The Prophecy 3: The Ascent (Video 2000) Poster

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Pretty good
MyOpinionIsFact4 April 2000
The Prophesy 3 was somewhat disappointing but still an above average flick. I would say it is the least of the three movies. The finale did not seem to be worth making a trilogy about. Plus it is somewhat confusing what happened at the end. The scope of the first two films led me to expect something grander. On a positive note, the special effects in this installment were the best of the trilogy.

The pace was a little stop-and-go for my taste: too many flashbacks and too long between the action. The humorous parts were funny but at the same time it undermined the atmosphere that the series is based on.

Christopher Walken again stole the show. He has perhaps the best delivery of any actor and can manage to handle lines that should have never been in the script. The two costars I thought lacked screen presence (or at least compared to Walken).

Overall, this was an enjoyable ending to a surprisingly good trilogy.
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Goofy fun
BandSAboutMovies24 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Joel Soisson didn't just produce this one, he also wrote it, and worked with director Patrick Lussier (Dracula 2000, Drive Angry) to wrap up the trilogy of The Prophecy but yeah, there were two more movies to go.

That said, this does a fine job of changing things up, as now Gabriel (Christopher Walken) is protecting the half-human, half-angel Danyael Rosales - the child ready to be born in the last movie - from Pyriel the Angel of Genocide who wants to destroy every one of the human monkeys.

There's Steve Hytner showing up again as the coroner, who unleashes this astounding display of scriptwriting: "Look. I've had four gutted hermaphrodites burn to black pitch right under my nose. I've had one cop, my best friend, driven insane by the angels shrieking in his head...before somehow spontaneously combusting in a madhouse he had mistaken for a monastery. A pretty young woman, now dead, knocked up by a stranger who left her three months pregnant in only 48 hours. And just yesterday, a young man, allegedly her son, shot up six ways to sundown, crawled out of a drawer and waltzed out like Lazarus. So yeah. I'm pretty much open to a buffet of possibilities."

While I wish that the series ended here, I get that the 90s demanded an endless release schedule of direct to video horror. I know that the temptation to keep these series going was high, so if there were five Prophecy movies, I guess that's how it had to be.
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Not as good as the previous two movies...
paul_haakonsen9 July 2019
I've have just sat through "The Prophecy" parts one, two and three. And I must admit that it is of course because of Christopher Walken that I did so. I enjoyed the previous two movies a lot more than I did with this third installment in the franchise.

The storyline in "The Prophecy 3: The Ascent" wasn't just really fulfilling for me in a sense, especially because the Gabriel character had lost all of his charm and wits from the previous two movies, and Christopher Walken wasn't really given much to work with in terms of the character in this third movie.

It was nice, however, to see Brad Dourif in the movie, despite of having a fairly small role. It was a shame that his role wasn't bigger, because he could definitely have spruced up the movie phenomenally, and his character definitely had potential to be something interesting. I can't claim to be particularly familiar with Scott Cleverdon, but he definitely portrayed the Pyriel character quite well. And like Brad Dourif, it was a shame that he wasn't given more screen time. And Vincent Spano was also portraying the Zophael character quite well.

"The Prophecy 3: The Ascent" is not as packed with famous acting talents as the previous two movies were, which was a shame somehow.

There was just something missing from "The Prophecy 3: The Ascent" to make it as outstanding, interesting and enjoyable as the previous two movies. And as a third movie in the franchise it didn't really carry with it much from the previous movies, so you don't necessarily have to watch the previous two movies prior to watching the third movie. I would recommend it, though, solely for having the background of the Gabriel character.
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My second favorite of the series
Ivan Ravenous17 May 2000
I was pleasantly surprised when I watched Prophecy III. After enjoying the first two immensely, I had expected the series to fall apart in its final installment. The third film, however, is a pleasure to watch, and not just for the incomparable Christopher Walken. Vincent Spano (Zophael) was excellent, and had great lines (especially in the donut shop scene, where he says "I'll take one of those...with the coloured fragments on top"). I thought Dave Buzzotta played a good Danyael (except near the end, when he seemed to get a little snotty).

My only complaint is that I don't think Christopher Walken was meant to have long hair...

