Letters from a Killer (1998) Poster

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kiizzo95719 December 2002
Letters from a killer has a very unusual storyline. It starts off quite confusing and uninteresting, but as it goes on the excitement gets more and more. Then at the end, you are at the edge of your seat, with all the gun shooting and racing about. I think that this is a film worth watching, but if you miss the beginning, you will probably find the rest of the film hard to understand.
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In case anyone's wondering... yeah, he dances.
DEPRESSEDcherry6 March 2021
Are prisoners actually allowed to send and receive audio letters to multiple people at a time or anyone at all? Is this really something a prison would entertain, especially if the guards have to listen to every single second of every tape? It seems kinda ridiculous whether it be legit or not, but that's the general setup here. The downside to this premise is a slow tedious build-up of these 'letters' being narrated to us while we watch Swayze trapped in his cell. The first half of this movie drags along with little reward, so much time is given to such a simple idea to explain. Things do pick though in the second half with the movie transforming into an enjoyable, yet somewhat predictable thriller. It never endeavors to explore its possibilities too much beyond a cat and mouse chase, and there's a feeling of a lot of story left on the table with this one. Ultimately the movie is too hampered by its beginnings that it all descends into a bit of a rush to finish it off towards the end. The supporting cast is as you expect, but the recipients of his 'letters' could have been fleshed out more. Swayze is fine, reliable, but somewhat passive throughout.
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The voice on this tape might kill you.
michaelRokeefe7 January 2001
A very interesting story line that comes up short in the dialogue. The suspense is luke warm, but it keeps you hanging until the end. Race Darnell(Patrick Swayze)is in prison, falsely convicted of killing his wife. While in prison he writes a best seller and corresponds via tape cassette with four different women. Just before being released, two of his tapes are switched causing him death threats.

Swayze seems to have lost his macho swagger, for this movie at least. He comes across as a victim, not the hero he usually plays. One of the women he toyed with on tape is Gia Carides. She is lovely and I would personally like to see more of her. I'm sorry I haven't noticed her until now. She probably has the best acted role in the movie. Roger E. Mosley plays the prison warden that befriends Swayze.

Also featured are Bruce McGill and Kim Myers. Swayze fans will watch this with jaded interest. There are just enough plot twists to make a decent movie.
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confusing script, but all falls into place
JBoze31311 July 2001
This movie took a while to get on its feet, but when it does, it's surprisingly good. At first, you keep asking yourself, when will this movie get going...Also, Swayze's character is shady..it's hard to tell who he is. Maybe that was the point, but who knows. You want to feel for him, because he is a victim, yet at the same time, he seems to be hard and you sort of have to ask yourself...maybe he IS the killer? That doesn't last long, because we find out it can't be him...he may be a user but he's not a killer. I loved the woman who played Lita, very sexy in an unconventional way, and I'd like to see her in more films. I thought a lot of the story was flawed when it came to reason, but it didn't hinder it much overall. Entertaining thriller, good acting, I'd recommend it.
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Starts out promising, but it's all downhill.
Hermit C-214 November 1999
This movie had the potential to be a decent thriller, but it was hampered by only having about twenty minutes worth of good script, which was mostly used up in the beginning. After that holes started to appear in the story that one could drive a truck through. The movie followed a descending curve from good to ordinary to bad to ludicrous by the time it concluded. It's not recommended.
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A lot of been there done that, some plot holes, but otherwise pretty good
boondocksaint2010 July 2005
I know, everyone considering watching this movie thinks the same thing...it's probably going to suck, but there's nothing else on, or you watch it for Swayze in his post 80's straight to video film career. Either way you look at it, this is actually a pretty entertaining film, if you can suspend any rational thoughts for about 90 minutes.

The first hour of this film is the best. We see Swayze wrongfully put in prison, on death row and about to be executed within a few weeks. He has written a best selling novel in prison and has acquired 4 very lonely fans that he communicates with via cassette tapes. The problem is, he leads every one of them to believe that they are the only ones keeping him alive, so when two of the tapes get switched, one of them sends him a death threat out of pure jealousy. After about 15 min into the film, his eviction is overturned, and he is released from jail with the ubiquitous fear of a killer stalking him. He then visits each one of the girls to find out who is sending him the threats.

Honestly, I liked the plot of this movie. Not an original theme with the jealous psycho slasher, but it is an original storyline nonetheless. Swayze does act kind of stupid in some scenes, and unconvincing in others (when he is released from jail, we all know he had the first death threat, but come on, to show NO HAPPINESS at all for escaping death row and having your name cleared?? Bad acting, Patrick), but overall it is a good movie. It does kind of wander in the middle, and becomes a routine slasher where most of the killings are done off screen, but it does serve as a fairly capable who-dunnit. Oh, and there is a pretty lame 'buddy' part in the middle which you can basically ignore.

