Shredder (2001) Poster


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Shredder: Slow burn slasher
Platypuschow16 July 2017
Starring the seriously underused/underrated Lindsey McKeon this is a highly colour by numbers slasher with a couple of redeeming features.

For a start the setting is great, set high up the mountains where all the snowboarders/skiers dwell. Next is the cast, better than you'd expected considering what type of film it is. And finally though they are deep into the film it does have some quite neat ideas! Blending the excellent Out Cold (2001) with one of a billion generic slashers pays off with bits of comedy thrown into break free of the predictable tedium of the genre.

You won't even easily predict the identity of the killer, I was astounded when it turned out not to be Reverend Green in the kitchen with the rolling pin! Flabbergasted I tell you.

Better than you'd might think but still instantly forgettable.
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Not quite as bad as I thought it would be
Snake-66620 May 2003
This film, directed by Greg Huson, is about a group of teenagers (oh joy) who go away for the weekend to a disused ski-resort that apparently one of the teenager's fathers is planning to buy.

In echoes of such campsite slashers as Friday the 13th it seems that this deserted ski-resort is not deserted, a strange skier in black seems to glide around the slopes.

It's a shame this movie started off so badly as the last twenty minutes are pretty good fare for a teen-slasher. Much of this movie was bad, badly directed, badly acted and badly scripted.

Kimberley (played by Lindsey McKeon from 'Saved By The Bell: The New Class' "fame") put in one of the better, but still poor, performances but often seemed like she was forcing the words. However, she was playing a character that was trying to be seen as someone to detest, which she managed to pull off for a small while so credit for that. Of course, one may think that is due to the script, but no...There is so much useless dialogue and so much

lack of useful dialogue that it's hard to actually understand what's going on. At times it seemed like the actors were improvising. It all makes sense eventually, but you do have to look for your answers.

Except for one thing that is, towards the beginning of the film on their way to the resort, the teens stop off at a service station. After a girlie chat in the bathroom the girls run into a European guy named Christophe (Brad Hawkins). After talking with him for a couple of minutes they invite him along. One question - why?! How many women are there out there who would do that? I'm sure even the girls out there that act like Kimberley does in this film wouldn't do that. But anyway, I digress a tad.

Another problem with the film is the way they introduce the characters. Almost all the other characters in the film suddenly just make an appearance and then come back much later. Also the acting abilities of these extra characters (especially a pervy Sheriff) was highly questionable. For the short time that they are on screen though it doesn't really matter.

The directing for most of 'Shredder' was sub-par but, having said that, there were a couple of quite well done ski-chase scenes. They were fast paced and aesthetically good. I must also mention that there were some good scenery shots of the snowy mountains. Huson adopted an MTV-style approach to the direction which was mostly an annoyance. It seemed that there were (towards the beginning) many filler scenes which served no purpose to the script just so punk-pop music could be played on the soundtrack. Whether this is his style I don't know having not seen his only other film as a director, 'Decaf', and according to it's IMDb page, no one else has either.

The make-up quality was inconsistent. Sometimes the make-up is quite good, fairly realistic looking and quite gory but othertimes it is extremely fake looking and poorly done. The quality of the make-up generally improves later in the film, so maybe two different guys were doing the effects? Thankfully though, apart from a quick and unfortunately cartoony image at the end no CGI was used.

What's most important is the actual film though and like I mentioned previously, the ending helped salvage it. The first hour of the film is where most of the problems I've mentioned can be found. The last twenty minutes on the other hand seemed fairly well thought out. Admittedly there were a few consistency problems and the lack of previous and current interaction between the teenagers and the other characters in the film harmed the quality somewhat but I still have to give some credit where it's due. If the film had been given an extra 10-15 minutes, or hadn't used so much filler, it could have been improved. It's the lack of understanding that begins through the non-development of the characters and ideas that's the problem. A little more character interaction and some extra dialogue would have made everything much more plausible and coherent. Another thing that shamed the ending was the quick array of plot twists that were tried. None really worked well and unfortunately it made things a little sloppy. There were some good suspense scenes and a few moments that might increase your heart-rate but this film isn't really scary. Also, despite being a small gore content, most of the killings are either off-screen or a camera turn which flicks back to the finished result.