In all a great sequel!
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Better than the second, not as good as the first...
Amityville1518 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Gabriel is now a human after the events in The Prophecy 2, however the war in heaven still rages on. Pyriel rises to power and now he wants to destroy mankind. Standing in his way is Danyael who is the product of an angel and a woman. However Danyael is unaware why he is being courted by Pyriel and needs Gabriel to help him understand his purpose.

This film starred: Christopher Walken, Dave Buzzotta & Vincent Spano.

The Prophecy 3 is the concluding chapter of The Prophecy trilogy (not counting the two rip-off sequels that came out in 2005) and The Prophecy 3 was released in 2000. In my opinion this is the same as the second film only slightly better. The Prophecy 2 was dark and quite boring, this one tried it's very best with what they had left after the second film and in my opinion, I didn't like the second one, so for me it was too much of a task for the producers and director to do. I don't recommend this film unless you are a big Prophecy fan, because other than that this film will probably bore you like it did with me and in my opinion the only decent one is the first one, so I will keep that in my film collection but I will not miss the second one or this one on my shelf.

**/***** Poor.
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Not bad at all
antialias113 April 2005
Well the third part of the installment is enjoyable. It has some weaknesses, but overall I didn't mind watching it.

The Weaknesses: No recognizable angelic names in it (with the exception of Gabriel). The bad guy (Zophael) is a total no-name, so you don't really know how to rank him (powerful/not powerful), which wasn't really a problem in the first part. There you knew that Simon was more powerful than Uziel; that Gabriel could beat Simon's ass; and that Lucifer could smack them all to hell in a handbasket.

Funnily this works to advantage for the movie as you don't really know which side of the factions Zophael and who actually is the good/bad guy until somewhat in the middle of the movie.

The actors aren't all that good (with the exception of Walken, Spano - who brings that charisma back to the angels that was so severely lacking in the second part- and the Coroner who has grown to be one of my favourite characters in the three movies)

Strenghts: The storyline is closed. I won't argue that it's the most coherent storyline, but it at least makes some moderate sense in itself. The musical score has always been one of the big things about the trilogy and they kept it -wisely- unchanged for the most part. This time around we have more funny scenes and even some jabs at the original 'The Prophecy', while not making it campy and keeping all the good bits (fights, heart ripping, supernatural powers etc.). Some of the moves seem very Matrix-like, but that was already the case in 'The Prophecy II', so I don't really know who copied from whom (It just seems so similar: Humans fighting against some overly powerful and nigh unkillable opponents in cool long dark suits). No matter: It's fun to watch. This time we also don't get treated to some candy sweet religious thing in the end, where the main character suddenly becomes a devout Christian - that's a big plus.

Overall, I'd recommend seeing this film. Best if viewed together with the other two or you will not get many of the references.

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conventional straight to video
SnoopyStyle22 October 2022
Anti-God Danyael Rosales is a street preacher. He's also a Nephilim, half-human and half-Angel. Gabriel (Christopher Walken) is in the audience when he's gunned down by a blind assassin. Gabriel has to protect him as angel Zophael (Vincent Spano) comes to take out his heart. Joseph (Steve Hytner) witnesses Danyael's resurrection and tells his girlfriend Maggie about the ongoing battle.

This is undeniably straight-to-video B-movie. It's hitting the conventional beats. Walken is playing a good guy in this sequel, and it doesn't feel right. He doesn't have as much fun. This feels very conventional which is a bit of a letdown. This franchise has been rather messy and chaotic. Through it all, there is Walken. This one is less messy, and Walken is less fun.
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end the original trilogy on a good note
disdressed1221 February 2010
in my opinion this final film in the original trilogy is the weakest of the three but still not bad.i like what they did with Christopher Walken's character Gabriel.and Walken himself is great as fact he's the best thing about the film.i also liked the ending.more on that in a bit.i didn't particularly like the main villain.i thought he was just too ordinary and not worthy of the material.i also found this installment a bit too preachy for my back to the ending.the thing i liked about it was that it brought everything full circle.i thought that was a very fitting way to end the trilogy.definitely not as good as it could have been,but still watchable and had some good points.for me,The Prophecy 3: The Ascent is a 6/10
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Finally the series is starting to get exciting.
Boba_Fett113828 February 2010
Well, well, well, the Prophecy-movies are certainly ones that seem to get better and better to watch. I didn't liked the first movie and thought that the second one was just OK. This one at least is more exciting and entertaining to watch, though it still is far from a great movie itself.

