Seven Days (TV Series 1998–2001) Poster


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Fun but short-lived time travel show
ctomvelu114 July 2009
Anthony LaPaglia's brother, Jon, starred in this short-lived sci-fi series about a government agent who can travel a short distance back in time and does so on behalf of a secret agency that tries to right some recent wrongs. Like the U.S inadvertently starting World War III. The show was a knockoff of TIME COP, but with its own peculiar charm. LaPaglia is the usually cool, calm and collected type who occasionally gets a bit frantic trying to make things right. One memorable episode, the plot of which has turned up in virtually every time travel show or movie ever made, has the agent returning to an altered present where no one believes or knows him. In that case, trying to make things right almost gets our valiant hero killed. The rest of the cast is generic. You can see their lookalikes/soundalikes on current shows like EUREKA and any CSI series. Keep your eye on LaPaglia and enjoy the ride. Too bad the show didn't last longer than it did. Admittedly, it was a low-budget effort, which couldn't have helped.
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Time travel, sexy russian scientist, chemistry
MuggySphere26 April 2003
I absolutely LOVE time travel, and anything to do with that be it books, movies, or TV shows. And guess what this show came along and wow I loved it...

I watched most of the episodes when they were on TV here and I really got to like the show. From the never ending come ons Frank did to Olga to try and woo her to the various missions he did. Some of the show did at times get a bit repititious but I glossed over that and just enjoyed the show for what

it was, which was entertaining....

It's a pity our local TV station gave it a bad run but I live in hope this will come to DVD and then I'll probably buy the whole set....
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DVD Please
pjbeilby11 April 2008
When are they going to bring out 'Seven Days' on DVD. Almost every other TV series has been released on DVD. Why not this one. Looking at the ratings on the website, it rates well. The majority of TV shows have DVD's released normally start a couple of months after the final episode of the first season goes to air and yet, 5 Years after the final episode of 'Seven Days', it is still not available on DVD. I am not the type of person who would go online and download Movies/TV Shows to add to my collection. I believe that writers should always get paid for their work, so I think the writers of 'Seven Days' would still like to collect royalties for 'Seven Days' by people going out and buying the series on DVD.
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Let's do it again!
Stibbert27 January 2006
To make a series with a story based on time travel is quite tricky. There are a lot of theories and logic to consider. Seven Days may not always get this right. It certainly has it flaws and errors, but if you don't take it all to serious and don't think too much about it this show will be quite entertaining and enjoyable.

Frank Parker is pulled out of a secret mental institution and trained to be the chrononaut in a secret government project called Backstep. From the remains of the Roswell crash they have managed to build a device that can send one man seven days back in time. Under NSA control a Backstep is issued to correct events concerning national security.

If you take this series all too serious you will get disappointed cause this show don't take it self all that serious. This series is a nice mix of action, sci-fi and comedy. This blending is nice and well done and the writing is generally good. It could've been a lot better, but the nice punchlines and great characters make up for a occasional less good story. Most of the stories are good. Not all are original, but it's entertaining.

The cast is good. Jonathan LaPaglia does a good job in portraying Frank Parker. He mix the insane, sane and comic really well. Along with Justina Vail as Dr. Vukavitch the two make a pretty pair of characters and actors. They go well together and kind of steals the show. The rest of the cast is great too and they go well together. The general performance is good, but there are a little miss here and there.

Scott Gilman has done a very nice job scoring this series. The music is fitting and really gets you in the right mood. The theme is kicking and cool and so is the rest of the music.

The cinematography is OK. There are an occasional shot that sticks out as really nice, but in general it's nothing really special. The lightning is at times very good and over all good. When it comes to CGI and effects this series has quite a few. The sphere and time travel effects are good, but the for instance the CGI explosions are rather obvious fake and less good, but they do the job and it could have looked a lot worse.

Over all Seven Days is an entertaining and enjoyable show. If you don't take it too serious and don't get caught up in the science and logic (where you'll find a lot of errors) you can safely watch this show. It's not a must see, but it's certainly not a bad thing to watch when nothing else is on.
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Great Show In Terms of Action, So-So In Terms of Premise
bhartman3321 May 2006
This is a great show if you take it for what it is: a cartoon with Frank as the caped crusader. There's action, sexual tension with Olga, and some alternate history thrown in.

If you're looking for "reality" in any way, on the other hand, you should probably look elsewhere.

Here's the problem with the premise: It's not really possible to "fix" anything when traveling backwards in time. If you travel backwards in time and fix anything, you just erased the reason for your trip in the first place, along with your memory of why you did it. The way that standard time-travel stories work is to create alternate universes, but if you do that, then it defeats the purpose: The problem you set out to fix remains a problem in the universe you just left. You just solve the problem for someone else.