Will I watch this again? Yes, probably. I wouldn't say it's worth checking out (I definately wouldn't go out of your way) but there are much worse films out there. At least the last twenty minutes somewhat helped to salvage the film, though not entirely fixing the mess the first hour made the film definately upped it's rating from me in that time. If you see it and like the sound of it then you should check it out. Think 'Friday the 13th' with less of a story and set at a ski-resort and your getting close here. I'd say 5.5/10
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A solid slasher film with a few flaws...
Zombified_6607 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I think a few people have missed the point of Shredder. It isn't supposed to be Citizen Kane, it's a slasher movie fer cryin' out loud. All bile aside, Shredder is an entertaining 90 minutes of tongue in cheek slasher silliness.

Where Shredder excels is its decision not to try and reinvent the genre, just to bend the rules a little. Like bigger movies such as Freddy vs Jason and Scream, Shredder sticks pretty firmly to its roots but injects a little humour into proceedings. For the most part this is warmly accepted and enjoyable, such as a soon-to-be victim flying down a hill towards his death as a Blink 182 style song intones 'somebody kill me' in the background, or an early kill spending most of the first half of the movie floating around on a ski lift without anyone noticing them.

Sometimes it just falls flat on its face between two stools though. The video diary guy is a waste of good film stock, and even if his death is satisfying, he still stuck around too long for my liking, and I could never really tell if he was supposed to be funny or not. Similarly, a lot of the script sounds like a bunch of very old people started to randomly brainstorm 'hip lingo' into a random sentence generator. The scripting flips from clever to stupid far too often for my liking.

However, even with one total waste of space in the cast and a really cheesy 'down wid the kidz' script, Shredder is still a right old laugh. The kills are a little thin on the ground, but what you do get is inventive and messy (Feel like seeing someone get their head taken off their shoulders at 30+mph? Watch this.) Also, despite a few pacing difficulties (the movie doesn't really kick in until 30 minutes in) the movie is pretty good at keeping you interested. Despite the script, most of the young cast are eminently watchable (especially since aside from the video-jerk most of the really bad characters die early anyhow) and act pretty convincingly. Lindsey Mckeon (who's the only person I've seen in anything else, that being an episode of Grounded for Life) is especially good as the spoilt little rich brat.

So, how's Shredder rate? Well it won't see anyone rethinking their top 10 movies (unless you really like slasher flicks) but it's a good fun watch. I think watching it more than once is over-egging it a little, but if you watch with an open mind you'll probably enjoy it. And if you don't just keep repeating this mantra 'The annoying guy dies horribly...the annoying guy dies horribly...'
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Wintry horror
LDRose10 September 2004
Admittedly, this is not a classic horror flick but it is enjoyable nonetheless. The action takes place at an abandoned ski lodge - there is a killer stalking the snowboarders, known as 'shredders'. The teen characters (predictably, they look older!) are typical clichés of horror movies. There is a surprising amount of gore and you root for the 'good' characters. I liked the wintry setting, there are some good stunts and the whole movie is a guilty pleasure.
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sadly not the Tmnt spin-off I was hoping for
movieman_kev13 September 2005
A group of 'teens' go up to the mountains to go boarding. But someone doesn't like that they're there illegally, trespassing on private property, and breaking the safety rules to boot. So they're stalked and killed one by one. The intentional humor falls flat, yet luckily the unintentional humor saves this film from being totally unwatchable, but only barely. The 'teens' are horrible actors and whiny people and their death scenes are a hoot. Would I ever watch it again? Nope, but I had fun seeing it the first time, well perhaps not fun, but I wasn't hating my life. The beer helped. What din't help was the cardinal sin of Slasher films: showing a shower scene with NO nudity.

Eye Candy: Holly Towne as Robyn shows her mosquito bites

My Grade: D+
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The least convincing horror movie of all time
Maciste_Brother31 March 2005
When I believed I saw the worst films yet (JUNIOR, COLD CREEK MANOR or INSEMINOID...), here comes SHREDDER, which is, without a doubt, the least convincing horror film of all time. The only good about it is that it was shot on film, not video. Yep, that's its only good point.

I have to admit that the body on the chair-lift scenes made me laugh. But the rest is absolutely awful and stupid. Pure junk on film. Nearly rivals PLEDGE NIGHT in complete awfulness and sheer waste of film stock.

