Crazy as Hell (2002) Poster


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Crazy Man.. Crazy!
sol-kay19 February 2005
***SPOILERS*** Early in "Crazy as Hell" the head nurse of the Sedah State Mental Hospital where the movie takes place Nurse Danza, Jane Carr, is asked by the head doctor there Dr. Ty Adams, Michael Beach, what she would ask "The Devil" if she ever had the chance to talk to him. Nurse Danza said the following statement that was absolutely stunning: "I'd ask him why he spends his time punishing those that he's supposed to adore to make a point to a God that he's supposed to despise?". The same statement, word for word, is later said by non other the "The Man" or "The Devil" himself to Dr. Adams. This started to make me feel that I wasn't watching some light comedy, about "The Devil", but a very serious and penetrating movie about a subject that has been on the minds of great thinkers since the dawn of recored history.

"Crazy as Hell" comes full-circle when it reaches it's climax. By that time I wasn't at all disappointed in what I saw in the film. Even though at first I didn't at all expect to see it when the movie started. Dr. Adams is invited to be the head psychiatrist, where there's to be made a documentary on his work on curing mental illness, at the Sedah State Mental Hospitle for a month. This is to use his ground breaking theories of curing those that are mentally ill without the use of mind-altering drugs or strong medication, like shock treatment.

At first Dr. Adams' methods work as he seems to cure one of the most psychotic patients at the hospital Cheryl, Tracy Pettit,from her self-destructive actions with out the use of drugs, which up to that time had little effect on her. As Dr. Adams starts to settle down and get into the swing of things in the hospital all of a sudden a person appears there as a new patient calling himself "The Man" or what he's better known as to us "The Devil" Eriq La Salle. From then on it's all down hill for the good doctor.

Dr. Adams is told by "The Devil" that he's really upset because of all the bad press that he's been receiving over the last thousands of years. He wants to set the record straight about himself and wants Dr. Adams to help him in that endeavor. At first Dr. Adams thinks that "The Man" is just a harmless eccentric. Later he sees that he knows a lot more about his past and background that he'll willing to talk about with "The Man" or anyone else.

"The Man" gets so under Dr.Adams skin that one afternoon at a picnic in the park with the other patients he loses it and almost comes to blows with him. Slowly Dr. Adams starts to lose his grip on reality to the point where he talks to his both deceased wife and daughter Veda & Brianna,Shelly Robertson & Khylan Jones. This strange conversation by Dr. Adams is picked up on video tape and, after seeing it, makes the administrator of the hospital Dr. Delazo, Ronny Cox, think that Dr. Adams needs to be treated for mental and psychological trauma himself.

Feeling very hostile toward his patient, which is very unprofessional for a doctor, Dr. Adams now drops his non-orthodox methods in regard to "The Man" and has him put on strong drugs and put in a padded cell and in a straight-jacker for 24 hours. Unknown to him "the Man" has a big surprise for Dr.Adams. When it finally comes it's going to shock him back to where the movie started when his troubles with "The Man" was just beginning.

Different yet vastly superior movie about "The Devil" and how he operates here on earth and in his underground kingdom. Michael Beach is very sympathetic in his role as the troubled Dr.Adams who's sparring with "The Devil" during the movie brings the best out of "The Devil" and the worst out of him which was "The Devil's" plan all along. The end of the movie was both sad and shocking when we, as well as Dr. Adams, see the "Grand Plan" that "The Devil" set into motion for Dr. Adams. It reveled the most darkest secrets that Dr. Adams was hiding from himself, and everyone else, that he kept hidden deep in his sad and troubled soul.

