The Super Ninja (1984) Poster

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Scummy ninja!
BandSAboutMovies29 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
John has two jobs: he's a maverick NYPD cop. And, well, he's also a ninja. A super ninja.

Alexander Rei Lo is the guy for this role because a look across his IMDB resume tells us that he sure was in a lot of ninja movies. Don't believe me? How about this list: Ninja Kids, Ninja vs. Shaolin, Mafia vs. Ninja, USA Ninja, Ninja vs. Shaolin Guard, Ninja Death (three films), Wu Tang vs. Ninja, the nine-hour long Ninja: The Final Duel, Ninja Condors, Ninja: The Battalion and two Ninja in the Deadly Duel films.

Anyways, it's the 80s, drugs are everywhere and John the ninja cop gets framed. Using his shadow skills, he escapes and uncover a plot to steal his girlfriend's father's life work, so he travels to China to face the 5 Element Ninjas.

Honestly at this point, I'd get you $20 for the blu ray.

But then there's an impossible long sex scene* set to the smoothest sax jazz and I want the UHD, I want to Kickstart a web series, I want to make two sequels to this with the original cast. I want Eugene Thomas to make a whole series of Spencer side stories. I want Stallone to watch the way they ripped off the first Rambo movie and say, "Heyyyyyyy alight!"

This movie taught me that if I want to beat the five elements of ninja - silly me thought there were only four elements and metal was a man-made thing - and a tiger ninja, I just need to "draw strengths from your future and past and see beyond the illusion of this world."

Then again, one of these ninjas sets his hands on fire before he punches you.

*The sex scene is so long that nearly two complete songs play during it.
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zenwards30 July 2003
But probably not intentionally so.

The fighting is outrageous. Well choreographed usually, but sped up ridiculously, with the occasional completely inexplicable effect shot thrown in the middle. It looked like a high school student film. But in a good way.

Oh, and the racial politics in this film will stun you. The white guy villain is hilariously over-the-top, and his dialogue (not to mention his bizarre pawing of the lead's girlfriend) will leave you scratching your head and laughing, possibly at the same time.

Still, the best part of this kung fu masterpiece was the dubbing. It all sounded like it was dubbed by one or two guys. The dubbing of the black sidekick was priceless! It completely failed to sound like the man playing the part.

Worth a watch for all the laughs. Not a great film, not even a good one, but a funny one!
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The Super Ninja just reinforces why the Ninja Boom of the 80's was a beloved time.
tarbosh2200016 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
John (Lou) and Spencer (Thomas), who may or may not be part of some sort of Blues Explosion, are Kung Fu cops on the beat in "New York". There's a mysterious bad guy on the loose named Mr. Tong (Chang) and he commands an army of ninjas known as the Five Element Ninjas. Their history goes back "1000 years!" with each ninja mastering the forces of metal, fire, wood, earth and water. Now we know where those plagiarists at Captain Planet got the idea. When drugs are planted in John's home by a spectacularly evil police captain, John not only has to fight to clear his good name - he has to take on the Five Element Ninjas as well! Will he be able to do it? Find out today! Having been fans of Alexander Lou since we saw Mafia vs. Ninja (1985), we were happy to see him again (even though MFN came out after The Super Ninja) - especially teamed once more with his co-star Eugene Thomas. The Super Ninja doesn't disappoint with its Ninja Boom-era insanity and has all the hallmarks fans have come to expect: crazy dubbing (especially for Thomas, it sounds like a White guy doing a racist "Black guy" impression...with hilarious results), gravity and physics-defying ninja action in the forest, and fast and furious Martial Arts, which often get lost in the general aura of silliness.

Because the movie is about Lou going on a revenge mission in a series of events started by the unknown (?) vendetta of his commander, which perhaps is not enough on its own to fill 90 minutes, director Kuo-Ren Wu simply extends scenes to the breaking point: while we usually enjoy the time-honored workout montage, the problem is that the Prerequisite Torture and the quasi-pornographic sex scene with Lou and his girlfriend Nancy (Lung) just go on for an interminably long time. That being said, some of the classic items we know and love are here too: the yelling while shooting a machine gun, the sax on the soundtrack, and ninjas that travel quickly underground like Bugs Bunny, and much more. So the crazy quotient, while not quite as high as in Godfrey Ho-land, is still pretty darn high and makes the movie overall pretty entertaining.

One of the best sections of the movie came when it took time out from the plight of Alexander Lou and it introduced the strengths of the Five Element Ninjas in a series of quick profiles. Also it should be noted that ninjas can walk directly up a tree like they're walking up stairs, and Alexander Lou's sleeveless half-shirt that says "MAN" on it. As if his manliness was ever in question.

