Bravo Two Zero (TV Movie 1999) Poster

(1999 TV Movie)

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draconian131317 October 2004
This movie is one of the most realistic Military movies that I have ever seen. Of course there are the overly powerful grenades and M-72 Rocket Launchers, but other than small Hollywood type explosions this movie shows great detail about a military patrol from the weight of a Rucksack, to the drills used to break contact with the enemy, Section attacks, how to re-organize going into a defensive position. But what the movie captures the best is the interaction between the soldiers. For those of us who have been, or currently are, this movie captures the comradery, the sense of humour that is quite unique to the military, and most importantly the bond between each of us that drives us to not quit on each other.
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Fascinating and riveting
jnefinn22 February 2005
I first saw a documentary on the Discovery channel about the mission that is portrayed in this movie. I know a lot about the history of the Gulf War but I had never heard about this particular mission. I was completely fascinated as to what these soldiers went through and how they managed to deal with their incredible situation.

Then by pure coincidence, about a week later I stumbled across this movie on cable. The movie dramatized the mission slightly and gave it a very personal feeling, which is captured wonderfully by the actors portraying the soldiers. The movie gives a very real sense of the comradery, dedication, and professionalism that Special Forces troops exhibit. I would definitely recommend this movie if you have a fascination or appreciation for the military.
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A War movie that spends more time on the characters & and mission that how much was spent on special effects!
Unforgiven515019 December 2002
Well from what was written before, I would like to say 2 things to start: #1. I hope all people in the Netherlands aren't as ignorant as the person who wrote a review on war. And number 2, if you are going to bash a person by name, get it right, it's McNab, not McNam. Also at IMDB people want to hear what you thought about the movie, not your political ideas!

I feel this movie showed a picture of what these men went through and the bonds they make being on an SAS team. In my opinion, there really aren't many other professions that earn my respect more than Special Forces of any military. These men go into situations and places they shouldn't be, full well knowing that there is a great chance they won't make it out. I feel this movie balanced that idea with the idea that these men also understand that they have to get on with life and deal with the profession they have chosen. Instead of spending the budget and trying to impress the audience with flashy special effects and the newest and neatest gadgets in film making, this film spent more time on what happened and on the characters.

Having not read the book yet, I cannot say if it followed the book, however after watching the film it has sparked my interest to get McNab's books and also Ryan's book on the same subject.

I did find myself rewinding and turning the DVD subtitles on more than once as they filmed the movie using the British slang and way of speaking and military jargon. While this may make it a little more difficult for anyone who didn't grow up on the streets of England, I feel this added quite a bit to the realism of the movie.

If you can get past the fact it does not have flashy effects to keep some of you interested and the slang, I suggest this movie for any war movie buff.

One more comment on something our friend from the Netherlands said, I don't recall McNab saying he has a license to kill at the end of the movie. I'm pretty sure it was just "I'm a soldier". Get your facts straight.
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A gritty, understated and ultra realistic account of a true-life Gulf War incident.
tonyearnshaw12 August 2004
It took the BBC to tell this gripping story honestly and with authenticity. And what a story. As the Gulf War got underway in early 1991 an eight-man SAS patrol was dropped behind Iraqi lines. Its mission: destroy mobile Scud missile launchers and the lines that carried instructions from their crews.

History shows how it all went wrong. Their communications equipment failed. The weather closed in. They were discovered and fought a series of running battles with overwhelming Iraqi forces. Finally half the patrol was captured and endured weeks of torture and interrogation at the hands of the Iraqi secret police in Baghdad.

The story of Bravo Two Zero - the patrol's call sign and the title of this terrific British television movie - puts most Hollywood movies to shame. It is a story of courage, resilience, guile, resourcefulness and black humour. It also offers up a fascinating insight into the workings of Britain's special forces and the reality of the Gulf War.

