Siberia (1998) Poster


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Amsterdam's seedy but cool underbelly
aaronsons130 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The film follows the lives of two young Dutch hustlers, Hugo and Goof, who inhabit Amsterdam's backstreets, getting stoned and preying on female backpackers for fun, thrills and self gratification.

The youths are 100% anti-heroes; their hustle is to seduce female tourists into bed and then steal their cash. However, the pair have a sick 'game' going on between them too - that is to rip-out a page from the girls' passports so to prove to one and other that they have made a sexual 'conquest'. A wall in the apartment they share is plastered with passport pages - without regard for the problems they cause to their unsuspecting 'victims' by depriving them of their official documentation.

The film is a fast moving black-comedy urban drama. It is very much in the style of "Trainspotting" and "Run Lola Run", accompanied by a heavy dance soundtrack and many moments in the film feel like a music-video, to very good effect. It is merry-go-round ride through a dangerous cityscape of naive fun-seekers preyed on by scumbags - but it somehow retains its comic edge, even though the storyline is dark, the activity not humorous nor admirable. This is because we see the story through the eyes of Goof and Hugo, and as such the movie works on this level - for had it been through the eyes of their 'victims' then it surely would have been a very different film.

As Hugo and Goof continue their deplorable 'game' and are in effect just a pair of low-life wasters dressed in trendy clothes, Lara, a Russian girl, comes in to their lives - and everything changes for them! Lara is equally as deviant and manipulative as both of them. Goof quickly falls in love with Lara and Hugo becomes jealous and fearful of the danger she poses to the dynamics of his best-friendship, partner-in-crime relationship with Goof.

As the boys relationship begins to crack, they begin to distrust each other - and Lara works out what their 'game' is and what their hustles are. She has hustles of her own and can navigate her way round the Amsterdam 'backpacker underworld' as easily as they can. A disastrous love-hate triangle then develops and reaches break-point consequences after Hugo rapes Lara - to 'prove' himself the dominant personality and take her as his own 'conquest' - and Lara then seeks vengeance on the pair climaxing in the story's edgy, fast paced finale.
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liked it!
Bar-215 November 1998
I did like this movie. Mostly because it is just much fun and very recognizable, mainly becuase it plays in Amsterdam, where I live. But it is more than just a fun movie. Although it isn't brilliant, it is good enough.

A feel good movie which makes you glad to live in Amsterdam, glad you are not a tourist here!
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Nice little comedy with more than an ounce of truth in it.
raymond-1517 December 2001
"Watch out ...... these guys are dangerous" This poster displayed in Amsterdam warns visiting tourists that all is not well in the streets of the big city because Hugo and Goof are abroad with intent to rob female backpackers after having a night of sex with them. Their technique seems faultless. Show a little kindness to the visitor by suggesting suitable accommodation for the night and hey presto! the takings are soon in the kitty. That is, until silly Goof falls in love with Lara from Siberia.

The situations are quite amusing and the repartee between the two guys quite witty. It's a nice twist when Hugo's mother keeps telephoning him on his mobile at the most inappropriate moments. "Not now, mother, I'm on day shift!" The pace of the film is just right although I think the use of the blurry black and white segments interspersed with the colour is somewhat overdone. Sudden bursts of white flashes and out of focus characters do little to explain what is going on. The music however blends nicely with the action and pushes the story along. The writers make attempts to lift the film at the end by inserting a comic scene after the credits. Here they are, Hugo and Goof, stumbling across the snowy waste land of Siberia calling for Lara at the top of their voices which indicates I think that despite all their cunning and devious behaviour neither one of them has much between the ears.
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Stylish but hollow
bob the moo4 December 2001
The film deals with two apparently heartless, empty men, Goof and Hugo, who seduce tourists and then rob them of their passports and some of their cash. This is until they meet Lara and Goof finds himself too attached to continue his ruthless ways.

In looking at these two empty men, this film seems to ignore the fact that it is as empty and soulless as the two protagonists. The film has a very slight story - so slight that it's hard to care. Basically the two men find their match in the equally untrustworthy Lara, there's also a love triangle plot and a bet. But really it's very thin and without substance.

The performances are pretty good, although Goof is not totally convincing. However the script lets everyone down and the director cannot hide it. The director tries to be as hip as possible (he's obviously seen Trainspotting and the like), he uses a pumping dance soundtrack, he uses different film stocks, slow-mo, different camera angles etc etc. It really like he's making a 90 minute pop video - but that doesn't make a good film, instead it just highlights how empty the whole thing is.

The ending doesn't really mean anything and the film doesn't have any moral or message. Instead this just wants to get a young audience by having drugs and sex, fast music, music video direction and hip, morally ambiguous characters.
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Cool Soundtrack, Cool Visuals, So-So Story & Acting
tsaar1 October 2000
So it is actually funny to see a movie about what we all think when we see you tourists walking around in Amsterdam: You're helpless and clueless. Yes you are! All you're interested in is the red light district and marihuana. This movie is about two "scoundrels" who take advantage of the gullibility of young female backpacking tourists to steal their money and their passports. Then they meet one that is a little cleverer than they think....

The soundtrack is _very_ good (that is if you like loud electronic dance music by JunkieXL) and together with the way this movie is filmed (quick switches between black & white & colour, video and film, nice effects) it gives you the impression of a very long video clip. But a good one at least. Nice shots of the city I know so well, but the directors have escaped the threat of making one of those "holland promotion" things: no shots of people eating salted herrings, no wooden shoes, no windmills and no tulips, Hurray! They have succeeded in showing the city as a young backpaking tourist might perceive it: up and down Damrak, being hassled by dope-selling thugs and pickpockets, spending the day smoking in Bob's youth Hostel (or Freddy's piece hotel as it's called in the movie).