Seems like they actually got to spend some money this time on the movie. Visually the movie is good looking and it has a nice overall style and some standout visual sequences.

It also certainly helps that the movie that it has plenty of action in it. It gives the movie lots of pace and make it a pleasant and at times also exciting one to watch. Seems that the movie its action got mostly inspired by the success of the first "The Matrix" movie but that's OK really.

I still don't understand though why these movies all need to be so confusing and hard to follow. They are hard to follow not because they are deliberately complicated or brilliant written but because of the opposite really. It are some really messy stories and the director seems to have an hard time trying to tell the story. The whole idea behind the movies of having angels battling each other on Earth but the way it all gets presented in these movies make it hard to keep interest in them. It's far instance really hard to say who are supposed to be the good and bad guys in this one and what it is that they want, also of course due to the fact that this is something about its characters that constantly changes throughout the movie.

The movie rapidly starts to get worse as it heads toward its ending. At this point the movie its story isn't even trying anymore it seems. It all becomes quite bad and you simply stop caring what is exactly going on because of it.

I also don't really know why Christopher Walken got pushed a bit to the background this time. He pops up ever now and then but once you start thinking about it; was he really needed in this movie? He must have felt the same way, since this was the last movie out of the series in which he appeared. He is the foremost reason why the series ever became such a fairly popular one in the first place. He's still great and fun though in the sequences that he is in. He still looks weird though with that long fake hair.

Far from anything too great but it's more watchable and entertaining than the previous movies out of the series, I have to give the movie credit for that.

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Third Chapter Redemption
refinedsugar30 September 2023
Picking up from where 'Prophecy II' left off, the last sequel to feature Walken comes full circle. The war over heaven is still ongoing, but it all gets tied together at the end of 'The Ascent'. At only 80 mins, the story moves at a good pace & remains entertaining if you enjoyed the previous entries.

Danyael (Dave Buzzotta) born of a union between his human mother and an angel has now grown up to be a young man. Half angel, half human. He too has lost his faith in God. Pyriel (Scott Cleverdon) the angel of death has replaced Gabriel with the same intent he once had of making things go back the way they were. Zophael (Vincent Spano) a fellow angel is his tool to accomplish this on earth by killing Danyael. Former angel Gabriel (Walken) having learnt the error of his ways acts as his mortal protector of sorts.

Brad Dourif puts in a bit appearance as a religious zealot. Kayren Butler is effective as Danyael's girlfriend Maggie. Steve Hynter is still here as the medical examiner who's seen it all. Once again to no surprise Walken is the glue. Forgive the pun - but he's a lot more down to earth here. Gabriel having been knocked off his high horse.