There are those who consider the film one-sided, and it is. What war film isn't? How much objectivity goes into the average war film? The answer: precious little. Bravo Two Zero is based on the book by Andy McNab, the SAS sergeant who led the patrol. Consequently it tells the tale from his point of view.

But McNab doesn't come out of this a whiter-than-white superhero. He makes mistakes. He is human, fallible and, locked in a Baghdad prison, frightened out of his wits. For Sean Bean, it was the type of gritty, realistic and believable role that most actors would kill for. Throw in the authenticity of the soldiers' kit, jargon and reactions under fire - they were trained by real soldiers while McNab himself was the film's on-set consultant - and Bravo Two Zero leaps to the top spot in the (albeit limited) annals of Gulf War movies.

And the Iraqis? They are depicted as McNab saw them: peasant farmers, ill-equipped and poorly trained conscripts, goat herders, grieving parents and, occasionally, gentleman officers.

There is no agenda to Bravo Two Zero. Instead it seeks to present a soldier's story. And while there is another side to the story - patrol survivor Chris Ryan, who was separated from his comrades and fought his way across Iraq to the Syrian border, and freedom, also wrote an account - this is simply one man's version of events. McNab presents it as he saw it: a botched mission, eight desperate men, a series of bloody firefights and skirmishes, capture and torture and, finally, repatriation.

If the Iraqis come across as thuggish, brutal, dim and sadistic, then history has shown that Saddam Hussein's regime was built on such people. That was McNab's experience, and Bravo Two Zero puts it on screen.

What the film does not seek to do is present McNab and his patrol as trigger-happy killing machines. When they are spotted by an Iraqi child they spare his life rather than kill him to ensure his silence. As McNab says, it's a matter of common sense: kill a child and they will eventually face the wrath of the Iraqi people if they are caught. And, he adds: "We're not into that anyway".

Compromised by an elderly shepherd, they talk to him, make friends and let him live. On the outskirts of Baghdad the patrol hijacks a taxi. They spare the occupants. Consider this: would the average Saddam Hussein loyalist have done the same to an elderly Yank or Brit?

Bravo Two Zero is a superb document of a military debacle. It shows how professional soldiers, caught in a disaster, try to fight their way out. As soldiers, that's their job. And they do it exceptionally well. As the motto goes: Who Dares Wins. McNab and his men dared. Bravo Two Zero is a magnificent tribute to them.
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Involving military adventure.
Yo!Jimbo18 February 2002
Particularly enjoyed seeing the military tactics and procedures used by a small patrol in carrying out their mission and saving their butts. These guys earned their medals. Interesting that women liked this movie more than men (per IMDB votes); Must be Sean Bean.
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A good film, portraying the bravery and courage of a few good men.
Soul_Stealer_200121 November 2005
Firstly to anyone who thinks they know so much about this story, and think lightly of these men.

I would just like to say that this film and story is under rated, and surrounded by people judging these soldiers even though they themselves have never lifted an air gun or a paint-ball gun, let alone fought or served for their country.

The SAS, and the armed forces is full of people willing to put their life on the line. To leave their warm beds and spend hours, days, or weeks in uncomfortable terrain, so stop your whinging!

Because without them you would be using that fat arse of yours to run away like the phucking cowards you probably are.

Either way i liked this film.

I mean for all the military jargon and slang you may have to watch it a few more times, and get someone in the know to translate, but it is a good film.

Not that much money was spent on it, and the special effects are limited, but it is a good portrayal of their life in Hereford, England, where the SAS is based, to Iraq. There is also some funny moments to lighten the mood.

If you really want to get to grips with the story, read the book "Bravo Two Zero".

It has much more detail, especially about the gruesome torture they were put through.

Other books include:

"The One That Got Away", by Chris Ryan. "Soldier Five", By Mike Coburn and "The Real Bravo Two Zero", by Michael asher.

Each give their own opinion, so its hard to tell who is telling the truth.

Either way the film is good, and some people might have to watch it more than once, but it is enjoyable.

