The Final Curtain (2002) Poster

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A Peek Behind The Game Show Curtain
J. J. Curtis is a fading star in the game show world. After seeing a young novelist named Jonathan Stitch win a prestigious award, Curtis hires the scribe to pen his biography. He believes it will bring him more attention, which he needs if he is to beat rival game show host and mortal enemy Dave Turner in the ratings war. As Stitch spends time with Curtis, he realises the man isn't the charming fellow he seems on television, but a ruthless manipulator that will do anything and everything to get what he wants. Will the aging host's machinations spell disaster for Stitch, or will he be beaten at his own game?

Directed by Patrick Harkins and written by John Hodge, 'The Final Curtain' is an uneven black-comedy that tells a somewhat familiar story- but tells it well. Touching upon themes such as the loss of fame and the search for legacy, the contrast between reality and appearance, as well as the relationship between art and life, the film explores some interesting ideas. Hodge's dialogue is witty and acerbic and- though a little one dimensional- most of his characters are believable. J. J. Is a particularly interesting subject, a man fuelled by his own sense of self-importance, and his struggle to secure his place in a rapidly changing industry is engaging.

However, the film is not without its flaws. The narrative is uneven and some of Hodge's characters are underdeveloped and exaggerated. Turner is a one-dimensional villain, who is both whiny and irritating - character traits only amplified by Aidan Gillen's over-the-top performance. Stitch is also something of a wet-blanket, who does not make for a very compelling central character. He lacks agency and personality, and his relationship with his girlfriend is poorly explored. Moreover, the twists and turns that populate the film's latter half are largely predictable and unsatisfying.

Oliver Curtis's cinematography isn't much to write home about either, being competent but unremarkable. While it tells the story and sets the mood, it lacks visual flair or style. Curtis uses conventional shots and angles, naturalistic lighting and muted colours, with some contrast and highlights to heighten emotions in certain scenes; though no image he captures is particularly memorable. Overall, his cinematography is adequate and functional, but not distinctive.

On the other hand, Kave Quinn's production design is commendable. She faithfully captures the look and feel of two very different game shows, one modern and the other traditional. Mark Thomas's score is atmospheric and grand, adding additional drama and tension to proceedings. Susannah Buxton's costume design is also worth mentioning, as it adds to the characters personalities and identities, as well as to the contrast between the two game shows.

'The Final Curtain' finds Peter O'Toole on top form as J. J. Curtis, delivering a performance that is a masterclass in menace. Charming, bitter and cynical, he plays the man as a sleazy arch manipulator in the style of J. J. Hunsecker. He dominates the film, and is clearly having a ball with the material. Alongside him, Adrien Lester does fine work as Stitch, even if the role isn't exactly demanding. He manages to convey the curiosity and conflict of the writer, who is torn between his admiration and disgust for Curtis, and has good chemistry with O'Toole. Aidan Gillen hams it up as Turner, seeming hell bent on chewing as much scenery as he can; though has some strong scenes when he chooses to underplay it.

'The Final Curtain' is an entertaining but flawed comic-drama exploring themes of television and fame, featuring sharp dialogue and a brilliant performance from Peter O'Toole. The film suffers from an uneven narrative and a predictable last act, but also boasts some compelling elements, such as the stirring score and the high-quality production design. Above all else though, it is worth watching for O'Toole's portrayal of J. J. Curtis, a fascinatingly complex character who will keep you hooked until the curtain falls.
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stylish and entertaining ***SPOILERS at end***
cherold3 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Proof that Peter O'Toole is still a force to be reckoned with, The Final Curtain casts him as an English Bob Barker battling a popular young game show host for supremacy. The film is very stylishly filmed, especially the hyperkinetic opening, and beautifully cast. While it is entertaining and I recommend it, it is not without problems.


