Shottas (2002) Poster


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shereen-barrie4 November 2002
If you like shoot em ups then this will appeal to you and to be real you shouldnt be watching if you don't i supppose thats why it is called shottas. It basically follows the fortunes of two young men who grow up as close as brothers. They are the original shottas two youts who grow in the ghetto and use ghetto menatlity to get them out. They go to America and ive a good life for a while until all the bad deeds in their past consume them.

On the whole the film is very entertaining and to some degree real( however the last time i was in kingston i saw a father beat hs son for playing guns) it highlights not only the poorness of Jamaican people but also the political entities that keep them poor and how these entities use the so called bad men of yard to put them in power.

Kymani and Spragga's acting is a very good effort and if the opportunity arises for them to continue they will no doubt become very good at it, i am not too sure who wrote the dialouge but it is very real and it shows "wayne" to have a wicked sense of humour.

Oh and watch out for Max and the sick mentality he has which is another way of projecting the futility and destruction caused by the greed to be the richest and baddest man.
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Admirable, and distinctive gangster thriller
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

Biggs (Kymani Marley) and Wayne (Spragga Benz) grew up together on the mean streets of Kingston, Jamaica, and build up a huge drug dealing network that extends from their home town to the streets of Washington and Miami. But as the stakes rise and the games turn deadly, their rise to the top could be followed by a spectacular fall.

Having West Indian work colleagues, the particular lingo they use grows on you after a while and you can pick up some of this particular mangling of the English language. But the 'patois' featured heavily in Shottas would appear to be so heavy that subtitles are required through out, even if you do try to get rid of them on the menu screen. Their particular phrases, descriptions and certainly insults will certainly make an impression on you and so, even if this tale of young upstarts rising through the criminal underworld isn't particularly original or inspired, it's distinctive and amusing enough for this reason alone. Bob Marley's son Kymani Marley has presence in the lead role, and there's other musical talent in the cast including Wyclef Jean in a supporting role. ***
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A group of friends find a camera..
LambChop2115 January 2022
Firstly, it was fairly entertaining and had very good camera work although will look slightly outdated now. But it followed the same 3 chords the whole film. Dialogue a bit forced at times and some "actors" seemed to be anything but. It's fine for ok watch but won't be remembered as anything special.
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would a better version help?
vieenblue26 January 2004
A bit uneven, Shottas suffers from low quality transfers that just add to the film's problems. My dvd copy would sometimes cut to a black screen that would say: Insert more robbery scenes here. Technical problems aside: the meaningful dialogue is quite slim- character development seems aimed at an increase in robberies, the direction is lop-sided and meandering, never really wanting to show you much more than hot chicks and nice whips(would have made for a nice extended music video). While I did like the music, it's over-used and just sort of "there"- didn't do much for the film other than elicit some head-nodding on my part. The Anderson character is a joke-he's a political-bad guy cut-out. And how about that "tongue-in-cheek" joke about Wyclef's character banking on a music career? Horrible. Did I care what happened at the end of the film to the main characters? Not really, they were bad people who did bad things, a sentiment I held regarding Cess Silvera's directing effort.
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"Playtime Is Over!"
zardoz-1319 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Freshman writer & director Cess Silvera's "Shottas" is a shallow, cynical, but competently lensed, R-rated, blood-splattered Jamaican gangster saga in the tradition of William Wellman's "The Public Enemy" (1931) as well as Brian DePalma's "Scarface" (1983) with noisy gunfights and vile profanity galore. This account of two penniless kids that grow up in the West Indies to become murderous criminals with lots of reggae music sweetening the mix resembles a music video. Indeed, Silvera directs "Shottas" as if it were a music video with liberal use of jump cuts, aerial visuals, slow-motion, varying shutter speeds, and amped up music. Authentic locales in both Jamaica and Miami enhances to the film's sense of realism. Young Turks that groove on the gangster gunfights; promiscuous, half-clad babes sporting fake and/or genuine boobs, and cool cars will relish this good looking movie. Women are objectified throughout the gritty action as dispensable sex objects. Several die, shot down like dogs, next to their man in or on whatever mode of transportation that they had at the time.