As long as you can ignore that, you're in for a great ride. :)
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YES! Another good one put on the air by UPN!
mike-32015 March 2000
I really enjoy this movie along with Star Trek: Voyager. I myself along with others have wondered why Frank doesn't run into himself 7 days in the past but I think this show is really good. Frank goes back to prevent disasters. I also agree that it does always have the same basic story but it is intriguing to see what Frank has to do or prevent next. All of these negative critics don't take the time to actually watch the show. They just look for faults. Watch the show, you will be satisfied.
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(mostly) Overall more than well done low Budget Sci Fi Series
boa_ey4 June 2015
The Pilot is a real perfect product for a TV Series of that time and comes close to a cine film like "Stargate (1994)" and is pretty sure worth the rumored 10 Mio

The first season is really interesting, catches up with most time traveling ideas and and is really entertaining. The 2nd season has to be split in a 1st bad half and a 2nd amazing half. It seems they ran out of ideas and money in the first half or they did just party too hard, after the success of the 1st season, and spend the money on everything else but not in the production. The 2nd half of the 2nd season is amazing and more than compensates the lacks of the 1st half. Emotional, well scripted, no overflow of bad CGI and the best I've ever seen in a Sci-Fi Series. The third and last Season is solid work, except some lost knowledge of their own history and more goofs.

In short words: Good Start, getting low (of budget) in the middle and than solid to the end line. Overall more than well done low Budget Sci Fi Series, using some elements of the PC game "X-Com" and a must seen for every Sci-Fi Series fan. 6/10 for some pleasant hours of watching and worth to be re-vitalized.
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A good show for Sci-Fi Lovers
Spooky200117 November 2000
If you love Sci-Fi then you will love this show. It is about Frank B. Parker who has worked on a secret government project for the NSA. He gets to travel back in time 7 days to fix anything like the killing of a great leader or the White House being blown up etc. This is my second favorite show, my first one is The X-Files.
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Seven Days TV Series 1998 (3 years)
gilbronson12 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The TV series was about the government's secret device, supposedly part of the 1940's New Mexico flying saucer crash at Area 51. This UFO had been captured and it was found to have some special qualities. One of which was a unit or device in the flying saucer that, with proper control, could send a person back in time, but only 7 days. As the government worked on this project, the President and Vice President and many others were slain in an attack on Washington several days previous. Oddly enough, an actual attack occurred 3 years later after the program had ended and we know it as September 11th. To offset this TV series attack, one man was found who could operate said control mechanism. He was assigned to operate the vehicle and go back in time 7 days before the attack and stop it from happening. Since no one 7 days earlier would know who this man is: He was given a code name to say upon contacting his superiors. "Conundrum" They then knew something bad had happened and told him to report to their office and brief them on what went down so they could find a way to change history. I loved this program!!
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7 Days.
omnisentinel3 September 2006
I loved this show from the very beginning. It had a whole new concept. The show had a few episodes that were a bit close to home. From the White House being hit by a plane (9/11)... to one episode where someone hit the Pentagon with a remote control bomb (9/11).. they had great foresight, even if they were only just a show. I almost wish that the show had never been canceled, it had such great promise. I can't even begin to imagine what other episodes were written that we will never see. As for the main protagonist, Frank, I thought he was cool. He had this cool demeanor. There was even one episode which made him question his sanity, to which i still wonder about.
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Great Old School Time Travel Series!
collectorofsorts16 November 2021
I just found this one online and I'm impressed. Basically, they pull a former special forces guy out of a mental institution to save the country from a political disaster (not giving any spoilers, sorry). Afterwards, he stays and has a new adventure each week travelling back in time to prevent some tragedy. Great show. Mostly self-contained with the occasional two episode arcs. Season 1 was a 10. Season 2 an 8. And Season 3 was a little less. They started running out of the 'good stuff' (the best plots) after the first season. But, it's still a good series to watch from beginning to end. I'm giving it a 7 star overall rating. Highly recommended if you're into the old school stuff!
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Ok so I don't give out many 10/10
cmox20002 November 2022
So what can I say about this show? I absolutely loved LaPaglia, his charisma made this show absolutely amazing. I had all 66 episodes recorded to VHS when those were still a thing, I unfortunately have lost all of that thanks to my future ex wife. I was looking for a bootleg in Iraq but never found one. This show is incredibly entertaining, is it flawless... absolutely not, however the way that the cast interacted made every episode good. There are very few series that I think every episode is worth watching but this cast did it. If you ever get a chance to see this series definitely take it, I can not stress how much fun this series is.
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Entertaining but flawed
rjdegraff-117 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've always enjoyed time travel shows from Time Tunnel to Quantum Leap. Seven Days has a good mix of drama, comedy and action, however, at times the writing just gets plain lazy. Take, for example, the episode, The Football. Are we to believe that the man carrying the device which must not leave the president's side could just be left behind by the president and the Secret Service? Are we also to believe that the person given the responsibility to carry that device would choose a) to take a cab and b) to walk the streets with it when the cab breaks down? Whenever Frank makes a back step, the first word out of his mouth is "conundrum". This is done to ensure the listener's complete attention and cooperation. Yet, when he tries to tell Olga about the problem he can only mutter, "you have to listen to me" while she hangs up (twice). To further insult my intelligence, a gorilla can randomly punch the keys and get lucky with the correct combination, then, when faced with global destruction, Frank chooses to woo the gorilla rather than killing it. After all, killing a gorilla to prevent the death of billions of humans (and of course, that same gorilla) would just be cruel.