Eriq La Salle was both fascinating and scary as the sharp and witty Devil and played his part as the "Man from Hell" to the hilt. The scene at the picnic with the confrontation between "The Man" and Dr. Adams showed for the first time the other side of the coin of Dr. Adams cool clam and collective personality. As he lost his cool and ended up as crazy, if not more so, then the patients that he was treating.
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Out of the ordinary
xredgarnetx28 January 2008
CRAZY AS HELL takes the good old JACOB'S LADDER approach in a novel direction. A famed psychiatrist (the always likable Michael Beach) arrives at a state mental hospital, called Sedah. He has a different approach to treating the mentally ill: He talks to them, which puts him at odds with hospital director Ronny Cox, who believes strongly in medicating and if necessary restraining them. At first, Beach seems to have some success with his approach. Then a new patient (director Eric La Salle) arrives, calling himself Satan. It's all downhill from there. While all this is playing out, a film crew is filming a documentary on the famed shrink. At one point, they catch him talking to himself when he thinks he is talking to someone, and this is a major tipoff as to what is actually going on, and what's to come. Think of the hospital's name in reverse, and you'll get it. Hell, think of the movie's title and you're bound to get it. The ending is inevitable and a real downer, sort of like a Twilight Zone episode. And a lot like JACOB'S LADDER and CARNIVAL OF SOULS. But don't let this put you off from watching it. CRAZY AS HELL is that rare gem: a TV movie worth watching. It is well acted and directed, occasionally suspenseful, and La Salle keeps things moving along at a decent clip.
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Hard to criticize
deproduction25 July 2002
The first thing that struck me about this film was how trite and over-simplified much of the subject matter was. At first it bothered me; the characters were pretty two-dimensional and the patients in the mental ward seemed very unrealistic. The whole movie took on a superficial and untrue feel that left me uninvolved and failed to suspend my disbelief. However, as the film goes on, you realize this may be on purpose. The film takes on a Lynch-ian feel that culminates in an ending that clearly explains why everything was so simple, shallow, and "perfect". I appreciate Eriq for not shoving the ending down our throat. He is obviously talented and deserves recognition for following through with a film that failed to get support from Hollywood because it isn't a cookie-cutter re-make of the films that Black film-makers continue to crank out. On the other hand, the story wasn't particularly unique either. It very much reminded me of a low-budget "Jacob's Ladder" with a simpler story-line and much more limited production resources. Eriq LaSalle is a great human being with enormous talent and, more importantly, a great perspective on what is important in life. He isn't quite willing to play into the Hollywood system, and although you couldn't tell from this film, he seems to understand the powerful role his artform can play in lifting up (or keeping down) his people. I respect him immensely and I expect great things from him in the future.
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robin175217 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the best movies I have seen in a very long time. It was filmed and directed superbly. I actually had to think in order to understand what was really happening. I would have liked a little more depth with Sinbad's character but, still a great thought provoking film none the less. It was refreshing to see a movie starring and directed by black people with no jive nor sterotypical crap involved in other words..A person of any nationality could have been the lead . I liked being reminded that there are other things involved with life besides politics, trying to score, drugs, and money. I wish that good movies like this were not constantly over looked. I am not saying that I have never seen better but, I watched it twice which is something for me. There is a quote in this movie which facinates me...


Dr. Adams asks the head nurse what question she would ask the devil if she could ask him one. Her answer was " I guess I would ask him why he spends so much time punishing sinners that he is supposed to like just to prove a point to a God that he is supposed to despise?"

It made me wonder what my question would be. Most of the movies I have rented lately make me ask myself one question...Why did I waste my time and money? This one did not. I recommend this movie if you have an open mind with a touch of imagination and can remember that it was filmed in 19 days on a very low budget.
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Not What You Expect - But, Better Than You Expect...
P3n-E-W1s38 April 2020
After reading the blurb and checking out the poster on Amazon Prime I quickly stuck this on my watchlist. It looked like it could be an interesting horror flick... except it's not exactly a horror flick. What you get is an enjoyably creepy psychological ghost story, Even though it wasn't what I was expecting, it is well worth a watch, especially on a cold, wet, and windy winter afternoon: After all, there are a lot of good things about this film - the story, the direction, and the acting.

This is the story of a troubled psychiatrist who is suffering from the loss of his wife and child. He doesn't fully believe in medicating the mentally ill. He considers they could help most of them in a less intrusive way, through talk and actions. A stance that is more widely accepted today. What writer, Jeremy Levin, gives the audience is a well-structured argument for both methods. He doesn't condone one or the other. Add to this the mysterious patient named "Satan" and his belief to be the one and only Old Nick, Lucifer, Scratch... the devil himself, then you have interest, intrigue, and a splash of creepiness.

Eriq La Salle shows off his directing skills and they are strong. This is a well lit and nicely composed story. The lighting effects work to create the mood of the piece. I especially liked the dreamlike impression he delivers when Dr Adams meets Cheryl for the first time. This gives you the feeling of peace, which suddenly disappears when he enters the room and her illness takes control. The sex scene is another perfectly crafted sequence. Structured just right with the subdued light, close-up shots, and sound effects and music - the rhythmic drumbeat is perfection. All of this kept me interested and drew me further into the story.

That said, there are a few scenes that come across as average; they could remove these to make a stronger film. However, these are few and shouldn't hurt your enjoyment of the film and story.

