Superman (Video Game 1999) Poster

(1999 Video Game)

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Classifying The Worst Is Not A Good Idea
ramon-rodriguez3118 May 2017
When people engage in making something, it is crucial that they should work together and agree on one set of things. But what happens if those involved in the project have differing opinions in making things and therefore have no or little agreements? That's what happened to Superman 64.

While developer Titus already had a plan to make a Superman game, their licensors Warner Bros. and DC came up with irrational restrictions. I guess the restrictions made things very difficult for Titus which is why the game was unfinished despite two years of work.

Titus wasn't a bad game developer. In fact, they released a much better received N64 game called Automobili Lamborghini two years earlier. Therefore the blame is entirely on the licensors.

When it comes to video games, we should only classify the best among them. We should also document them based on their qualities or importance.

When it comes to what's wrong with some games, we can write about their problems. That way, what we write can serve as lessons to those who consider making games. However, I do not recommend the idea of classifying some games as the worst. For me, classifying the worst is nothing but a way to destroy the image of creators. Game makers want nothing more than to make the people they serve happy. However, certain things can get in the way, thus affecting a game's development. Creating a 3D video game back then wasn't very easy as the technology was new and far more sophisticated than making 2D games. If a game's qualities fall below expectations, we should at least commend the developers for their efforts.

In Titus' case, I bear no cynicism toward them. Instead I feel sorry for them. Superman 64 could have been a great game had it not been for the unreasonable rules dictated by WB and DC.
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What Were They Thinking?!
Superman 64 pisses all over one of the world's greatest superheroes in a truly tremendous insult of a game. It's so insulting to Superman as a character that it's kind of incredible in that respect. There is not a single ounce of 'good taste' in all the bad content this game has to offer, or through the lack thereof. Superman 64 is the most pathetic excuse of a game one could possibly think of. The game doesn't even have proper gameplay and the infamous flying-through-rings sections unfortunately is the majority of the gameplay.

Usually when small-house game developers take on a project with the stable IP of a character like Superman it takes unique and lacking effort to make a game THIS bad. Superman 64 is unfortunately one of those very games. IT. IS. BAD! And Titus may have very well gone bankrupt due to this game's notorious legacy and how it affected their future productions. They were doomed when the limits against the project forced them to make a contrived game that feels like an absolute chore to play through.

This game deserves a zero; I can't give one here but my god does it deserve whatever bad reception it got at the time, and STILL gets now. This is a Class A example of what NOT to do in video game-making.
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Superman 64 is not the 'Super' as well, and funny too
aryannagaraju3 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
(WARNING ⚠️: May contain course language and spoilers too)

Superman 64 (1999) - Worst game of all time - IGN, Wired, FOX TV, BBC World, BBC, PC Accelerator and Cinemassacure.

At less, I'am incoming to the first Superman 3D game in N64 (Nintendo 64), This might be - Superman 64

Titus, the oldest game company in the 80's might make the best game ever inspired from one famous DC Comics superhero, Yes you know it! It is Superman!

Superman was started in the 1960's - 1970's, It was considered as the first DC Comics superhero of all time, Yes, Owned by Warner Bros. Entertainment, Can it get worse? Can it be serious? Nope.

In 1999, Titus made a game called Superman 64 as it was going to be the best game in the 90's, But nope, It gets worse.

The graphics are okay, But the levels suck, You fly through rings, again and again, Destroy cars, Fly through rings, Destroy cars, Fly, Destroy, and after that you will fight enemies, Glitches are there, No one cares, There is a inappropriate glitch, You can't play it. 😷

Stupid animation and Titus (the company who made) sucked, I would rate it 2/10, because It sucks the king, Max Payne, Like a vacuum cleaner, and all the games too, It is not good, It is funny. 😆, Just serious, cannot be a joke, So many people laugh and hate it (e.g. The Angry Video Game Nerd,, Yeah, that is true, Shall we do the list? Will do!

👨🏼‍💻 GAMEPLAY - Not good.

🚶🏼ANIMATION, BUILDINGS AND WALKING ANIMATION - 🤒 It is so bad, Too much animation? Bullshit.