Let's not forget to mention that the security at this top secret location is so lax that Frank can escape armed only with a pair of bolt cutters. And why does Ramsey still consider Frank a screw-up after he has succeeded in every mission he has taken? The show is mostly entertaining but I can see why it was cancelled.
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I miss this show terribly
rachel_lb11 June 2002
Usually, I'm not a big fan of science fiction. But when I heard Jonathan LaPaglia was getting his own series, I just had to check it out. I was not disappointed. "7 Days" was an awesome mix of sci-fi, action, drama, suspense, and dark comedy. Frank B. Parker, the Chrononaut (aka time traveler), was a mischief-maker and had a lot of emotional and mental problems. But deep inside he was a good guy -- he did the right thing by saving the country (sometimes even the world) because it was his job and honor to do it.

I wish UPN had given this show a better chance, rather than shuffling it around and taking it for granted. I miss it, but I'll always be thankful I watched it.
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Ah the good old days...
jaredd12 April 2021
This show is from a different era. No, it wasn't perfect and it's not at the same level as something like ST:TNG. But we had some pretty good acting, a somewhat unique premise and mostly self contained episodes. None of this modern junk with constant emo-angst-drama and story arcs that are dragged out like taffy. It's unfortunate that the show's wheels started coming off in Season 3, but it was awesome while it lasted.

Jonathan LaPaglia and Justina Vail really did some great work on this series, and without them I don't think it would have made it past the pilot.
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I love this show
hchais12 May 2007
For some reason, I really like this show. It has a great story, lots of action, and is dramatic. I like it for those three reasons. It is also very original and is actually kind of cool. This show is not very popular, but i think that if people actually watched it, people would like it. This show didn't last very long, but I think it should've. Jonathan Lapagiat, at least I think he did, did a great performance as an NSA secret agent. This is show is good in my opinion. That's all I can say.(I have to do ten lines, so just ignore the next couple of lines) This show wasn't nominated for Emmys. How come? Because of the damn corporate federal government. This was a great show. 10/10.
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One of my favorite shows
XweAponX1 October 2018
I was under the impression this was shown on UPN but it might have been ABC or even CBS. Actually it must have been UPN because CBS owns the rights now.

I watched this every week, mostly because of Norman Lloyd's involvement in the first one and a half seasons.

They kept Norman's name in the credits for most of the second season even though he was only involved in a few of the episodes. But he was in a few of the episodes of the third season.

Jon Lapaglia (Tony's brother) is a Chrononaught, there is a secret program called Backstep, based on technology left over from the 1947 Roswell crash that allows them to send one person back in time seven days.

There's always a question of whether or not they have to send the person back exactly seven days, there was one episode where they only sent him back a day.

But usually hilarious things ensue because of Frank Parker's (Lapaglia) limited foresight.

Many of the episodes parody TV shows and movies that were popular during the time the show was on, i've located charmed, three kings, maybe even 2001 where an artificial intelligence goes haywire and has to be shut off the same way Hal was, by regressing it back to infancy.

I never noticed these homages when I initially watched the series, but now that I'm able to watch it again, they become apparent.

Some of the stories are kind of cheesy but the series as a whole was very well done, and, well it makes this series a kind of a collectors item because they only released it on DVD and those are very hard to find. CBS all access may have it for streaming.
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Love this but they cancelled it
rickysayet15 January 2019
Why oh why? I love this show and they should never axe it. I wish there is a revival of this show.
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Entertaining, but gets tiresome with all the ridiculous sexist acts
f-abdolian-481-41457131 March 2024
I watched it many years ago and the younger me, liked it a lot.