In all, The Super Ninja just reinforces why the Ninja Boom of the 80's was such a beloved and successful time for ninjas the world over.
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Ultra funny and cheesy ninja action from Taiwan
Leofwine_draca6 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another so-bad-it's-classic from Taiwan, from the same team who bought us MAFIA VS. NINJA. This one is along the same lines, with tons of low budget but highly entertaining martial arts bouts, although it's not quite as crazy-classic as that other film. It's still bloody weird though! This time around, Alexander Lou is a US cop who ends up being framed by his own department, and who has to escape from jail in a scene that's been clearly creatively inspired by FIRST BLOOD! What follows is one of the longest, most gratuitous and most repulsive sex scenes in movie history, and then the real story starts: yep, it turns out to be a rip-off of SUPER NINJAS, the Shaw Brothers film, complete with a gang of Five Element Ninjas out to wreak havoc! Elsewhere, other weird stuff going on includes a black policeman-cum-boxer who's pretty good at whupping backside, and some ninja training sequences that reminded me of KICKBOXER.

Like 99% of these films, the longest and most elaborate fight scenes are saved for the climax, and it's in the last half hour that the fun really starts here. Things culminate in a great beach battle at the climax, one of the best I've seen, but before then there's a ton of ninja action in the woods and elsewhere. Being a Taiwanese flick, there's plenty of weirdness, with a highlight being a water ninja jet-skiing on a length of bamboo! Lou uses a block of wood and a spring (!) to jump on top of buildings, and fighters are once again spitting water when they get struck. What's best of all, though, is that the action is decent throughout, engaging and exciting in equal measure. Only fans of cheesy kung fu flicks need apply, but this is one of the funniest...
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A very entertaining ninjafest
RectalGORE30 March 2005
The Super Ninja is a great ninjafest which is very similar to The Mafia Vs Ninja, but The Super Ninja is much better. First of all, it has much more ninjas, and colourful ones. Second, Its plot is much more interesting. Third, it's cheesier than The Mafia Vs Ninja. Fourth, The fights are much better and the climax is very exciting!

The story is about John, an Asian cop who works in America with his black partner called Spenser. One day, John was caught by his fellow cops for possessing drugs that had been put in his apartment in order to set him up. However, John doesn't give up! Therefore, He has to fight against his fellow cops, drugs dealers and the five element ninjas!

I would like to add to this review some technical details such as dubbing, fights, nudity and cheese. Let's start with the dubbing, shall we? Well, its dubbing is very amusing, it's hardly synchronized and the characters have voices that hardly suit them. The fights are very entertaining and sometimes even stunning, the ninjas have great techniques, however, John fights more elegantly. About the nudity, well, there is one or two softcore scenes which add the film another aspect which manages to entertain as well. The cheese! I can certainly say that The Super Ninja has some of the cheesiest killings that I have ever seen, I am not sure if those killing have been filmed intentionally cheesy or not, one thing for sure, there is a fair share of cheese on the top of this pizza!!!

Bottom line, I recommend that every fan of ninja movies check this cheesy ninjafest because it sure has made me have some good laughs! 9/10
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Delivers the goods
dworldeater25 May 2021
The Super Ninja is one of many movies in the 80's to capitalize on the ninja craze. While not exactly the best the genre has to offer, most fans will see this as good enough. Alexander Rei Lo stars in lots of other B ninja flicks, including one of my favorites Ninja Hunter. If you are movie literate, you will recognize lots of the score which was stolen from some pretty big American movies. The English dubbing is bad, but there is lots and lots of ninjas and an avalanche of chopsockey action. There are a few nods to First Blood here and Alexander Rei Lo is a great lead, who is in great shape with fantastic fighting skills. The Super Ninja really delivers on insane action and it's rare here to find many scenes where there is no fighting.
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"that's right, I forgot, you're a ninja!"
bbriggs-314 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Super Ninja is a ninja extravaganza that is one of my favorite ninja movies. This ninja movie is extremely cheap and has awful acting, very laughable dialogue, and dubbing so horrible many viewers will never be the same afterwards. On the other hand the movie is fast paced so you don't get bored, the plot although simplistic gives context to really cool ninja fight scenes that are surprisingly top notch.

