Star Trek: Voyager (TV Series 1995–2001) Poster


Roxann Dawson: Lt. B'Elanna Torres, B'Elanna Torres, Dreadnought, Lt. Torrey



  • B'Elanna Torres : The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park.

  • B'Elanna Torres : How the hell do you know when we're having intimate relations?

    Seven of Nine : There is no one on deck 9 section 12 who does not know when you're having intimate relations.

  • [during the birth of B'Elanna's baby] 

    The Doctor : Will you relax?

    B'Elanna Torres : If you tell me to relax one more time, I'm going to rip your holographic head off!

    The Doctor : I hope you don't intend to kiss your baby with that mouth.

  • B'Elanna Torres : Get some rest, Harry.

    Harry Kim : You may think you're tougher than everybody else, B'Elanna Torres, but I can go without sleep just as long as you can.

    B'Elanna Torres : Don't make me laugh, Starfleet. And don't make me pull rank on you, either.

  • Neelix : I don't suppose you've ever heard of the Vulcan Rumarie?

    Tuvok : The Rumarie is an ancient pagan festival.

    Neelix : Full of barely-clothed Vulcan men and women, covered in slippery Rillan grease, chasing one another.

    Tuvok : That has not been observed for a millennium.

    Neelix : Well, it's time to bring it back!

    B'Elanna Torres : [over the com]  Lieutenant Tuvok, report to engineering.

    Tuvok : Acknowledged.

    [walks away] 

    Neelix : [shouting after Tuvok]  I've been thinking of a Rumarie theme for the mess hall next week. Lots of high-fat, greasy foods, and if people want to take off their clothes and chase one another... Well, it certainly wouldn't hurt morale around here.

  • B'Elanna Torres : I have really had it with this superiority complex of yours.

    Female Q : It's not a complex, dear. It's a fact.

  • B'Elanna Torres : [while in the Mess Hall]  Its the pylon again. Every time we get close to crossing the threshold... the subspace torque rips the nacelle off the shuttle.

    Harry Kim : What about a duranium alloy? We could try using it to reinforce...?

    B'Elanna Torres : No, I've thought about that already. It's too brittle.

    Neelix : [Neelix comes over to they're table, which is covered with technical PADD's]  More coffee?

    [they all lift they're mugs] 

    Neelix : Ah... you look like a happy bunch.

    Harry Kim : We've hit a wall.

    Neelix : Oh, well... maybe I can help?

    Tom Paris : Great! You know anything about quantum warp theory or multispectral subspace engine design?

    Neelix : No, but I'm a quick study.

    [takes a seat] 

    Neelix : What are we working on?

    B'Elanna Torres : [she thinks this problem is out of Neelix's league]  Do you have anything to eat?

    Neelix : Er, sure. There are some Kalavian biscuits somewhere in the kitchen.

    B'Elanna Torres : I guess I'll go find them myself.

    [to Harry] 

    B'Elanna Torres : Fill em' in.

    Harry Kim : [clears his throat, trying to phrase this delicately]  Neelix, it would take too long to...

    Neelix : What are you saying? I'm not smart enough? I'll have you know I did two years as an engineer's assistant aboard a Trabalean freighter. I'm well versed in warp theory.

    Tom Paris : Ok. Ok. We'll tell you. We're trying to break the maximum warp barrier.

    Harry Kim : Nothing in the universe can go warp 10 - it's a theoretical impossibility. In principle, if you were ever to reach warp 10, you'd be travelling at infinite velocity.

    Neelix : Infinite velocity? Got it! So... that, that means... very fast?

    Tom Paris : [that is an understatement]  It means that you would occupy every point in the universe simultaneously. In theory, you could go any place in the wink of an eye. Time and distance would have no meaning.

    Harry Kim : If Voyager achieved warp 10... we could be home in as long as it takes to push a button.

    Neelix : Wow! And you're working on this?

    Tom Paris : We discovered a new form of dilithium in the asteroid field we surveyed last month. It remains stable at a much higher warp frequency.

    Harry Kim : The problem is... every time we simulate crossing the transwarp threshold... the nacelles get torn off the ship.

    Neelix : I remember there was a time when I lost a warp nacelle going through a dark matter nebula.

    Tom Paris : This is a very different problem.

    Neelix : I realise that. I'm just using it as an example. As the ship went through the nebula, it sent out a dark matter bow wave. Eventually, so much pressure built up it tore the nacelle from its housing. Now, maybe the same thing is happening to you?

    [that's got Tom thinking about something] 

    Harry Kim : No, the simulations don't indicate any kind of subspace stress in the nacelles.

    Tom Paris : Wait a minute. What about the shuttle itself?

    Harry Kim : What do you mean?

    Tom Paris : [getting excited]  Maybe we've been looking in the wrong place? What if the nacelles aren't being torn from the ship? What if the ship is being torn from the nacelles?

    Harry Kim : The hull of the shuttle is made of tritanium alloy. At the speeds we're talking about... that alloy could depolarise...

    Tom Paris : ...and create a velocity differential. The fuselage would be travelling at a faster rate of speed than the nacelles.

    Harry Kim : [Tom's enthusiasm is catching]  That means we just have to set up a depolarisation matrix around the fuselage.

    Tom Paris : That's it! Neelix, you're a genius!

    [they both give Neelix a pat on the back before leaving the Mess Hall] 

    Neelix : [to himself]  I have no idea what they just said.

    [Neelix passes B'Elanna on his way back to the kitchen, taking a biscuit from the tray she's holding, leaving her wondering what went on while she was gone] 

  • Tom Paris : I can't believe the Captain is allowing this. One minute you're in a coma, the next you're a born-again Klingon? I just don't get it.

    B'Elanna Torres : I'm not sure I get it, either. I just know this is something I have to do.

    Tom Paris : There must be an easier way for you to explore your spirituality. Go to church, or something?

    B'Elanna Torres : It wouldn't be enough.

    Tom Paris : Look, I'll read the scrolls, I'll learn Klingon. We'll figure this out together.

    B'Elanna Torres : Next time.

    Tom Paris : I just hope there is a next time.

    B'Elanna Torres : There will be.

  • B'Elanna Torres : You know what they say: a doctor who treats himself has a p'TaH for a patient.

  • B'Elanna Torres : Get the cheese to Sickbay.

  • B'Elanna Torres : [to Chakotay about the Maquis]  Everyone except us is dead.

  • B'Elanna Torres : [last lines in "Barge of the Dead"]  Mother? Oh god, I'm alive!

    [throws her arms around Janeway] 

    Captain Janeway : [hugs B'Elanna]  Welcome back.

See also

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