Zophael (Spano) has a ritualistic blade to remove Danyael's heart where once bare hands sufficed. Some characters established in the original film make bit appearances which was a nice touch. Walken delivers a fun quote or two. Very much a dtv sequel to a series that was starting to wear thin, I enjoyed this entry but didn't bother going any further with two more sequels that appeared afterwards.
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Angels as LAME as they Come...
Coventry30 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The third and final (as far as I'm concerned, at least, since I won't ever bother to check out the two remaining 2005 sequels) entry in the "Prophecy" franchise is an irredeemably weak and time-wasting dud. The second sequel to the really intelligent and ingenious 90's horror classic lacks pretty much everything you seek in a horror movie: a coherent plot, diversity between the good and evil characters, suspense & excitement and gory killings. Although Christopher Walken still incomprehensibly stars in the film, the new production crew has taken away the ONE element that made the franchise unique, namely Walken's malicious persona. After his defeat in the second film, Archangel Gabriel remained on earth but gave up on fighting the great heavenly war and became a hermit with long filthy hair. He still wanders around and observes the new angels that arrive on earth to fulfill his old task, but he himself remains on the background and even leans towards the good side. Can you imagine Christopher Walken as a good guy? What's next, Satan selling Girl Scout cookies for charity? The plot revolves on Danyael, the now adolescent angel/human hybrid son of Jennifer Beals in part two. He's killed in human form whilst blaspheming God but resurrects again as an angel with a mission. He sets out to the desert for a confrontation with Pyriel, the angel of Genocide, to end the Second War of Heaven once and for all. Meanwhile, there's another mean angel – Zophael – who tries to stop him. The main default in part three is the lackluster character development. With Walken out of the picture, the story lacks a strong and menacing villain. Vincent Spano and Scott Cleverdon can't hold a candle to Walken and Brad Dourif is shamelessly wasted in an insignificant role. A proper main character is lacking on the good-guys side as well, for that matter. You naturally don't accept Walken as the hero, but also the Danyael character is too weak and unconvincing. At a certain point halfway through the film, it even looks as if Joseph the pathologist – who briefly appeared in both previous installments – is going to become the leading man and that would be a really moronic twist. The special effects are lame and not the least bit satisfying to horror fans. The climatic battle between Danyael and Pyriel looks more like an MTV commercial instead of a horror movie finale. "The Prophecy III" in an incredible waste of time, money and effort. There are only two moments in the entire film that are worth mentioning and, of course, they both involve Christopher Walken. The first shows him visiting the same roadside bar where he went in the first film with Amanda Plummer and the second involves him trumpeting along with The Tornados' song "Telstar". Altogether these moments last perhaps 3 to 4 minutes and they're hardly worth the agony of sitting through the entire movie. Skip it.
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Excellent movie, good fun
Sentinel-151 June 2004
I loved the first Prophecy movie. A whole new take on religion & mythology, dipped in post-Pulp Fiction action & entertainment.

Though a bit of a disappointment, I still liked the sequel.

And then came part 3. Great stuff! An intriguing story - though perhaps not entirely satisfactory in the end - providing a sense of closure to the series.

We see familiar faces from previous parts make a re-appearance, neatly tying things together. Gabriel himself, having lived as a human for many years since part 2, has come to see the world from an entirely different perspective, changing his role in the series, and making for some interesting and funny scenes and dialogue.

On an action level this does not disappoint either. The angels fight in interesting ways; their fights and jumping around seem kind of Matrix-inspired, but not as over-the-top CGI-ed as in Matrix.

All in all, this movie is great fun. If you liked the first movie, give the other parts a chance. Otherwise, you'll be missing out, IMHO.
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For a Part Three, Pretty Decent
gavin694229 November 2012
Once again, Christopher Walken returns as the Arch-Angel Gabriel. As the War in Heaven and on Earth rages on, Pyriel, the Angel of Genocide, rises to power, intending to destroy all of mankind.

Brad Dourif as the zealot really makes this movie for me, but we also have classic Walken -- the talk, the mannerisms, explaining his drivers license... this is the Walken that has made him a cultural icon.

Why Pyriel is depicted as being against humanity, or being an angel of genocide, is unclear. Traditionally, he has the task of examining the soul of each person brought to heaven after death. He works for God, not Satan. But I suppose angels can rebel at any time, they need not do so only at the time Satan originally did.