The first serious flaw is about half way through, when Dave broadcasts JJ's confessional. Yes, that would damage JJ's career, but would the public really accept without question a competitor invading the sanctity of the confessional (and his claim that it was JJ's idea is so patently absurd that it can be discounted). The movie also goes a little too far in pushing the dark comedy. Killing a plane load of people is both a excessive response that nothing in the movie prepares you for but something that has no practical use. What makes it worse is both of these could easily have been replaces with something more convincing; it's like the writer wasn't even trying.

**********END SPOILERS*****
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Another US viewer
vldazzle22 June 2006
As I saw in the last review I read, not many in this country have even seen it, But I viewed it today on cable and thought it was worth some thumbs up on my TiVo. It was of a class with O'Toole's "The Ruling Class" and (tho' he's aged much since that) shows that he still has a flair for the slightly sick comedy that many of us love. All I can say is I'm happy for digital cable with all the choices and TiVo for finding things that I enjoy. None of the other actors were known to me and I did not recognize the gal from "AB-FAB" but overall, it was a fun movie to watch. Much better than the "lesson" movies that Hollywood has chosen to give us in recent years. I am happy to confine my movie viewing to those of vintage (30's and 40s), foreign (even with subtitles) and the offerings of IFC and Sundance.
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Fab but not for everyone
patnet7 June 2003
Who on earth would enjoy a dark and cynical comedy full of unappealing characters and unpleasant plot twists? .I suppose I would, however unwillingly. Peter O'Toole plays the aging actor/entertainer JJ Curtis, whose fame now revolves around `The Big Prize', the tacky game show he produces and hosts. While trying to make a lucrative deal to air his program in the U.S., the competition rears its ugly head in the form of young Dave Turner, host of a different tacky and truly `shocking' game show (pun intended). Both are willing to play dirty to get the U.S. deal--in fact no tactic is too twisted or drastic for either men--and I promise you a few surprisingly nasty tricks.

Also thrown into the mix is Adrian Lester as the emerging writer (and narrator of this tale) Jonathan Snitch, an interesting surname since he is hired to write JJ Curtis' memoirs. JJ is particularly anxious to get his life story recorded for posterity since he has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer; and lest you think this condition makes his character more sympathetic--think again. Snitch stands out as the only decent character in the cast, and Adrian Lester does a superb job. Adrian Gillen deftly handles the unlikable Dave Turner, and Julia Sawalha (Saffy in the Brit TV series

Absolutely Fabulous) appears as Dave's hapless assistant.

Peter O'Toole, not surprisingly, is Absolutely Fabulous as JJ. The characters may be drawn with a wide brush, but O'Toole somehow finds the subtleties and nuances that make JJ a three-dimensional creature. I honestly think this is an award-deserving performance.

But, this film won't (and didn't) win any awards in America; in fact I wonder if anyone but the 10 of us rating it on this site saw the film. Black humor and a story that defies categorizing ensure a small audience for this quirky movie. But hey, I enjoy watching a movie and being surprised and deliciously horrified. I enjoy wonderful performances in a small but slickly executed production. I like a film that is not so bland that I've forgotten it 10 minutes later. It's not for everyone--but I hope it will find the audience it deserves.
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Good performances, probably not a repeater
nathomsen16 June 2003
The performances and the production values are high quality. I watched the movie on cable TV. I found myself engaged in the story line, the dialogue and the plot. But, near the end, it was clear where the plot was going before it actually got there. This, plus the unredeemming qualities of the main character, lead me to place it on my personal not-worth-watching-again list.
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Another Waste Of Lottery Funds
Theo Robertson8 January 2006
The opening credits of THE FINAL CURTAIN rolled and the very first credit stated that this was a film produced by Universal Studios in conjunction with DNA films . I missed the rest of the credits because I was through the kitchen making a cup of tea but when I came back I was struck as to how the film played out because the whole style of the movie screamed " British lottery funding " . How could this be since the movie was financed by an American studio ? We're shown an all too long ex positional sequence complete with voice over showing diverse clips from THE BLACK AND WHITE MINSTRALS and DOCTOR WHO in a movie that uses the technique of a TRAINSPOTTING wannabe . Two things I found out after the film had finished were that THE FINAL CURTAIN was written by TRAINSPOTTING adapter John Hodge and that the movie was indeed funded by the national lottery