Our protagonists, Biggs and Wayne are barefoot and broke as youngsters in Kingston in 1978. One day they spot a delivery man with a fat wad of bills in his fist. They quiz him about his earnings. They learn that he has lots of loot, but he doesn't pack a pistol to protect himself. Wayne (Carlton Grant, Jr.) borrows a .38 snub-nosed revolver without permission from a marihuana dealer who conceals it in an old sneaker in a woodpile. The next day Wayne and Biggs (J.R. Silvera) shoot and rob the delivery man. Biggs and Wayne take the loot and get visas to go to America. Actually, Biggs is from America, but his mother sent him to live in Jamaica since he behaved like such a bad boy. Twenty years later, when we see Biggs (Bob Marley's son, Ky-Mani Marley of "Haven") again, U.S. authorities in Miami are deporting him back to Jamaica. Biggs' childhood pal Wayne (Spragga Benz) and his right-hand, insane, trigger-happy gunman Mad Max (Paul Campbell of "Third World Cop") meet him at the airport. Wayne explains that they are doing alright for themselves in the extortion racket. Indeed, they take him with them to a car dealership and ice the owner because he is three months behind on his payments. Later, Wayne's brother dies at the hands of a cop, and Wayne and Biggs declare war on a local politician, Anderson, who wants to ship them back to America.

Some scenes prove informative. For example, if you're a gangster, you should never enter a toilet alone because you're vulnerable to anyone's bullets while you stand at a urinal with your back turned to God and everybody. Silvera stages his shoot-outs effectively enough in slow-motion like a Sam Peckinpah or John Woo might have done. One good example is a street gunfight between the police in their cars and gangsters on their bikes. Even the babes get in on the bloodshed and blast away at each other with their hardware.

"Shottas" brims with violence best described as random and casual. Basically, this movie is about hoods blasting away at other hoods and holding their automatic pistols sideways as an homage to Hollywood legend Glenn Ford who liked to hold his revolver sideways in his western movies. The film opens with our protagonists getting into a shoot-out when rival gangsters invade their house in a surprise attack and blow them full of holes, including one of their shop until you drop girlfriends. The film goes into flashback mode and then brings things back up to speed. Silvera shows himself accomplished enough at altering the chronology of the story for maximum dramatic impact because he shifts "Shottas" back and forth through time. Biggs and Wayne obtain new visas to get back to Miami where Biggs wields his gun to reclaim his lost criminal kingdom. Wayne and Biggs shake down the local drug lords for a piece of their action. One hilarious but sick scene has trigger-happy Mad Max smoking a cigarette until we notice that the hand holding the cigarette is part of a severed arm that he disposed of in a dumpster. As our protagonists warn the Miami drug dealers, "Playtime is over."

Incidentally, the title "Shottas" means 'gangstas' and/or 'shot-callers.' There is nothing new about this action thriller except the novelty of its Caribbean island locale. Happily, there are subtitles for white folks like me that don't understand the Jamaican patois. The favorite word 'bloodclot' is the equivalent of f#@k. Silvera provides two commentary tracks to the Sony Pictures DVD release of "Shottas" and both tracks furnish loads of information about the movie. Interestingly, Silvera learned during filming that if he got angry with a cast member, the upset cast member gave a better performance. Silvera also discussed some of the shortfalls in the budget, like the Jacuzzi scene where the water level changes because the tub was leaking. The final shoot-out at Wayne's house has earned Silvera some criticism. The point is that surely Wayne and Biggs would have installed some form of surveillance system to protect themselves against such likelihood. Silvera says on the commentary track that the dudes just slipped up as humans often do. Actually, our protagonists pay for their lack of vigilance much in the same way that the truck delivery man did in the beginning with his lack of a firearm to protect himself.

