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Boring Snoozer Of A Roughie...
EVOL6668 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
There's really nothing of any real note in DEN OF DOMINANCE-so I'll keep this one brief.

A guy rolls into what he thinks is a local watering-hole...turns out that it's a sex club where for the right price, he can partake of the 'carte blanche treatment'-which consists of boning the working-girls, and also some light S&M action...

There's plenty of straight sex and BJ action in this one, as well as some very light and unconvincing S&M action-but it's all pretty unerotic and unsleazy. The women are all sub-par in the attractiveness department-and there's nothing notable at all about any of the sex or bondage scenes on display. Nothing at all to write home about-I'd advise avoiding this one unless you're a completist. 3/10 -and that's only for the mercifully short 36 minute runtime-and for the clever use of the classic Atari Pac-Man sound FX during the title screen.
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Acceptable S&M roughie porn outing
Woodyanders31 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A man (pasty zhlub Martin Patton) discovers that a seedy Times Square bar is actually a front for an S&M sex club. Yep, that's about it for the wafer thin premise, but fortunately director Phil Prince keeps the plentiful sex scenes pretty strenuous and arousing. Moreover, the gals are reasonably hot and attractive, with tasty brunette Nicole Bernard rating as the best looking of the bunch. Alas, the S&M action on display proves to be really tame stuff: It consists mostly of verbal abuse, mild manhandling, and slight use of restraints. In addition, scrawny Dan Stephens fails to convince as a foul-mouthed dom. The plain cinematography and ragged editing give the film's seamy atmosphere a certain raw authenticity while the occasional use of a heartbeat on the soundtrack, clumsily dubbed in moaning and groaning, and cheesy monotonous synthesizer music all provide a distinctly tacky early 80's period charm. Nothing special, but at a mercifully brief 37 minutes long it makes for a moderately enjoyable diversion just the same.
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