Running Cool (1993) Poster


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not great art, but from the heart
bsnowberger3 June 2006
I caught this on cable and--although I have no connection to bikers whatsoever--I ended up not turning the channel and watching the whole thing through. It's definitely what you'd call a genre piece but it's a lot more enjoyable than you'd imagine. If you can take it as just a cool piece of Americana of a certain time and place, you'll have fun.

The story begins in Sturgis, to introduce the characters and their culture, but quickly moves to the South for the majority of the plot. Our hero, Bone, must help an old friend raise money to save his small plot of family land--which happens to be on beautiful Southern wetlands--from the control of developers. He meets dangers and love along the way, as well as gaining an appreciation for the environment and a new sense of home. The characters are pretty much what you'd expect (i.e., not models of complexity a la French New Wave), but the biker characters are actually really appealing and attractively acted.

Also, the town being portrayed is spelled Beaufort (South Carolina), to be irritatingly pedantic and add a slight correction to the summaries above.
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Lightweight action vehicle
Leofwine_draca3 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
RUNNING COOL is a fun and cheesy action B-movie of the early 1990s, with bikers as the heroes of the hour. It reminded me of an A-TEAM episode a little, although with a slightly more adult tone in terms of violence, sexuality, and bad language. The underrated Andrew Divoff - best known for being a villain of choice in the likes of WISHMASTER - plays a biker hero who, along with his buddy Bear, go to help out a friend at the mercy of a ruthless businessman. Paul Gleason, so recognisable from his turn in DIE HARD, plays the villain of the piece. This is a lightweight and fun little movie, full of cheesy action scenes of our heroes beating up lunkheaded henchmen and the like. There's really not too much to it, but I found the atmosphere to be spot on and there's a high enjoyment factor present.
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If Roadhouse & Empire Records had a baby...
lalaloggins30 June 2023
We found this movie w/ Random Movie Decider & watched it via an uploaded VHS version on Youtube. I didn't expect much from a biker movie, let alone one w/ a limited budget but what a pleasant surprise it turned out to be!

The person who wrote the script was an actual biker. Yeah, it's full of cliches, cringe moments, and a cheesy af soundtrack, but if u stumble across it, give it a shot. It shows Biker Communities and their culture. They might be tough, loud and intimidating, but don't judge a book by its cover. These Bikers are part of a brotherhood. A family. They care about each other. The main character's back story is a heartbreaker, and the gang embraces and supports him. Bad things could happen without his fellow bikers.

The story is simple. Bikers Bone & Bear are called upon to help their friend Iron Butt fend off a cartoonish bad guy wanting to take over his land. It's not just any land. It's got a beautiful marsh for a backyard. Unfortunately, Ironbutt, owes $8000 in taxes. Bone & Bear decide to throw a Bike Run to raise money for Ironbutt while the bad guys try to foil their plans. That's pretty much it.

This could have been a terrible movie, but the heartfelt friendship and loyalty between Bone, Bear & Ironbutt, as well as the chemistry between the male & female leads saves it from mediocrity. Their love story is sweet, sexy, & believable. Bikers are portrayed as positive members of the community, as opposed to Harley riding troublemakers. Sadly, the fight scenes remind me of a lesser Roadhouse. Rough & tumble punching, kicking bad guys into the air and onto tables etc. You've seen it before but that doesn't stop the film from being enjoyable.

It's not a great by any measure, but it's better than u think. Worth seeking out. I haven't seen a lot of biker movies but i bet this is one of the better ones. It deserves its status as a cult movie and I'm glad I was able to find it. 6/10.
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Enjoyed this movie
Dracula19969 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie a lot. It dose show a lot of truth about how bikers really are and how they are treated. I would recommend this movie for anyones biker movie collection.

I like the way it brings the community together to try and preserve the wet lands.

Some people just have a narrow mind about how bikers really are. They did pick a good person to play Mr. Hogg. He was also in the Breakfast club and played the bad guy very well.