You laugh and maybe cry and anything else as you follow them.

Sean Bean plays the part well, as do the supporting cast of unknown and small time actors. One of those actors has since done well.

That actor is Rick Warden, who plays Tony. He has since been in "Band of Brothers", and the TV series "Rome", showing on BBC one.

Either way watch this is good and a good watch.

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Just the facts.
rmax3048231 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've given this film a good rating because, based as it is on a set of particular facts, it doesn't fit into the usual war-film mold. It may be so mainly by default, but that doesn't make it any less original. Here's the mold. A small group of soldiers sets out on a difficult mission. There are fire fights. Some of the men die. The enemy is faceless. The mission is successfully completed. If they are captured, they escape. If the patrol was cocky at the start, they return chastened. That template doesn't apply here.

In this film, the impression one gets is that the mission of the British patrol was only partly completed, since their presence was discovered and they had to leave their observation post under fire. In trying to reach the safety of the Syrian border the eight men lose each other. And Andy MacNab (Sean Bean) is captured by Iraqis.

The second half of the film has us watching his suffering in a special prison. The Iraqis aren't entirely faceless either. They beat hell out of MacNab but not before showing us some of the reasons for the Iraqi's rage. An elderly man, weeping operatically, uncovers the mutilated body of his son, one of the Iraqi soldiers killed during a fire fight, before throwing himself on a British prisoner and feebly squeezing and pinching his face. Later we learn that the patrol has killed more than a hundred Iraqis and put another hundred in the hospital.

The torture MacNab and the two other members of his patrol undergo is convincing without being overly dwelt on. He spends most of his time manacled, stripped, and blindfolded. A dentist pulls out one of MacNab's teeth. But the most telling degradation is when MacNab is forced to clean out a primitive toilet that has become clogged, using only his bare hands, and when finished, he is made to lick his hands clean. A viewer might ask if this is really "torture", and the answer might well be, "not according to the definition now employed by the US government, since there is no pain and no question of organ failure."

Unlike most fictional war stories, the three British prisoners don't escape. Moreover, MacNab tells his captors what they want to know about his unit and its mission, distributing little misleading lies here and there to diminish the value of the information. Of course MacNab protests the Iraqi treatment of him and his two colleagues because it isn't permitted by the Geneva Convention. His captor deals him a blow and adds, "We are not in Geneva."

MacNab and four others out of the eight-man patrol manage to reach home through the offices of the Red Cross. "War is barbaric," MacNab muses, but he holds little ill will against his torturers since they were just doing their jobs. He does, however, dislike the Iraqis who seemed to enjoy inflicting pain, and if he met one of them on the street, he would probably slug him. At least I THINK that's what he thought. The working-class accents and the slang were so thick that I was unable to understand some of the exchanges.

MacNab is pretty philosophical about his experiences, and not at all chastened or brutalized. Naturally war is barbaric, but MacNab knew that going in, and he has no intention of giving up the profession of arms. He doesn't seem to have any real enemies, doesn't hate anybody, and surely isn't anxious to be captured and tortured again, but what the hell, the army has given him a chance to be all he can be!

In the usual war movie, our side almost always wins, sometimes at great sacrifice. Here, the conflict kind of peters out, as great historical events have a way of doing. That may or may not make for a satisfying narrative, but it does resemble life a little more closely.
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Not bad at all!
chucknorrisrules24 August 2007
I bought the DVD after seeing a few clips of the film on YouTube, and after some of the more ridiculous things thrown about in Ultimate Force on ITV (which is a pretty poor TV station anyway), I decided to see the BBC's take on the SAS. As it turned out, I wasn't disappointed! Unlike ITV, the BBC had really done their homework (and being someone who knows a little about the SAS myself, I liked what I saw).

The storyline was very true to the nature of the book, and unlike with ITV, the characters, atmosphere, acting and all the details gave you the right idea.

