The Alien Within (TV Movie 1995) Poster

(1995 TV Movie)

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"If any of my people get hurt in this I'm going to take it personally." Very low budget version of The Thing.
poolandrews5 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The Alien Within is set in the year 2020 when man has used almost all of his natural resources, we are trying to solve the problem with experimental undersea habitations, mining bases to you & me. One such facility is running behind schedule so Captain Jedidiah Pickett (Alex Hyde-White) demands everyone pulls their weight & the company who owns the facility has sent Catherine Harding (Melanie Shatner) along to try & offer suggestions about increasing productivity. The base receives a distress call from a similar Russian facility nearby, a team is sent to investigate. Once there they discover that most of the Russian crew are dead, having died from some sort of unknown virus according to Dr. Henry Lazarus (Roddy McDowall) & his robotic sidekick Brill (Emile Levisetti). They also find a surviving Russian (Tim Trevan) whom they take back to their base, along with a couple of the bodies. All is not well as the Russian kid has an extremely high metabolic rate & in some sort of fit a parasitic alien emerges from his mouth, an alien that has been perfectly preserved for millions of years underwater until the Russians unleashed it, it's also an alien that sucks it's victims dry of all their bodily fluids until the host body dies at which point it needs a new host...

Directed by Scott P. Levy The Alien Within is an OK sci-fi horror. The script by Rob Kerchner & Alex Simon is a total & utter rip-off of The Thing (1982), Alien (1979) & Aliens (1986) along with a bit of DeepStar Six (1989) & Leviathan (1989) thrown in for good measure. I borrows most heavily from The Thing, the unsuspecting crew inadvertently picking up a body hopping alien life-form who then disguises itself as members of the crew in it's bid for survival, the test to decide who is infected & who isn't, the sabotaging of the test, the accusation's, suspicions & arguments & the possibility that anyone might be infected. Basically The Alien Within is The Thing but on a much lower budget & set in the isolation of an underwater base rather than the Arctic, & even the underwater thing has been done before in DeepStar Six & Leviathan to name but two. There's a bit of Alien in here as well as the alien bursts out of it's victims & a bit of Aliens as there's a robot who has white 'blood' & even has the 'I cannot harm or allow to be harmed a human being' line just like Bishop in Aliens. So what it boils down to is that The Alien Within is probably the most unoriginal film I can remember seeing, having said that it moves along at a fair pace & isn't boring, it's still perfectly watchable in it's own low budget way & entertains to an extent but don't expect anything new. The ending is very predictable & as clichéd as the characters, ideas & themes in the Alien Within.

Director Levy isn't content with just stealing other films ideas & themes he steals actual footage, scenes from Battle Beyond the Stars (1980) & Lords of the Deep (1989) are indefensible proof. The whole thing has a really cheap & tacky look to it, The Alien Within obviously had very low production values. There's no real atmosphere, no scares & minimal gore, a few burned bodies, a brief autopsy & some aliens popping out of peoples mouths.

Technically The Alien Within is average at best, it looks very cheap although I doubt the filmmakers had a lot to work with. The acting wasn't great, Roddy McDowall probably needed rent money & yes Melanie Shatner is indeed the daughter of Captain Kirk himself William Shatner & it's nice to see her carrying on the family tradition of appearing in quality films.

The Alien Within is like watching almost every major sci-fi horror film from the past 30 odd years all jumbled together, only with much, much lower production values. Taken on it's own it moves along at a fair pace & is an OK watch, average at best. To add to his seemingly endless list of credits low budget maestro Roger Corman executive produced.
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Poor Man's version of Leviathan & The Abyss
deshan-785809 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This review may contain a few spoilers, if you can't handle spoilers, then stop reading right there. Without further ado, let the review begin. Unknown Origin (or The Alien Within) is a 1995 Horror Sci-Fi direct to video Leviathan rip-off. The plot of this movie is about a crew team in the underwater faculty have discovered an alien life- form virus, it's up to the crew team to survive this alien virus. This movie has tried hard to be a half-way decent low-budget Leviathan clone, but in the end, it turns out to be a cheap below average experience at best. Pros: - Good special effects for a low-budget movie - It's not long at all (it's 75 minutes or 1 hour & 15 minutes long) - Okay action scenes Cons: - Bad acting - Bad plot - Bad soundtrack - Miserable concept & presentation Overall, just watch Leviathan or The Abyss instead, just forget this low-budget below average rip-off. 4/10, the end

Rated R for violence, moderate coarse language, and brief graphic nudity
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nogodnomasters24 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The original title "Alien Within" warned you that this was a poorly scripted "Alien " ripoff film. An underwater mining company while aiding Russian minors contract an ancient virus and a laughable looking alien parasite. While the year is 2020 the scientific advances look like something on "Star Trek" including an android that can take a pulse. It is a mining ship building that has its own self destruct program, because in case aliens take over?

I was mostly distracted by four tubes filled with bubbling colored water. It had that certain "Lava Lamp" stoner appeal, although I have no idea what they could have been used for, sort of like half the stuff on the "Seaview" MST quality film.