All-in-all, "Shottas" is worth watching once. Although the skin-deep characters never change and the action is predictable, this well-paced shoot'em up surpasses a lot of loose cannon indie gangster thrillers. Mind you, the message here amounts to nothing more obvious than: shoot first and fast and trust nobody. Idiots that want to imitate Biggs and Wayne should remember that most of these characters live by the gun and die by the gun.
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It Is Watchable
leacshane_simpson6 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so contrary to many reviews this movie is not as bad as many say it is. I mean if you are into the gangsta / mob genre this would be an awesome movie. Let me first say that I appreciate the fact that they used REAL Jamaicans to play the role of a Jamaican, at least for the latter part at least. Being Jamaican I have a pet peeve about FAKE Jamaican accents in movies. I do not believe there is anything more annoying and #1 turn off in movies.

Moving on. The movie starts with an ill developed friendship. There is so much more depth that could have been added to the friendship storyline that would make for a much stronger storyline further down. Jumping some twenty years ahead left many unanswered questions that was not answered even at the end of the movie.

Kymani Marley did an excellent job I must say! The other actors were great also but he was my favorite for what he did with this story in terms of the accents. He made it believable. But Kymani when they made you into some ninja jumping matrix superhuman towards the end was not only unrealistic but completely stupid.

There was not much light shun on the drug trade in the USA or Jamaica. There was too much killing making this flick into a pumped blood and gore film. Story lines were not developed entirely but certainly not an awful movie.
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Shottas AKA Belly Up
Noirkiss_311 June 2008
I had read much about this film before I actually saw it. It has been circulating around for quite some time and has subsequently gained a cult following. With that in mind I was actually looking forward to seeing this film.This movie could have been good. Instead it squandered any quality on cheap cliché and stereotypes. It comes off as Belly light. Only Ky-Mani Marleys' and Louie Rankins acting is any good. The rest of the cast is your typical b-movie thespian. Everything is very formulaic in this film. On a brighter note the soundtrack is very good. I am sure a lot of people would enjoy this movie. But even for mindless shoot em up entertainment this film falls flat.
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A cool and enjoyable movie
roddick-131 July 2005
This movie will probably be difficult to find, but it's worth it!

Cess Silvera does a good job directing. Everything looks very cool and stylish. He also captures the action scenes very well, they are not overly bloody either. Well done to him on the writing too. It is an original story. There aren't many movies (actually I don't know of any) that show the life of a shotta/gangster on the streets of Jamaica. Also the Jamaican drug dealers in Miami. I hope to see more from Cess Silvera!

Quite good soundtrack. All the songs suit the scene their placed in.

Some people thought that the acting wasn't good. I thought it was fine. Each actor plays their character very well. The stand outs were Ky-Mani Marley and Paul Campbell.

Overall I thought it was a cool and enjoyable movie. A good gangster film. As I said before, it maybe difficult to find, but it's worth it!
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Terrible Terrible Movie
gordons1810 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I find it absurd how many users believed this movie to be a "real" or at all a factually rooted depiction of the Jamaican and Miami criminal life. You people really need to read some books and turn down the rap music. This is absolutely one of the worst movies I have ever seen because it is absolutely unbelievable from the very start to any person with a brain over the age of 18. If you gave me one word to describe it, I would use cheesy. Unintentional comedy and poor acting is laden throughout the film, like the scene when the camera zooms out and Max is using a decapitated arm to smoke a cigarette (hilarious). The screen play seems like it was written by ametuers that neglected any sort of research on their subject before penning it. This movie is at its best, a decently filmed student film, but as an actual feature film it is laughable.