Would make a memorably awful double feature with the equally wretched ICED, another moronic slasher set at a ski resort.
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Shred It Untill It`s Dead
Theo Robertson22 September 2003
Coming up with a generic plot is often compared to shuffling a pack of cards in order to come up with a slightly different plot each time . Unfortunately by the end of the 20th century the pack of cards entitled " Bunch of teenagers get stalked and killed " had been shuffled to death and what the post modernist humour of SCREAM did was bury the pack once and for all . Guess how the producers of SHREDDER ( A made for video movie released in 2002 ) take a new approach ? That`s right they make the teenagers snowboarders !

Just to explain the reason why teenagers get bumped off in these type of movies is to introduce a subtest of proteastant ethics . Horny teenagers both slappers and studs who have sex just for the fun of it must be horribly murdered as retribution for being promiscuous while the gutsy virgin must survive the film as reward for keeping her honour , but unless I`m missing something there`s not one honourable virgin ( Well female ones ) in this movie or any sympathetic character at all . In fact if I bumped into any of these characters in real life I`d be hard pressed not to put an ice pick through their heads . Oh and there`s a scene at the end that can be described as cheating . I won`t spoil it for you but you`ll know the scene when you see it .

If there`s any film producers out there thinking of making yet another movie about horny teenagers getting sliced and diced can you please consider another career option
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Shred This...if you want to!
SpeedyFromTheBerks14 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
SHREDDER starts off with a great first kill but quickly travels downhill faster than the people do in the movie on their snowboards.

In SHREDDER, a bunch of young twits make their way up to Rocky Summit, a deserted ski area that one of the parents of a aforementioned twit is going to buy. Twit. That's my word of the day.

On their way there, they stop at a gas station. The girls have to use the bathroom. Upon exiting, they notice a guy outside the door who may or may not be who he seems. The girls, being the twits they are, invite him along to join them at the ski lodge. And the guys, being the twits that they are, don't really put up much of a fuss.

When they get to Rocky Summit, it is all chained up and they, the twits, have to break in. Bad choice. They should of just stayed in the car and headed back down the mountain. That way I didn't have to sit through an hour and 20 minutes (give or take) to see where the movie was gonna go. And, like I said, it went downhill.

Seems the mountain is haunted by the ghost of a young girl who was killed when some snowboarders, no doubt twits themselves, ran her off a ski trail while she was skiing. Now someone is going around killing snowboarders who don't know how to follow the rules of skiing/snowboarding. Who could it be? The real question would be, "who cares?"

I will admit that the film does have some funny moments. Like when the one twit gets hung on the ski lift. Everyone seems oblivious to the fact that there is a dead twit who just keeps going around and around on the ski lift. That was humorous.

Kind of sad though that the best two deaths come at the beginning and end of the movie. Although the last death is a bit cheesy. And I found it psychically impossible for the killer to be who the killer was.

All and all, I cannot recommend 'SHREDDER'. It is full of the usual clichés of dumb twits doing the dumb things that they do in horror movies. At one point one of the twits says, "The next time we're being stalked by a serial killer, don't go into the basement." No, but it is okay to wander off by yourself and leave people alone when their is a killer on the loose. Like I said, they are TWITS!!!
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Very good for what it is
preppy-39 April 2005
An annoying bunch of 20 somethings go to spend a weekend at an abandoned ski resort. They plan to go "shredding" (snow boarding) and whoop it up. All the stereotypes are in place: the nice girl; his girlfriend; the female slut; the maybe lesbian; the crazy "funny" guy; the constantly stoned guy and the mysterious European guy they pick up along the way. Also the "funny" crazy guy is constantly videotaping everything and we get extremely annoying, jarring cuts to his footage. This has quickly become a cliché since "The Blair Witch Project". Can we put it to rest now? It also seems the resort was the site of an unsolved murder...and there are rumors that the killer is still around...