I was able to guess who the killer was before the first murder, but honestly, they played it out so it could be anyone (also, one character is written as a little too conveniently psycho to allow anyone to possibly get any clues as to who did it). I thought the best part though was the fact that only 2 of the 4 tapes were switched in the beginning, so we can surmise of course, that 2 of them found out about the other girls, and we have to guess which 2 they were (though one is very obvious, complete with broken picture frame of Swayze during the montage of him calling all of them). The ending shot is pretty cheesy, but hey, what do you expect? Overall, an entertaining movie. Not thought provoking, but worth a look. 7/10 stars.
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The worst movie I have ever seen, without doubt.
JBerends11 April 1999
The worst movie I have ever seen. The sound quality was bad, the cutting of the scenes was even worse and above all it was not logic and it had no speed...

I first tought: "Oh No, I don't want the trail that proves that poor Patrick was an innocent killer". But this turned out to be even worse. Typically in this American film you get a super-hint or no hints at all. I want very tiny small hints that direct you to the killer. The audience isn't involved. And now, when I don't get any hints at all, you can expect a several 's/he-is-the-killer' sweeps in the end. And that is not all. ah... This is hopeless, lets make an end to it...

In one word: Disgusting..
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Good, but flaws in the logic take away from it.
setanta-211 January 1999
An enjoyable film, but there were flaws in the logic. For instance, he was unable to figure out which woman had threatened him: Why didn't he just look at the postmarks? They were all from different states. Also, since he had plenty if money from his book he could have hired a private detective.
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Worst cut I´ve ever seen...
claessen15 August 2001
It might be that the film I saw was entirely different from the one that the others saw, however as the actors are the same I can only think that the cut I saw in Europe differed from the one circulating in the US.

Anyway, this was the worst movie that I saw the past five years. (Closely followed by The Waterboy...)

Why: Because in my opinion this director has taken elements from every thriller preceding this one, mixed them, put the in the wrong order with the wrong music and published it.

(Examples: nothing happends, the music gets scary, and still nothing happends. The "grumpy" officer us grumpy in a way that would let the actor flunk any acting class. There´s a buddy-moment which comes out of nowhere at the end. There´s an inescapable scene and in the next scene all the problems are gone.)

If you want to see a smart movie: see Memento. If you want to see a better thriller: see any thriller that comes to mind. If you want to see Patrick Swayze: see Dirty Dancing.
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highly watchable Swayze thriller that keeps you guessing
HelenMary23 January 2013
Swayze plays an inmate on death row wrongly convicted of killing his wife, and whilst in prison he corresponds via cassette tape with four ladies. A prank by one of the jail guards results in tapes getting switched and one of the ladies announces she wishes to exact revenge for this slight, and the rather clever screenplay keeps you guessing right up until the end. It's quite a dark murder mystery of sorts, a gripping thriller, and Swayze really plays Race Darnell very well. Whilst the plot has a few holes, or rather improbabilities, I think it's clever and you have to keep your wits about you whilst watching and after-wards may just feel as ragged as Swayze's denim shirt. Certainly not a brainless film experience, and it has some great stunts, familiar faces and good performances. All in all a rather good film, well Directed and well shot (though nothing arty or unusual) on location in some varied places. The plot carries this film, as well as the performance of Swayze; I enjoyed seeing him riding a horse and dancing (albeit just a bit) again in this - I'm a great admirer of his work and this is a not so well known but noteworthy example of his acting talent.

Note: Katy Selverstone (FBI woman) bears a striking resemblance to Jodie Foster, don't you think?
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Really strange and badly edited.
nigelmacdonald-9717325 March 2020
This is definitely one of the weirdest films to find a one time huge star in. The tone, pacing and editing are all over the place. Swayze is the only thing good in it, but why was he in it? It starts well and gradually gets more and more off kilter, but that not to say it isn't entertaining in parts.
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A movie that will keep you on the edge of your chair.
sjean465 June 2000
I liked this movie, because just when you think you have it figured out, your wrong. I have never seen Patrick Swayze do this kind of a movie; but he was wonderful in it. Showing us he is as good an actor as he is sexy. It keeps you on edge all the way to end. A movie you don't take a break in.
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Very good thriller
Gregster-58 August 2001
I taped this off HBO largely because it was in HD and might be OK. It turned out to be a very competent thriller, nicely constructed and at about 100 minutes pretty much perfect time, and should keep you guessing to the end. I wasn't a fan of Patrick Swayze but I have to say he is perfectly cast in this, and turns in a very credible and watchable performance. If you are looking for a movie with action and twists for a wet afternoon that doesn't insult your intelligence, you could do an awful lot worse than to watch this. Interestingly line dance scene was choreographed by swayze's mother (Patsy Swayze).
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Patchy but worth trying
Geofbob30 August 2001
I didn't expect too much from this movie which had no cinema release in the UK, but for its first hour or so it's a competent and original drama, and it just about holds you until its end. Race Darnell, played by Patrick Swayze, on Death Row for killing his wife, exchanges letters in the form of casette recordings with four women, each of them thinking she is his sole support. But one of them discovers the truth, and turns nasty. Soon after, his conviction is reversed; he gets out, and meets up with the women one by one, trying to find out who's threatening him. But before he identifies her, she starts killing the others, using the same method he was supposed to have used with his wife.