I think that some of the fight scenes are quite realistic not the cinema version of what a fight is. The plot dose take a little time to unroll but I think that it is well done.
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an excellent movie.
sonjamorris0523 January 2006
This movie is the best. I am a little bias though because my daddy and my uncle and aunt were extras in it. Well it is a really great movie. I think everyone should watch it at least once. I love everything about it. It really shows just how nice people can be and just how rude and judgemental people can be at the same time. Plus there are some fine people in it. i think anyone who has seen it most likely really liked it. It is really hard to find now and if any one could help me find it rather cheap that would be great if not my daddy has a copy i guess i could just record his but i would like to have my own thanks. and remember you should watch this movie if not because you like bikers but because of the hot people in it.
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A great movie!!!
braveheart79902 May 2007
This movie is dead on with every biker I know! I am curious about what, if anything Bob the Moo even knows about American bikers...I have been one and have been around them for my entire adult life...I have a job, pay my taxes, raise my family, and do pretty much everything else, no different then everyone else. I have never been to jail, or even arrested- for anything, and even spent 10 years of my life as a cop. There are trouble makers in every segment of society and bikers are no different...but the vast majority of bikers are just normal working people that like to ride! They get upset when good people get screwed, but unlike a lot of folks, they stand up to help people in need. That is exactly what this movie is about...the little guy standing up to the big guy and saying "No, you will not walk on me!" For many years, all Hollywood put out with regards to bikers was the dark side of the culture- the so called 1%ers. They are the minority! There are very few movies out there that show the way most bikers are...but this is one of them. Sure the acting was a little rough...there were only a handful of real actors in the movie...all the bikers in the background are the real thing. The story line was simplistic, but it was a first time for the writer- also a member of the biker community...I know these things because I have seen a making of documentary of the movie with interviews of the people involved.

If you overlook the fact that it is not a high dollar production and just relax and watch the movie- you will love it...

Unless you have watched one to many of the stereotypical biker movies and are biased against it from the start.
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Comments about movie "RUNNING COOL"
xspenserhire16 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The movie represented something that is needed in cinema, a movie depicting bikers as people rather than the stereotypical "outlaw trash". This moving shows a side that I am VERY aware of and that is the BROTHERHOOD OF BIKERS". Bikers are not all dirtbags or low lifes and with the popularity of Harleys especially most are a cut above the norm. The comment from the reviewer from the UK shows this individual knows less than jack about bikers or motorcycles or the love of the sport. The movie's fight scenes were entertaining rather than the "cartoonish" fight scenes from "hong kong kung fu movies" where people fly around pagodas with the greatest of ease. The leads where great, Bone, Michelle, Ironbutt, and Bear lending a truer edge than the likes of the cheappie biker/wacko movies of the sixties. I sit and watch it all the time with my family although I do edit some of the language. I HIGHLY recommend the film!!
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Greatest Biker Movie Ever
cchampol7 January 2000
I think this is the greatest biker movie of all time! It's good to finally see a movie that shows bikers not as criminals, but as law abiding hell-raisers!Andrew Divoff and Bubba Baker are brilliant as bikers.
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Great Movie!
conste30 August 2001
I really got caught in this movie, it has such a great explaining of the "Biker Culture" as it is and not for people to confuse with Biker gangs like HA or Bandidos. I'm into the biker culture so I know, the movie has a good Love story to it too. I can only say it's worth seeing!!!... Unfortunatly I have a real hard time to get a hold of the movie here in Sweden though... I really need to get a hold of an own copy of it... Rent it or Buy it, it really great!
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This is cult even in Germany
rochus-marszalkowski13 March 2010
I have been on a business trip to India in 2007 when I saw this movie on HBO. As a biker I was immediately thrilled by this movie.

Back in Germany I tried to get a DVD but there was nothing available. Somehow disappointed I started a last attempt and I got a VHS in the US.

In the meantime I have installed a regular "movie evening" with my bro's starting to have a barbecue. After having enjoyed dinner we are all watching this film.