🤛🏻🤜🏻 PUNCHING - Awkward, yeah


🛣 GRAPHICS - Meh, it is okay

💻 REVIEWS - There are too many critical reviews from users in IMDb, Sorry, Titus, Better make good games next time! But, It has been Bankrupted in 2005. ☹️

This game is rated : E (Everyone) ⚠️ Contains violence. And also, Do not play this game, because it is considered as the worst game ever made by Titus Corporation, DO NOT PLAY IT! 😡
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The worst video game I have ever played
cheeseboy8029 April 2001
God! THIS GAME IS HORRIBLE. This game is horrible beyond words. The gameplay, graphics, and sound is all bad, everything is bad about this game. I don't know why Nintendo allowed this game to be release. I think Superman 64 should be ban from stores. I would rather pick up trash in a snow storm than play this game, it's that bad!! WORST GAME EVER!

I give this game 0 out of 10
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A worst game of the earth
rafaelcinque18 March 2019
The game is a s*%@ ,never buy this game , if you find a copy, of course , the Superman its terrible to control , control his WALKING it so difficult and control the flight is the more hard thing of the world.
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Arbuthnaut21 October 2002
DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. Superman looks like a lego man, and the city has no detail. Do you ever remember seeing Superman fly through rings? that's right, it's one of the main objectives in this game! If you miss a ring, it takes about 10 minutes for Superman to turn around. Flying takes about 37 taps of the Z-Button to take off and land. There is alot of fighting...tornados, shadows, CARS, yes, CARS. bottom line DO NOT BUY THIS GAME, DO NOT BE PAYED TO PLAY THIS GAME.
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Just Plain Gosh-Awful
zombear2 September 2002
I had the misfortune of renting this stinker one evening a couple of years ago. I thought it would be fun to use all of Superman's awesome powers to fight the forces of evil. What I got, though, was the opportunity to use Superman's awesome powers to do the butterfly-stroke through the dense green fog of a virtual Metropolis created by the evil mid of Lex Luthor. Seems ol' Lex has Supes trapped in a virtual world (don't ask me how that happened) and is torturing our intrepid hero by making him fly like a drunken blue jay through a series of rings floating all-the-hell-over the place. If you can get past that part, you can pick up a car and fly it to the end of the street. Woo.

The next level has you running about (not much room for the poorly-executed flying) through a sewer system getting the crap kicked out of you by random robot guards. "Use heat-vision," you say? Well, I'd love to. But, true to the comics and movies that we all know and love, the Man of Steel can only use his powers when he finds the little icons scattered around the level, and even at that you have a very limited number of uses. And they're not very effective, anyway.

Well, if you can stay awake long enough to get past the sewer level, then it's back out to the aerial slolam course to herky-jerk your way through the cleverly placed hoops. Luthor, you fiend!!!

Surely they at least put in a decent multiplayer game, right? Ladies and gentlemen, multiplayer is even worse than the single-player experience. It's a kind of mine-cart race between Lex and some of the other characters. I don't think Supes is even available for this. (Maybe he's an "unlockable" character for multiplayer.) You just zip around in your little flying bucket, shooting at your opponent and begging somebody to turn it off.

The graphics are unbearable, the sound is inexcusable, and the story (such as it is) is the dumbest thing you will ever encounter in this lifetime. How can the producers of this all-time classic clunker sleep at night? (It came in at #7 in Electronic Gaming Monthly's "20 Worst Games of All Time" - Jan. 2002 issue. It's hilarious.) All in all, avoid this game at all costs.
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There is nothing Super about Superman in this Game
Bullwinkle9611 March 2012
I have the honor of owning a Nintendo 64. I have 2 actually. 1 I got over 10 years ago. I have over 25 Nintendo 64 games and 1 of them is Superman. Lets compare the Good Aspects of the Game with the Bad.

Bad: *The Controls Suck. *The Story Sucks. *The Characters look like Crap. *The Gameplay Sucks. *Titus (The Company who made the Game) Sucks. *The Save Feature Doesn't Work. *You hit a wall and can't move for 20 seconds. *The Punch Sucks. *The Fact I own this Crappy Game Sucks.

Good: *You can turn it off and play Banjo Kazooie.