As I got older, with access to streaming online, I watched them again and found it really annoying.

It is yet another stereotypical american TV show to help them feel superior in being the saviors of the world, while in the mean time, twisting the history into something more acceptable and less awful for the young people who never know about them other than what they see on these TV shows.

One thing that just bugs the hell out of me is that no one seems to care that he keeps jumping back 7 days in time and stays in that timeline, together with the "old" version of him still around.

Nowhere we see any sign of the old time line character, neither any storage with all the copies of the time capsule they retrieve after each jump.

Of course, one key subject in the show is the redscare of the 80s and stereotype of a smart Russian scientists who don't seem to have any problem being sexualized and harassed by the "super hero", nor does any of his coworkers or bosses as if this was in the 1950s or something.
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Let's do the timewarp again!
Skyrcket28 June 1999
Even though the premise may seem repetitive, this is a very creative show. They really aren't keeping the horse in the barn on this one. Every week there's a interesting mission or twist on the concept of time travel. The characters are very unique and are well portrayed. This is the best time travel show since Dr. Who.
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Future episodes
MichaelGlazerImdb26 June 2014
Frank is able to "back-step" more than 7 days from the event. If Frank goes back 7 days, he can take another "back-step" - now it will be 14 days, and so on. There are no restrictions, if there was no recent "back-step" and they have sufficient resources.

Eventually, he can find himself being older than Olga. After all, she stays in the same time line while Frank gets older by 7 days each time he steps back relatively to her age, while she is 7 days younger. But Frank returns to his own self which is 7 days younger, only his memory retains all the events of the last week, except the objects that Frank carries with him in the sphere during "back-step".

I am sorry that this very series came to its end. I could watch it 3 more seasons. The acting is great, the stories are interesting and the general idea of "back-step" is fantastic. There is a lot of humor, surprise and drama with happy ends for our hero – Frank. It carries him to the next mission that I'm looking forward to.

Eventually, who wouldn't like to step back in time and make this world a better place? I would.
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Scifi Time Travel TV Series
buzzwario18 September 2006
Seven Days is one of my favorite TV Series of all time and I wish they would put it on DVD.

For the whole official series I will pay $120 but I would not pay for the Fraud sites that I have seen. If there is any other fans interested they should go to, email them and bug them tell they do put on DVD.

If I were to compare it to another TV series it would be Sentinel because they both prevent bad events from happening. When I watched this TV series almost every day that it was on TV, a few weeks later I had a dream where I was the main character.
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Does anyone know...
caude14 June 2006
Here's a great question, and one that I've asked the producers of the show during it's original run - often and without answer. It's the one thing about this great show that was so obvious, but never even addressed once during it's 3 year season.

The question is this: What happens to the Frank B. Parker in the present-time when the Frank B. Parker of the future makes a back-step and calls in as "Conundrum"?

Does he:

A. Vanish?

B. End up in Levinworth as a spare Frank B. Parker?

C. Wonder about this plot hole as much as I have for all of these years?

Just curious.
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1st series great, second entertaining
fedrulez21 June 2003
7 Days seems to have been two shows. The first series was edge of your seat plain great television. The plots always challenged you and the fact that many of the events in the first season hit close to home on 9/11 makes them all the more special. The writing was consistent and both Sci-fi nit pickers and action fans alike could enjoy it.

The second and I suspect third (haven't seen it yet) seems to be targeted more towards a 14-29 male audience. Sci-fi 'nit pickers' won't enjoy some inconsistencies (which can be explained, however but its more to do with bad writing). The plots get a little less serious and the backsteps rarely seem to be for national security. But, to me at least, its still very entertaining and got a great deal funnier. So those of you who enjoy general action shows will enjoy it throughout but those of you "more serious", for want of a better word, won't enjoy the second and third seasons as much.

Its a shame it got cancelled but it did make room for Buffy so I'm not complaining.
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I LOVE time travel shows!!!
mskarol14 September 2002
I love time travel shows and Seven Days was one of the best series out there...I especially enjoyed "Empty Quiver" (episode # 3.16) 3/21/2001. I thought it was way cool to go back in time and see Molly as a young girl...the girl who played Young Molly (Jenny-Lynn Hutcheson) was really scene she was crying and explaining what she sees and my heart just went out to her...soooooo emotionally convincing...I will never tire of time travel shows, especially good ones like Seven Days...anyways I was very sad when it was canceled!!
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