Guide: Brief nudity in a TV film.
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Decent "The Thing" Rip-Off
MortiZ_017 November 2003
OK this movie does borrow from The Thing, heavily. In fact it is more like a cross-breed between Alien and The Thing. Despite Its un-orginality and a bit of wooden acting overall it is a good B-Movie and well worth a watch if you are into this sort of thing, mind the pun.

I'll give it a *** out of 5
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Try 1982. . .
ianmiller00722 October 2005
If you have never heard of John Carpenter then you might enjoy this. This is a near shameless, word for word ripoff of his 1982 remake of The Thing. Those of you who have seen the 1950 version of this movie might consider yourselves purists, but Carpenter remains most true to the original story by John w Cambell Jr, "Who Goes There"(1938).

While John Carpenter has admittedly put out a lot of crap, "The Thing" remains one of my top 10 horror movies and still stands the test of time. Enjoy this remake for it's schlock, but appreciate the truest version of this story. Sleep should come hard to those that watch "The Thing" alone.
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Avoid at all costs!!
Jesus_Wept28 February 2007
In the process of recovering from a heavy cold I have had trouble sleeping, haha! I thought lets catch up with some cable movies. So in the early hours I stumble across 'Origin Unknown' ('The Alien Within' US Title). Ah, Roddy McDowell nice surprise, NOT. This is a cheap made for TV pile of alien vomit. Why is the picture so dark? I ask, to enable a spooky atmospheric setting? NO, because the budget did not stretch to any set.

Have I not seen some of these plot lines before? Yes the entire Alien series is ripped apart by this shoddy waste of time and effort.

Avoid like the plague. 0.5/10
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The worst film ever made.
ItemCo165277 July 2003
I accidentally stumbled on this pile of manure one evening and I caught maybe the last 45 minutes to an hour of it. It was like driving by a car wreck on the highway- you don't want to look, but somehow you are forced to by the horror of it all. Some people say that Ishtar is the worst movie ever made. These people should be forced to endure the mind-bending stupidity of this film. They'd change their tune about 20 seconds into it. I cannot believe films like this actually get funding. There are many great independent film directors/screenwriters out there who can't get a studio to fund a project, yet films like this get made. What is this world coming to?
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The fast forward button is your friend
Bernie44449 May 2024
In the year 20XX, the surface of the earth is exhausted. Now we must exploit the undersea resources. In the process of mining, an alien vessel has been found. And what do vessels hold? Yep, you have just guessed the whole movie.

Other movies and books of mind controlling aliens abound. Close your eyes. You are getting sleepy. You will bypass this sub-par movie.

Aka "The Alien Within" (1995) TV movie was cheap in production and acting. Even if you know the story, sometimes the execution can be fun; this one is not. If you must watch this keep your finger on the fast forward button as you will not miss anything.
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A fun and scary sci-fi flick!
Alwood19 November 1998
Lots of fun in this underwater thriller as a team of scientists and miners battle a mind-controlling alien parasite that takes over their bodies. The thrills and the laughs never quit in this nifty micro-budget flick, that harkens back to the best of Roger Corman's drive-in classics from the 1960's. Clever writing and direction that overcome the low budget make this one a sure-fire bet for a fun evening in front of the TV.
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"Deduct This, Android Brain!"...
azathothpwiggins18 October 2021
THE ALIEN WITHIN is another of Exec. Producer Roger Corman's quick, low-budget projects. It's an underwater adventure that's basically THE THING meets LEVIATHAN with ALIEN overtones.

This kitchen sink production even has a cyborg that's a lot like STAR TREK's Data, as well as the Doctor from BABYLON 5 as... a doctor! There's also the obligatory "tough chick" and the annoying "hippie dude" who constantly has a smoldering joint in his hand! Roddy McDowall, Don Stroud, and Melanie Shatner must all have wondered why they agreed to this.

It's absolutely preposterous, but also fun and -blessedly- short.

BEST SCENE: Roddy McDowall's character spinning wildly, screaming through a rubber monster in his mouth!...
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The Thing Within
Michael_Elliott5 August 2012
The Alien Within (1995)

* (out of 4)

Executive producer Roger Corman was behind this "film" taking place in the year 2020 after Earth's resources have been used up. We're told corporations went below the sea to try and find new resources and this is when we meet our mining crew and before long they pick up some sort of parasite from a nearby Russian crew. THE ALIEN WITHIN, also known as UNKNOWN ORIGIN, is a pretty poor rip-off of THE THING and in fact it's so close to the John Carpenter film that I'm really shocked Universal didn't go after them. I mean, we've always had rip-offs of popular films but not many of them rip this closely to the original source. Perhaps the studio just didn't care because they figured no one would remember the film after it originally played because it was simply so poor. There's really not too much going on here and at just 75-minutes it's really amazing to see how boring it is in that time. If you've seen THE THING then you're not going to be shocked by anything that happens here and it's a pretty direct copy of that film, although there's no character development, suspense or anything like that. Each scene just seems rushed, the special effects are laughable but they do add some camp and you can tell that the actors are just sleepwalking for their paychecks. Roddy McDowell plays the main scientist and we even have William Shatner's daughter Melanie playing a supporting role. THE ALIEN WITHIN is sci-fi at its very worst and unlike most of these Corman films, this one here features no exploitation, no nudity and it really doesn't have anything in it to make it worth viewing.
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