin , Princess Jasmine : ...trapped.

  • [Princess Jasmine is in disguise, and hanging out with Aladdin, when the guards capture him] 

    Princess Jasmine : Let him go!

    Razoul : [laughs]  Looky here, men. A street mouse.

    [throws her down] 

    Princess Jasmine : Unhand him!

    [pulls off the hood of her cloak] 

    Princess Jasmine : By order of the Princess.

    Razoul : [everyone falls silent and bows]  Princess Jasmine!

    Aladdin : The Princess?

    Abu the Monkey : [peaks out from a jar]  The Princess?

    Razoul : What are you doing outside the palace? And with this street rat?

    Princess Jasmine : That's not your concern. Do as I command. Release him!

    Razoul : Well, I would, Princess, except my orders come from Jafar. You'll have to take it up with him.

    Princess Jasmine : Believe me, I will.

  • Aladdin : [singing]  Riffraff, street rat. I don't buy that. If only they'd look closer. Would they see a poor boy? No, siree! They'd find out there's so much more to me.

    Aladdin : [sighs, no longer singing]  Someday, Abu, things are gonna change. We'll be rich, live in a palace, and never have any problems at all.

  • Jafar : Just... where did you say you were from?

    Aladdin : [as Prince Ali Ababwa]  Oh, uh... uh, much farther than you've traveled, I'm sure.

    Jafar : Try me.

  • Aladdin : Hey... can you make me a prince?

    Genie : [opens 'Royal Recipes' book]  Uh, let's see. "Chicken à la King"?


    Genie : Nope. "Alaskan king crab".

    [pulls out a crab clamped to his finger] 

    Genie : [flicking it off]  Ow. I hate when they do that. "Caesar salad-"

    [arm with a knife raises from the book trying to stab him] 

    Genie : Aah! Et tu, Brute? No. Aha! "To make a prince."

  • Aladdin : Jasmine? I'm sorry I lied to you about being a prince.

    Princess Jasmine : I know why you did.

    Aladdin : Well, I guess... this... is goodbye?

    Princess Jasmine : Oh, that stupid law. This isn't fair! I love you.

    [Genie wipes away a tear from his eyes] 

    Genie : Al, no problem. You've still got one wish left. Just say the word, and you're a prince again.

    Aladdin : But, Genie, what about your freedom?

    Genie : Hey, it's only an eternity of servitude. This is love! Al, you're not gonna find another girl like her in a million years. Believe me, I know. I've looked.

  • Princess Jasmine : Father, I choose Prince Ali!

    Jafar : Prince Ali left.

    Aladdin : [standing in the doorway to the balcony]  Better check your crystal ball again, Jafar!

  • Genie : [as a bee]  Enough about you, Casanova. Talk about her.

    Aladdin : Huh?

    Genie : She's smart, fun. The hair, the eyes. Anything. Pick a feature.

  • Woman : Getting into trouble a little early today, aren't we, Aladdin?

    Aladdin : Trouble? No way. You're only in trouble if you get caught.

    Razoul : [snatching Aladdin by the collar]  Gotcha!

    Aladdin : I'm in trouble.

  • Genie : I'm telling you, nice to be back, ladies and gentlemen. Hi! Where you from? What's your name?

    Aladdin : Uh... uh, Aladdin.

    Genie : Aladdin! Hello, Aladdin, nice to have you on the show. Can we call you Al, or maybe just Din? Or how about Laddie?

    [turns into a Scotsman] 

    Genie : Sounds like, 'Here, boy!'


    Genie : 'C'mon, Laddie!'

    [turns into a dog] 

    Aladdin : I must've hit my head harder than I thought.

  • ["Snake" Jafar has Aladdin in a tight squeeze] 

    Jafar : You little fool. You thought you could defeat the most powerful being on Earth.

    Iago : Squeeze him, Jafar. Squeeze him like a- Awk!

    [Genie elbows Iago and knocks him into the air] 

    Jafar : Without the Genie, boy, you're nothing.

    Aladdin : The Genie... The Genie! The Genie has more power than you'll ever have!

    Jafar : What?

    Aladdin : He gave you your power. He can take it away.

    Genie : [smiling uncomfortably]  Al, what're you doing? Why are you bringing me into this?

    Aladdin : Face it, Jafar. You're still just second best!

