Clear and Present Danger (1994) Poster

Harrison Ford: Jack Ryan



  • [Jack needs a helicopter] 

    Jack Ryan : I'm here to rent the Huey.

    Helicopter owner : We don't rent it anymore, but it is for sale.

    Jack Ryan : How much?

    Helicopter owner : Two million dollars.

    Jack Ryan : Uh, my pilot and I will have to take it for a test drive.

    Helicopter owner : Of course, you just have to leave a deposit.

    Jack Ryan : How much is that?

    Helicopter owner : Two million dollars.

    Jack Ryan : Umm...

    [Shows a CIA business card] 

    Jack Ryan : Would you take a company check?

  • The President : [on who gets punished for 'Reciprocity']  You'll take the blame. Cutter and Ritter will take some too, but it won't amount to much. They'll get a slap on the wrist and $20,000 an hour on the lecture circuit. The rest, you'll dump on Greer. Yes, you'll take him down with you. You'll *destroy* his reputation. But it won't go any further than that. It's the ol' Potomac two-step, Jack.

    Jack Ryan : I'm sorry, Mr. President, I don't dance.

  • The President : How dare you come in here and lecture me!

    Jack Ryan : How dare *you*, sir!

    The President : How dare you come into this office and bark at me like some little junkyard dog? I am the President of the United States!

  • Jack Ryan : I didn't sign up for this. This is someone's bullshit political agenda. Who authorized this? Cutter?

    Ritter : Cutter couldn't tie his own shoes without permission.

    Jack Ryan : If I go down you're coming with me.

    Ritter : Wrong again. I have an *autographed get-out-of-jail-free card*! "The President of the United States authorizes Deputy Director of the CIA Robert Ritter to conduct 'Operation Reciprocity' including all necessary funding and support. This action is deemed important to the national security of the United States etcetera, etcetera, etcetera." You don't *have* one of these, do you Jack?

    [as Ryan walks away] 

    Ritter : Gray! The world is gray, Jack!

  • Jack Ryan : Said anything yet?

    FBI Agent Dan Murray : Yeah. "We're innocent."

    Jack Ryan : Till the D.A. offers them a deal.

    FBI Agent Dan Murray : He already has. Regular or extra crispy. He was either referring to fried chicken or the electric chair.

  • Jack Ryan : You're going to jail, pal!

    Ritter : [seeing Ryan holding a piece of paper]  What is that? What is it you *think* you have there?

    Jack Ryan : You broke the law.

    Ritter : You are *such* a Boy Scout! You see everything in black and white!

    Jack Ryan : No, no, no! Not black and white Ritter, *right* and *wrong*!

  • Clark : Hey, get out of my chopper!

    Jack Ryan : No, no - *my* chopper.

    [Hands Clark receipt] 

  • Ritter : Jack, computer theft is a serious crime.

    [hangs up the phone] 

    Jack Ryan : [to himself]  So are crimes against the Constitution.

  • Jack Ryan : Who authorized this?

    Ritter : I'm sure they'll ask you that.

    Jack Ryan : Who authorized it?

    Ritter : I have no recollection, Senator

  • Jack Ryan : [confronting Ritter on "Reciprocity"]  Why was I kept out if it?

    Ritter : You weren't kept out of it, you're NECK DEEP in it! You went before Congress and you got the money for it!

  • The President : So go down there, establish it.

    Jack Ryan : Go down where?

    The President : Colombia.

    Jack Ryan : Who, me?

  • Admiral Greer : I leave you alone for two weeks, and you walk straight into a big bear trap.

    Jack Ryan : I don't know what I was thinking.

    Admiral Greer : You were thinking about impressing the President of the United States, and you shouldn't do that.

  • [Entering the White House grounds] 

    Jack Ryan : Uh, where do I park?

  • Admiral Greer : I'm not dead yet. But I am in the hospital, which means that I'm not in my office, which means I don't know what's going on. I need you there.

    Jack Ryan : Where?

    Admiral Greer : In my office, doing my job.

    Jack Ryan : Oh, wait. I...

    Admiral Greer : I hate not knowing what's going on, Jack. You know that.

    Jack Ryan : I wouldn't know the first thing about doing your job, sir.

    Admiral Greer : You've been around. No big mystery. You've been to the White House.

    Jack Ryan : Once. I hated it.

    Admiral Greer : No, you didn't.

  • TV Reporter : The New York Times is reporting that you and Hardin were good friends. Is that true?

    The President : No, not quite.

    Jack Ryan : [watching on TV]  Shh, shh. Hey, hey, hey.

    The President : We weren't good friends, we were lifelong friends.

    Jack Ryan : I said that. I said that. I told him to say that.

    [seeing Cathy's look] 

    Jack Ryan : What?

    Cathy Ryan : I didn't say anything.

    Jack Ryan : Yeah, but you're thinking something.

  • Jack Ryan : And then three years ago, Hardin received a large infusion of foreign investment capital, which he invested wisely in 20 major shopping centers from Fort Worth to Atlanta. I say "wisely" because in the middle of the recession, he posted record profits, at least to the IRS, who he apparently feared more than his own partners. To them, according to the stockholder statements he was giving them, the shopping centers weren't doing nearly as well. They were, he was just skimming the lion's share of the profits, $650 million, and putting it in numbered accounts in Luxembourg, Panama, and the Cayman Islands. They killed him for it.

    The President : Who?

    Jack Ryan : His partners.

    The President : Who were his partners?

    Jack Ryan : Well, it... it seems clear that, um... that he was laundering money for the Colombian drug cartels.

