Carman: The Champion (2001) Poster

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Could have been much worse...
farce4u28 June 2005
First of all, this movie will draw comparisons to Rocky right off the bat. You might even see some familiar camera angles, poses, and scenes. What you will not see is great acting from a great script. But the boxing scenes are surprisingly well done and quite believable. Real punches don't sound like a sledgehammer smashing a tree stump as Conan O'Brien said of Rocky. They sound more like smacks, the harder ones like thuds. The fights are intense and the blood and sweat flows freely. And lo and behold, the fighters actually block some blows. They got that much right.

Christian movies have long held the dubious distinction of being preachy. Not only that, squeezing the "good news" in is often like throwing an iron bar into the gears of Big Ben: it grinds story progress to a halt. But the movie doesn't Bible-bash or get too wishy-washy at any point.

Carman, who also wrote the script, has some cheesy one-liners and clunky dialogue, but has good screen presence and is helped out by a decent supporting cast. The cinematography looks flashy with some nice earthy filters for the outdoor shots.

On the whole, this is one of the better Christian films to date. It's worth a look. 6/10.
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WOW! Where did THIS movie come from?
scoobyg694 March 2001
WOW! Where did this movie come from? Being a fan of Carman's, and I only just recently heard about this film. I saw it today, not expecting much, and all I can say is WOW!!! I really didn't know what to expect, maybe a cute little movie that Carman wrote and made, and a nice message about the Lord, with LOT'S of singing by Carman. Boy, was I wrong! This movie packs quite a PUNCH! I was ACTUALLY entertained, and found myself getting into this story, and caring about the charactors. The audience I was with, actually applauded during the movie during the climax and cheered during the grand finish. The quality and acting was MUCH better than expected, the action was cool, and the story kept pumping and throwing those curves that kept us involved in the story. This movie has a little bit of everything to please everybody. There is NOT alot of boxing, so the girls can feel safe about coming. Yet, there is enough fighting and action to keep the guys into their seats, and not go out for popcorn. This is a movie that the world can come and see, be introduced to a Christian lifestyle, and walk out feeling good and not like the gospel was shoved down their throats. This is NOT a preaching film, (come on, we see Carman beating people up, and smootching with the main lady) but do get to see what drives him spiritually. This movie is purely entertainment, and was I ever entertained! Thanks Carman and crew, for giving us another great film for this weekend!
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Not the Champion
adam-46218 June 2004
Rarely is a movie made like, "The Champion" and for this we can be eternally grateful. Carman left the music stage for a movie that can only be described as embarrassing. I love Carman's style of music (he's one of my favorite artists), but he doesn't belong in a full-length movie.

The Christian Film industry has produced B-end times flicks like "Judgment", "Tribulation", and "Revelation" which look like classics compared to this movie. As others have mentioned, Carman ripped off quite a bit from Rocky (surprised he didn't take the red, white, and blue shorts from the last few films). It also includes an implausible love story and just for kicks, the gratuitous blowing up a truck.

As noted, the movie has some big problems in terms of morals. While Christians struggle to teach their kids to behave in a morally responsible manner and avoid sexual immorality, Carman makes out in the front seat of his car with a woman he just met while her son sleeps in the back.

While Christians combat the destructive force of organized gambling and the lottery, Carman's character gets the youth center of his dreams because his brother bet a few million on the fight Carman won.

Finally, there was the Commercial with the "Whoop@--" soda which was of poor moral taste.

The film's redeeming values are found in the fact that it spurred Carman's second "Best of" collection including a new single "Heart of a Champion" which would have fit so well with the film.
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Unfortunately canned boxing flick
rnd23 November 2001
First, I will confess that I didn't watch the whole film. I rented "Carman" on the basis of good reviews and didn't realize it belonged in subgroup of entertainment (films, literature, music) created for Christians. Not being one myself, I was a little hesitant to watch it. A few Christian entertainers I've found to be genuinely good at their craft, so I looked to this film like I would any other, hoping it would bring forth fresh creativity to the moviedom in the form of style, substance and a good story. Unfortunately, the predictable course of the film and its canned themes were presented in such a dull manner that I eventually switched it off. Maybe I've watched too many movies. Even if I were a member of the intended audience I would have been disappointed -- any movie worth the film it's printed on should aim to transcend its intended demographic through solid structuring and presentation, indeed that's how classics are made.
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Good Movie, one you can take you whole family to.
gwindh5 March 2001
I saw this movie last night and It was very good. I think it is a breakthrough for many Christian Movies to come.