It all starts out great with a bloody, gruesome murder...then falls apart quick. All the characters are annoying with the girls constantly prancing around in their underwear and being used (and filmed) as sex objects. Some people have complained that there wasn't enough female nudity in this film. know what? Not EVERYBODY wants female nudity in a horror film! As a gay man I find it boring and pointless. This film deserves credit for not having too much. And they do have hunky handsome Brad Hawkins shirtless a lot! That's a good thing. Also we have to wait 40 minutes in till the next murder. There's also a really stupid final revelation at the end and I love how a dead person mysteriously is alive at the end! On the good side: the acting isn't bad. That's surprising in a film like this. The best acting comes from Hawkins and Juleah Weikes. The only bad performance is from Scott Weinger. It's not entirely his fault...he's given little to work with but he does try. And there are a few very amusing lines. At one point Cole (Weinger) is constantly accusing one person of being the murderer. When they find that person dead he say's "All right--it's not him. Let's get out of here!" Also when a woman finds some dead bodies in the basement she goes screaming upstairs. Pike (Weikes) confronts her saying, "For future reference, the next time we're stalked by a serial killer do NOT go into the basement." Also the murders are VERY violent and incredibly bloody (I mean this as a good thing). The film also really picks up speed and the final half hour is good, fast and violent. The film has high production values (for a direct to video feature). It has some nice direction during the shredding episodes and the cinematography is nice, clear and crisp.

A lot of people have blasted this film but...come on! It's a direct to video horror film! What were they expecting? "Gone With the Wind?" It's a fairly good, fast horror flick. Worth a rental but don't go out of your way to see it.
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"If you wanna be like, bi-sexual and bring chicks home, I'm cool with that":
lorddrewsus30 June 2019
Some of the continuity is off in this, and some of the effects suck, like the scene at the end, but this is a fantastic movie. I kind of kept expecting Aladdin to pop up, because the main guy did his voice, but it was great. I like that carnage and it didn't really seem as slow as everyone made it seem. Surprisingly good amount of gore, and sleaze. The story is a little thin, and a little weird but easy to follow.
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Weak Movie with Poor Characters that Had potential
contact-26421 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was alright. Wait a second, no it wasn't. The killer was pretty obvious, and the typical carefree teens who just want to party is so overdone. The movie was so bad, watching the bad character progression and listening to the poor audio quality hurt worse than the dumb ways the characters were killed.

This is one of those movies where you have to suspend your disbelief for the majority of the film. One of the girls get's strangled by her own scarf on the chair lift, and rotates around a good 5 times. Nobody on the hill or at the bottom of the lift seems to notice.

The only character that you end up liking gets knocked out in a stupid car accident, proving she's just as dumb as the rest of them, which diminishes any redeeming quality for that character. The kill offs her, and then she magically comes back to life to save the day.

Bad B movie, I thought it was in the 'comedy' section because it was a parody or had jokes, but nope, the only thing that makes this movie funny is the fact that it sucked so bad.

The acting was alright and if this was a student film I'd say it was good...the poor sequences of time jump editing also made this one hard to enjoy, oh and the sound track was bad...the suspenseful music helped a little bit, but not enough to giving it a passing grade.

4 out of 10
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Pretty good for straight-to-vid
Angelus-169 September 2002
I rented this as second choice to a film that was out of stock and, to my surprise, found it to be a deliciously entertaining and competently produced slasher pic.

Of course there's nothing new in terms of plot or craftsmanship but the present cliches come together nicely in a fun flick that centers itself around the weekend trip of a group of inner-city college kids on a snowboarding (or "shredding") excursion to an old abandoned ski lodge where a past crime still irritates the locals...

A mystery killer-skier all dressed in black takes offence at the shredding culture and so decides to do a little shredding of their own and stabs, slashes and impales most of the cast until their identity is more obvious than a bad drag queen.

Nevertheless, there are some inventive murders on parade, passable acting and neat one-liners and comedy setups (like a recurring joke about a character hanged from the chairlift that no one seems to notice) that are indebted to the recent tidal wave of referential teen horror films. Overlook one or two shoddy effects that reflect the budget and this is a decent way to munch through some popcorn! Best line: "The next time we're being stalked by a serial killer do not go into the basement."
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Unexpected gem
acidburn-1022 November 2022
'Shredder' is a fun throwback to cheesy 80's slasher flicks with a twisted sense of humour, some decent gore effects and an awesome icy setting with the abandoned ski lodge and the gorgeous mountain slopes which gives off an eerie sense of isolation. This is definitely one of the better straight to DVD slasher movies from the time period in the wake of 'Scream' and sure it was never gonna hit the heights of some of the other self-aware counterparts, but it's still a good time.