The film fell down in quality a little on a few points. Sean Bean still unaccountably carried his Yorkshire accent when playing the Londoner Andy McNab. The three characters who were killed were vaguely mentioned and brushed aside as if they never mattered, and some of the firefights were a little ridiculous, though I think the latter is to do with the nature of the book rather than anything else.

However, aside from that, the film really did well and I was quite impressed with it. The actors were excellent, and also believable, so I give it the thumbs up!
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One of the few very good true war stories.
Danny-Rodriguez18 April 2006
I was first told about Andy McNabb from a half-insane guy who played the main character in a movie which was shot in my home town. I talked to him for a long time and we got talking about books and I mentioned I was a big Clancy fan. He said if I liked Clancy i should check out Andy McNabb. I hadn't seen Heat at the time but he recommended it because McNabb was a technical weapons training adviser on it. And he said that many people reacted very well to the fact that everyone in that movie held their guns and rifles correctly and changing the clip in a professional way. Later on i saw Heat and I was very impressed. I haven't read anything by McNabb yet but I think i will. definitely after seeing this.

The film Bravo Two Zero tells the story about eight SAS soldiers who was sent behind enemy lines in The Gulf War. The opening montage of this film sucked me straight in. a composition of old Gulf War footage and news reports. it then cuts to a title card which says that this is a true story accompanied with the song "Londons Calling" by The Clash. The film continues to be very realistic all the way through. Not much clichéd hero stuff but rather to quote that guy who first told me about McNabb: "It's about misery. This is a real story about a real James Bond. No champagne or beautiful women." And enemy is not portrayed as villains or dumb like in oh so many Hollywood films. It is rumored though that McNabb exaggerated a bit on how many enemies they killed but this isn't a very large factor in the story. The story is not about how many enemies they killed. It's about survival and misery.

This is very impressive for a TV movie and Sean Bean most certainly doesn't make it worse. Definitely recommended to you who like realistic stories like Tom Clancy's books.
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An uncomfortably real Gulf War story
=G=17 January 2003
"Bravo Two Zero", based on the real life experiences of decorated British SAS soldier Andy McNab (Bean), the film tells of a mission gone wrong when eight men, inserted into Iraq during the Gulf War to neutralize SCUD missles, encounter resistance, become embroiled in firefights, and end up dead or victims of torture in Iraqi prison. A gritty film with a no nonsense approach to its story, "B20" is not likely to have broad appeal but is a must see for soldiers and others into real deal combat stories. (C+)
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A Good Movie Until I Realized the Audience Was Lied to
McStallen12 June 2009
When I first saw this movie, I really liked it. It is a gritty, low- budget movie that seemed very realistic and not too preachy.

But then I started reading about the movie and I felt really ripped off- this movie tries to come across as the sincere, truth story of an SAS raid behind enemy lines in Iraq, complete with firsthand narration.

IF you research the movie, there are all sorts of allegations as to its truthfulness, many coming from former SAS members. I read a lot and concluded McNab's tale was mostly fictional/grossly exaggerated, and this movie is likely a collection of lies and manipulations. Read up on it yourself and draw your own conclusions.

I understand movies are meant to entertain, and can be entirely fictional. But I have a huge problem of a movie trying to hold itself out as something it isn't, particularly if it made be a "reputable" company such as the BBC, and I really can't give it a decent grade because of that.
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Hard to believe that such an excellent movie came out of the BBC
rlange-314 August 2007
The BBC is notorious for its anti-military bias and opposition to anything that makes either America or the British military look good. Yet here we have one of the finest squad level war movies ever made. So do not look the gift horse in the mouth. Instead watch a brutally realistic movie about a group of highly trained soldiers who see their way through a thoroughly botched mission and emerge heroes.

