Flypaper (1999) Poster


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Great title anyway...
BrashFink27 March 2002
Started out interesting enough, but then the movie completely devolved into nothing.

The entire Lucy Liu storyline was dumb. It was trying real hard to be Pulp Fiction (like a LOT of stuff around this time) but fails. If you stop to think about Pulp Fiction, every segment tied in together. This one started out with a simple storyline, simple plot, then tried to add other stuff, that doesn't have anything to do with the main plot (like the before mentioned Lucy Liu part). It goes off into its own story.

Still, not awful and it was enjoyable. Worth a rent, I am glad I didn't pay $9 to see it (was this even in the theatre?).
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More Pulp Fiction fallout
dave13-15 May 2012
The late 90's brought several post Pulp Fiction wannabes (Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead, 2 Days in the Valley) in which unsavory characters cross paths and get tangled up in one another's schemes and some even occasionally find redemption. Aww... And this is another.

Craig Sheffer stands out as a merciless thug due for a comeuppance, who kidnaps a drug chemist (Lucy Liu) in the first of many messy criminal schemes which unravel due to bad luck, bad planning and mostly just bad timing. The bad timing bug hits a philandering spouse, whose punishment rapidly outstrips his crime, and then others who similarly come to grief in random and often comic ways.

The film is a very mixed bag of mostly unlikable characters and squirm- inducing scenes, but its sheer random unpredictability makes it at least somewhat watchable. Don't even try to guess where any of the plot lines are heading or what will happen next. Chances are you will be wrong.
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Surprise, Surprise!
TerriStorm2 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I admit that my expectations of this film were not very high when my friend brought it to me to watch. I had the impression this was some sort of soft porn flick, and figured the plot would be banal at best!

To my surprise, however, Flypaper is one of the most enjoyable films I've seen in quite a long time. Maybe because my expectations were so low, I found myself absorbed in the plot before I realized what was happening. Everyone did a fine job with their characters, and the little twists and turns kept my interest up all the way to the end.

Warning: Possible spoilers!

I admit, however, to being rather disappointed by the end. Especially with two rather unresolved circumstances. I wanted to know what happened to the couple making love in the swimming pool with the snakes. I wanted to know what became of Craig S character after they pulled the knife out! Okay, but I'm just being picky. I highly recommend this for anyone who's tired of the big budget, FX loaded box office fair!
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A very bad movie. Trust me.
garypen30 May 2006
Heed the advice of those comparing it poorly to Pulp Fiction. It is clearly trying very hard to imitate the the style of that movie, as many filmmakers were attempting at that time. It fails miserably at it. In fact, it fails miserably at even matching the low quality of "Two Days In The Valley", another piece of cinematic crap which failed miserably at attempting to imitate Pulp Fiction. (OTOH, "Two Days" is far more disappointing than "Flypaper" due to its stellar cast.) If you enjoy movies like Pulp Fiction, or Get Shorty, or Fargo, or Snatch, then see THOSE movies. This movie is a total waste of time. Plus, to add insult to injury, the multiple story lines have no payoff. They end in the middle of nowhere like unfinished highways miles before they reach a destination.
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samo31415919 November 2005
Okay, I'm pretty sure I am the only person in the entire world who liked that movie. And no, before you ask, I'm not a die-hard Lucy Liu fan. Admittedly, this movie was riddled with problems, but I think Quentin Tarantino said it best when he commented on Brian DePalma's "Bonfire of the Vanities" that it takes a director of quality to make a truly disastrous film. A hack wouldn't doesn't take the risks that failed to pay off in Flypaper. That being said, I have to wonder why a film like Flypaper falls so hard when films like "The Unbelievable Truth" launch a prolific career and a borderline cult following. Though the two films are as different as night and day, they both spring from the same impulse: stepping outside a genre and examining it outside the confines of illusionism. For all the griping that goes on about unoriginal, cookie-cutter genre pieces, shouldn't we have just a little generosity when a director has the guts to break the mold? Personally, I was hooked after the very first scene. Anyone can be outrageous. Anyone can be true-to-life. Combining the two takes brass balls, and Klaus Hoch has got him. For sure he's willing to throw a bucket of gratuitous sex and violence in our face, but, believe it or not, there is something rustling behind the curtains in Flypaper. No, we are not supposed to take anything anyone says in the film without a whopping grain of salt. That's part of the point. Every single character is a walking contradiction, a grotesque hybrid of celluloid and flesh. But -God help me, I know this is where I'll lose you- isn't that what it's always been about? We go to the movies. We rent DVDs. We sit back and watch human beings transformed (at best) into morons and (at worst) objects. It's a twisted zero-sum game, and it mirrors real life in ways we don't even want to think about. Flypaper is compared unfavorably with Pulp Fiction and various Cohen Brother films, perhaps because there is no warmth or adulation, no well-thought-out view from nowhere. Essence absolutely refuses to precede existence. These characters are going to do some very stupid, pointless things, and there is no redemption, no "correct" path for them to return to, not even a solid realization of their sad, silly condition.
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different, but good
beefdirky462 August 2007
the way this movie begins is very odd, but then again, so is the movie, but it's a GOOD odd. One of the catchiest lines in the movie was "when you F*ck a duck it's hard on the duck, so you have to break it's neck when you're done. you can't f*ck a duck and let it live" There was a good group of actors and actresses in this title, and I don't really recall it out in the theaters. I have been looking to pick this movie up at best buy, but it's not available there. Sadie Frost is totally hot in this movie, and her running around in panties and a tank top after a drug/alcohol induced stupor was pretty hot.