I feel really proud about this movie. It was a good story, there was good acting and I'm looking for more movies like this one.

I did see some bad reviews, and I think people who wrote words like Awful and Boring, are those who want to see pornography and hear cursing and degenerated things. This movie does not abide by the Standards many are used to. It is a shocker for those who do not know Christ. They don't understand and therefore they gave it a bad rating.

Carmen - I'm looking for your next movie! Matt - Keep up the good work!
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Carman carried out his movie fantasy with Patricia Manterola
pattysecretrevealed22 May 2006
There is also statements being made about Patricia Manterola using Carman Licciardello to for US film. Patricia Manterola as a Mexican Hardcore Porn Star broke into some lame TV soap opera show, movies, and music.

Patricia Manterola basically did Carman: the champion movie which is Christian obeously to say that she as a Hardcore Porn Celebrity got to broke into even Christian not only prime time TV shows.

You see, there use to be a day when hardcore porn chickies had hard time being accepted into regular prime time shows to be taken seriously as actress besides being looked at seriously for their hardcore porn experties.

So it was a major achievement for Patricia Manterola to be able to break into even largest Christian broadcast network TBN and to do a Christian movie with the top Christian artist such as Carman. But she kept quiet about her Hardcore Porn Gigs...that helped her to stardom.. to the Christian public in effort to get her movie credit added to her porfolio.
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A must-see film for everyone! Great story, acting, music, uplifting.
MrgrtPeters3 March 2001
Thank you, Carman and TBN, for making this wonderful movie. It was so good to be able to take my students to a movie and not have to worry about profanity, perverse/illicit sex, gratuitous violence,or glorification of hatred. Instead, we saw a family with problems that we have--division, the loss of a father, trying to hold on to dreams despite difficulties and the need for financial resources.

The setting is realistic. It is an inner-city area plagued with dope dealers who use children to make money, but inhabited by good people of all races trying to make a better life for their children and neighbors.

The acting is excellent. I have never seen the actress who plays Caesar's mother, but she is beautiful and utterly believable as a single mother working as a waitress struggling to raise her son. The champion boxer is really a boxer, not an actor, and he adds a great deal to the movie.

We loved the scenes in the center, with people of all races worshipping, working and eating together; the African American police officer who works with Carman; the second chance given to a parolee who wants to help young people avoid the mistakes he made; Carman's efforts to help a young boy who is going the wrong way.

But the movie is not a phony "sweetness and light" story. There is violence, but it is a natural part of the story. There is action: the fight scenes are very well-done.

The plot is involving and suspenseful. You will not be able to tell what is going to happen next.

The music adds to the movie. It ranges from traditional hymns to contemporary youth-oriented tunes such as "The Best-Kept Secret."

