Gangs of New York (2002) Poster

Leonardo DiCaprio: Amsterdam Vallon



  • Amsterdam Vallon : It's a funny feeling being taken under the wing of a dragon. It's warmer than you'd think.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : When you kill a king, you don't stab him in the dark. You kill him where the entire court can watch him die.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : In the end, they put candles on the bodies so's their friends, if they had any, could know them in the dark. The city did this free of charge. Shang, Jimmy Spoils, Hell-cat, McGloin, and more. Friend or foe, didn't make no difference now. It was four days and nights before the worst of the mob was finally put down. We never knew how many New Yorkers died that week before the city was finally delivered. My father told me we was all born of blood and tribulation, and so then too was our great city. But for those of us what lived and died in them furious days, it was like everything we knew was mightily swept away. And no matter what they did to build this city up again... for the rest of time... it would be like no one ever knew we was even here.

  • Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting : How old are you, Amsterdam?

    Amsterdam Vallon : I'm not sure, sir. I never did quite figure it.

    Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting : I'm forty-seven. Forty-seven years old. You know how I stayed alive this long? All these years? Fear. The spectacle of fearsome acts. Somebody steals from me, I cut off his hands. He offends me, I cut out his tongue. He rises against me, I cut off his head, stick it on a pike, raise it high up so all on the streets can see. That's what preserves the order of things. Fear.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : There's more of us coming off these ships each day. I heard 15,000 Irish a week. And we're afraid of the Natives? Get all of us together, we ain't got a gang, we got an army. And all you needs is a spark. Right? Just one spark. Something to wake us all up.

  • Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting : You. Whatever your name is... what is your name?

    Amsterdam Vallon : Amsterdam, sir.

    Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting : Amsterdam... I'm New York... don't you never come in here empty handed again, you gotta pay for the pleasure of my company.

  • Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting : I killed the last honorable man, 15 years ago. Since then it's... You seen his portrait downstairs?

    Amsterdam Vallon : Mm-hmm.

    Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting : 'S your mouth all glued-up with cunny juice? I asked you a question!

    Amsterdam Vallon : [angrily]  I said I *seen* it, sir.

    Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting : [smiling]  Oh, you got a murderous rage in you! I like it. So much life boiling up in you. That's good!

  • [last lines] 

    Amsterdam Vallon : ...And no matter what they did to build this city up again, for the rest of time, it will be like no-one even knew we was ever here.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : Lord, place the steel of the Holy Spirit in my spine and the love of the Virgin Mary in my heart.

  • Walter 'Monk' McGinn : [Pins Amsterdam to the wall]  That's it, that's it! Tear my head off and destruct the world! Just like the rest of the stupid Irish in this country! That's why I never ran with your dad!

    Amsterdam Vallon : Get off me you crazy bastard!

    Walter 'Monk' McGinn : [Leans in and whispers a line of Gaelic. Then, in English]  It means, 'If you're not strong you'd better be smart.' Now I don't know if you're being too clever or too dumb, but whichever it is just remember this much. For all his faults, your father was a man who loved his people.

    [Releases Amsterdam and walks away] 

  • Amsterdam Vallon : Is there anyone in the five points you *haven't* fucked?

    Jenny : Yes! *You!*

  • Amsterdam Vallon : The past is a torch that lights our way. Where our fathers have shown us the path, we shall follow. Our faith is the weapon most feared by our enemies. For thereby shall we lift our people up against those who would destroy us.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : I give you my word, this all will be finished tomorrow.

    Jenny : No, it won't.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : Suppose you back an Irish candidate, of my choosin', and I'll deliver all the Irish vote?

    Boss Tweed : That will only happen in the reign of Queen Dick.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : Jenny was a Bluget, a girl pickpocket and a turtledove. A turtledove picks out a fine house, disguises herself as a housemaid and robs you blind. It takes a lot of sand to be a turtledove.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : The earth turns, but we don't feel it more. And one night you look up. One spark and the whole sky is on fire.

  • [as Monk McGinn runs for Sheriff] 

    Boss Tweed : That man was right born for this.

    Amsterdam Vallon : He's killed 44 men, and laid low a couple hundred more.

    Boss Tweed : Is that right? We should have run him for mayor.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : Challenge.

    Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting : Challenge accepted.

  • Jenny : [after running into Johnny]  Look where you are going, Johnny!

    [notices Amsterdam] 

    Jenny : You look stunned and poorly, sir.

    [both of the men are silent and nervous] 

    Jenny : [sarcastic]  Quite a pair of conversationists, aren't you.

    Amsterdam Vallon : Maybe not. We're deep thinkers.

    Jenny : [chuckles]  Well then. Gentlemen, I leave you in the grace and favour of the Lord.

    [walks off] 

  • Amsterdam Vallon : I've been called a lot of things, mister... but I've never been called...?

    McGloin : Fiddeling bends.

    Amsterdam Vallon : Fiddeling bends. Right. If I knew what in the hell that meant... I might be inclined to take offense.

  • Walter 'Monk' McGinn : Well that was bloody Shakespearian.

    Amsterdam Vallon : What?

    Walter 'Monk' McGinn : Do you know who Shakespeare was, Sonny? He was the fellow who wrote the King James Bible.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : New York loved William Tweed... and hated him but for those of us trying to be thieves, we couldn't help but admire him.

  • Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting : On the seventh day the Lord rested, but before that he did, he squatted over the side of England and what came out of him... was Ireland. No offense son.

