Don't Stop My Crazy Love for You (1993) Poster

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Don't Stop My Crazy Love For CatIII Sleaze...
EVOL66612 March 2006
From the title, DON'T STOP MY CRAZY LOVE FOR YOU sounds like it could be a fun, breezy, romantic comedy or something, right? That is until you notice that it's a Hong Kong film made in the mid-90's starring Simon Yam - and you quickly realize that what you have in your hands is another piece of classic HK CATIII sleaze, the kind I just can't seem to get enough of...

This one has Yam as (you guessed it...) a psychotic nut-job (who'd a' figured???) named Fred Suen, who has an unhealthy crush on a local TV newswoman. He has a mannequin made up like her in his house that he talks to, or sometimes, he dresses up like her and pretends the mannequin is himself...yeah guys - this cat is f!cked up. Anyway, a chance meeting between the two escalates Fred's actions from mere spying, to calling and harassing her. Things start to quickly go haywire as Fred loses control of his impulses, and you can probably guess where it's headed from there...

DON'T STOP is not one of the best of the genre, but is still definitely worth a look to the CATIII fans out there. The ending especially had some suitably sleazy moments - and for a moment there, I thought that Fred had actually "conquered" his victim, which would have made the film twice as sleazy - almost to the point of being obscene, but alas - it wasn't meant to be...Recommended to the genre fans out there... 7.5/10
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Yvonne Yung Hung in her defining role
ebiros227 January 2006
This is the movie that catapulted Yvonne Yung Hung's career as a big movie and TV actress. She plays the role of Kitty who is a TV announcer who've inherited a big house from her parents. Simon Yam plays the part of Fred, a maniac who's infatuated with her. He has a camera with sports lens attached trained on her bed room, and in one scene blurts "I'm going to put a camera in your day !" This is probably the only movie where you'll see Simon Yam dancing away wearing women's underwear. Although he plays the part of a vulgar character, he never appears vulgar attesting to his great talent as an actor.

Yvonne Yung Hung announces few years later that she won't be playing this type of role any more, and starts concentrating on more conservative characters. She also competes with Chingmy Yau for the love interest of Wong Jing shortly after this movie was made. It is too bad that she's retired from movie making all together now as she was also one of the few Asian star who could carry a movie on her own.

Highlight of this movie of course is the love scene between Yvonne and Yam. Yvonne is captured at the height of her beauty. I'm sure many men went to the theater just to see this. But the movie is of good quality (what do you expect when two talents of this caliber gets together ?) and is an entertaining piece to watch.
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Sleazy as they come
Leofwine_draca28 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
DON'T STOP MY CRAZY LOVE FOR YOU (1993, original title Dong bat chu dik fung ching) is a psycho-thriller from Hong Kong about a stalker who becomes obsessed with a TV reporter and proceeds to make her life a misery. Be warned, this is a Category III production which means that it's extremely explicit in terms of sex and nudity, including a protracted sequence towards the climax that takes bad taste to the next level. Other than that it's a fairly ordinary and underwhelming production that lacks the crucial suspense that makes a psycho-thriller decent. Simon Yam gives it his all as the crazed psychopath, sharing many of his scenes with a mannequin and generally going way further than any psycho in a Hollywood film would ever go. Yvonne Hung Yung has the toughest role as the victim and I don't envy her her part in this one. Hong Kong whipping boy Michael Wong has a smaller role as her bodyfriend. The film has a few kills and violent scenes as well as amusing subtitles but it's far from the best that this genre offers.
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A sleazy little thriller.
OllieSuave-00721 March 2016
This is a sleazy little thriller from Hong Kong where Simon Yam stars as mentally disturbed security specialist Fred Suen, who is obsessed with news reporter Kitty Wong (Yvonne Hung). He spies on her using his telescope from across his apartment and will not allow anyone to get too close to her.

It's a fast-paced movie that gets right to the point of the psychopath, the stalking and the crimes, which were rather intense and disturbing at certain points. There are touches of thrilling scenes and suspense here and there, though, I've seen more scarier stuff than this. However, it's not a bad movie to keep you occupied for an hour and a half or so. The acting also wasn't bad.

Grade B-
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Weird film starring Hong Kong's favorite psycho!
Captain_Couth8 March 2004
Don't stop my crazy love for you (1993) stars Simon Yam as get this..I mentally disturbed individual! What a stretch for Mr. Yam. But to his credit no one can play a nut case better than him. He makes the rest look like a bunch of pikers. Yam Tat Wah plays a psycho who's deeply infatuated with his next door neighbor. He'll do anything to be with her. The problem is she doesn't know him or care to know about him. Simon likes to watch her 24/7/365.5! Her fiancée Michael Wong gets into the picture and this doesn't please Simon, not at all!

Since this is a Category III expect a lot of rough stuff. If you enjoy that then this movie's perfect for you. Simon Yam chews up the scenery and is very convincing.

Check out Simon Yam's pad. In the corner he has a faceless mannequin that bears a similar resemblance to her next door neighbor! He also has one of the most classic lines in movie history near the end of the film.
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An enjoyable slice of HK Cat III sleaze.
HumanoidOfFlesh5 August 2006
Simon Yam of "Run and Kill" and "Dr.Lamb" fame plays mentally disturbed security specialist named Fred.He's obsessed with beautiful news reporter Kitty Wong and stalks her constantly.He even sleeps with a mannequin that he dresses up to resemble her."Can't Stop My Crazy Love for You" is a pretty average Cat III flick which offers some shocks and disturbing moments.Yam is surprisingly amusing as a psychotic stalker.The film is not as graphic as the other HK shockers like "Red to Kill" or "Daughter of Darkness",however it contains a few moments of absolute sleaze.You should add this movie without any hesitation to your lovely collection of exploitative filth.8 out of 10.
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"You shot my......"
ElijahCSkuggs19 February 2008
Don't Stop My Crazy Love For You is another entertaining and decently sleazy little gem of a CATIII film. The story revolves around Simon Yam's character being completely obsessed with a local(?) TV News Reporter. Acting out personal fantasies, spying and stalking the beautiful reporter are some of Yam's go to pervert moves. With the beautiful reporter falling in love with her long-time boyfriend, Simon's character reaches a boiling point and decides to seriously take things into his own hands.

Simon Yam, who is becoming a favorite of mine due to being consistently good in all his flicks (Full Contact comes to mind), is again very good in this film. The movie moves at a pretty fast pace for the first hour, then tends to slow down a little bit near the end when Reporter girl starts attaining clues, but the movie picks up it's pace big-time during the last 20 minutes or so. With sleazy moments, some alright nudity (though not enough for this guy) and some alright violence, this pales in comparison in the "Goody" departments with other CATIII ventures. But the story and acting is just as good or better than any CATIII you can find out there. It's easily another recommendable *Meeooww* flick, and a must see if you're a fan of Simon Yam or into stories based on obsession. Fun stuff. 7.5 outta 10
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