I'm not so impressed by the acting. Fernhout has a highly irritating grin on his face throughout the movie, and Metsers appears just to be playing himself: highly convinced about what a remarkable guy he really is. I happen to think his acting is very mediocre, but you may feel different.

So, not bad on the audio&video level. The story is a bit thin though. But do see for yourself....
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Just a fine Dutch movie
Amigard10 September 1998
After I saw "Karakter" (Character) I knew that in The Netherlands we could also make movies worth looking. This one proves that also. After seeing too many movies with an "American way of life"-look it is a relief to see something completely Dutch. While it's not so perfect as "Character" it's still much better than the average which comes from Hollywood. The actors are exactly at the right place, and the music from Junkie XL is really cool , but I always liked the Prodigy-style.
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Two reprehensible characters
groggo14 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Guess this is well made, if you like endless jump cuts, black and white grainy shots that are almost impossible to see (and understand), music that assaults the ears, and characters that are very difficult to like.

This film took a dive only 20 minutes in, after I discovered what Goof and Hugo, the two Amsterdam hustlers, were up to. Basically, they not only exploit young female tourists, but all but ruin them in the bargain (they steal their money and rip out the first pages of their passports to 'prove' they've made a conquest). This obnoxious stuff becomes a 'contest' no less. They do all of this with such glitz and chutzpah that I became really irritated -- both with the characters and the filmmaker, who somehow (and enigmatically) tried to almost romanticize grossly reprehensible behaviour.

When you base a movie on the dreamlife of scumbags, there's a good chance you're not going to have a sympathetic audience.

Even the ending is 'cutesy,' for God's sake. The scumbags find happiness with a dog. Just what in the world was the filmmaker trying to convey here? That lack of any moral sense is rewarding, that it's a gratifying life choice? If this is the point, about 98 per cent more irony needs to be injected into the 'story'.

Most of the film was just zip-zip, whiz-bang irritation for me. Even the 'plot,' if that's what it's called, is derivative, altogether too familiar, and, well, pretty stupid.

Maybe I'm too old and not 'hip' enough to appreciate this nonsense. Instead, I felt a lot of pain for the victims of these shitheads.
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Intense, original and high above Dutch standards. A bit like Lola Rennt.
DiBo8 February 2000
This is a surprisingly good movie from the people who brought us the Dutch movie Zusje. Although Zusje was a big hit (especially for a Dutch movie) in the Netherlands, this film has had a short cinema rotation due to lack of success. I wonder why. To me Siberia is as good as the first film by Westdijk. Reading the plot makes you wonder if there's any plot at all. The basic story of Siberia seems a bit simplistic at first: two guys (Hugo and Goof) get their kicks from sleeping with female tourists and robbing these girls from their money and passport the morning after. When they meet Lara from Siberia their lives change and their friendship is put to the test. This may seem quite a standard tale, but it's not because of the way the story is told. In it's dynamics and sound it's a bit similar to Lola Rennt: a lot of camera movement, thundering beats in the exiting soundtrack by Junkie XL and as a viewer you can feel the adrenaline as if you're in the movie too. There are blurry black & white shots to make several scenes even more intense. This is one of those movies that have a look and feel of a music video with the way it's directed, but it only accentuates the emotions and actions in Siberia. And although the idea is not knew, Siberia is intriguing and fresh. The acting is terrific and the dialogs are great and sometimes very funny (Hugo gets dressed in the morning after sleeping with a tourist girl, when the girl wakes up: "Hugo?..." "Yes, I Go", Hugo replies). Warning: the film has a very nice ending, after it seems to have ended...!!!

Definitely 9 out of 10 for me.
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Shallow Filmmaking
anonymous-39 February 1999
Badly cut, terrible acting, horrible writing, slick cinematography that just cares about looking good. You're just thinking: 'So What?' Boring and stupid.
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Dutch movie about cons in the Amsterdam tourist scene is well worth watching.
tice15 September 1998
Goof and Hugo are friends with a hobby. In Amsterdam, they pick up female tourists and get intimate quickly. When the girls are asleep, their money is stolen along with the first page of their passport.

The scheme is upset when Lara comes to town and gets treated by Goof and Hugo. Goof habitually falls in love with the girl, but this time Hugo cannot get him to move on. Will Lara's desire to take Goof home to Siberia drive the friends apart?

Given that it is a low-budget Dutch production, this movie has a lot going for it. Most of the conversations are in English, which should limit subtitling to a minimum. The score by Amsterdam-based DJ's Junkie XL is excellent and the movie has a good pace. Those who have been to the city, or are familiar with the tourist scene in Amsterdam, are sure to have a good laugh at some of the characters in the movie.
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Another very good Dutch movie
MUPH23 January 2002
Since last summer I am a big fan of Dutch cinematography. I saw movies of Jos Stelling, Gert de Graaff, Paula van der Oest and Mike van Diem. Every movie represents absolutely different style, but all of them are on the highest level. And so is Siberia. It is not the best I have ever seen, but it is a professional movie with very good story. Sometimes it is good to see "wrong" heroes. You don´t have to agree with every thing they do but still you can enjyo it. What I want is to see some Czech movies like this - showing the problems of the presence and not the past. And not trying to solve them. So I vote 8/10.
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cck10 November 1998
That director Westdijk is capable of doing something right, did he prove with his debut 'Zusje'. But this pic is over the top, tedious and simply very bad. Zero stars
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Empty and long
pavfec10 February 2002
The plot sounded interesting, but it really was hard to like it because of these two losers. I found you couldn't identify with the characters at all. A rather empty story, a movie that tried to be cool, but failed. Rent only if there isn't anything else available.
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