The plot - A group of friend's head to a remote and abandoned ski resort on Mount Rocky Summit for a weekend of partying and snowboarding. Unaware that the place has a terrible history where a little girl died. A mysterious killer dressed in a black ski outfit starts enforcing the resort rules by killing off the group one by one, could this be connected to the previous tragedy?

I first saw this back in 2003 when it came out and even back then it felt like it was from the 90's, but I didn't care as I actually enjoyed it, sure its not perfect and there are a few things that holds it back slightly such as the clunky editing, the flat cinematography and the disappointing mystery element, but the movie does have a cool concept and setting which harks back to other slasher flicks with an icy setting such as 'Iced' & 'Satan's Blade', but this is far better than those two movies ever could be.

I also really liked the cast they were all likeable in their own unique ways Cole (Scott Weinger) made for a decent male lead, Kimberley (Lindsey McKeon) played the vindictive rich bitch perfectly, Pike (Juleah Weikel) was charming and likeable in her role, Billy O (Skyler) was a little annoying and Brad Hawkins (Christope) was hilariously bad, but was still an interesting addition to the group.

Overall 'Shredder' is underrated for sure with some fun effective scenes and it does border on parody at times, yet thankfully doesn't go all the way and okay it may be a bit sloppy and the whodunnit element is a total letdown, but the movie is entertaining and cheesy as hell and deserves more love.
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It'snow good..
anxietyresister17 January 2006
No, not a film about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle's nemesis, but instead a rather lame slasher flick about a bunch of teens away together on a skiing trip. True to form, they start disappearing one by one, so which one of them is the killer? Not surprisingly, it ISN'T the most obvious suspect. Add some buxom beauties for T & A purposes, a bit of blood here and there and a few minor jump scenes, and you've got yourself a direct-to-video hit. Who cares if the acting is school nativity level and 95% of the movie is just boring talk? The budget is so minuscule that if just the people in the bus queue rented it, it would still make a nice profit. But at what cost? An hour and a half of your life. Personally, I value my free time more than that. You should too. 1/10
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Shred this film and all masters of it, quickly!!!
duntrune1 February 2004
Now I'm a huge fan of low-buck cheesy slashfests, but really, can we have some sort of oh, I dunno, a PLOT????? Wow. Teens decide to go "shredding" at an abandoned ski lodge (conveniently located miles from any help and decidedly spooky looking) where there was.........A MURDER years ago! And someone's looking for revenge on our young, goodlooking, rich and horny teenagers....can you FEEL the suspense? We have the requisite "party girl", the "snobby girl", the "good girl", the "handsome stranger guy", the "nice hero guy", the "dorky crazy guy" and the "quiet loner type", but that's not all! We have the "angry locals" and the "doofy sheriff", and of course our "masked killer" who uses a variety of instruments to do the deeds. I swear they had a copy of "The Idiot's Guide to making a Slasher Flick" on set at all times because this thing is sooooooo predictable. It's wretched in every way possible. It deserves the shredder. I intend to write the producers and ask for a refund of my rental fee, 'cause that's three bucks and I'll NEVER get the 90 minutes of my life I wasted by watching this back.
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Wow, i think they would have had to try to make it suck this bad
fire-5829 November 2011
I gave this movie a 3 because i think you have to be really talented to make a movie suck this bad. I Mean this was really really bad. The only thing that made this movie good at all is that the girls were pretty hot, well 90's hot.

This movie is about some snow board kids and such, They go to this resort and its got some issues.

GET THIS! The Main character was the boyfriend of DJ Tanner in the 90's show Full House! I saw it from the moment he came on he screen it was instant.

Lets just say danny tanner would be very upset with this guy, he is vulgar and riff raff.

This movie is so bad that you have to see it. There are some sexy parts. But just a little. lol
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What you'd expect and nothing more
kuribo20 April 2004
Okay, first of all, anyone watching this film expecting to see a horror masterpiece should be ashamed of themselves. Much like 'Dr. Giggles,' 'Jack Frost' (and Jack Frost 2) and 'Killer Rats,' this is one of those guilty pleasures that you'll only see after you've exhausted your supply of slasher flicks. It's not up to the par of those old Friday the 13th flicks that I so love, but it's not the worst thing ever committed to film. My roommate (also a fan of cheesy horror) asked me if it was good or not. I told her that she has no right to question my taste in horror, since she was the one that rented Ankle Biters. (midget vampires lol)

That said, anyone who's ever seen a slasher flick will guess the ending the EXACT MOMENT the real killer is first shown on screen. There are red herrings galore, but none of them seem to work.

