The Phone Call (1977) Poster

Michelle Patrick: Becky



  • Becky : [Becky walks up to Scott who is depressed]  Hey. kids really like it here.

    Scott : I should be home practice on my bassoon soon.

    Becky : What?

    Scott : It's bassoon, it's like a balloon with S's. It's an instrument. You think Mr. Screen will fire me?

    Becky : Mr. Beamer. He only yells like that when he's mad. I guess no one ever tried making french fried hot dog buns before.

    Scott : Yeah well, I know I can pick all of this up. The first few days are always tough.

    Becky : Why did you take this job anyway?

    Scott : I need money. The paper route wasn't enough.

    Becky : For what?

    Scott : I'm going to take a karate course. Gotta build up my confidence. Gotta, call up this girl.

    Becky : Hey, maybe I was a little hard on you. I'd hate to see you lose your job. Make it easier.

    [Then Joe drives in with his car and honks the car horn] 

    Joe : Hey! Come on! Move it!

    Becky : Gotta go. Have fun playing your balloon.

    [Then Becky goes over to Joe's car] 

    Scott : Yeah! It's a bassoon!

    Joe : Come on! Move it! I haven't got all day! Let's go, I'm in a hurry!

    [Becky opens the car door and gets in and Joe drives off] 

  • Becky : Busy day.

    [Scott closes the door and walks with Becky] 

    Scott : Sure was. Becky?

    Becky : Hmm?

    Scott : Can I walk you home?

    Becky : Long walk.

    Scott : I have long feet.

    Becky : Okay come on.

  • Joe : [Joe and Becky walk up to the Ripples Drive-in window booth and looks at Scott]  Hey kid! I thought she says you've got a date with her tonight.

    Scott : Well it's really not a date. You see I play in the symphony. And once a year we have a dinner dance. And I thought it would be nice for Becky and me.

    Joe : She's not going!

    Becky : Johnny don't own me.

    Scott : That's true.

    Joe : You need to come out here or I'm coming in after you.

    Scott : Yeah.

    [Scott comes out of the Ripples Drive-in] 

  • Mr. Beamer : Hey Becky I'm going to the bank. Show this new kid his own work and keep him busy okay.

    Becky : Okay now you try it.

    [Becky gives Scott a paper cup, Then Scott puts the paper underneath the ice cream dispenser, he turns on the ice cream and fills up the cup] 

    Scott : Nothing to it.

    [the cup overflows and it bursts and explodes on Scott and Becky's face and the paper cup leaks out] 

  • Becky : [after Scott dips the ice cream in the chocolate syrup, some of the ice cream falls in]  That would make a great chocolate malt. But I think you used a little too much chocolate.

    Scott : Yeah I'm trying.

    Becky : You certainly are.

  • Scott : Yes sir what can I do for you?

    Joe : Tell Becky Joe's here.

    Scott : Becky Joe's here!

    Becky : Just a minute!

    Scott : Just a minute.

    Joe : I can hear. You must be the nerd that plays the balloons.

    Scott : Bassoon.

    Joe : Takes all kinds.

  • Scott : What's your favorite malt?

    Becky : Butterscotch why?

    Scott : I'll make you one without spilling one drop on the floor.

    Becky : Thanks, I'm not in the mood.

    Scott : If I had my bassoon here, I'd play something happy.

    Becky : Hey don't worry about me, that's nothing new. Joe's a little hard to understand. Guess I've been to many movies.

    Scott : Yeah I thought um, romance was supposed to be romantic.

  • Becky : [Scott and Becky walk together]  You're not very talkative today. Scott, what's the matter?

    Scott : Sigh. Becky what's wrong with me?

    Becky : Nothing.

    Scott : Go on, be honest. I can take it.

    Becky : Nothing's wrong with you. Except maybe burning grilled cheese sandwiches all the time.

    Scott : So that I only weigh 26,000 grams.

    Becky : Grams?

    Scott : They sound bigger than metric system. It's the bassoon.

    Becky : No.

    Scott : It's the bassoon. I really haven't made it with big rock groups yet. But, I plan on forming a rock group. I'm gonna have an electric bassoon. I haven't figured out the details yet. Why can't I get a date?

    Becky : Beats me. Do you try to get dates?

    Scott : Actually no. But I phoned Pam once.

    Becky : What did she say?

    Scott : Oh hello.

    Becky : That's all?

    Scott : I'd rather not go into it.

    Becky : Maybe you just need a little practice.

    Scott : Practice?

    Becky : Listen, why don't you call me tonight. Just for practice.

    Scott : Okay, I'll call you tonight.

  • Man in Truck : Hey Becky! Hey wow look at that!

    [the men in the truck whistles at Becky as they speed off in their truck] 

    Scott : Doesn't that make you mad?

    Becky : Maybe I've gotten used to it.

    Scott : Becky um, you know I played a bassoon.

    Becky : Yeah.

    Scott : And that doesn't matter to you that we're still friends.

    Becky : Sure.

    Scott : Well, I'm in orchestra. We play classical music.

    Becky : That's nice, someone's got to play it.

    Scott : Really? So lets um, next Thursday night. The orchestra society having a dinner and dance at the hotel ballroom. And I was wondering, there'll be a lot of really old guys there, but there will be a lot of really young guys too, your age, the brass section. Will you, will you go with me? it's a free dinner.

    Becky : Scott I'd like to but...