Alexander Lou who also kicks serious ass in Mafia vs. Ninja plays John, a tough ninja cop working in the USA with his partner who is a stereotypical jive talking black man named spencer. While investigating criminals who are in league with ninjas John and Spencer experience harassment from their evil caucasian police chief and the other racist caucasian police who decide to frame John because he was interfering with police/mafia business deals. John is put in a cell and is tortured by the racist police and has flashbacks to his brutal ninja training until he escapes by beating the s*** out of all the honkey ass yahoo police in a head on action packed escape scene. John although a fugitive still is determined to crack the case of the Five element Ninjas who all specialize in specific ninja tactics. Spencer helps John kick ass *SPOILER START* until spencer sells out John to get money so he can fit into "the white man's world" *SPOILER END* John is outnumbered but he is an indestructable Super Ninja hence the title of the film. He proves this by fighting all five of the five element ninjas who are extremely deadly even to John. The best is at the end when John dresses up in his white ninja uniform, equips himself with a bunch of awesome ninja tools and infiltrates the Ninja mansion estate killing everyone in his path.

If you watch a lot of kung fu like me you will be surprised at how good the fighting is in this incredibly cheap movie and as long as you can embrace unintentional hillarity in pathetic acting, dubbing, effects, sets, dialogue, and race related politics (chinese good everyone else bad) this is the perfect movie to watch with like minded people. If you liked the pathetic and hillarious Mafia vs. Ninja you will find Super Ninja similarily awesome without any doubt!! buy it or rent it today!!
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Top class ninja fun and a B-Movie lovers dream!
HaemovoreRex1 November 2005
Brace yourself, for this is undoubtedly one of the very best and most entertaining ninja-fests ever made!

This movie has it all - dubbing that seems to be perpetually about 2 seconds out of sync with the characters flapping mouths, one of, if not THE most un-erotic lovemaking scene ever committed to celluloid, a ninja surfing on a piece of bamboo(!!!) a soundtrack that liberally borrows i.e steals snippets from other movie scores such as Psycho and Star Wars and some really nifty martial arts action to boot!

Simply put, if you're at all into ninja movies or for that matter B-Movies in general, then you really NEED to see this - it's a veritable classic!
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Thats one angry Ninja
karl_consiglio27 April 2009
I had not laughed so hard in ages, probably never as much. The movements in this movie cracked me up. The sound effects are great, the acting is hopeless, I loved it. This is definitely one of the places Quentin Tarantino came looking for the creation of Kill Bill. Not only the fighting, but there is a sex scene like no other I have ever seen in a movie, I laughed so hard. Just when you can't believe how funny it is, it gets way funnier, so much so it hurts. One of the greatest experiences of my life. Ninja movies need not be your cup of tea to enjoy this. I definitely recommend. Very satisfying, makes you forget about the troubles of the day, a real treat.
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Quite Possibly the Best Film of the 20th Century
flyinmonkey71621 September 2007
Imagine a movie that took the worst clichés of 70's gangster movies, 70's kung fu movies, 70's porn, 70's cop movies, and Power Rangers, and rolled all into one absurd mess that looked as though it had been scripted by a kindergartener. This movie was easily ten times worse than that. That being said, this is every reason to see it. From the opening scene on, I don't think I stopped laughing once. Nothing made any sense, there was not a transition to be found in the movie, and the number of rape scenes per girl (5 rape scenes, only two females in the entire movie) was quite staggering. I pulled "The Super Ninja" off the rental shelf expecting to watch a hilariously bad movie, but nothing prepared me for the jaw-droppingly awful spectacle that was the Super Ninja. It was amazing.
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Film ninja amazing
Bezenby23 June 2016
I'm a zen master, and there is various practises we employ in order to clear the mind of the everyday babble that all humans endure. One is to ask yourself "What is the sound of one ninja crapping?" and "If a ninja teleports in a forrest and no one is there to see it, does anyone give a crap?" Joseph Lai, Tomas Tang and Godfrey Ho were the undoubted masters at bringing this zen train of though to life, and here is a fine example.

When I say fine, you know what I mean. It's a mid-eighties ninja film (but NOT a cut and paste film), and it's pure, unfiltered, garbage. Therefore it's great! Set initially in New York (Hong Kong with the Stars and Stripes sellotaped to various walls!), we find ourselves meeting two cops, the Chinese John and the Af-Am Spencer, being chewed out by their boss for arresting the senator's son for attempted rape – turns out the chief would have been happier if they'd let him just get on with it. This has nothing to do with anything but the fight is pretty funny.