There are actually some great one-liners in this film. And the dead girl rotating around the ski lift was funny, but I wish we could have seen the killer trying to jump up and retrieve the body. That would have been comedy gold.

The acting ranges from decent to downright abysmal, but the script-writing was pretty pathetic. There are numerous plot holes, (One character is actually SEEN DEAD and then is walking around like nothing ever happened.) a great number of stale scenes that add nothing, and predictable as all-get-out sequences. You can guess within the first 10 minutes which characters will die.

By the way, the scriptwriters should win an award for making the blonde girl the biggest jerk girlfriend in all of movie history. Likewise, her boyfriend should win an award for dumbest boyfriend ever.

The blood effects are tolerable, the CGI scene at the end was probably the absolute worst abuse of computer graphics ever put on celluloid.

In short, it's no Friday the 13th, it's not Dr. Giggles, but at least it's not Ankle Biters. Don't expect a horror masterpiece, and you'll probably enjoy wasting 90 minutes on this flick.

** out of ****
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Editing must only be a word to this production staff
jakielaj5 November 2006
Going into this movie and knowing that it was going to be a typical B movie slasher film I didn't set my expectations that high. I also wasn't surprised when I was introduced into the typical cast of this genre. There was the whore, the stoner, the nerdy kid, the less of a whore girl, the main male character, and of course the "good girl". And for the most part the acting in this movie wasn't bad enough to make me shove red hot pokers into my eyes after watching the movie. In fact a lot of the scenes were comical and I definitely had a good laugh at the expense of the characters on screen.

Like most slasher movies you get a good sense of who is going to "get it first". I almost considered giving this movie a better rating 3/4 of the way into the movie.

Without giving too much away the advice I give to those out there that are seriously thinking about renting this movie is to turn it off before the last chapter. You will thank me later and be spared the sight of one of the worse special effects I've seen in a long time. I mean did they really think that it looked good in the editing room or that it would look remotely realistic to the viewing public? The only explanation I have is that either the editing staff was high when they reviewed the footage or simply ran out of funds near the end of the movie. But then again you get what you pay for and I'm glad I didn't pay much. I'm sure my DVD player will require extensive therapy after being force to subject itself to the punishment that is known as Shedder.
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Shred it and forget it
gregsrants14 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
In the horror/thriller genre, where the traditional ‘bad guy' wears a ski mask, Shredder is maybe the first movie that dons it appropriate. Shredder takes place at the Rocky Summit ski resort that has been closed for many months due to murders that were never solved. That doesn't seem to scare away a group of young twenty somethings that break into the abandoned lodge in hopes of hitting the slopes and ‘shredding' (that seems to be a term for snowboarding) the week-end away.

I read the comments on and that was the reason why I rented this debacle. No one claimed it to be Casablanca, but no one seemed to pan it incredibly either. Till now.

Beware, what I am about to write contains spoilers, but then again, these are spoilers for any horror film rushed to video store shelves with colorful packaging. Shredder contains good looking, oversexed youngens, a secluded setting, a corrupt cop, a mysterious stranger, and…..Oh no!.. a hidden basement where the killer stores all his bodies! Didn't see those coming.

So here we are, atop a mountain, away from civilization, I wonder what is going to happen? You guessed it, one by one, the visitors in various stages of undress are killed via all the violent tools available to a killer at a ski resort. These high tech weapons include an ice pick, a fire poker, a scarf, an icicle and my favorite, a slow-moving snow thrasher. Didn't see those coming.

Shredder is a bad film. There is just no way to ski around it. It may not be the worst horror film that I have ever seen, but its not many rungs above it either. All the characters are clichés and writer-director Greg Huson doesn't bring any new ideas to the table.

Maybe the biggest failure of Shredder is in the portrayal of its most essential character, the killer. Masked to keep us guessing as to their sex, this slope-riding maniac is not interesting at all. Too vulnerable, actually. They leave their bodies lying about, they can't make a snowman without body parts exposed, and this wimp even gets thrown off a ski lift chair from the same women that gets her scarf caught in the gears and accidentally hangs herself. Didn't see that coming.