During "intense" shoot out scenes, the movie shamelessly borrows its score from the Matrix. The scene when the lead character, Biggs, pulls his car up to Wyclef Jean as he's standing on the corner, playing a "Haitan Gangster," and has his extortion attempt foiled, might've been the single stupidest and worst written scenes in any gangster movie. The entire movie is just not believable, which is the key to any good or decent crime movie. The movie shouldn't play out like an ignorant fantasy, but rather like the story you read about in the news paper on your way to work. The only thing the movie was good for was the soft-porn scenes with two smoking hot girls, Biggz's girl and the jewelry store girl. The sound track featured some good songs as well, although if this was a real movie I highly doubt any of those rappers would allow their songs to appear on this pitiful rendition of a movie.
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Amazingly good tale of shotta (gangsta) life
Homid-NC1 July 2003
Shottas tells the story of Biggs & Wayne. Both poverty stricken Jamaican youths who want the "shotta" (jamaican for gangster) lifestyle. They begin by robbing a cola truck and move on from there. The story was actually good. As said in other comments, I also was ready for "another rapper" movie. Ky-mani Marley did a great job. Same goes for Spragga Benz. If you want to see a gritty, violent, & entertaining tale, watch Shottas.
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Not Good
JoeyD1116 March 2008
This movie was nothing but a knockoff of previous gangster movies. It was an attempt to cash in on an era that has since died off due to heavy saturation. It had no plot whatsoever and I could care less about any of the main characters. The acting wasn't very good and it never showed any build up of any of the characters rise to power. It says on the DVD cover that Shottas will rank up there with Scarface or City Of God as a classic, what a gimmick. This movie sucked major I'm not allowed to write you know what. This will definitely rank somewhere in your bargain bin at the local Wal-Mart. I give it 3 out of 10 stars generously.
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I dunno people...
QAkashaX3 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Shottas seemed kind of pointless to me. I mean, music, cars, half naked woman, guns, sex, money, you know the regular add some yawdies inna it and what you get: A pointless, gun happy Jamaican movie which I'm tired of seeing. It seems that the only thing you see we come up with. The storyline wasn't good enough for me to enjoy the watch. Me being a Jamaican Canadian, I feel a little disappointed that this movie did so well in the eyes of a lot of people I know but really Jamaica, we can do so much better. The acting from what I remember was actually good.I loved Mad Max. He was very watchable. He was different. His character had the most depth to him. So if more time was spent into the storyline, character development,editing and plotting, then this movie would have been really good, but personally, I was left empty after watching it.