I recommend that everyone of all ages see this movie. Not only will you enjoy it, but your support will help ensure that Hollywood gets the message: THERE IS A LARGE AUDIENCE FOR CLEAN, FAMILY-ORIENTED MOVIES.
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Raw but real!
AARCUT12 July 2002
Raw portrayal of the drug/street life and the challanges of a preacher to continue his dream. Also shows intensity of big money, party life, and corruption. Boxing scene is intense and dramatic. I found it all a bit hard to take at times but at least it was real and not just a big fantasy.
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The ultimate in being let down......
TheDove51828 April 2001
I have previously loved Carman's music and tours etc. I first commented on this movie giving it praises. I had not yet seen it. I was going off of what TBN was saying. I even went out of my way to go see it the first day it came out. I really hyped this movie and the "wholesome value" it was going to have so that you could take your family to see it etc. I again was going off of what TBN was saying. I was utterly disappointed when there was a curse word in the movie and it was made into a joke. The movie no more centered on God than did any other movie showing at that time. It turned out to be more about Carman showing his half naked body and him trying to get the girl while getting revenge for his dad. None of these themes appeared righteous to me. I wrote both Carman Ministries and TBN on these issues. They had no response for me though. I made the mistake of just trusting what they were saying. I forgot to remember that they are only human too. I was very disappointed with the movie overall though. My family personally felt that the devil won out on this one. Most of our friends and family that went to see it were equally disappointed. The only ones who seemed to not be disappointed were the ones who went to see more of Carman and his body. It is extremely sad to see people who have been so gung-ho for God be influenced in such devilish ways and not realize it or just not have remorse for it. I pray that this venture for both ministries was nothing but a short lived influence. I have had to counsel several fellow Christians on being righteous. Several of them started to justify that if these "terrific" ministries were doing and allowing these things that it must be ok. Sad. Very sad.
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Enjoyed this movie!
jaylinnae13 March 2001
Great movie! Full of adventure, romance, and on the-edge-of-your seat suspense! Breaks typical stereotypes of what people view "preachers" should look like, act like, talk like, etc. Funny & serious all in one! Can't wait to see it again. Loved the soundtrack. Wished the romance had developed more. I give it an A+!
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A good try
dancemanfilms13 November 2003
It was a good story, "we all connect with a fighter in a ring." A little cheesy and a few holes, but it was something to sit and watch that didn't feel like a complete waste of time. Sloppy editing and some poor directing choices burned it including a disapearing puppy and a one date marrage proposal. Some good action in the ring with hard felt punches. You'll never guess who wins the final fight (sarcasm)and you'll never be able to guess why the bitter rivals are hugging eachother after one knocks the other out (no seriously, why would they do that?) The book is better and makes more sense, somebody thought they'd give it a happy ending and that make it better but it just made it too cliche. Rent for the kids don't buy. Buy the book and read it.
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Vanity pic an embarrassment to star, pain to viewers
wayne-9114 January 2002
A former world-champion boxer moonlights as a hotel security guard to help pay for his "hobby" gig, a drop-in youth center? Okay, but why does center have to be three stories high? And how is it that when the star appears in the hotel luxury suite to break up a rowdy party, nobody recognizes him-- even though the party is hosted by the PRESENT world-champion boxer? Ugh. There are about eleven seconds of "actual entertainment" in this paint-by-numbers effort, contained in two scenes where the star flirts with the leading lady. How much acting talent does THAT require? I can't believe I sat thru this whole movie.
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like an afterschool special...but starring Carman
breezygirl23 November 2004
You may have seen Carman on Christian television networks preaching or explaining eternal damnation in vivid detail. He is also known in the Christian community for his varied music styles -- everything from southern gospel to rap. Yes, rap. This seems to be his attempt at a more mainstream type of "Christian" movie. I don't know that this movie received any type of mainstream success.

What surprised me the most about this movie is how watered down the Christian message is. I would have expected Carman to pull out all the stops, fitting the salvation message in every nook and cranny. In place of a specifically Christian message is a predictable schlocky tale of a former boxer trying to help kids without a chance. Various thug stereotypes are intermixed throughout, along with some romance with a single mom.

There is pretty much no value to this movie besides some actors that got a paycheck. It's just bad enough; but not enough for much MST3K-type commentary. If you are going to go the christian route, find a film that's about the life of Jesus. Otherwise, who cares? You can watch an episode of "Saved by the Bell" and at least that is marginally funny and has about the same quality of a message.
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Oww! Stop hurting me!
kjm9 March 2001
Ouch, bad movies really hurt! Ouch, bad movies really hurt! Ouch,

bad movies really hurt! Ouch, bad movies really hurt! Ouch, bad

movies really hurt! Ouch, bad movies really hurt! Ouch, bad movies

really hurt! Ouch, bad movies really hurt! Ouch, bad movies really

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Rocky Wannabe
fooshjunkmail27 August 2008
Pretty bad. Originality is lacking, as Carman lives out the fantasy of being another Rocky wannabe (a very noble, God-inspired goal, to be sure). Viewers will wonder if the movie's sole purpose is to build Carman's fame. Regarding the movie's spirituality, it's almost nonexistent. There is no presentation of Jesus Christ and how he can forgive sins. Instead, we see Carman's character eyeing a woman up and down, contrary to Christ's teaching that whoever looks at a woman to look at her lustfully has already committed adultery with her. Carman's character then gets involved with her romantically, when she's not a committed Christian. She's disillusioned with the church and Christianity. She might be a Satan worshipper, for all we know. And because of this, Christians should be concerned with the example portrayed by Carman in this movie. Rather than being concerned about her soul and leading her back to God, Carman's character just focuses on his own sexual drive and simply pursues a romantic relationship with her. So what's different about Carman's portrayal of this relationship, and the world's immoral approach to relationships? One wonders if Carman is living out a sexual/romantic fantasy by starring in this movie, as he gets to make out with a babe actress on the excuse of 'acting'. After the movie, you're left there asking what the point of the whole film was. If it was intended to be a moral message, what was that message? Can't quite put my thumb on it. Too bad so many people are giving this film good reviews - it shows that 'Christians' today have completely lost sight of the words of Jesus Christ, which are supposed to be the basis of our faith. The great apostacy (turning away from truth) has begun, and that can be clearly seen by this film's plot. The film's writers had every opportunity to shine Jesus on, but instead this film's purpose is to shine Carman on, and make Carman's name great. It surely doesn't make Jesus' name resound in the earth.
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very good overall
Grz964 March 2001
I thought this was a good movie for the budget. Wish they would have done more background info on the the Father and son relationship.I didnt think I saw something that was on the Original trailor when Orlando was running through a market. Being a country boy I found some of it hard to relate to so therefore middle America May have a harder problem relating also. thats it. Thanks Dave
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Man of conviction, following his dreams
allenman25 March 2001
This was a wonderful film, I was completely surprised on how well it was done. The story was very good, and the action scenes were much more realistic that those of the "Rocky" series. The film contained some scenes that were a little intense but it fits the real world. Wonderful job!