However, it was La Salle's acting that made this movie so watchable. The way he keeps his character, Satan, light and breezy, even in his evil periods, is brilliant. He verbally skips his way through the film and this with the juxtaposition of Dr Adams makes their thrusts and parries more mesmerising. There are times you wonder who is being evaluated.

Though this is truly La Salle's film, the rest of the cast is also well above par... except for Sinbad. I liked Mr Johnson, the orderly who is forever trying to have "a word" with Dr Adams. Though the character comes off a little too bland, and that is something Sinbad is not. He portrays his character well, it's just that I was expecting somebody a smidgen more enlivened.

This is for all of you who like the paranormal and the mysterious. If you have Amazon Prime, then take a look, it is free. Those without, if you see a copy going cheap anywhere, then grab it, watch it and pass it on. This is a "one watch film". Though I enjoyed it and highly recommend it, I won't be rushing to watch it again.

Skip on over and check on my Chiller Thriller Killer and Dramatisation Of Life lists to see where this little flick charted.
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Crazy is as crazy does.
michaelRokeefe11 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Eriq La Salle directs, writes and stars in CRAZY AS HELL. A well known psychiatrist, Dr. Ty Adams(Michael Beach)comes to Sedah State Mental Hospital with an around the clock film crew to shoot a documentary about his non-traditional approach in treating mental illness. Dr. Delazo(Ronny Cox)runs the institution and seems to be the only one with lack of confidence in Adams. Adams appears to be helping some of the self-destructive patients until the day a mystery man(La Salle)voluntarily checks himself into the hospital. The man claims to be Satan and wants to know why the world blames him for everything that goes bad instead of blaming God. Satan becomes the one to pull Adam's chain and forces him to deal with his own innermost turmoil. Comedian Sinbad plays an orderly that is contently wanting a moment of Dr. Adams's time.

Also in the cast are: Jane Carr, John C. McGinley, Tracy Pettit and a vivacious Tia Texada that will make you stand up and take notice. La Salle, who made a name for himself as Dr. Benson on TV's ER, is more than just focused...he is dynamic. You need to be in the right mood for this slightly dark drama.
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Beware...Spoiler ahead
PurpleReign196116 February 2004
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O.K. If you really want a hint... The name of the Hospital is SEDAH State Hospital... Backwards ? Hades!!!

And the fact that the Orderly was trying to tell him, but the doctor kept ignoring him ? Then the orderly tells him, "I was just trying to help you out..." I think the good Doctor was being offered a way out of Hell...but, he was so caught up in himself, he missed the whole point...

It reminds me of "Tales from the Hood" when the gang member was offered a chance to go through therapy, for his freedom (Rosalind Cash, in her last role, played the Doctor offering the thug a second chance)The thug, basically screaming profanities, doesn't realize that he is being given a chance to redeem his soul,and ends up in hell, with the other thugs that killed him (Clearence Williams gives a good Performance in this movie. Check it out, if you have never seen it...) But, over all, I think "AngelHeart was a better movie. Same difference, but this guy doesn't even know he's bound for hell...
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I liked it better when it was called MR. Frost.
paperdragons19 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this story better when it was called Mr. Frost. essentially that is what this is, they have almost the exact same plot line. There are a few differences and this was based on a book, Mr. Frost was not, but it was a a lot better.

Jeff Goldblum makes a much better Satan than Eriq La Salle, who seemed distracted by his directorial duties.

Mr. Frost also looked like it had a considerable budget. Crazy as Hell looks very low budget. It was filmed Hi-Def and sometimes it shows. I hear focus is critical on Hi-Def cameras. There are a lot of shots here that are unintentionally soft. Particularly the opening one - not a great way to start.

But technical issues aside, Crazy as Hell is just not very well written, nor plotted (there are giant plot holes) nor scored (the music is just plain awful, a couple steps below an episode of the 80's twilight zone series). The acting is okay. Only okay. Very stagey, like they had a very limited amount of time.

The ending blows. Seems like La Salle was influenced too much by a movie he was in in the early nineties. Check out his list cause it will be a spoiler if I were to list it here.

Worst of all. Crazy as Hell got boring, and there wasn't very much of Satan in it, which is why you'd rent this. I wanted to see a battle of wits between a Psychiatrist and someone who claims they are Satan. But you get very little of that here.