    Amsterdam Vallon : Nah, none taken, sir. I grew up here. All I ever knew of Ireland was from the talk of the others at the orphan asylum.

    Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting : And which part of that excrementitious isle where your forebears spawned?

    Amsterdam Vallon : I've been told Kerry, I lost proof of it in my language at the asylum.

  • McGloin : What's a nigger doing in the church?

    Amsterdam Vallon : What's a Dead Rabbit doing with the Natives, huh?

    McGloin : No niggers among the Natives. Niggers as robbers is one thing, but, niggers in a church, that's something else!

  • Amsterdam Vallon : Our name is called "The Dead Rabbits" to remind all of our suffering, and as a call to those who suffer still to join our ranks. However far they may have strayed from our common home across the sea. For with great numbers must come great strength in the salvation of our people.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : [the failed assassin is dying]  I think he's making his peace with God.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : [voice over]  Some of it I have remembered. And the rest I took from dreams.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : What do you care to the Butcher?

    Jenny : Me? Nothin'.

    Amsterdam Vallon : Nothin'?

    Jenny : The Butcher and me have a special arrangement.

  • Johnny Sirocco : It's not a matter of words, I can tell by the way she smiles at me.

    Amsterdam Vallon : Well, she smiles at a lot of people, John.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : [voice over]  That was the Five Points alright: hangings of a morning, dancings of an evening.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : [voice over]  Every year the Natives celebrated the killing of my father all over again. At Sparrow's Chinese Pagoda in Mott street. The chinks hated the Natives worse than we did. The drum rolls and the Butcher drinks a glass of fire.

  • Reverend Raleigh : Regular services are held at the church at 6 and 8.

    Amsterdam Vallon : Go to hell.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : [narrating about New York]  It wasn 't a city really. It was more a furnace where a city someday might be forged.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : [voice over]  Ah, the Five Points! Murderer's Alley. Brickbat Mansion. The Gates of Hell.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : [voice over]  Every year the Reformers came. Every year the Points got worse. As if it liked being dirty.

  • Johnny Sirocco : Jenny, finest bludget in all the Points.

    Amsterdam Vallon : She is a prim looking star gazer! But I'd check my pockets if I was you. Because I do believe she lifted your time piece.

    Johnny Sirocco : [looks in his coat]  Well, I let her take it. I let here take things all the time.

    Amsterdam Vallon : Is that right?

  • Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting : What's that word?

    Amsterdam Vallon : Eh, it means bodysnatchers.

    Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting : I didn't ask the meaning. I asked the word.

    Amsterdam Vallon : Ghoul.

    Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting : Ghoul? That's a good word. "Ghoul Gang Slaughters: A Fresh Outrage in the Five Points." That's a notice you can be proud of.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : Suppose I help myself to everything. Huh?

    Jenny : Suppose you do.

  • Jenny : I don't want to see you again!

    Amsterdam Vallon : I don't blame you.

  • Jenny : Go back to the Points and let me do my business or I will open your throat, so help me God.

    Amsterdam Vallon : Alright. Go on then.

    Jenny : I would.

    Amsterdam Vallon : Go on then.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : [voice over]  For every lay we had a different name. An Angler put a hook on the end of a stick to drop behind store windows and doors. An Autumn Diver picked your pocket in church. A Badger, gets a fellow in bed with a girl and then robs his pockets while they're on the go.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : What happens at the finish?

    Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting : Then we have ourselves a rowdydow! Ain't you never been to the theatre before?

  • Jenny : Don't tell me you're angry with me?

    Amsterdam Vallon : No, I'm through with you.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : Here's another one! Clean him up good. Shave the beards off boys and send them back to vote again. Alright boys, vote Tammany.

  • Johnny Sirocco : The Five Points. Paradise square! The streets here are always livelier in the evening.

    Amsterdam Vallon : Who are the gangs around now?

    Johnny Sirocco : We got the Daybreak boys and the Swamp Angels. They work the River Luton ships. The Frog Haulers shanghai sailors down around the bloody angle. Shortails were rough for awhile, but they became a bunch of jackrolling dandies. Lolling around Murderer's Alley looking like Chinamen. Hellcat Maggie she tried to open up her own grog shop. But she drunk up all her own liquor and got thrown out on the street. Now she's on the lay for anything. There's the Plug Uglies, they're from somewhere in the old country. They got their own language. No one understands what they're saying. They love to fight the cops. And the Nightwalkers and Ratpickers. They work on their backs and kill with their hands. They're so scurvy, only the Plug Uglies will talk with them. But who knows what they're saying. The Slaughterhouses and the Broadway Twisters are a fine bunch of Bengal boys! And the little Forty Thieves. I used to run with them for a while. Till they got taken over by Benjer the Cockroach and his red eyed buggers. Benjer carry's a germ. If you try to leave the gang, they say he hacks up blood off you... The True Blue Americans call themselves a gang; but, all they really do is stand around on corners damning England...

    Amsterdam Vallon : Anything about the sand of the Dead Rabbits?

    Johnny Sirocco : You don't say that name. That name died with your... They been outlawed.

    Amsterdam Vallon : When I was in the blockhouse, the chinks told me that the Natives celebrate their victory every year. Is that true?

    Johnny Sirocco : Aye, that they do.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : Give me the strength for what I must do.

  • Amsterdam Vallon : I'm Irish, I just lost the proof of it in my language, at the Asylum.

    Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting : ...I've been to such an establishment myself.

See also

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