All in all not a bad little film, and the director (Lussier) really deserves more credit than he gets for his contributions to the horror genre.
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Leofwine_draca13 November 2022
The third of the PROPHECY films and the last featuring Christopher Walken, although even so this one's a straight-to-video outing. The plot is fast-paced and has plenty going on, but at the same time it's quite simplistic and essentially involves the bad guys chasing the good guys around and them occasionally fighting. Quite small scale given the subject matter and a few CGI scenes don't really serve to make much of an impact either. Walken seems disconnected to the rest of the story but has some fun, the scene with him in the car probably being the best part, and there's a neat little turn from Brad Dourif too.
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A film full of originality
MATHEW-515 March 2000
Unlike most films which carry the number 3 in it, The Prophecy III proves to be the most energetic and satisfying film in the trilogy. I can't say enough good things about it. The story while drawing from the previous films still brings the story to a close with it's own ideas and new directions for old characters. The best thing about Prophecy III is that it never does what you'd expect. Christopher Walken returns to the story once again as Gabriel the former angel of death now humble wandering human. The filmmakers have taken great care in recreating Gabriel while still having him be familiar too us. Still speaking in that menacing tone of his and piercing us with those eyes that see more than what is there. The movie somewhat mirrors T2. The villain is now the protector. Which I loved. The story revolves around The half angel half human neraphim of Prophecy II who is plagued by visions and compelled to stop the angel of genocide Pyriel. Enter Zophael, an assasin angel sent to Earth to destroy the neraphim Danyael. As before there are protectors. In this case it is the coroner from the previous two films who is tired of examining bodies with no eyes, the girlfriend who is taken hostage by Zophael as Gabriel had taken human slaves in the previous films, and finally Gabriel himself who does not have the lead role in this movie but shows up to deliver very compelling dialogue and give great foreshadowing for things to come. The story is in full drive for the whole movie. A surprising cameo in the end and a somewhat recreation of a scene from The Prophecy will have you rolling if you are a fan of the films. If the movie suffers from anything it is that all three films are well..the same. An angel chasing after a human to further the war in heaven. Human slaves are always taken by the angel in order to defeat the human who is always helped by another human. But despite that, Prophecy III has the same darkness of the original and a striking and subtle music score. This is not a film for first time Prophecy viewers. Go through the first two and if you like them then The Prophecy III will have you believing in The Word and that not all sequels to sequels bite.
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Bizarre Mumbo-Jumbo
Uriah435 September 2013
I'm not sure whether the person who wrote this screenplay should be awarded a prize for sheer imagination or whether he should be tarred and feathered for being a complete moron. In any case, I have never witnessed an example of such bizarre mumbo-jumbo in my entire life. It's almost as if the writers were making up their own religion on the spot with no apparent sense of direction or purpose. In any case, this film essentially fast-forwards a bit from the last movie ("The Prophecy II") to the point where the nephalim, "Danyael Rosales" (Dave Buzzotta) is now a young man being hunted by the angel "Zophael" (Vincent Spanno) because Danyael might interfere with the plans of another angel named "Pyriel" (Scott Cleverdon). As everyone probably knows, Zophael is "the spy of God" whose allegiance is uncertain to everybody in Heaven and Pyriel is the "angel of genocide" who wants to be the savior of mankind by possibly killing everyone. Danyael, on the other hand, is "the word" and that apparently means something to somebody. In any case, Danyael has to be stopped. So does Pyriel for that matter. Meanwhile the archangel "Gabriel" (Christopher Walken) is still in his earthbound human form but has allowed his hair to grow and has learned how to drive. Throw in some dull performances by everyone except Christopher Walken and the film pretty much winds down to yet another strange conclusion which will certainly be addressed in the next installment. Definitely below average.
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Not as fun as the first two.
loomis78-815-9890349 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The hybrid Angel/Human Danyael (Buzzotta) is gunned down at a church rally he is speaking at by a crazed assassin (Brad Dourif, who else?). In the morgue he comes back to life not fully understanding how or why, when he is confronted by Zophael (Spano) the angel taking over the cause when Gabriel (Walken) was turned mortal at the end of Part II. Gabriel shows up just in time to save Danyael and help him escape. This time Gabriel is helping Danyael. A God of genocide is coming in the form of angel Pyriel (Scott Cleverdon) and Zophael must kill Danyael before this takes place and the war in heaven will finally be over. Danyael has frightening visions of Pyriel standing on a mountain of writhing bodies in the films best visual moment. Director Patrick Lussier keeps the action moving and the cast tries real hard but the storyline is wearing thin. Walken as the mortal Gabriel is a blast and makes the film worth watching. This segment isn't as intense as Part II or as interesting as the original. There's still a level of entertainment to be found, but once again don't count on any gore or jump scares.
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Not enough Gabriel!
michaeldaly991 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Christopher Walken's Gabriel angel was what made the first two Prophecy films work for me. This one really didn't! All that was memorable was the scene in the café where Gabriel makes a large breakfast order...