But this outcome is not the result of Rambo style glorification of violence, but a balanced treatment of highly professional decision making, camaraderie, and thoroughly botched logistics. In other words it is as real as it gets at the movies.
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a real war movie - war as its made now
JJCA31 January 2003
i confess up front that i watched this movie ONLY cause Sean Bean is in it. And my opinion is probably biased because of this, but i enjoyed the movie very much (although i had to watch it a couple times in order to understand the accents!). Basically its a buddy movie told by the main character, Andy McNab, it is a adaptation of his memoir about this incident. A buddy movie, because the focus is on the interrelationship of the guys in the unit. It's truly a study of what can go wrong in war- which is everything... In this, it contrasted sharply with the more popular and glossy 3 KINGS. The production quality of the movie was a little lower than usual, probably due to being a made for tv movie, but emminently watchable. Be prepared for torture and the degradation of war though - not for the seriously squeamish.
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Started OK, but went downhill
tomcatpads-4584320 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie entertaining initially. It was the typical "bond with your buddies" in a military way. As a Gulf War vet, it found it somewhat realistic. Once they got dropped into Iraq, looking for SCUD missiles and communication links, the plot became a little silly. 8 guys shooting what seemed like hundreds of bad guys. You know, like an Arnold movie. The good guys had a great aim and unlimited ammo. They spent most of the movie evading capture. Alas, once they were inevitably captured, it was the typical "torture till you drop" scenario. Curiously, the storyline said the patrol was the most highly-decorated patrol since the Boer War. As far as I can tell, they never accomplished any part of their mission. Supposedly based on a true story, the writer, who happened to be the lead character, has been criticized/exposed by his contemporaries as a fraud...i.e., these silly "shoot-em ups" didn't happen. Who knows? At least Sean Bean was good.
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Sharpe with M-16's
Spud10008 January 1999
When I first heard that the BBC were making a film of Bravo Two Zero starring Sean Bean I got very excited and I am pleased to say I wasn't disappointed. The whole thing positively oozes authenticity with a great attention to detail. The combat sequences had me jumping out of my seat and yet they aren't overplayed.

Sean Bean is excellent. I mean he is superb. Admittedly, his performance lends a lot to Sharpe but it doesn't suffer for it. If there was an Oscar for being hard then he should get it.

I think the only real problem with the film was that of pacing. Not that there was much they could have done about it being based on a true story but it seemed to wind down a bit too gradually. That won't stop me buying it on video however.

To sum up: I'm going to have to read the book now.
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Fair Adaption
Theo Robertson12 February 2002
Andy Mcnab is often said to have turned down multi million dollar offers from Hollywood for BRAVO TWO ZERO because he wanted an adaption to be accurate. This adaption is pretty faithful to the book , though it never totally shakes off its made for TV feel, and much of the book`s lengthy description of beatings and torture ( Over 200 pages ) is left out. But all in all superior to THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY which deals with the same SAS patrol
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tough to follow if you're not English
I am American. My biggest complaint with this film is that the actors all speak with British accents. Now, that is authentic, of course. After all, the real men were British. However, a lot of the talking seems mumbled, and probably slangy and often with background noise (helicopter rotors, for instance, or vehicles) occurring simultaneously. Even with a loud sound setting and multiple views, I still could not figure out some of the dialogue.

Also, except for Sean Bean, I couldn't keep track of who was who, although I guess that really doesn't matter. But toward the end, several of the men are in highly disheveled states with dirt, blood and everything else all over their faces and again, except for Sean Bean, it is nearly impossible to differentiate them for one another.

On the good side, the combat seemed well done and authentic.

Despite not understanding what was being said, the film still managed to hold my attention - probably because I already had a basic understanding of the plot.
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"Bravo Two Zero" is a perfect example of how a great war movie should be.
Severance9614 July 2002
When I first heard of the film "Bravo Two Zero", I thought it would be another American b-action, and to be honest hoped it to be one. To my surprise it was anything but a b-action movie.