This explains a lot because say what you like about Hollywood studios but at least they know what the public want and the public don't want to see a pile of nepotistic crap with zero money making potential . Lottery funding has killed the British film industry in many ways because it has stopped film makers earning their money . The producers get paid therefore they're under no pressure to make a film with any type of national or international appeal . For every 28 DAYS LATER there's ten movies like THE TANGO LESSON and IT WAS AN ACCIDENT and THE SLAB BOYS , films that should be drowned at birth and which this film goer would pay good money NOT to see . Be honest , despite an avalance of British film releases in the last ten years how many do you think are genuinely good movies ?

The story ( If that is the right word ) revolves around the rivalry between two hideously successful game show hosts JJ Curtis and Dave Turner . If you want to understand how unrealistic this scenario is then imagine Chris Tarrant and Chris Evans embarking on a murder campaign against one another . A ridiculous idea for a storyline isn't it ? but not that the producers , screenwriter and director care . You can just imagine them holding their sides laughing as someone is asked to give JJ a circumcision or as someone is electrocuted . Guess what ? I never thought I'd start laughing and I didn't . And by making Curtis and Turner so unlikable there's no empathy for the audience . Having these characters as protagonists means to the audience it's kind of like being Polish during the second world war where you had Hitler to the West and Stalin to the East . No matter who wins the audience will be the loser

I'm actually shocked that people have come on to this page and awarded THE FINAL CURTAIN high marks or the fact that 115 voters have given it an average rating of 5.8 when a more realistic score would be in the region of half that because this is a fairly terrible film made by people who are far too lazy to make anything resembling a half way decent one
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The Title Says It...
tim-764-29185617 September 2012
Unlike some other reviewers here, I simply didn't much like this film. The unlikeable, selfish characters, the jumpy schizoid story and the flashy direction.

I'm sure it has much to say, or has said, in the same way that Scorsese's The King Of Comedy, Sidney Lumet's Network and Barry Levinson's Wag the Dog, all about the nastier, crueler side of television but without being as nastily cruel as The Final Curtain appears to always be.

I'm afraid Peter O'Toole swearing at every opportunity isn't a good thing, however adorably crusty he's supposed to be. Maybe I watched the DVD I bought for 66.6p at Cash Converters on a bad night, maybe it does hold much treasure within. I will undoubtedly try it again some day and hopefully get more from it.
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For "wing nuts" only.
=G=26 June 2003
The only good thing one can say about this budget conscious, garish, cockamamie kludge is O'Toole. Telling of competing game show hosts, one old (O'Toole) and one young (Gillen), who have more in common than meets the eye, this dark comedy has little to offer beyond the Shakespearean performance of O'Toole who trudges doggedly through the script with inevitable futility. For wing nuts only. (C)
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Marvelous Film
mclark-1716 February 2006
I recently watched this film on the Sundance channel, and it was wonderful. The performances were great, and it was especially enjoyable to watch Peter O'Toole. I think he gave one of his best contemporary performances in this film. You can tell he is still a master at his craft. This is a great film to watch on a rainy afternoon - great story, great cast. This film is wonderful and it gives you a glimpse into the dark world of show business - the shrewdness, the sometimes shady dealings that get people where they are in the industry. The tale the film tells is well woven and well told. I would recommend this film for younger audiences (18+) who maybe have not seen some of Peter O'Toole's older films. I think it is a great way for them to see a true master who is still at the top of his craft even though he is in the autumn of his years. A great film!
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Peter O'Toole is the only one reason to watch this film.
junk-monkey28 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
There's only one reason to watch this film, and that's Peter O'Toole. He blows nearly everyone else off the screen and shows what a great actor he truly is. Despite having to share the screen for most of the time with the grand old man, Adrian Lester held the attention and worked well but Aidan Gillen on the other hand just failed to convince as the new upstart bad boy of British television. I just didn't buy him at all. For someone to be in that position so fast he would have just had to have exuded... I don't know... charm? charisma? something! What we get is a one-note petulant whiner. Doesn't work.