    Jafar : [slightly shocked]  You're right. His power does exceed my own. But not for long.

  • [repeated line] 

    Aladdin : Do you trust me?

  • Aladdin : All this for a loaf of bread?

  • Princess Jasmine : [after their magic carpet ride around the world]  It's all so magical.

    Aladdin : [as Prince Ali]  Yeah.

    Princess Jasmine : [sneakily]  It's a shame Abu had to miss this.

    Aladdin : Nah. He hates fireworks. He really doesn't like flying either. Uh... that is... um... Oh, no!

    Princess Jasmine : [pulls off Aladdin's turban]  You *are* the boy from the market. I knew it! Why did you lie to me?

    Aladdin : Jasmine, I'm sorry!

    Princess Jasmine : Did you think I was stupid?

    Aladdin : No!

    Princess Jasmine : That I wouldn't figure it out?

    Aladdin : No! I-I mean... I-I hoped you wouldn't. Uh... no, that-that's not what I meant!

    Princess Jasmine : Who are you? Tell me the truth.

    Aladdin : The truth? The truth, um... The-the truth is, I... I-I sometimes dress as a commoner, um, to escape the pressures of palace life. But I-I really am a prince.

    Princess Jasmine : Why didn't you just tell me?

    Aladdin : Well, you know, uh... um, royalty going out into the city in disguise, I mean, it sounds a little strange, don't you think?

    Princess Jasmine : Hmm... Not that strange.

  • Genie : [sniffs tearfully]  No matter what anybody says, you'll always be a prince to me.

    Sultan : That's right! You've certainly proven your worth as far as I'm concerned. It's that law that's the problem.

    Princess Jasmine : Father?

    Sultan : Well, am I Sultan or am I Sultan? From this day forth, the Princess shall marry whomever she deems worthy.

    Princess Jasmine : Him! I choose... I choose you, Aladdin.

    Aladdin : [chuckles]  Call me Al.

  • [Aladdin has tricked Jafar into wishing to be a more powerful genie than Genie] 

    Jafar : The universe is mine to command! To control!

    Aladdin : Not so fast, Jafar! Aren't you forgetting something?

    Jafar : Huh?

    Aladdin : You wanted to be a genie? You got it!

    [cufflinks form on Jafar's wrists] 

    Jafar : What?

    Aladdin : And everything that goes with it.

    [Aladdin holds up a black genie lamp, which sucks Jafar in] 

    Jafar : No! No!

    Iago : I'm getting out of here!

    Aladdin : Phenomenal cosmic powers...

    [Iago tries to flee, but Jafar grabs him] 

    Iago : Come on, you're the genie. I don't want, I don't...!

    [both Jafar and Iago disappear in the lamp] 

    Aladdin : ...itty bitty living space.

    Genie : Al, you little genius, you!

  • Aladdin : [picking up the lamp]  This is it? This is what we came all the way down here to...

    [sees Abu take a ruby] 

    Aladdin : Abu! Nooo!

    Cave of Wonders : Infidels!

    Abu the Monkey : Uh-oh.

    Cave of Wonders : [thundering]  You have touched the forbidden treasure! Now you will never again see the light of day!

  • Aladdin : Wish fulfillment?

    Genie : Three wishes, to be exact. And ixnay on the wishing for more wishes. That's it. Three. Uno, dos, tres. No substitutions, exchanges or refunds.

  • Prince Achmed : You are a worthless street rat. You were born a street rat, you'll die a street rat, and only your fleas will mourn you!

    [the palace gates slam shut in front of Aladdin] 

    Aladdin : I'm not worthless. And I don't have fleas!

    [he scratches his head] 

    Aladdin : [sighs]  Come on, Abu. Let's go home.

  • Aladdin : So, three wishes. Hm, I want them to be good. What would you wish for?

    Genie : Me? No one's ever asked me that before. Well, in my case... Ah, forget it.

    Aladdin : What?

    Genie : No, I can't tell you.

    Aladdin : C'mon, tell me.

    Genie : Freedom!

  • [Abu goes crazy and leaps onto Aladdin's head as they escape from the destructing Cave of Wonders] 

    Aladdin : Abu! Abu, this is no time to panic!

    [sees that they're about to hit a wall] 

    Aladdin : Start panicking!