Woah, I like totally didn't understand this film at all, man. The plot was like, something about some angel kid or something, I dunno. It was well produced, looked nice and shiny, a good bit of blood and fairly impressive fx - especially for a STV film. But where was the big guy? DIMENSION FILMS PRESENTS Christopher Walken "The Prophecy III: The Ascent"... Why is he being given the title credit here? He is NOT the lead role... That Vincent Spanno guy is. Eh, he's okay. Also there's that kid, Danyael, played by Dave Buzzota. Terminator 2 is coming back to me... He was okay as well. The female lead was fairly crap - Karyen Butler.. I couldn't give a crap about them, to be honest. There was totally not enough of Gabriel - who is no longer an angel, but a human, and so is stripped of his powers. So no ass kickin outta him this time round, unfortunately, and so no crazy one-liners. He also has long hair that doesn't suit him - he reminds me of Bill (the Bill that got killed).

Steve Hytner returns as Joseph for the first quarter of the film - he's pretty cool, I can't remember where I know him from... He's been in all three Prophecy films. Brad Dourif's in here too...

The Prophecy III: Judgement Day was an alright second sequel that I'm not in a rush to see again. Watch out for Chris in Romance & Cigarettes!
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" happens now and then."
Hey_Sweden11 October 2019
This third entry in the religion-themed horror series is reasonably entertaining for what it is. Good enough for at least one watch, it offers action scenes likely inspired by "The Matrix", if not quite as outlandish. The gore is fun, the performances solid, and the story pretty amusing if not inspired. The best twist that it can offer is that, for a while, it has you wondering who the "good guy" is and who the "bad guy" is. The angel Gabriel (Christopher Walken) is not a major player this time around, however: he's more of an observer, having acclimated quite well to ordinary Earth life.

A youthful street preacher named Danyael (Dave Buzzotta, receiving an "introducing" credit) is gunned down during one of his sermons by a zealot (played by that great screen psycho, Brad Dourif). But Danyael actually returns to life in the morgue, and a mystery man who calls himself Zophael (Vincent Spano) picks up his trail; he's out to stop Danyael from fulfilling a mission.

Although largely routine (which is what you would tend to expect from a straight-to-video movie), "The Ascent" proves to be fairly watchable. Debuting director Patrick Lussier, who'd been an editor on some of Wes Cravens' movies, gives the yarn some style and a cracking pace that results in a blessedly brief running time (84 minutes all told).

Lifting this a tiny bit above average is the quality of this cast. Walken is at his most Christopher Walken-esque, meaning that quirky charisma is in full bloom. Spano is good, as is Kayren Ann Butler as Maggie, the lovely lady who'd been part of Danyaels' flock. Dourifs' part is much too small; another top character actor, Jack McGee, is seen fleetingly as well. Steve "That's gold, Jerry. Gold!" Hytner reprises his role as coroner Joseph, now haunted and puzzled by his experiences throughout the series. Sandra Lafferty and Moriah 'Shining Dove' Snyder also reprise their roles from the first movie.

Overall, an enjoyable mix of action, horror, and religion, although its big final confrontation / fight sequence is not everything it could have been. As it is, it's dealt with a little TOO quickly.

Six out of 10.
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I didn't really like it
Johnny-12523 March 2000
Just was not a good movie. It needed more Christopher Walkin in it. The first one was ok, though not great either. The second movie in the trilogy had little to offer. Now the third and final movie, well not a complete waste of my movie time. The story was lacking in this one, I really didn't know what was up untill I didn't care to know anymore. Well that's enough time on this movie.
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Essential viewing if you liked the original Prophecy
rooprect11 October 2012
Only a few times in movie history has a sequel had something important to say, rather than just cashing in on the original's popularity with a regurgitation of the same thing. Examples of sequels (trilogies) that got it right: Return of the Jedi (original Star Wars trilogy), Exorcist III (ugh, but just skip Exorcist II), and of course Prophecy 3.

In each of these cases, the stories are written in a fluid, logical manner that rewards you with an amazing conclusion, as if the writer had planned it from the beginning. The Prophecy trilogy isn't just about angels & action, it's the story of Gabriel (played, as none other, by the incomparable Christopher Walken). That's about all I'll say about the plot because I don't want to ruin it.