The plot itself involves John being framed for possessing drugs, escaping jail, and then trying to find out why anyone framed him in the first place. Obviously it's something to do with the drug trade but what you need to know is that there's five 'elemental ninjas' who have amazing powers (water, earth, air, fire, kebabs) that are rendered unamazing by the zero budget of the film. Watching a ninja surfing on a thin piece of bamboo or burrowing underneath sand is soothing to the soul.

So John's got to go up against these dudes while having flashbacks to his own ninja training, which includes a direct rip from the start of Enter the ninja. There's a few twists and turns but no one in their right mind would care about them. These films are all about the brain damaged action and the laughs! And speaking of brain damaging, there's this brilliant bit of editing where John slumps his head over just right when the film cuts to a scene where a door is kicked open, making it look like John smashed his head on a table.

Even better is the overlong sex scene (that John manages to have while the cops are looking for him) not only does this go on forever and THEN reveal that John hadn't yet taken his trousers off, but then the sexy music switches to some bizarre off kilter tune while the actress starts vibrating her arse all over the place. Genius.

There are many, many battles in this one, there's stolen musical cues (like Psycho), and the usual bad dubbing. No one makes films as stupid as this anymore.
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Yes its the Eighties and Yes its Ninjas!
bodie_1113 January 2008
The eighties was a time when Ninjas were at their powerhouse peak in Hollywood, everything martial arts related was Ninja themed, I cant believe I am moved to write a review about a film that is admittedly so bad, but that badness makes it great!! This film openly defies any sense of logic and physics, in fact the biggest martial arts trick these guys all have is the ability to speed up the camera, or press reverse on the camera leading to many hilarious moments that would have been outtakes on any other film but here they made the grade!! What is awesome here is what is on obviously a zero budget these guys had the courage to try to make a very adventurous film, there are lots of great ideas here that if they had even a decent camera this might have really worked as a film, I cant say to anyone go out and get this because the chance of you finding this is virtually zero, but it left a mark on me and my mate Nav's memory, seeing it back in the eighties we both remembered it for ages and luckily came across a DVD of it, there must be something about it that made us remember it even 20 years later!!!
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Insanely awesome Ninja flick! Set the screen alight!
Idiot-Deluxe9 July 2020
I've seen more than a few Ninja movies over the years, but it wasn't until just yesterday that I crossed paths with "The Super Ninja" and what a trip it was.

This is an amazingly entertaining Ninjafest, there's so many things happening in this movie, it's almost as if the cast and crew collectively put together a check-list encompassing all things they thought should be in a Ninja movie and as of yet I've never seen a more entertaining title in the genre. Alexander Rei Lo may not be the best known or most charismatic star, but really delivers with his fighting skills and Kuo-Ren Wu must have been one hell of a director who really knew how to put together a thrilling Ninja movie. Hell, they even threw in a great sex scene right in the middle of movie (it can't karate chops and roundhouses all the time, right?) that's accompanied by some utterly terrific sounding vintage porn music, which gets even more terrific as she, I mean he, I mean they, I mean-I mean...the scene, as the scene reaches it's climax. Porn music connoisseurs take note. Speaking of music, this to should be mentioned, there are at least the three selections of Johns Williams' music that were "borrowed" from Star Wars and Indiana Jones and they also used a selection from Psycho. But the Chinese never steal intellectual property from the West, right? LOL!

Take note of the fight choreography and tell me that it isn't among the best you've ever seen and from a photography standpoint it was captured with an amazingly high degree of style and sophistication by the camera crew. Also my full gratitude goes to whoever did the editing, masterfully done. And if that wasn't enough the special effects are often brilliant and tremendously exciting !FISTS OF FIRE! Don't let the films ultra-generic and downright laughably juvenile title >>>THE SUPER NINJA<<< turn you off, because it was helmed by a very talented, experienced, and sophisticated crew who produced brilliant results; with the exception of the script of course...but that can easily be forgiven, because since when are these type of movies known for there writing. Since never. Speaking of dialog, the less than perfect over-dubbing (like many Asian films) makes The Super Ninja more entertaining than it otherwise would have been.

Lastly, if Ninja movies are your kind of thing, well than film buffs, THE SUPER NINJA really IS very super and totally lives up to it's goofy title and is not be missed. Period.
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Action Extravaganza!
RobertNorway22 March 2001
In the same category as "The Ninja Protector" and "Mafia vs. Ninja" this non-stop action movie is a real treat. That is if you like this kind of movies: lots of bad dubbing, unbelievable flying action, terrible acting and funny ninja violence. Most of the cast from "Mafia vs. Ninja" rejoins in this hilarious movie that is a true MUST for any movie maniac!
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