  • Aladdin : They wanna make me Sultan. No, they wanna make Prince Ali Sultan. Without you, I'm just Aladdin.

    Genie : Al, you won!

    Aladdin : Because of you! The only reason anyone thinks I'm worth anything is because of you! What if they find out I'm not really a prince? What if Jasmine finds out? I'd lose her. Genie, I can't keep this up on my own! I... I can't wish you free.

    Genie : [disappointed]  Fine, I understand. After all, you've lied to everyone else. Hey, I was beginning to feel left out. Now, if you'll excuse me, Master...!

    [disappears into lamp resentfully] 

  • Guard : You won't get away so easy!

    Aladdin : You think that was easy?

  • Aladdin : Wait, wait a minute. I'm... your master?

    Genie : [gives Aladdin a mortar cap and diploma]  That's right! He can be taught!

  • [Jasmine has rejected "Prince Ali's" first advances toward her] 

    Genie : [as a bee]  Stop her! Stop her! Want me to sting her?

    Aladdin : Buzz off.

    Genie : OK, fine. But remember, "bee" yourself.

  • Sultan : [of "Prince Ali Ababwa"]  Jasmine will like this one.

    Aladdin : And I'm pretty sure I'll like Princess Jasmine.

    Jafar : Your Highness, no! I must intercede on Jasmine's behalf. This boy is no different from the others. What makes him think he is worthy of the Princess?

    Aladdin : Your Majesty, I am Prince Ali Ababwa. Just let her meet me. I will win your daughter.

    Princess Jasmine : How dare you? All of you! Standing around deciding my future? I am not a prize to be won!

  • Aladdin : [singing]  Let's not be too hasty!

    Portly Agrabah Woman : [scoops Aladdin up in her arms and sings]  Still I think he's rather tasty!

  • Aladdin : [seeing Achmed ride toward the palace]  Look at that, Abu. It's not every day you see a horse with two rear ends.

  • Iago : Ladies and gentlemen, a warm Agrabah welcome for Sorcerer Jafar!

    Jafar : Now where were we? Ah, yes abject humiliation!

    [He zaps Jasmine and Sultan with his staff, and they both bow to him. Rajah comes running at him] 

    Jafar : Down, boy!

    [He zaps Rajah, and the tiger turns into a kitten. Rajah meows] 

    Jafar : Oh princess

    [lifts Jasmine's chin with his staff] 

    Jafar : there's someone I'm dying to introduce you to.

    Aladdin : [Flying towards him on Carpet]  Jafar! Get your hands off her!

    Jafar : [zaps Aladdin, Carpet flies away. Singing]  Prince Ali, yes, it is he, but not as you know him. Read my lips and come to grips with reality.

    Jafar : Yes, meet a blast from your past. Whose lies were too good to last! Say hello to your precious Prince Ali!

    [zaps Ali back to Aladdin as he says it] 

    Iago : [mockingly]  Or should we say Aladdin?

    Princess Jasmine : [shocked gasp]  Ali?

    Aladdin : Jasmine, I tried to tell you. I just.

    Jafar : [still singing]  So Ali turns out to be merely Aladdin.

    Jafar : Just a con, need I go on? Take it from me, his personality flaws, give me adequate cause,

    [sends Aladdin and Abu in a pillar, Carpet flies in after them] 

    Jafar : to send him packing on a one way trip so his prospects take a terminal dip, his assets frozen, the venue chosen, is the ends of the earth.

    Jafar : [sends the pillar in the air] 


    Jafar : Whoopee! So long!

    Iago : Goodbye. See ya.

    Jafar : [sings]  Ex-Prince Ali!

    [laughs maniacally] 

    Aladdin : Abu? Abu! Oh, this is all my fault. I should have freed the Genie when I had the chance.

    Aladdin : Abu! Are you okay?

    Abu the Monkey : [shivers]  Uh-huh.

    Aladdin : I'm sorry, Abu. I made a mess of everything, somehow. I gotta go back and set things right. Yeah! All right! Now, back to Agrabah! Let's go!

  • Aladdin : I can show you the world / Shining, shimmering, splendid / Tell me, Princess, now, when did / you last let your heart decide? / I can open your eyes / Take you wonder by wonder / over, sideways and under / on a magic carpet ride / A whole new world / A new fantastic point of view / No one to tell us no, or where to go / Or say we're only dreaming...