but the genius in this movie lies in the story itself.
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Excellent parody on LA low life.
pjm-113 April 2005
Great story on several levels of ripoffs, backstabbing and deception. Perfectly acted parody of LA life, very funny and understated. Excellent performances especially from the 3 actresses - Lucy Alexis Liu, Talisa Sota, and Sadie Frost. Very much in the same vein as '2 Days in the Valley' (1996). Some strange sex scenes and the violence is almost comical. 3 separate but interconnected story lines occurring on a sunny LA day centered around 1 million dollars in cash, inspire the quirky characters to commit a litany of depraved and devious acts. Not a well known movie, but a little gem if you can track it down - well worth watching.
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Flypaper got me stuck
Jude99927 May 1999
I saw this movie from flipping through channels. I had never heard of it, and I have asking people if they had heard of it and every single person hadn't. I liked it, but it was kind of pointless.
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A quirky film that needs more audiences
harriseric-3269817 August 2018
Flypaper is a rarely seen film by Klaus Hoch(who never made another film) which has a offbeat situation laden with quirky characters- which is what movies of this budget need to be. In the wake of Pulp Fiction you had a lot of films which played on the interconnected aspect of the narrative and Flypaper does just that. The characters are all out to harm someone or seek revenge and if you sit and enjoy the film for what it is this is a decent watch. It also contains a bizarre sex scene featuring Lucy Lui and a pit full of snakes(!!!!) so just for the audacity of this scene you should check Flypaper out.
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Wow...that was so messed up...sweet
northridgecowboy4 October 2001
The basic idea behind this film as that a whole lot of messed up things happen...some a bit pointless, some are really, really weird, and a few are amazingly funny.

if you're in the mood for a really messed up, yet really good movie, then this is your choice for the night.