It's too easy to say that a shredder is where this film belongs, but hell, if they are not going to give us anything new to watch, then why should I take the time to think about something new to write.
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Enjoyable slasher from the post slasher era
zombieoutbreak-7419915 March 2021
The start of the movie sets the tone for the rest of the film. The lines are cheesy but funny. The acting is what you would expect from an early 2000s film. Overall it's a fun/cheesy slasher with some pretty gruesome kills!
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Good: Based on Skier vs Boarder antipathy Bad: Poor script, almost no nudity
simmerwahr20 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Weak script, and not enough T and A.

The snowboarders vs. skiers plot engine was good, but the snow boarding in the movie was more boring than shredding (ho ho). The box tries to make is sound like there is some extreme sports/snowboarding footage in it, but there isn't anything of note. Also the music was v. weak (something that snowboarding movies usually at least try to do).

As far as the writing goes, the lame references to the Scream (n+1) movies and other horror movies were a mistake.

As made clear by this movie, the slasher genre needs to grow in new ways. Perhaps the success of the Japanese/HK supernatural thrillers will help move things away from the obviousness of this movie. Another good horror/(semi-)slasher movie: May (2003).

**SPOILER** I will say, there were a few good gory moments, like when the killer is trying to stab someone hiding in a closet with a dead body and the killer's spike grabs the dead head, which separates from the body, and starts going back and forth towards the screaming girl. Innovative, I suppose.
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Shred till your dead!
SYFYguy26 July 2009
Shredder like any classic horror film incorporates, hot chicks, sweet deaths, snowboarding, and a giant snowplow with no regard for human life.

Viewers will be thrilled by not only the skill of the of the urchins and skys (Johnny Tsunami reference) but will also enjoy the suspenseful creative death scenes. It will keep you guessing throughout the entire movie with its complex and original plot!

The best scene by far is the final death sequence which will plow your mind! I recommend watching this scene in slow motion to get the full effect of this carnage.

Shedder is sure to entertain audiences of all ages and is cool as the other side of the mountain.
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The best "so-bad-it's-good" horror flick... ever!
PoisonKeyblade16 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Writing this, I'm laughing just thinking about the movie which I'm about to review. Shredder is filled with stereotypes, horrible acting, a bad plot, ridiculous twists, bad kills, and a hideous script… and I loved every minute of it! The movie is so dumb and strange that it's hard not to like it. This is what direct-to-video horror should be like—moronic and fun! While other direct-to-video movies like 2001 Maniacs are amazing films and subtly use their tongue-in-cheek humor, Shredder takes a much different approach; it's crap, and it knows it's crap.

The acting in Shredder is so atrocious that it's actually a joy to watch, although the lesbian girl wasn't too bad and the male lead was efficient. The kills in the movie are probably its best feature; each kill is absurd, twisted, and hilarious. During her death, one girl exclaims to her boyfriend, "I never loved you!" Another girl strangles to death on her scarf while hanging off a ski lift. The effects look so fake that they're laughable.

Extreme kudos to whoever put together this movie—it's a masterpiece of moronic, preposterous, comedic, direct-to-video horror that is not to be missed. Shredder is sure to go down as a classic that is stupid and, at the same time, somehow enjoyable. See this with your friends; it's sure to send you rolling on the floor laughing.
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Insufferable and ridiculous horror film
gridoon31 May 2005
You know, it takes a certain amount of talent to take a formula as firmly established as that of the slasher movie and screw it up so royally, but that's what they've done here. You suspect the movie is going to be bad right from the start, when the inexpressive cinematography totally fails to capture the beauty of the snowy surroundings. You are certain it is bad after the "shower scene", where we get POV shots and suspense music, only to be revealed that the "presence" in the room is actually (gasp) the boyfriend! The characters are totally unlikable (all the men except one=sex-starved morons; all the women except one=annoying sluts). Perhaps it is possible to make a good slasher film with totally unlikable characters (though I can't think of one right now), but they should at least get graphically butchered, so that the audience can have its "revenge" for the time spent with them. With one or two exceptions, this doesn't happen here. In fact, the killer of this movie isn't exactly very scary; at one point, he stumbles on a corpse, falls down, gets kicked by a girl, gets up, stumbles on the same corpse again and gets hit on the face with a snowboard by the same girl! Michael Myers would take out this pretender in 5 seconds....
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