    Princess Jasmine : A whole new world / A dazzling place I never knew / But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear / That now I'm in a whole new world with you!

    Aladdin : Now I'm in a whole new world with you...

    Princess Jasmine : Unbelievable sights / Indescribable feeling / Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling / Through an endless diamond sky / A whole new world / A hundred thousand things to see / I'm like a shooting star, I've come so far / I can't go back to where I used to be...

    Aladdin , Princess Jasmine : A whole new world / With new horizons to pursue / I'll chase them anywhere, There's time to spare / Let me share this whole new world with you / A whole new world / That's where we'll be / A thrilling chase, A wondrous place / For you and me...

  • Jafar : [Genie's power transforms "Snake" Jafer into a "Genie" Jafer]  Ye-eeee-es-ssss.

    [the snake that surrounds the tighted Aladdin dissolves into dust, as Jasmine's hand buried by the sand of the hourglass] 

    Jafar : Y-eeee-es-ssss! The power.

    ["Genie" Jafer chuckles as Aladdin breaks the hourglass to save Jasmine] 

    Jafar : [o.s]  The absolute,

    Jafar : [breaks the roof of the palace]  power!

    Princess Jasmine : What have you done?

    Aladdin : Trust me.

    Jafar : [the power of "Genie Jafer" creates The Black Lamp]  The universe is mind to command, to control!

    Aladdin : Not so fast, Jafer. Aren't you forgetting something?

    Jafar : Huh?

    Aladdin : You wanted to be a genie? You got it!

    Jafar : [the gold sheckles forms around his arms]  What?

    Aladdin : And everything that goes with it.

    Jafar : [Aladdin uses the lamp to suck up "Genie" Jafer]  No-oooo! No-oooo!

    Iago : I'm getting out of there.

    Jafar : [screaming overlapping; as he grabs Iago]  No-oooo...!

    Aladdin : [o.s]  Phenomenal cosmic Powers.

    Iago : Come on, you're the genie. I don't want... I- I don't want...

    ["Genie" Jafer and Iago has sucked up together in the lamp] 

    Aladdin : Itty-bitty living space.

    Genie : Al -l... you little genius, you.

    [Abu, the Magic Carpet, Jasmine, the Sultan and Rajah restored back to their usual themselves, along with the palace] 

    Jafar : [inside the lamp]  Get your blasted beak out of my face.

    Iago : [inside lamp]  Oh, shut up, you moron.

    Jafar : Don't tell me to shut up.

    Genie : [as Jafer & Iago's argument continues inside the lamp, Aladdin hands the lamp to the Genie]  Allow me. Ten-thousand years in a Cave of Wonders ought to chill him out.

    [the Genie pricks the lamp into the desert] 

    Jafar : Shut,

    Jafar : u-uuuu-uuuu-p...

    [the purple lights flashes from the beyond the desert] 

  • Aladdin : [hanging from the entrance of the Cave of Wonders]  Help me out!

    Jafar : [in disguise]  Throw me the lamp!

    Aladdin : I can't hold on! Give me your hand!

    Jafar : First give me the lamp!

    [Aladdin does so] 

    Jafar : [laughs triumphantly]  Yes! At last!

    [he grabs Aladdin's wrist] 

    Aladdin : What're you doing?

    Jafar : Giving you your reward - your eternal reward!

    [he pulls out a dagger and is about to stab Aladdin; Abu bites his arm, forcing him to drop the dagger; Jafar then throws Aladdin and Abu back down the Cave, just as it closes] 

    Jafar : [chuckles, removing his disguise]  It's mine. It's all mine. I...

    [he searches for the lamp, but can't find it] 

    Jafar : Where is it? No! Noooooo!

  • Aladdin : Are you afraid to fight me yourself, you cowardly snake?

    Jafar : A snake, am I? Perhaps you'd like to see how snakelike I can be!

    [he turns into a giant snake] 

  • [Aladdin and Jasmine are hanging out in Al's hideout when Razoul's guards show up] 

    Guard : Here you are!

    Aladdin , Princess Jasmine : [both]  They're after me! They're after you?

  • Jafar : Prince Ali? Yes, it is he, / but not as you know him! / Read my lips, and come to grips / with reality! / Meet a blast from your past, whose lies were too good to last / Say hello to your precious Prince Ali!