To make it short, "Bravo Two Zero" is a perfect example of how a great war movie should be. Not only by the great acting and remarkably good story, but by parts where you actually laughed and sometimes even cried. Through my years of a big war fan, have I gotten the chance to see a lot of movies based on wars. Some of them really good like "Full Metal Jacket" but others kind of wasteless b-action. Another thing that made the movie a little bit more attractive was that it wasn't about the Vietnam War or WWII which most movies are about, and I must say that I am a bit tired of the same story just with other actors or sets.

To sum the whole thing up, I really enjoyed watching this movie! To be honest, I have strong difficulties to find anything to remark on. The only thing I can be a little harsch on, is that there seem to be missing a part in the end of the movie. I won't tell you when or where, but I'll think you'll notice that.

I gave the movie a 9, which can seem like a whole lot, but I really fancied the movie and think that It's worth a nine. So now, even if you are not a war movie fan, go fetch "Bravo Two Zero" it's worth it!
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Lots of goofs in a poor BBC adaptation of the book
Leofwine_draca16 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Cheap-as-chips BBC war movie is hopeless from the start thanks to a ludicrous lack of realism, despite McNab's presence as military adviser behind the scenes. It strikes me that the excellent book by McNab was only skimmed superficially and then filmed, and certainly this television film barely resembles the riveting book which inspired it. In fact the only good thing about the whole production is Sean Bean's casting as McNab, once again Bean puts in a bravura performance, and his convincing turn here is the only nugget of gold in a whole mess of a production.

I reckon the BBC blew their budget on location filming in South Africa and the SAS training undertaken by the crew; everything does look cheap here, and for a film in which the effect largely depends on the realism, that isn't great. When the film can't even show you the guys getting out of the helicopter you wonder what you're in for. The African locations only barely resemble the original Iraqi landscape, for a start its far too flat and the BBC just didn't have to money to portray convincing below-zero temperates and unexpected snowfall. The camera cuts in close and stays close to the actors' faces, giving a claustrophobic feel even in the desert scenes, and something has definitely got to be wrong with that.

For some reason, Vince, Legs and Bob (the three who did not survive the mission) have their names changed to Ray, Baz and Tony, but seeing as they are named properly in the book you wonder just who this is protecting. The rest of the cast don't get much of a look in, but the characters don't come across at all and the actors are crap – Stan is portrayed as an idiot, Vince is played by a 16-stone guy who would never even some close to passing the selection process, and Chris is some long-haired chap, completely self-obsessed and arrogant. There are a couple of decent action sequences in the movie, done well on a low budget, with plenty of shooting and explosions, and I was glad that the film didn't shy away from the more gruesome and disgusting moments (like when Andy has to eat excrement). But because of length, whole swathes of plot and important detail is just cut out, leaving a choppy, poorly-edited mess of a film.

Lastly, the thing that really got to me was the lack of realism displayed here, in comparison to the book. I know it's a film and you have to hear what's going on, but having the characters shouting to each other whilst hiding in the wadi is just plain dumb; did the producers forget this was a covert mission, covert meaning stealth, not shouting like you're at a football match? There are other ludicrous moments like when we see Chris walking down a paved road to freedom, hmm, lucky he didn't get captured then, I thought he went cross-country necessarily to avoid being spotted. The biggest and most laughable flaw has to be Andy and his mates eating a bag of boiled sweets in the prison; I found that watching Bean crunching away on a sugary bit of confectionery, after reading in the book how McNab had his teeth smashed out so that it was painful to even breathe, simply and astoundingly inept.
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An Undiscovered Gem
oyerbides28 December 2001
I had read the book a few years back and was curious when I saw it in the new release section of the local video store. I think this movie deserves a look especially in light of the recent events of 9/11. I found the movie was a simple yet very engaging account of modern warfare and the problems of special forces. Although the movie lacks some of the Hollywood polish and action glitz I don't think it hurts it one bit. In fact the exact opposite is true. The understated filming and pace make it that much more enjoyable.
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Glorification of McNab.
parry232319 April 2005
In 'Eye of the Storm' by Peter Ratcliffe DCM (who was the Regimental Sergeant Major of the SAS during the Bravo Two Zero incident), he explains how the CO and he thought that Bravo Two Zero team should've taken in a Land Rover, yet 'Andy McNab' and his team disagreed and decided to take in 150 pound packs on their back and trek it in.