for the low brow crowd...lucy lui is naked in this

seriously though, this movie was quite good. kind of sad klaus koch hasn't made another movie since.
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A quick note.
VCalzone31 October 2000
To be fair, no matter how bad a movie this is, it has a graphic sex scene with Lucy Liu. So it can't be all bad.
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Ultra white trash movie only certain sense of humor will pick up on
ezoangelofdeath15 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When I stumbled onto HBO after hooking it up myself one night, I tried my ass off to watch Oz, Flypaper was starting, really if you begin watching from the start, I really don't understand how just the opening scene alone wouldn't keep 90% of viewers watching, because SPOILERS!! when your opening a movie, nobody knows anything about, with 2 kids obviously pissing a man in a car off behind them, then pulling off the road, lighting his car on fire, then diving through the front windshield and burning to his death, while 2 little kids on bikes just watch, those who felt zero interest after that, are the kinds that think movies like anything that wins Oscars are good, people who vote awards to movies that are 4 hrs long and normal people must do meth before watching cause they cant stay awake through them, that opening scene was all I needed, and since that night, Flypaper is one of my all time favs, all these morons on here bashing it, saying it doesn't go anywhere, they are all either sub or to high of intelligence, no you gotta actually know the life this movie is showing, its not just a bunch of people pulp fiction style path crossing, nope, these are good old red blooded American white trash tales, daily lives, of meth addicts, crooks, cheating business men, and basically just every kind of white middle American drug addicted piece of shiz losers u encounter in places like Ogden Utah, Phoenix, Albuquerque, Little Rock, etc. and really the actors play their parts so well, u begin to question if they to are even acting, as they seem way to good to be merely pretending their roles, who absolutely takes this show and stands high on a pedestal is the outstanding acting and character of local businessman John C McGinley, one of my favs anyway, between McGinley and Sheffer you start sympathizing for them, even though, they are both out and out just scum,bags, who fit perfectly into the cast of all the other scumbags, who are all fulfilling an agenda of some sort, but u get the feeling they all know each other, except for the couple who are met into each other by the rest of the cast, they are all crooks, they are all up to no good, and McGinley absolutely steals the entire movie as the philandering, unfaithful husband to be, whose fiancé is so sure he's a cheater, she's going to hire Dane Cook (in his 1st movie) to set him up, and after McGinley, takes line hook bait, what ensues for him from then on, right up to the end of the movie, is nothing but pure hilarity, and bad bad ju ju, McGinley, is probably one of the most underrated actors out there, after watching him play the psychotic kidnapper in that little mini series that they wont release on DVD, anyone who doubts his acting ability is just a cheesedikson, if your not addicted to this movie on McGinley, alone by the end, your an idiot, and who cares about Lucy Lu? seriously I didn't even care when i first saw this, i was like oh Lucy Lu's getting banged, oh wow she has breasts, wow, now when Sadie Frost gets banged by Shane Brolly, now that's a bang and nothing in any part of Lucy Lu seen even comes close to it, the entire undertone to this movie is a day in the life of a bunch of white street trash, those who know, clearly understand it, most probably do not, there is no attempt at Pulp Fiction here, though to people who don't know, I can see why you'd believe that, this movie is only funny in a sick sad criminal way, there are no truly humorous, or comedic lines written for this movie, all the humor is ironic to each situation, most anyone can probably relate to McGinley, situation, which is why if your going to even attempt to watch this, his problems are probably the only ones you'll get, and he steals the show with them, Sheffer I have to say counter carries this movie, playing a piece of scum junkie, who along with his partner just drive around and rob meth labs, Sheffer really plays the role of a human who's been exposed to the chemicals of meth a little to long, and he plays it to a Tee, but you see, unless you have known a person like this, how could you relate, this movie is a cult movie, relating only to a very small demo of Americans, that's why nobody's seen it, and those who do rarely get it, if you are part of the scene, you watch this, and you'll instantly understand it, if not, you'll just see a pulp fiction rip off and a whole bunch of stories about a bunch of people that don't seem to make sense or really come to an ending, and that's really all there is to this great movie, either way I don't see how anyone could not be entertained by it,plenty of filth, crime, murder, drug use, sex, nudity, profanity, bestiality dialogue, and much much more stuff that nobody in their right mind would ever pass as appropriate, but if you are offended by that stuff, and your a lame, yeah you probably should go check out the Pat Dempsey movie that couldn't even produce an original title, cause this one is only for the true Americans
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Quirkiness and violence... and that's all
xorys12 September 2000
This movie consists of a bunch of quirky characters doing incredibly quirky (and violent) things and mouthing absolutely unbelievably quirky dialogue. I'd imagine that how it came to be was that the folks who created it saw films such as those of the Coen brothers and Quentin Tarantino and basically completely missed everything that was going on other than the superficialities, i.e. the quirkiness and the violence... so they said to themselves "Hey, we can make a movie like that... just take a whole mess of quirkiness and some violence, throw it all in a box, and shake!" And that's just what they did... with Fly Paper being the result. It's sort of what you'd get if you took Fargo and Pulp Fiction, removed all the intelligence and humanity, amplified the quirkiness by a couple of hundred percent, and then threw the mixture into a blender set on 'Purée'. Only recommended to those with a high tolerance for and liking of quirkiness and violence, and no requirement that a film should contain anything else. Technically the film is thoroughly professional on all levels... it's a pity the content is o limited (perhaps it's meant to be a parody... but then shouldn't it be funny or something?)
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Above average straight to cable crime flick.
FATLOSER12 April 2001
While this film is far from great it's a lot better than 90 percent of the pap wanna-be producers are pimping to get the "Pulp Fiction" market (i.e. ANY of the dozen or so films Michael Madsen's made in the last few years). My one major criticism with it was the casting of an Irish actor who needed about 10 more years of acting lessons and dialogue coaching. It really does take more than a handsome face to pull of a major role even in a small film like this. The scenes this guy were in were frustratingly bad and it hurt the film immensely. The only other criticism I had was with Lucy Liu's cheesy generic Asian accent. Her meth lab chemist-in-bondage part didn't require her to be a real immigrant(she would've been better with her natural patois),although I have to say she looked sooooooo good in that little camo tank top and short shorts that I didn't mind it that much. The rest of the cast do a decent job with their characters and there are some funny moments throughout.
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Mahnke231 August 2002
Well I didn't see the entire movie, but there is a sex scene where they are laying on a blanket on the ground covered in rattle snakes. Further more it seems to make the sex better after every 'bite.'