But if you like the things that I stated already then you'll enjoy it. Actually you'll absolutely love it. I know a lot of people who likes it and some people who feel the way I feel. But everyone has their own opinion
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Straight-up rawness
whoTheFuqRyou24 July 2003
I was very entertained by this yaad-man's gangster flick. Spragga Benz is great in his first true role as a Jamaican drug dealer/gunman...Lots of familiar faces were seen in this from Wyclef to Lennox Lewis down to Tyson Beckford(Biker Boyz)... Haven't seen it on DVD but I will be sure to buy when it shows up
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Crucial Message to the Youth
bemyfriend-4018412 March 2021
Crucial message to the youth. All you need is a gun. And you will have a mansion filled with women; an expensive car, and everything else you could dream of. Don't worry about the police. Don't worry about armies of police. With tanks and planes and bombs. They won't do anything to stop you. And if you shoot people, money will just materialize like magic in front of you. You can shoot government officials during the day, and you'll still be rich. Does anyone believe this? No one could be that stupid. I gave it three stars, because I like the music; and the women were pretty.
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Low Budget, but the movie is clearly above the Hollywood waste.
eufory22 April 2007
I read that the movie is very bad. I don't agree. Some scenes are filmed like soap-opera but in general the movie avoids all the clichés from the Hollywood films. I recently saw Miami Vice from Michael Mann and I hated it. For Hollywood there are only good guys and bad guys. Just that, nothing in between. Instead in Shottas shows you exactly how gangsters are created. Created by imitation. Dreaming of a nice life that will never come. Music score is very good and Marley is good even he is not a real pro-actor. Some of the gangsters look like if they were taken from the real shanty-towns of Kingston. That is good. Shows authenticity.
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Noisy, obnoxious action trash
Falconeer3 January 2010
The most impressive thing about "Shottas" is the nerve the promoters of this tacky cheapo had, when comparing it to the likes of "City of God," and "Scarface." Technically speaking, "Shottas" is fine, but the total lack of character development destroys this one. A bunch of unsympathetic Jamaican murderers run around Jamaica shooting other drug dealers. Then they go to Miami and shoot some more drug dealing murderers. Unfortunately, nobody cares who dies, because there are no decent guys, or loyal friends, just a bunch of scumbags shooting each other. There is not even a female character to sympathize with; every woman in this trash is a cheap whore who will screw any gangster with a Rolex and a gun. Seemingly penned by a 10 year old, this is insulting garbage of the worst kind. Shot with an annoying and dated MTV music video style, "Shottas" is noisy, headache-inducing vomit. How dare they compare this throwaway to a masterpiece like "Scarface." I would say more, but I have already wasted enough of my time on this commercial effort to shock the mainstream crowd... What a depressing embarrassment for all involved...
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Top Shottas are Back
majorwinters200112 January 2007
this by far is One of the realest movies from Jamaica to hit the streets internationally since Rockers and Harder they Come...Cess Silvera Has by far Made one of the Greatest Jamaican Movies of Modern time...The Official New Release is So Crisp and Clear.Beats the Bootleg that I've had since 04...Lookin forward to Shottas 2...The Revised Soundtrack that Stephen Marley did Far surpasses the Wack Wyclef Soundtrack from the bootleg. Ky-Mani and Spragga Benz are Perfect for the roles they portray, Along with the rest of the carefully hand picked cast of the film. It's real and raw and shows the corruption of the Jamaican Government and Police that continues today.
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Sounded like it might be good....
tbprkr6 October 2019
My issue with the movie is that I, as an English speaking American, was not able to understand half of what was being said. If you understand the dialect I'm sure the movie is a lot better. I kept looking for English subtitles.

About 1/3 of the way through I couldn't take it anymore. The acting wasn't that great. The soundtrack was pretty good.
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Good music & T/A, alright acting and non-developed plot.
imdb-15-gmgriot3 May 2004
Video merchant said was a modern day harder they come. And then noted the big name artists Wyclef, Spragga benz and Bob Marleys son. How could you go wrong?

Video quality really bad, maybe I got the DVD bootleg? Story unimpressive and lacking any real moral twists. Every scene is just macho word play and shootouts. I could care less if anybody got murdered. Classics like the harder they come or say good fellas,scarface or godfather had feeling, ,action, violence and a story. This flick has no heart more akin to a glorified music video. Good music & T/A , acting wasn't terrible but overall under-developed plot.