What made the original Prophecy so great wasn't just the story & the action/drama but it was the way they blended some hilarious comedic moments into the mix. In that respect I compare the original Prophecy to dark action comedies like "Pulp Fiction" (which features a lot of actors who also appeared in The Prophecy). If you liked those surreal Prophecy laughs like when Gabriel & Rachel stop at a roadside diner, or the comedic wit of the coroner Joseph, etc, you'll see more of that here in the 3rd installment.

Gabriel stops in at the same roadside diner to irritate the stone-faced "Madge" once again. We also get some great moments from Joseph the coroner (Steve Hytner from Seinfeld... "Gold, Jerry! Gold!") and of course the great one-liners from Gabriel, instantly reminding us that this is a characteristic, human movie.

The action scenes are very good, using the new (at the time) wire techniques like in Crouching Tiger. There is a relentless tension that builds due to one character's unstoppable hunt for another, like in Terminator or Westworld. But this movie throws you a curve ball at the end, showing you the story is actually about something completely different.

I haven't yet seen The Prophecy 4 & 5, but I can't imagine anything that could follow this film as the best conclusion to the angels-behaving-badly series. If you've seen the original Prophecy, you absolutely must see the whole trilogy.
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Confusing...and I saw the other two in the series.
Madcapsjs14 June 2000
I bought this off of pay-per-view so that I could add it to the tape I have with Prophecy I & II. I should have known better, but I figured, what is $3.95? Let me say that it was too much. I watched this movie twice and can't figure it out. Gabriel (played by Walken) is now a man?! Ok, now what is he suppossed to do? His powers are gone, etc...As for Vincent Spano, I guess he was an angelic hit man. Also, Banya from "Sinfeld" shows up again as the coroner who is used to people walking away after he knows they are dead. They tried to explain it all, but I was lost as to who wanted what and why? This war in heaven seems to have no end...enough babbling for now. Check it out for yourself if you like the other two, but I would have to put it into the "bad sequel" pile with Halloween H2O. Then again, I'm just a talking monkey (as the angels say).
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A Great End to a Great Series
kdladage10 November 2003
First, let me say that I loved the first film in this series. I liked the second one; but after seeing the third, and how it ties things together from all three films and completes the tale, I love them all.

Make no mistake, the second and third film change the direction of the story told in the first one quite dramatically. In fact, many items that were throw-aways from the first film come back to become rather important details once the three films are put together.

In this trilogy we see the fall, redemption, rise and ascent of Gabriel as one of the generals in God's Army. And Mr. Walken is at his best for all three films.
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Prophecy and human nature
Global_Marketing_Pros4 February 2007
I am very excited about the accuracy of prophecies. How human nature brings about the logic of man and his kingdom. In today's world the motives of men to establish a just and good society can not be overlooked with actions of terrorist who would call themselves patriots or the angels of their societies.

The mirror images of the Twin Towers and the Brazilian government make for a testament to what man can build and destroy. To harness Gods force of nature and direct it must be awesome. As this film projects even the worst of mans fears invites heavens guardians to help guide them.

Christopher Walken plays this role very well, although I appreciated him more in the original prophecy. I think the passion that he used in the movie The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is what most might expect of a dark angel. But as Robert DeNiro portrayed in Johnny Angel the power of wisdom by Gods hand is the moving force. Thus, I am equally satisfied with how Walken plays this dark guardian of heavens gate.
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Why Did They Make this Stuff?
Oslo_Jargo1 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I enjoyed the first one, and got through the second one, but this one is just kicking a guy in the groin.

Walken is reduced to a silly bum and hardly has any screen time. He was so wicked and charismatic in the first two.

The plot, if you call a contrived story that, is about some new human that is supposed to fix everything up.

The editing is bad, the story is confusing and not even worth our attention, and people come and go like an all-night bus stop.

What was even more preposterous than all that, was the goth-inspired angel that is the bad guy in here. I was really trembling in my pants as I saw him, gheeze. He was some jerk in long hair with too much bad make-up.

If they think about making a fourth one they might want to bother getting a decent director and writer.

This is one for the dumpster.
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