The story is that Lex has taken your friends and put them in a stupid Virtual World and you have to save them by flying through Rings. I got through the first part which was the 1st of many Flying through Rings stages then I got to this part where you have to Pick up a Car to stop it from hitting a Person. It was at about this time where I Punched the Person or as it looked like randomly move my arms up and down before the Car hit them and then I got game over and had to start at the beginning with the Crappy Rings.

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Superman is not so super here and his game is nearly unplayable.
Aaron13752 May 2012
Superman is one of those comic icons that cannot seem to appear in a really good movie or a good video game. It has to burn him up to see how successful Batman is as he has been in some good movies and two really good games at least. Granted the original two Superman movies are rather good, nothing else has been 'super'. The best game I have ever played with Superman is a Nintendo game where Superman looks all small and it is not a really good game, but it was sadly a lot more fun than this game and most others I have played featuring the man of steel. Perhaps he should get a better agent? The best representation of Superman I have seen is Superman the Animated series. This game is based off that one so it has to be good right? No, no, no and no. This game was released on the Nintendo 64, the worst of the Nintendo consoles released here in North America not including hand-held units. Not saying it was all bad as the Mario game was good on it, the Zelda games are classics, but all to often games would be of this quality on it. Also, it also seems to be a console completely devoid of traditional role playing games. That is my favorite type of game, and I do not recall playing any on this system and I cannot think of any that were released on this one...the Zelda games being the closest thing, but they are considered adventure. So what to say about this game? Well, most people never get beyond the horrid first level where Superman flies through rings as this is the ultimate challenge the fiendish Lex Luther could think of. My friend apparently never could get passed this, you should of seen the look on his face as I made it through the first time. Not only did I make it through the first set of rings, I made it through the first level. His response was hilarious being something along the lines of, "How the INSERT CURSE WORD did you do that?" I then made it to some horrid sewer level or something and promptly quit. The game is just ugly, nearly unplayable and I just do not believe they could not make a cool game based on the very good animated series. The graphics are the 3D block looking type with no textures or anything. Looks like you are watching that Dire Straits video, only the Dire Straits video looked more detailed. Later I would play Superman Returns, the game based on the mediocre movie and it fared better than this, but it to was a disappointment. Poor Supes just seems destined to never be in a good game.
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*Gags* I almost puke when I talk about this.
randyfromscream2 July 2017
This game is a screw up like BatMan Dark Tomorrow. The game have terrible controls, worst missions, and FLYING THROUNG RINGS!!!! Who thought this game would be self sold out? I'd rather play with wet dog s**t then this CRAP! The game was so bad that The Angry Video Game Nerd can't beat the game like this is one of the most disappointing game ever created and I hope Titus went down hill after releasing SuperMan 64.
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Superman: N46 Edition
dmace-5574818 November 2020
I've heard that this is the worst video game of all time. I've tried to play the game on an emulator 1 time. But the controls are so hard, & glitchy. I'd rather play Spider-Man for the PS1 than this garbage.
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Looks like Superman stroke into his super-dick
LucaElliot1232 July 2014
Since the game is said to be one of the worst games of all time, i tried it out and it was horribly bad accuracy, bad graphics and hardly unplayable. The game has with Superman trying to save his friends from a bad-looking Lex Luthor and Superman must save them but suddenly he must fly through rings. I cant even bother how much time i need to get to the end of the rings. Just like the first-of-the-half Level you must do hard-challenges then do more rings. What's the point of that.

The only thing good about it is that it has With Malcolm McDowell With and Clancy Brown but the rest of this horrendously bad game is that the Control is awful and the flying is just boring and waste of time. The game has bad companies and no appreciation for Titus

Think hard


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I Love It!!!
TheBadGamingBoy15 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Before people who are reading this review stampede to the conclusion of me loving the is considered the worst game of all time, let me say that I do believe it is a horrible game! But the reason I love it is because it's so bad, it's good(at least in my opinion). I'm kinda like ProtonJon on YouTube. He says the exact same thing I say about this game. But I'm not going to review under his name.