    Scott : That's great! You know We've served food all this time together and we really never sat down and ate together.

    Becky : What about Joe?

    Scott : Kind of afraid of Joe.

    Becky : Well, it is his night to bawl.

  • Becky : So what are you going to say?

    Scott : Don't worry, I've got it all figured out. A little light conversation to put her at ease and then uh, I'll casually ask her if she wants to go to the movies with me.

    [Scott gives Becky his coin and she goes in the Phone booth to make a phone call to Becky and Scott is breathing very hard as he's nervous. Scott then takes the phone and holds it to his ear] 

    Scott : Hello? Is this Pamela Robertson, of 1054 Riverside Drive? This is Scott McCormick of a 619 Riverside Drive.

    Becky : A little light conversation. Remember? Say something.

    Scott : I saw you spraying your dandelions a few days ago. What kind of weed killer do you use? Oh no that's okay. You don't have to go all the way to your garage to find out. I'll ask your father, I'll bet you did a great job though. I bet you killed off every dandelion in your yard.

    Becky : Something movie. Go to a movie.

    Scott : If there's one thing I really like about you Pam. You're really very thorough. Thank you, they try to be thorough too.

    Becky : The movie, ask her out to the movie.

    Scott : Pam when I get out of High School, um, I'm gonna, go to college. Yeah you know, I don't want to think that I was going to get married right away.

    Becky : Why did you say that.

    Scott : Look, put her at ease. What? Oh, does it sound like I'm talking to somebody? You know that sure is funny. Well, you know keep it up with your lawn. Goodbye.

    [Scott hangs up the phone] 

    Becky : Scott, you didn't ask her.

    Scott : It didn't come up.

  • Scott : Becky, watch this.

    [Scott puts the wooden board on the 2 cement blocks. Scott then karate chops the board in half] 

    Becky : Scott, that's fantastic!

    Scott : Where did those little Leaguers get here.

  • Scott : I should all in fairness warn you, although I may appear to be harmless, I've been trained in the ancient martial arts Orient.

    Joe : You have a choice, you can break your date with Becky or I'm gonna break your arm.

    Scott : If you do that, there will be a lawsuit of assault and battery.

    Joe : Break the date!

    Scott : Why? So you can yell at her and make her feel like two cents! She's worth more than that!

    Joe : I'm not gonna break your arm. I'm gonna break your head.

    [Joe attempts to grab Scott but he pulls away] 

    Scott : Okay wait! I'm gonna break this board, with my hand.

    [Scott puts the wooden board on the 2 cement blocks. Scott then karate chops the board in half] 

    Scott : Don't press your luck Joe.

    [Scott then fends off Joe as he backs up but he falls in the cardboard box and Becky runs over to Scott] 

    Becky : Conner are you okay?

    Joe : Come on.

    [Joe walks off] 

    Scott : Wow! Think I scared him?

  • Becky : [after Becky sees the smoke and hamburgers burnt]  Scott! The Grill!

  • Scott : You're mad at me aren't you?

    Becky : No I'm just thinking.

    Scott : Yeah I'm sorry if I said something to hurt your feelings last night. About you and Joe.

    Becky : Hey, maybe I needed to hear it.

    Scott : Yeah, I think you're great Becky.

    Becky : Yeah well, I think you're nice too.

    Scott : Hmm. I wish I were. I feel like your friendly neighborhood zero.

    Becky : Well you're not, you've just told yourself that so many times you're starting to believe it.

    Scott : If I was better at football, I'd be somebody. Then Pam would go out with me.

    Becky : You're somebody now. I think you're the most decent guy I've ever met.

    Scott : You think so? No, not me. If I was just better at talking to people. Like my dad, he talks to everybody, he just walks right up and starts talking to him, even gas station attendants. By the time the gas tank is filled, they're all friends.

    Becky : You can learn, talk to the customers.

    Scott : Why not?

  • Becky : [Scott makes a telephone call to Becky and she picks up the phone]  Hello?

    Scott : Hello Becky? This is, this is Scott.

    Becky : Hello Scott.

    Scott : Hello Becky.

    Becky : Scotty are you still there?

    Scott : Yeah! Yeah.

    Becky : Well why don't you ask me something?

    Scott : Becky, sighs, what is a, what is a girl look for in a guy?

    Becky : Well that's hard to say Scott, that depends on the girl.

    Scott : But what do you like? Do you like somebody to treat you rotten like Joe?

    Becky : You don't like him very much do you?

    Scott : I've been worrying enough, he is a success not me. Maybe sometime I should try. Let's say, I came home from work from your house and uh I sat in front of the TV, and I had something cold to drink, and uh, I turn on the game. Okay you say something to me.

    Becky : How's the game?

    Scott : Don't bother me when I'm watching the game! Can't you let me have five minutes of peace? Kind of sounded just like Joe for.

    Becky : I don't like it.

    Scott : Well that's what Joe does to you.

    Becky : Is it?

    Scott : Yeah! You wouldn't never do a dumb thing like marry him, would you? I mean, I'm serious about him.

    Becky : I don't know.

    Scott : I betcha he would treat you the same way after you were married. I'd never treat you that way though.

    Becky : How would you treat me?

    Scott : I'd treat you special.

    Becky : Scott look, I'd think we'd better hang up now.

    Scott : I didn't do something wrong did I?

    Becky : No goodbye.

    [Becky hangs up the phone and Scott also hangs up] 

    Scott : I never say anything right.

See also

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