Do yourself a favor and skip this one.
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Jamaican classic
acedada200027 June 2007
Shottas is not the greatest movie made nor is it the worst movie made. It's an honest effort from a no name director thats trying to make his mark. If you didn't know , Shottas was a huge underground bootleg hit before it finally came officially available thanks to Sony in January of this year. Obviously Sony saw it fit to push this underground classic. West Indians will appreciate this movie more than anyone else because it shows a dark but real side of what goes on in the Jamaican underground crime scene. Yes this is probably the darkest film to come out of Jamaica , but at the same time it also is probably the best. If you keep up with Jamaican cinema you should know most of their gangster films. "The harder they come" , "Third world cop" are more than likely number 2 and 3 under Shottas.
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Is there a way to give something zero stars?
carrieglenn18 August 2005
This is the worst movie I've ever seen. I'm having trouble identifying the worst part of the movie, so I guess I'd just go in random order: The quality of the film itself is exceedingly low. I've seen a lot of rapsploitation movies, but usually there's some move toward making them visually palatable. Shottas makes no pretense in that direction. No one in this movie can act. The sex scenes are awful. Totally unsexy. Weird angles. Obvious musical choices. The patois is pretty clear in most places, but the few time it would have been nice to read the subtitles, they weren't clear (up against the wrong color on the screen). And the subtitles skipped whole blocks of text. I could go on, but I'm at work. Seriously, though. If you have to choose between watching this movie, or shoving dull pencils through your eye sockets, grab the pencils.
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Grimy Gangster Movie
marek42030 March 2003
This is one sick movie. Described on the cover as the 'wickedest bloodclot gunshot movie ever!', Shottas proceeds to live up to those expectations. The Soundtrack is really good, sets the tone and atmosphere to the key. There is no pointless subplots involving a female lead. I was really surprised that the actual story was much better than expected. I thought I was in for one of those stupid movies with rappers (i.e. Belly). Kymani Marley and Spraga Benz are both excellent.
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Possibly the WORST movie I've ever seen
victorherm5411 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This could very well be the worst movie I've ever seen. Everything about it just screams AMATEURS. Seriously, I'm not kidding when I say that me and my friends could probably get together over the course of a couple of weekends and make a better, more intelligent movie than this.

The characters are completely flat, and if they weren't flat (which they are), I still don't think the "actors" (like Bob Marley's son or Wyclef Jean) would have the acting chops to portray them as anything interesting.

The movie is filled with horrendous inconsistencies. Bob Marley's son (Biggs) will be speaking American English and then suddenly he'll be speaking Jamaican English and go back and forth, like he totally forgot he was supposed to be in character. There's a montage scene early on where they show the guys taking over territory in Miami, and one of the scenes shows Biggs and Wayne getting pulled over and arrested, but the movie just hums along like that never happened (What the hell??). There's a scene at the end where "Mad Max" shoots the final intruder who's trying to kill Biggs, and you see the guy getting shot at least twice, including one in the chest. But 2 seconds later, you see the guy get up and run away and the gunshot wound to the chest has magically disappeared. hahahahahah It would be funny if it weren't so freaking pathetic. The head bodyguard for Bruck Shot Teddy who goes to Biggs's house at the end carries a shotgun that fires like a BB gun, and as soon as he kills Biggs's girl (who proceeds to spit watered-down ketchup out of her mouth as a sign that she's dead), he leaves. I guess he forgot he was supposed to kill Biggs. Or maybe he realized that his BB-gun-pellet-shooting shotgun was very weak so he decided to bolt.

I could go on and on. The movie is flat out awful. It makes attempts at the end to try to create some kind of emotional story of two life long brothers and their journey, but it fails miserably and is just laughable in its attempt. This is a movie made and written by a bunch of AMATEURS.

Do yourself a favor and avoid this movie, unless you appreciate some good old fashioned unintentional comedy and you're looking for a good laugh, then I might recommend it. Maybe.
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keedy1236 October 2007
Shottas is a good-ass movie.It's meant for people who like foreign and action movies.People who made bad comments on this movie and the director are just ignorant and have no respect for other people's culture.You wouldn't like if we talked about your movies and your culture like that.Everyone is just used to all these Hollywood actors and stupid movies with these "big stars".Cess Silvera is a good director and the actors are cool and talented.How dare u insult some of Jamaica's biggest star.Don't let me get started about the comments on the actors,How dare they insult Bob Marley's son.Shame on you ignorant people.

Shottas is one of the best movies I ever seen.Big up Jamaica
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Good music, dumb movie.
deloudelouvain10 January 2021
Shottas is another example of a highly overrated movie. Okay it's low budget but that's not an excuse, there are good low budget movies, but this one is just not of them. The story is just dumb, though guys playing gangsta, that's about it. The acting is below mediocre, nobody from that cast will ever be a good actor so they should just give up on that dream. The only good thing about Shottas is the music. The soundtrack is all Reggae and Raggamuffin of good quality so that was a positive thing but for the rest it's just not good at all.
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