The game goes like this: I've kidnapped your friends, Superman. Go save them. Clancy Brown reprises his role of Lex Luthor(he voiced Lex Luthor in the Animated Series). I feel bad for him. He doesn't deserve to be featured in this video game. He deserves to voice someone who owns a restaurant under the sea with a sponge as a fry cook(you know what I'm getting at).

The controls are just awful, I could laugh at them! I don't feel like telling how bad the controls are.

The game is chocked full of glitches and bugs. In one of the ring missions, I got stuck to a wall and failed the mission!

That is why I love this game! Every time I play it, I laugh at it!!! So... if you like laughing at awful games, then buy this game and let the LOLs begin. If you want a Superman game that's at least half decent, pick up Superman Returns. And if you already had played that repetitive game and hated it, then get a game from the Batman Arkham Series... or any other good game for that matter.
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This game was Kryptonite for both gamers and Superman.
MrPaull03248 May 2024
As a kid, I loved "Superman the Animated Series", which this game was based off of. Needless to say, this was a huge disappointment for me. In fact, if I had to name the worst game I ever played, it's this one. It's a broken, half-finished mess that should never have been made.

Lex Luthor has kidnapped Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, and Professor Hamilton and trapped them in a virtual version of Metropolis. Now Superman must enter this virtual reality to save his friends.

Right off the bat, the game throws you into a timed-ring course with no tutorial on how to control Superman at all. You don't even begin with all of his abilities, only flight and super strength. You'll spend half the game in these ring courses, which are infuriatingly difficult given the awkward and unresponsive controls. The pathetic draw distance due to "Kryptonite fog" limiting your vision only makes this harder. You'll even find this fog within the interior sections of the game!

The graphics were atrocious for the time. The character models are blocky and rough. The virtual Metropolis buildings look bland and untextured, and the lifeless streets below are entirely flat and look like children's playmats. The interior sections are no better with basic designs and textures only marginally better than outside. The sound effects, such as enemy attacks, explosions, and whooshing sounds during flight are repetitive and annoying.

There's bugs and glitches everywhere. You'll find yourself flying through walls, getting stuck in between buildings, falling through the floor, and while trying to solve one particular puzzle, suddenly drop dead for no reason. It's ridiculous.

Outside the infamous ring courses are other tasks that are boring or totally frustrating. During combat, Superman does little besides swinging wildly at random mooks. The bosses are laughably easy, as they possess crappy AI and do little to actually fight you. Even Darkseid (who is inexplicably working for Luthor) is a pushover.

Needless to say, this game was an absolute disgrace to the Man of Steel that deserves its reputation as one of the worst games ever made and definitely the worst game ever released for the N64.
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what a game 💩
erminahotmail11 November 2023
My God this game sucks This game is truly unplayable meaning it has an existing story then the gameplay is not good at all meaning Superman goes through the rings and if you don't enter all the rings you die But sorry How do you die since he it is destructible Exceptfor kryptonite what has to die But the worst thing is the graphics My God how bad are graphics ever put in a video game but you want to know one thing the first three Crash Bandicoot games actually had better graphics than this one But I wonder what it's likepossible of a human being can grant a video game please I ask you please never take this game because you will only waste time playing it since it is not at all spacious to play But when will there be a well-made Superman video game This time since it is the Batman and spider-man games being very successful, to conclude with a rating of 1.
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Despite its bad reputation I decided to give it a chance. I agree that this was a terrible game.
Cinemaniac198431 March 2023
Superman 64 got plastered with many bad reviews right from the very start. There was not one single positive comment about this game. Superman 64 lives up to its reputation as one of the worst games of all time.

The controls are frustrating, the game has a lot of bugs, and race mode completely sucks. It's also pointless having a side mission flying through the golden rings to beat the time. That was totally unnecessary.

The polygon graphics aren't that great either. It tried to stay true to the 90's animated series, but it just didn't work.

Despite the fact Superman 64 had a bad reputation, I decided to give it a chance. After 20 minutes I agreed that this was a terrible game. Good thing I hired it from the local video store instead of buying it.

Unless there is a Superman game that is released in future that has the same success as the Batman: Arkham series, I vmcan safely say that I can't see another Superman series taking off any time soon. It has enjoyed much better success in the various movies and TV series and spin-offs.

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