From then on, the film becomes more implausible, and more gory. Also, though tension is first built up with Swayze going on the run, it's then reduced by cutting away from the action to show the Feds having discussions about who the killer is, instead of them simply pursuing Race implacably. A nice touch - or a digression, depending on your point of view - is a buddy-buddy friendship between Race and one of his former wardens, Horton (Roger E Mosley) who's a fan of cowboy stories. You're kept guessing until the last few minutes, though mainly because one of the characters acts irrationally, and the Feds climb some stairs very slowly! All in all, it's worth a look on TV, or as a bargain rental.
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Clever, nice twist in the tail
JPHay5 February 1999
You start off hating Patrick Swayze, there he is on death row gratuitously manipulating the emotions of several women at once. When the guards reveal his secret, you start to feel sorry for him. Then he gets out and people start to die. Did he or didn't he commit the murders (the new ones or the originals).

Watch out for an all-girl C&W band guesting in the middle of the move. "Mr Dyers Daughters" have a future. They don't seem to have a record deal yet but they have their own web site and have cut their own CD.

Swayze is at his best, and Gia Carides is good too (I haven't seen her before).
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Former death row inmate gets a new life -- and gets stalked
H5O7 November 1999
Patrick Swayze portrays a death row inmate that gets a new trial, when a witness testifies that he wasn't the killer of his wife several years earlier. He is re-tried and found not guilty, but this is just the beginning.

He becomes a successful writer, and one of the women that recorded a taped message would later frame him for the murders that occur on film. He is eventually stalked, a la Clint Eastwood in Play Misty For Me (1971), but in this film, he is framed and later vows to find the real killer.

The scene in the apartment near the film's end is horrifying, where a meat cleaver and a handgun are present, which makes this film like a Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street flick, and one that would view this particular scene would remember it for eternity.
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well written, still not really exiting
mkoskela8 June 2000
This film is pretty well written and plot is not usual stuff, A Mystery I would say. Swayze is ok and so on, But there's still something missing. Anyway, I would give it 3/5.
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letters to four future (?) wives.
dbdumonteil30 March 2005
This thriller begins a little like Mankiewicz's oldie " a letter to three wives".But we deal with a thriller ,to be precise a whodunit.If it had had a solid script,the movie could have been absorbing.But the story is like a house which falls apart at every nail,at every unexpected twist -and the last is not the least!-Swayze tries his best to be scared but the implausibilities which await him at every corner of the streets do not help him.Oddly ,Gloria resembles a young Meryl Streep and the female cop Jodie Foster in "silence of the lambs" .A bloody ending does not redeem the movie.The best is the first sequences which take place in death row where the hero listens to his tapes.When you see them,you regret the movie fails to excite.
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Quite good, actually!
nikkismith-31226 January 2001
This film may be full flaws, but putting them aside, it's quite an enjoyable movie. If nothing else, it serves a strong warning to those among us to write to prisoners! I though Mr Swayze was particularly convincing in his role and this film deserves to be seen by a wider audience. Patrick Swayze fans will enjoy.
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Swayze good in incoherent film. (Small spoilers)
Ultan14 January 1999
Warning: Spoilers
This film starts off so well and then drifts around to a disappointing conclusion. Swayze (whose boyish good looks have now matured into something more interesting) plays a convicted criminal on death row for a crime he did not commit (obviously). He conducts tape letter relationships with four women to keep him sane whilst wating for death or release. He is shocked to discover that some of the tapes were mixed up when he posted them and that one of the women send him back a tape threatening his life. All this is academic until Swayze is released from Jail and his name cleared. He now travels round America trying to find out who sent the letter.

This is a promising start to the film. Soon after this however the movie lurches off the road of drama and becomes melodrama. The interesting implications of Swazye's relationships are sidelined in favour of action sequences and implausible plot twists and the direction becomes plodding and predictable. See it for Swayses' performance and the first 30 minutes, then see if you can guess the killer's identity. There are no tricks in this film, the director trys to keep you guessing but as the plot is formulaic all the way there's never any doubt in the end who will win and who will lose.
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