Wild movie
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Bad Movie, Beautiful Lucy!
mazdasucks18 June 2001
I had never heard of this movie until I saw it mentioned online somewhere that Lucy Liu had done a nude sex scene in it. I, of course, rented the film and watched it. The movie isn't very good, honestly. As for Lucy, she's naked all right, and in a short sex scene, but the shots of her body are very brief and you have to use the pause button on your remote if you want to catch any of it. The sex scene itself is NOT graphic, as one user commented, it's very very tame. Lucy and the guy...I don't know his name...they have sex in a pit of snakes. You get brief glimpses of Lucy's breast(s) and a shot of her butt, but I have a sneaking suspicion that was a body double since we never see her face in the shot. Well, if you're like me, and you watched this movie to see Lucy Liu's nude beauty, you'll only be happy if you don't expect much. She is beautiful but the nudity is short and tame. If you watched this movie for the movie itself, then you probably wasted an hour and a half.
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Wacky movie but hot chicks
siberian-221 August 2003
The movie itself is pretty wacky but very entertaining. You just have to ride with it and see how it goes. They just keep beating on the characters until they have nothing left to give. Its hilarious in a strange way but very slapstick towards the end. I enjoyed it!

Lucy Lui sex scene of course, very nice, although she is one of the all time worst performers I have seen in the last decade she has a nice body.

No one has commented on Sadie Frost! This girl puts out an aura of sexuality that is hard to match. Everything from her smallest movements to the sex scene is pretty incredible. She has the ability to switch between succubus and demon in seconds. Gorgeous!
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brian3124 April 2001
This movie was very very excellence! The key while watching this movie: YOU CAN'T TAKE ANY OF IT SERIOUSLY! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the vulgar language and violence, its great. The end scene in the movie was masterful, not wanting to give any away, but you have to see it! Craig Shaffer was excellent as a demented drug "businessman" on the brink of loosening all mental normalcy. I'd like to see increased amount of movies like this, harnessing the twisted semi-complex plot of a true treasure. On a 1 to 10 scale this movie gets a solid 8.5....................
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