'McNab' felt that it was too easy to be spotted by aircraft if they were in a Land Rover rather than if they walked in because the terrain was rather flat. Ratcliffe and the CO believed that the Land Rover would give them a better means of escape... seems like they were right.

McNab seems to have glorified himself in his book and in one section of the text it reads that Ratcliffe only briefly wished him good luck and safe trip.

But for this one, you'll have to make up your mind for yourself...
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For a dubious story, a great film.
absolut_nick28 March 2004
As a soldier and something of a war movie buff, it's refreshing to see a good story turned into a film that doesn't add the Hollywood effect of lack of realism. Bravo Two Zero tells the story of a Special Air Service patrol in Iraq during the Gulf War as realistically as possible, right down to the amount of gear they lug and what difficulties lie in tactical operations.

Having "Andy McNab" as a military advisor seems to have paid off in spades, as everything you see in the movie is how it really works, down to the textbook section attack they execute against the Iraqis.

If you haven't read the book, do so. Then read Chris Ryan's "The One That Got Away", which tells his side of the story. Then read Peter Ratcliffe's "Eye of the Storm" and Michael Asher's "The Real Bravo Two Zero" and decide how much of the tale you actually believe. Worth a look.
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Excellent acting
lucas_denoir15 March 2002
I really enjoyed this movie. Up to this movie I had only seen Sean Bean play over-acted bad guy characters. In this movie however he gave a truly superb performance. The movie was otherwise good - good action scenes and so on. Still, the best reason to see it is to see Sean Beans brilliant and human interpretation of the main character Andy McNab.
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Movie took the same approach as the Bravo patrols - cheap and nasty
GreenTara886 December 2022
I have only just attempted to watch this movie having just finished reading Bravo Three Zero by Des Powell. I had read Bravo Two Zero soon after it had been released and found the story to be interesting and engaging - although now of course most of "Andy McNab's" claims have been questioned by reputable sources. But it was an entertaining story nevertheless so I thought I'd try watching the movie. Wow - what an embarrassment. It's so poorly filmed and acted and so obviously low budget, it's unwatchable. You couldn't even blame the era it was filmed - Black Hawk Down was produced in a similar period, the differences are significant. All Bravo authors (Powell, McNab and Ryan) have blamed the British approach to military planning, intel and equipment etc in the failure of the Bravo missions. I would say McNab's approach to this movie is another good example of the way the brits do things in contrast the the Americans - this "movie" is so poorly resourced and executed, as a mission it was always doomed to fail. Don't bother.
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Bravo Two Zero
deltajvliet1 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the book of the same name by Andy McNab, a pseudonym for the squad leader of a real life, ill-fated SAS patrol during the Gulf War, Bravo Two Zero tells the story of several soldiers stuck behind enemy lines. They're outnumbered, hopelessly ill-equipped, and surrounded by the Iraqi army, conveniently standing in the way of their extraction point.

Patrol leader Andy McNab (Sean Bean) elects to go to Plan B, make a 160 km trek to the Syrian border through the freezing desert as Iraqi forces close in. What ensues is a desperate struggle for survival. The group gets split up, frost bite sets in, skirmishes transpire... It's a story of heroism and courage. But it's more than that. We also see how these men are only human, how in spite of their bravery they make a series of significant, occasionally deadly mistakes.

Many claim McNab changed or exaggerated parts of the story to save face and look good, but I'm mostly indifferent to the controversy. Whether or not parts were fabricated or the enemy kill count was embellished, the movie as it stands is a terrific modern warfare film boasting realistic tactics, believable characters, and the depiction of an immeasurable will to survive.

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