The shallow plot has holes you could drive a bus through and the final revelation is so obvious and so well signalled early on in the movie that when it finally comes it falls flat.

It was only half way through I cottoned on it was supposed to be a comedy (serves me right for not reading the back of the box) but it just didn't deliver and no amount of flashy editing could save it.

If you want to see a much better (and genuinely funny) film that explores similar themes take a look at the vastly underrated British film Funny Bones (
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O'Toole on great form
andynpeters22 September 2005
Obviously made on a low budget, so we have to concentrate on the story & the acting rather than computerised special effects or big Hollywood names. A unique storyline with duelling gameshow hosts and a narrator who is reluctantly writing the biography of one of them.

Well worth a watch, though I felt it strained belief towards the end. O'Toole (as ever) shows what being an actor REALLY means & why the present Hollywood generation are anonymous by comparison with the greats.

You'll remember this film long after you forget Charlies Angels 6 or the latest Jennifer Lopez epic
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Peter O'Toole is still the best actor in the world
CinefanR24 March 2012
Peter O'Toole may be the only reason to watch "The Final Curtain", and it's of course a fabulous performance, although he is not given much to work with. The main problem here is that all the other actors are painfully bad and the script doesn't have the spark of "Trainspotting". All these young actors simply lack the charm and the talent to stand up to O'Toole, so their characters are utterly unconvincing and clichéd.

It's a shame when you look at it because you can't help but feel that Peter O'Toole's enormous talent is not being used properly. The movie's good intentions are noted, but the satire is pretty thin under this undistinguished direction, and there are clumsy plot holes throughout. I don't mean to say that this is a bad movie, but it could have been much better. Watch it for Peter's multi-layered performance, there's nothing like it.
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The potential and the finer moments are lost behind a plot that gets more excessive and messy as it goes on
bob the moo2 April 2006
When J.J. Curtis got his break in show business (as a result of the headliner being crippled after a fall) he got a shot on his own gameshow, The Big Prize. The show was mostly ignored by the critics apart from those that derided it for its blatant promotion of greed but, of course, is watched by millions and millions of families around the UK. Diagnosed with brain cancer, Curtis decides to ignore the condition and employs award winner new author Jonathan Snitch to write the story of his life. Curtis accepts and becomes a witness in Curtis' descent as he gets drawn into a ratings war with the younger and crueler presenter Dave Turner.

It is easy to see the potential in this film because it is darkly comic, interesting and attempts to hit targets within the world of celebrity and the media. However it is also hard to ignore the fact that it fails to do it in a totally convincing manner – indeed the excesses within the script mean that the subtleties and intelligence is rather overwhelmed with the noise. It is a shame because behind the story of a ratings war going to absurd extents, this is a great little piece about the nature of celebrity and, more importantly, how that world has had its toll on Curtis. This produces great little moments of pain and character that made this film just about work for me although I must admit that a lot of it came from the skill of the actors rather than the material. Sadly the main story that acts as a frame for all this is delivered in a rather too messy fashion and the excesses put me off just as the smaller touches drew me in; I would have liked the ratings war to be less about murder etc but more in Curtis' head – it wouldn't have damaged the dark comedy (because it wasn't funny anyway) but it would have avoided the mess.

Like I said though, the cast are a big part of the smaller moments coming through because they are mostly good. O'Toole gives a great performance; he hams it a bit on the excesses but he never loses touch with his character and thus is always there for the better moments. Like another reviewer has said, to me it was an award-winning performance and would have been if it had been in a less messy film. Gillen goes the same road but has less to do beyond the excess, although he manages well enough. Lester is a really good actor and shows class here but he has very little to work with other than being a good narrator. The support cast features many famous faces such as Sawalha, Brown, Robertson, Williams and a few others but really it is O'Toole's to dominate and he does (mostly in a good way).