I want to see it again, and also get the film on video.
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gwindh28 February 2001
I just read the previous comments, and would like to add that I am so happy that today we are able to attend a relaxing afternoon or evening at the movies and not walk out feeling dirty or depressed! I believe we will see a new breed of movies, from directors, actors, scripwriters, producers who are determined to give GOD THE GLORY!
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Well-acted and well-filmed, highly recommended.
forhan12 March 2001
Kudos to 8X for delivering a top-notch film which has an engaging story with plenty of action and emotion to keep your attention. Fight scenes were fantastisc, definitely as good as any I've ever seen. Very refreshing to see a film which deals with real-life problems and yet avoids most of the gratuitous material found in the majority of Hollywood films to date.
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A classic feel-good film
Big Bo3 March 2001
A film that will make you cheer. Carman acts well in his first feature film. Production values were significantly better than I expected. The plot was decently developed if a little cliched and moved along about how you would expect. The film's weakest point is development of the supporting cast, several of whom are caricatures rather than characters. I felt the film was well worth the bargain matinee price. 7 out of 10.
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Turns out... this is a good movie!
pmoses9872 March 2001
In 1999 Gener8xion Entertainment rocked Hollywood with the number one box-office hit for a limited release film with the Omega Code. While this was a giant leap for a Christian film production company, the film itself had its weaknesses. However, with this film, producer Matt Crouch is proving that Christians are not only a force to be reckoned with in ticket sales, but they can make a darn good movie in the process!

Carman: the Champion surprised me in every way. The stylistic approach to the editing and the music selection really helped keep the energy alive throughout the whole film. The photography was great, making the movie look really good. Patricia Manterola as Allia Hererra had a captivating performance and will, hopefully, go on to be an important actress from the Latino community.

The character development was surprisingly strong and good editing helped pick up the pace durning the moments where the story may have left a little to be desired.

Simply put, I was really drawn into this movie. When the time came for the fight at the end, I was really wound up and pulling for the hero. Good job, TBN Films and Gener8xion Entertainment! You really have done something you

can be proud of!
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A must see Movie
xxvicxx14 March 2001
This Movie was outstanding, very well acted (characters were realistic and showed human frailty), as well as fun to watch. The Boxing was excellent and I felt every punch (talking about getting in a picture). I can't wait to get the video. Great movie Carman, I hope to see Carman champion II in the future!
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This movie is a great witness of God's faithfulness.
VintageMovieGirl6719 March 2001
The movie had great action as well as a great story. Although it did seem to jump around a little and some things weren't fully flushed out, the overall was great!

I love going to movies that encourage and inspire me in my own life. It's great to see someone else having to hold onto their Faith in God's promises and even having to do things that seem impossible.

It's not just a boxing movie. It's a movie about Faith and courage. Everyone should be able to find something that they like about the film.

I can't wait until it's available on video so that I can own a copy!!

This movie also has a great soundtrack, which I hope is available soon as well.
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Terrific and about time!
pdcox7 March 2001
It's great to finally be able to go see a movie that tells a great story without feeling the necessity to include sex, violence, slander or filthy language.

The boxing scenes were outstanding (how'd they do that?) and the story was one that made me stop and think. Violence, blackmail and threats are not the way to solve a problem. Wish more parents could teach kids the way to respond to conflict the way this movie does.

Thank you whoever wrote, directed and produced this movie! How 'bout some more like it!?!
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movie with a purpose
cmcg7125 March 2001
This movie was great!!! The drama, the action and the love mixed in without the swearing or needless sex scenes, was a wonderful relief to the other movies I have seen. I could not get over how real the boxing scenes were. I was on the edge of my seat, especially during the boxing match. It reminded me of Rocky but it was better - it had a purpose. What a great movie, again I can not say more than it was GREAT!!! I plan to see it again.
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