    The President : Jesus. I knew the man for 40 years. We went to school together. We almost went into business together.

  • Admiral Greer : I thought I had the flu. I'd still think I had the flu if they weren't telling me otherwise.

    Jack Ryan : Well, what are they telling you?

    Admiral Greer : Pancreatic cancer of an aggressive nature, if I heard them right.

    Jack Ryan : Oh, Jesus. Well, uh, what does that mean?

    Admiral Greer : I guess it means I'm in big trouble.

    Jack Ryan : No, I mean, can they... can they operate or...

    Admiral Greer : Maybe. That's what they said, "maybe." Which sounds suspiciously like "no" to me.

  • Judge Moore : I'm appointing Ryan the acting deputy director, intelligence. It'll be a provisional appointment, of course, 'til James recovers. I want you to get him up to speed on our aid program to the Colombians. He's gotta brief the oversight committee and talk 'em out of another $75 million.

    Jack Ryan : And not make a complete fool out of himself.

  • Jack Ryan : [leaving a briefing in the Oval Office]  What was that in there? Are you all right?

    Admiral Greer : Yeah.

    Jack Ryan : Jeez. I haven't slept in 36 hours. I make any sense?

    Admiral Greer : I don't know. What did you say?

    [seeing Jack's look] 

    Admiral Greer : Just kidding. Good job.

  • Admiral Greer : How's Ritter behaving?

    Jack Ryan : Ritter? Oh, Ritter's Ritter. He's leaving me alone.

    Admiral Greer : Are you sure? Watch him like a hawk.

  • CIA Analyst : What are you picturing here? A hit on a respectable American businessman and his family?

    Jack Ryan : You're assuming he's respectable.

  • Petey : [trying to crack an encrypted computer disk]  People are big on birthdays. Let's start there. Bet your ATM code is your birthday.

    Jack Ryan : Close.

    Petey : In reverse?

    FBI Agent Dan Murray : [whispering to Jack as they're walking away]  You got to change your ATM code.

  • Admiral Greer : How high the pile on your desk?

    Jack Ryan : [pantomiming]  About this high.

    Admiral Greer : Now it's this high.

    Jack Ryan : What have you got?

    Admiral Greer : You heard about that business in the south Caribbean?

    Jack Ryan : Yeah, a little bit.

    Admiral Greer : I need the full skinny.

    Jack Ryan : By when?

    Admiral Greer : As soon as you can.

    Jack Ryan : Okay.

    Admiral Greer : Jack?

    Jack Ryan : Yes, sir?

    Admiral Greer : Be discreet.

    Jack Ryan : What do you mean?

    Admiral Greer : You'll find out.

    Jack Ryan : Mysterious. Ooh...

    [Greer chuckles] 

    Jack Ryan : I love a mystery.

  • Senator Mayo : I want to thank you, Dr. Ryan, for the information you've shared with us this afternoon.

    Jack Ryan : Thank you, Senator.

    Senator Mayo : I agree we have to help the Colombians in their struggle to curtail the drug cartels' activities, however, I'm confused. How do you see additional funds alone advancing this program from the utter failure that it is? You see what I'm getting at?

    Jack Ryan : Um, no, I'm afraid I don't.

    Senator Mayo : You said this effort would be totally benign on our part.

    Jack Ryan : Well, the finding clearly states that our assistance is limited to supply and advice only, Senator.

    Senator Mayo : I know. I've read that. I've also read a similar finding written 35 years ago this week regarding a little-though-of sliver of jungle in southeast Asia.

    Jack Ryan : Uh, I'm sorry, you're comparing our request for supplemental antidrug funds to Vietnam?

    Senator Mayo : I'm comparing it to every instance a legislative body such as this is asked to render judgment based on less than all the facts.

    Jack Ryan : Well, I'm afraid I don't know what to say to that. Um...

    Senator Mayo : You could begin by assuring us we have been given all the facts.

    Jack Ryan : I thought I had.

    Senator Mayo : You could further assure us, then, that this increase in funds, this escalation, to use your word, will not be used for any covert military action.

    Jack Ryan : I-I don't know how you're getting to this.

    Senator Mayo : Long experience, sir. No troops, then. I enunciate that clearly because I don't want there to be any mistake.

    Jack Ryan : No troops.

    Senator Mayo : You could say I have your word on that?

    Jack Ryan : You could indeed, because you do.

  • Jean Fowler : We don't have a picture. Escobedo's intelligence officer. We don't have a name, either, but we know he exists.

    Jack Ryan : Invisible man, huh?

  • Jack Ryan : 19 cartridges were recovered, as well as the, um... as the two weapons that fired them. Blood samples taken consistent with the crew. Hardin and, uh, his wife and his son and daughter. They were killed in their staterooms, apparently as they slept, dragged topside, and thrown overboard. The two men in custody surrendered after a brief attempt to outrun the Coast Guard.

    The President : What do we know about them, the men in custody?

    Jack Ryan : Uh, half a dozen arrests, uh, for drug trafficking in Bogota, Mr. President.

    The President : Drugs.

    Jack Ryan : Suspected ties to the Cali cartel, not Medellin...

    Judge Moore : [Greer gasps]  You all right, James?

    Jack Ryan : A-According to DEA.

    The President : Why?

    Robert Ritter : Nothing exotic, sir. Straight piracy and murder. It's not the first time.

    The President : [looking glaringly at Ritter]  It's the first time it was a friend of mine.

    Robert Ritter : Yes, sir.

See also

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