    [strips Aladdin of his magic] 

    Princess Jasmine : Ali...

    Aladdin : Jasmine... I tried to tell you, I'm only...

    Jafar : So Ali, turns out to be / merely Aladdin / Just a con, need I go on? / Take it from me / His personality flaws, give me adequate cause / To send him packing on a one-way trip, so his propsects take a terminal dip / His assets frozen, the venue chosen / Is the ends of the earth - wheee! / So long, EX-Prince Ali!

    [locks Aladdin in a tower and hurls the tower into space] 

  • Princess Jasmine : [after Aladdin brings her to her balcony]  Goodnight my handsome prince.

    Aladdin : Sleep well, princess.

  • Princess Jasmine : Father, I choose Prince Ali.

    Jafar : Prince Ali left.

    Aladdin : Better check your crystal ball again, Jafar!

    Princess Jasmine : Prince Ali!

    Iago : How in the he-

    [covers his mouth] 

    Iago : Awk!

  • Aladdin : [singing]  A whole new world.

    Princess Jasmine : [singing]  A whole new life.

    Aladdin , Princess Jasmine : For you and me.

  • Aladdin : Princess Jasmine, you're very...

    Genie : [as a bee]  Wonderful! Magnificent! Glorious! Punctual!

    Aladdin : Punctual!

    Princess Jasmine : Punctual?

    Genie : Sorry.

    Aladdin : Uh, beautiful!

    Genie : Nice recovery.

  • Princess Jasmine : Unhand him!

    [removes her hood] 

    Princess Jasmine : By order of the princess.

    [Razoul and his guards gasps and bow] 

    Razoul : Princess Jasmine.

    Aladdin : The princess?

    Abu : The princess?

    Razoul : What are you doing outside the palace, and with this street rat?

    Princess Jasmine : That's not your concern! Do as I command! Release him!

    Razoul : Ah, I would, Princess, except my orders come from Jafar. You'll have to take it up with him.

    Princess Jasmine : [crosses her arms as the guards take Aladdin away]  Believe me, I will.

  • Prince Achmed : Out of my way, filthy brats!

    [preparing the whip the kids and Aladdin blocks with his arm] 

    Aladdin : Hey! If I were rich as you, I could afford some manners.

    [throws the whip at him] 

    Prince Achmed : I'll teach you some manners!

    [shoves Aladdin off] 

  • Razoul : Stop! Thief! I'll have your hands for a trophy, street rat!

    Aladdin : All this for a loaf of bread?

  • Razoul : [arresting Aladdin]  It's the dungeon for you, boy.

    Aladdin : [struggles against the guards]  Hey, get off me!

    Princess Jasmine : [hits Razoul's arm]  Let him go!

    Razoul : Looky here, men, a street *mouse*!

    [knocks Jasmine to the ground; the guards laugh] 

    Princess Jasmine : [picks herself up]  Unhand him...

    [removes her hood] 

    Princess Jasmine : ... by order of the princess!

    [the guards stop laughing and bow] 

    Razoul : [gasps and bows]  Princess Jasmine!

    Aladdin : The princess?

    Abu the Monkey : [hiding in a vase]  The princess?

    Razoul : What are you doing outside the palace, and with this street rat?

    Princess Jasmine : That's not your concern! Do as I command! Release him!

    Razoul : Ah, I would, Princess, except my orders come from Jafar. You'll have to take it up with him.

    [the guards drag Aladdin away] 

    Princess Jasmine : [crosses her arms]  Believe me, I will.

  • Aladdin : [picks up the lamp]  This is it? This is what we came all the way down here to - -

    [sees Carpet trying to stop a jonesing Abu from getting the giant ruby] 

    Aladdin : Abu, NO!

    [Abu greedily grabs the jewel] 

    Cave of Wonders : [thundering]  INFIDELS!

    Abu : [snapped out of his trance]  Uh-oh...


    [Abu puts the ruby back; the jewel and the statue melt like molten metal] 


    [Fire erupts as the Cave of Wonders begins to cave in] 

  • Princess Jasmine : [reveals her identity]  Unhand him, by order of the Princess!

    Razoul : [forces Aladdin to bow in reverence]  Princess Jasmine.

    Aladdin : The Princess?

    Abu : *The Princess?*

See also

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