Thanks for this really great biker movie - it shows the attitude towards life a biker should have. I love it!
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I loved it
JizzieJo17 July 1999
I loved Interceptor! Andrew Divoff is by far my most favorite actor. It was great to see a movie where he finally plays a good guy and doesn't get himself killed. I also think that the development of Air Force One had something to do with this film.
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i was in this movie
cooljkm28 December 2006
HI,i was in this movie,it was filmed in Sanford FLA. Me and my wife Karen were in the scene where Didi ran through the crowd at the can see us plain....we also rode in the bike ride to the party spot....don't remember the way...but i have a copy of this film and watch it a lot....anyone who would like to get in film was originally named iron butts i got the T shirt OK need more lines so,well we found out about this movie from friends when we lived in Leesburg Fla,we lived there for about a year...i wish someone from the movie would contact me via email....if you do say something in the subject so i'll open it...OK is this enough lines?
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No Roots,No Responsibilities, And Absolutely No Regrets
JakeRfilmfreak24 February 2023
A very underappreciated independent film from the early 1990's. Although at times it can feel like a made for TV movie, I love this film with all my heart.

(Andrew Divoff) stars as Bone, a lone biker who doesn't want roots anywhere. And with his biker buddy Bear tries to help their friend Ironbutt played by (James Gammon) save his wetlands from growing corporations.

The acting can get kind of cheesy at times, but the story is good and entertaining. The small town hates the bikers, but they won't leave until they've helped their friend. They even throw in a little love story to boot. A great film to check out.
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One dimensional biker movie
bob the moo28 November 2001
Bikers Bone (Divoff) and Bear (Baker) visit their old friend Ironbutt (Gammon) to find that he is being forced off his land by ruthless developer Calvin Hogg (Gleason). Desperate to protect his marshlands Ironbutt enlists the help of his friends to raise money to save the land and fight off the developers.

This seems to be trying to cast bikers in the role of Native Americans - stewards of the land and the environment. They're mostly sensitive men who love nature and others - any crime they do is only ever self defence and, yes they like a bit of a fight but overall they just want to be at one with their surroundings (and have wet tee-shirt competitions!). This is my first problem with this is that it tries to cast bikers as misunderstood, caring men who have the environment as one of their many concerns (ignoring the effect of their bikes' burning fuel!).

This also means that the developers are portrayed as "evil" while the lawmen are portrayed as "stupid" or "corrupt". This then sets up various confrontations in which the bikers come off looking good. Much of this is the form of fighting, all of which is slow and lazy. Having seen Hong Kong fight scenes where everything is choreographed down to a move this is quite a bore. All the fights are slow and without excitement or tension, they consist of a series of punches where the "bad guys" are stunned and stand awaiting the next punch. Anyway, the plot and the fights continue until the serious conclusion where everyone, including the bikers and the developers learn an important lesson about love, friendship and others....

The cast are quite good - some of the bikers look frighteningly like Ewoks from Jedi! Divoff is quite good but only needs to give an one-dimensional performance as the sensitive, strong guy. Little Pfeiffer is good as Michele and Bubba Baker brings some comedy as Bear. Gleason is good as Calvin Hogg, but Tracy Sebastian is terrible as his son. All the rest of the cast are so-so, but really this isn't material where a shining performance would be really possible.

Overall the film is quite lame, the characters are all one-dimensional with a far too positive shine put on the bikers to be totally believable. The fight scenes are boring and the plot is predictable. The happy "we all learnt a lesson here today" ending is terrible. The only group that'll get a kick out of this movie are those that are or like bikers.
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asphaltangel5 March 2002
The movie was great. It really showed the true soft side of REAL scooter people and how they lived and loved the life we live. How we take care of our own as well as strangers that are in need of help. True brotherhood is family and always there for family. Not so much as what we can benefit from something, granted the benefits are nice to have occasionally, but to be there when a brother or sister is down is what we are. Now on with the question of the day..... How can I get the soundtrack? Have searched the web but cannot find it. If anyone knows how or where, please let me know.
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