Sadly though the total film is not that good even if the potential does become apparent in a handful of scenes where the finer detail shines through. The excessive nature of the story tends to dominate the character side and it is to the film's detriment because it makes it noisy, messy and unconvincing. The cast try to fight this and occasionally win but the overall impression is one of messy excess and, although I liked part of it, I completely understand why this film wasn't seen by many people and that those that did, didn't like it that much.
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Dark, different, twisted genius, I love it!
JimHawkinsRocks20 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This was a film I came by when randomly perusing the local video shop in search of something I hadn't already seen. So upon reading that it was from the makers of 'Shallow Grave' I was intrigued and decided to make it my choice of viewing for the evening.

This is the dark tale of two gameshow hosts one of the good old fashioned family entertainment style, whilst the other being the young, flash next generation of host both entirely intent on taking the war for ratings to the bitter extreme. Dirty tricks and slanderous misdemeanors spiral from mere sleaze to the most deplorable of acts in as each tries to outdo the other. So if your sick of clichéd Good Vs Evil stuff where good inevitably wins against the odds then this is a film for you where Evil fights Evil to neithers avail.

Despite the apparent disgusting nature of two lead characters the clever scripting and direction leaves the audience heartbroken when when both characters come to an unpleasant demise as the characters are put across with such care as to show real human tenderness masked by there greed and lust for revenge. All this laced together with an unhealthy dose of the cynical black humour that made 'Shallow Grave' such a hit, makes 'The Final Curtain' an undiscovered gem for the cult movie connoisseur.

Though be warned, this film may to be everyone's taste for those fans with a lighter sense of humour that enjoys being engulfed in such whimsical comedies as 'Goldmember' or perhaps 'Anger Management' then this will mean two things 1)You probably won't like this movie 2) Your a moron.

But if you do not come into this last group then this film is a must see.
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Bitter Dark Comedy
rmax30482330 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
It seems awfully redundant to have to say that Peter O'Toole is good, but the truth is that he really is. He and Adrian Lester as the writer hired to do O'Toole's own version of his autobiography provide the most memorable characters.

There are a couple of funny ideas in this movie. The very notion of a game show in which a young man and his girl friend can win varying amounts of money depending on the intensity of the electric chock he's willing to give her is funny in itself. And the way the scene is shot, it's even funny when the damme machine goes berserk and electrocutes the young man in a shower of sparks.

I also enjoyed the smarmy American impressarios who are considering buying either O'Toole's show or that of his rival. We hear this smooth American-tinted voice only over a conference phone, saying things like, "Now, now. I didn't say we weren't going to buy your show. I said we were going to keep in touch. And when I say keep in touch I mean keep in touch. So let's keep in touch."

O'Toole seems much older than the last time I saw him in a film. Even his strikingly blue irises have faded with time. No criticism of O'Toole is meant -- we all have our life courses to bear -- but it is kind of sad. Adrian Lester is outstanding too, as I said. He's a handsome guy and plays the intense straight-shooter very well here, as he did in "Primary Colors."

The movie would have been more successful if it had settled for being an amusing comedy with dark undertones. Instead it's a bitter tragedy with a few funny moments thrown in. In the end, a dead father lies on the lawn facing his dead son. They'd only discovered their relationship just before they died. It's too sad and the image drowns out the memory of antyhing amusing that might have preceded it. Give me a doomsday device destroying the planet while conniving politicians figure out how they can survive at everyone else's expense.
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the Final straw
movieman_kev29 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Oh Johnny boy, you showed so much promise in the '90's, when you penned "Shallow Grave", "Trainspotting", and to a lesser extant "A Life Less Ordinary". What happened to you?? The supurb talent of Peter O'Toole can't save this story about two competing A-hole game show hosts( J.J and his son, Jonathon) fighting for an American job. The above was a bit of a spoiler and keep in mind that I never spoil GOOD films. That should clue you into where I sit with this one. John Hodge is still 50/50 when movies are concerned which is an ok ratio, until you realize at the turn of the century with 3 films under his belt he was batting 1,000

My Grade: D+

Where I saw it: Showtime
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