Captain Milkshake (1970) Poster

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Let's not be fooled again
AAdaSC1 February 2017
Geoff Gage (Paul) returns to San Diego where he is on military leave from Vietnam to attend a funeral. He meets with David Korn (Thesp) and Andrea Cagan (Melissa) on his route home and is invited in to their hippie commune. Cagan takes him home but these two fall in love with each other and Gage visits the commune and hangs out with her crowd. However, the commune ethos is very much anti-war and they also like their drugs. Gage is required to return to complete his military service but can love conquer all and change a man's beliefs?

This is an anti-war film that has good natural acting with a strong message and also serves as a documentary time-capsule of the times. Gage has a conflict to resolve – should he return to fight in the war because it is what he is told he must do or can he dismiss orders and behave as he likes. The temptation is certainly there for him. We get bands playing, footage of a demonstration, kaleidoscope love scenes – these go on a bit long in my opinion, some drug running and the film puts you in a certain place in history.

Scenes can be hard-hitting – the war scenes and flashbacks – contrasted against the routines of life outside of war. An example is when Gage's friend asks him what the girls are like out in Vietnam, he has heard that they will do anything. We then cut to a flashback memory of Gage's where he has just shot a girl dead as she was fighting for the 'enemy'. It's a powerful way of portraying the differences in outlook for those in the war and those outside of the war.

It's a film that shows the meaningless of war with an ending that hits home. It also makes you want to smoke a spliff. Unfortunately, I don't know any dealers any more.
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One of the quintessential hippie movies, stands up well against the test of time.
hgunited6 July 2001
I just saw this film at the "Mods and Rockers Film Festival" being held at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood. It's a great film. Even though it is very much of the period, i.e. very psychedelic and hippie, it stands on it's own as a terrific film. I strongly recommend it. If you enjoy movies of that time and attitude, you'll love this one.
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60's hippie anti-Vietnam pic re-emerges
gortx6 July 2001
One of the more bizarre curio's from the 60's indie underground film movement is about to re-emerge on the scene. After nearly 3 decades of legal wrangling, Director Crawford unveiled his pic at the American Cinemateque in Hollywood as part of the Cinemateque's MODS AND ROCKERS film series. The film is more interesting as sociology than as a successful film, however. Real hippies, real drugs, real sex and real psychedelic rock 'n roll mark the pic as an archeological find of the era in which it was made.

The title is rather meaningless (it just "sounded" counter-culture to the director), but the passion about the conflicted society, the free sex, drugs and anti-war movement are not. Amazingly, the film has a number of hallmarks of EASY RIDER, but because of the botched distribution, nobody has ever heard of CAPTAIN MILKSHAKE. The performances are real - because that was WHO the "actors" really were for the most part. This is one of those films that tells you more about an era than most documentaries, newspaper articles and, certainly, all the Hollywood product of the time. Not because it necessarily is very "good", but because it's so small scale that it can't help but be genuine and real (the filmmakers didn't "know" anything else, so they just shot what they saw and heard around them; This is opposed to "Establishment" types who tried to ape and filter their opinions and observations and manufacture a reality).
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A Must See!
companies1029 April 2005
Don't miss checking this film out! Such a real look into that time period with great music and excellent acting. The characters all have their good and bad sides (like all us human beings) and the story is so relevant to today it is trippy. It reminded me of the power of the people and the fact that we can make a difference in this world. Loved seeing San Diego back in 69 and hearing the lingo of those times. I think a lot good came from the 60's and we need to learn more positive lessons like tolerance of others, love and freedom to be yourself. Perfect for adults on any part of the political spectrum except those who can't handle sex, drugs and rock n'roll!!!!
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Up on the top shelf with Easy Rider, Rainbow Bridge, Monterey Pop, Lion's Love (... and Lies), Woodstock, Altered States -- did I miss anybody?
holynosmoke25 May 2022
Glorious movie with so many cool effects and camera techniques (I'm not talking about the 'trippy' sequences; those are indeed a bit dated but not harmful to the enjoyment of the film). Like others pointed out, this is the genuine article. You can't act out these ideas, at least not at that time you couldn't unless you believed in them. That makes this movie precious and genuine.

I go through all hippie movies from the era and most of them are pretty horrendous. Thankfully my quest is not in vain. Check this one out man, you'll love it.
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Everyone should see this film!
bennet9324 July 2003
The title might startle but the film is a wake-up call... Filmed in San Diego in 1969, it really captures that moment and reminds one of the power of the people! How WE can make a difference. The relevance of this film to what is happening today in the world is extremely striking. I was so impressed with the cinematography, the story, the music and the actors (Andrea Cagan, Geoff Gage.) that I truly believe that everyone should see this film.
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A Must See for Anyone Interested in the 60's/ Vietnam War/ Easy Rider etcq
JB-8112 August 2020
Captain Milkshake is a film that got a bit buried in distribution by some shenanigans (the days when tax loses helped investors) as well as the fact that it would have been confrontational at the time for theater owners etc.

The film hits closer to the vibe of what was really happening in that era than Easy Rider, which is more sociological/cultural.

A must see, and what a blast to check out San Diego 50 years ago.
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More fun than EASY RIDER
Mr Roboto6 April 2002
An interesting anti-war movie, though the psychedelic sequences and "hip" dialogue make it at times humorously dated. The most striking feature is its alternating color/black and white cinematography, similar to NATURAL BORN KILLERS. Did Oliver Stone see this? Sometimes silly and amateurish, but still worth watching.
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