Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers (2001) Poster

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Endless range of percussion instruments
raymond-153 March 2003
This short film could have been titled "I got rhythm" for that indeed is what it is all about. Our homes as this film shows are filled to the brim with uncoordinated sounds e.g. the flapping of a blind, the clicking of a mouse trap, the rattle of coins in a money box. There is no end to it. My question is: When does sound become noise and when does noise become music? It's all to do with rhythm, and this film has it!

The six intruders in this apartment have lots of fun (despite their dead pan faces) with all manner of every day objects as they work together in a regular beat. I found myself totally involved nodding my head in time and tapping out the rhythm with my feet...waiting expectantly for the next object to come alive.

Although the percussion instruments kept up a regular beat, the orchestration of the sounds varied from ordinary to excellent. It is a fun film filled with ingenious ideas. It has no serious intent. Just sit back and enjoy the rhythm.
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Pretty amazing
planktonrules4 November 2008
This is a rather amazing musical short, as it looked as if it took forever to choreograph it. As a couple leave their apartment, a group of six odd people watch and wait until they are gone. Then, like a strike team, they break into the house and go from room to room playing music using household items such as food processors, glasses and doors as they drum and drum rhythmically. It's very infectious and high quality, so you'll likely find yourself tapping your feet or moving to the music. It is a film that would probably appeal most to teens, though anyone can enjoy it. Plus, even if this "isn't your thing", you can't help but admire the actors and film makers as the film must have taken extraordinary efforts to coordinate all of this frenetic action.
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A joy for the ear as well as the eye
mediaphen13 September 2001
Tradition has it that a short film proceeds the main features at film festivals, and Gothenburg Film Festival is no exception. I've seen shorts at this festival for ages, and they rank between annoyingly useless and downright masterpieces (such as "The wrong trousers"). "Six drummers..." is a story of six drummers who break into an apartment and make music on whatever they find inside (such as toasters, medicine packs, slippers and books). It's playful, innovative and a fresh breeze. The idea is superb, and the perfect timing of the actors/drummers is amazing. I sincerely hope that this film gets all the attention and appreciation it deserves and wins all awards available. Short films are often underrated and seldom shown. Perhaps this small masterpiece can convince theatre owners to add shorts before their feature showings. It can well be as effective for the whole cinema-going experience as an entre/appetizer can be for the whole dinner. "Six drummers..." puts you in the perfect mood for a complete movie experience. Plus, the music is amazing.

Martin, Sweden
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Cool, clever, inventive and funky
bob the moo20 April 2002
When an elderly couple leave their apartment to walk the dog, a team of 6 very serious looking people enter the apartment on a strict time scale. The group proceed from kitchen to bedroom to bathroom to front room, using everything they find to create different patterns of beats and grooves.

I didn't have a clue what this was about when I watched it. At the start I assumed that the group were criminals or something the way they all dressed like cops from the Sweeney and walked with menace. However when they all got into the flat and began using things like blenders, toothpaste, pills etc to make beats I got into it real easy.

I was actually doing my ironing when watching this (a bit sad and domesticated!) and the beats are so good I actually began to bop to them! My favourite was the heavy baseline that they got off a stretched out condom!

The range of objects they use is inventive – but what makes it better is how good the beats sound. They are really funky….I thought that it would get old after a few minutes – but the beats kept me riveted for the whole 10 minutes. The ending is kinda cool but the short is really all about the beats!

Overall – different, clever, inventive, funky. I recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good beat.
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Music is all around and every where.
humbug-117 May 2001
This film is a brilliant little musical thriller, or maybe it is a thriller musical. Everyday activities and props come to life in a musical guerilla attac to a perfectly normal home and totally innocent victims. Marvellous
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milst19 September 2002
This film appeared in a selection of short films on the Sundance Channel (U.S. independent film channel). I had videotaped the program to watch later, and I was blown away when I saw this. The whole thing runs about 10 minutes and I watched it over and over and over. It's just so clever. And the music rocks! If you appreciate comedy, if you a appreciate well-made films, if you are a drummer: you'll love this short.
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Groove is in the heart
karo-629 April 2007
In my youth i used to play in bands and make music, and my pals and bands we played in loved to explore, and to play together on whatever we could find, in house, city or nature; and many times we have played music on kitchen or bathroom stuff like characters in this brilliant little movie; the difference being that we were improvising and just jamming, usually spaced-out on weed; while the "band" in this movie clearly plays exact and precisely thought-out and rehearsed pieces, additionally wrapped in a tight and razor-sharp 10-minute plan.

Well, we were Balkanians, and they're Swedes, so i guess it figures.

The music they produce "out of stuff" in 4 rooms of a house is surprisingly good; a solid and sensible percussion (and not only percussion) groove, and it will draw at least a smile on face of any musician worth his name. The greatest advantage of the film is its concept - a 'game' of playing music on stuff found around house - because it allows for many great little ideas; and authors came up with surprisingly many; majority of them being surprising and funny in their own little ways.

Add to this good little mock-thriller wrapper story of a break-in; add great execution from actors/musicians; add solid editing and direction, and you have probably one of the best exactly-ten-minutes-long films ever.

Apart from 'those obsessed with order' (as some clearly non-musician commentors have suggested), this film will also resonate with:

* All musicians everywhere (including those who aren't ones yet, but should be; and excluding those that are, but shouldn't be) * All fans of good groove in funk and electronica * All who can feel groove in any kind of music * All fans of good short film with a good idea and great execution * Admirers of creativity in general.
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Something's missing
Horst_In_Translation28 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Music for One Apartment and Six Drummers" is a Swedish 10-minute movie from almost 15 years ago and it was written and directed by Ola Simonsson and Johannes Stjärne Nilsson, but don't worry, you don't have to speak Swedish to understand this little film as there is no written dialog in here. It is basically a somewhat overlong music video where people make music in a fairly uncommon way. Basically, it's their way of interaction with one another. Even if the music is not bad at all, I am a bit surprised with how well-known this film here is. I cannot say I was too impressed or even inspired watching this one and I guess there is a reason why the two filmmakers I mentioned earlier did not manage to build great careers on the many awards this film won for some reason. Mediocre watch at best, not recommended.
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FANTASTIC! You MUST see this short film.
Mangetout9 November 2004
I happened to catch this short on broadcast TV some time ago and it has stuck in my mind ever since.

While the owners are out walking their dog, six odd-looking Swedes break into their apartment and pretty much trash the place, but with style and rhythm.

Quirky, but compelling and wholly entertaining. I Can't think of a single way in which it could be improved.

Available on DVD as part of a compilation called SHORT6 (I managed to order a copy from and it arrived this morning - YAY!).

Get hold of a copy now; you'll watch it over and over.
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Ordinary Extraordinary
tedg30 May 2005
Swedes are the most orderly people on the planet. Their sense of propriety is something that this American can only wonder about. That's why this little film escapes me.

The whole point of this is that the six folks who break in are not odd-looking, but quite ordinary and respectable looking. All the objects, even the objects in the bedroom are the most ordinary. The music itself is ordinary. The edge of the film is the confluence of these three ordinary elements: ordinary people where they don't belong, making music of things not so intended.

If you are not one who obsesses about order, then this will not have any resonance and will look like what it is, a student film.

Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
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