If you are looking for a better handling of that premise, rent Mr. Frost with Jeff Goldblum.
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I Liked it!!! **May contain Spoilers**
lilmama3413 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It took me a minute to understand it. Well at least I think I understood it. I think this movie can be very easily perceived in different ways depending on the personal beliefs/ ideas of the viewer. For me, I think Dr. Ty Adams was already dead at the beginning of the movie. And since he was one of those people who spent their life trying to help others but not really believing in God or the Devil his soul kinda got stuck in the middle. Which is why he was placed in his element (the hospital) and confronted by the devil, who stated in their first meeting that he wanted Ty's soul. I think the Sinbad character may have been God in a human form to maybe try and save Ty's soul. But Ty never gave him the time of day and said throughout the film that he didn't believe in God. This in my opinion may have prevented Ty's soul from going to heaven thus ending up in hell at the end of the movie. Ty's last words were "I'm a good man!" Thinking that good people don't go to hell. I think that this movie isn't trying to force religion on you, put I do think that it wants you to believe in something. In Ty's case his ego got in the way of him going to heaven.
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Not as good as it could have been
Mercury-428 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Eric LaSalle as the Devil was excellent, one of the best Devils in any movie. And the movie had some strong points, some nice creepy developments and some interesting characters.


What really killed me was the amount of transparent 'borrowing' in the movie taken from similar films. "I know who I am!" taken straight from Angel Heart, the lead character turns out to have been dead all along (Sixth Sense and now The Others), and loads taken from Jacob's Ladder.

I mean movies in a genre are going to borrow from each other, but the scenes in question were just too transparently the same as the ones they were borrowing from.

Also dragging this down was the main character himself, who to me was just too unbelievable. He is supposed to be some kind of fundamentally bad person but his arrogance is just too overdone and I was left with no sense of either sympathy for him, or genuinely disliking him as a bad guy.

He was just annoying.

Poor overall. If you want to sit through the drecky parts to see a very very good Satan, don't say I didn't warn you about the other parts.
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Overacting and boredom
Leofwine_draca21 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My heart sinks when I encounter these "philosophical" horror films and sadly CRAZY AS HELL is exactly that. The story follows a novice doctor at an asylum filled with the usual weird characters and old-timer Ronny Cox as the chief. Before long, a mysterious character who claims to be Satan shows up and a battle of wits proceeds to play out. Sadly it's all very drawn out and uninteresting, with overacting from all of the supporting cast members and very little in the way of interesting incident. A bore, in other words.
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What would you do if you were a psychiatrist and "Satan" was your patient?
disdressed1211 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
What happens you're a psychiatrist in a mental facility and "Satan",himself Becomes your patient?well, that is the gist of this story,and it is brilliant.the movie is provocative,evocative and brings up a multitude of questions,about life,psychiatry/psychology vs theology/religion and the meaning of existence.this is one thought provoking,deep experience.the screenplay is co-written by Jeremy Leven and Eric Jendresen adapted from Leven's own novel "Satan".Leven also wrote the screenplay for "the Notebook", "Alex and Emma", as well as "The Legend of Bagger Vance".Jendresen was the supervising producer for the mini-series "Band of Brothers" as well as the writer for 3 episodes.Michael Beach plays Dr.Ty Adams,the psychiatrist who suddenly becomes the therapist for Satan,himself.Eric La Salle(from E.R fame)not only stars as Satan,he also directs this masterpiece.Both beach and La Salle are brilliant in their respective roles.Beach as a man who starts to question first himself and then this sanity.We see his transformation from a self assured(on the surface) man with a near God complex(ironic,when Satan is your patient),to a complete wreck of a man who questions himself and his sanity,even reality.La Salle is masterful as his character very subtly and slowly,but surely, drives Dr Adams to insanity.La Salles performance is quietly understated,and minimalist,yet (from the beginning) with a hint of what his character is capable of.Add these two brilliant performances with a very strong supporting cast,and you have the ingredients for something special.however,once you add La s Salle's contribution as director,you reach a whole new level.La Salle knows how to get the best from his actors,.where to place the camera,the look of the film. how to create tension and atmosphere.the film is very stylish to be sure,but is heavy on substance as well.La Salle balances the two perfectly,creating just the right mixture.this is not a horror movie,but more of a psychological suspense thriller.if you are expecting frenetic action,you won't find it here.the movie is very dramatic,and may move too slow for some.but if you like a movie that will make you think and may even challenge you beliefs,this is your movie. 10/10
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Crazy as Hell
beckibeetle5 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched Crazy as Hell and am completely baffled and not a little frustrated. I do not understand the ending at all. I really enjoyed the movie; the acting was excellent and the plot was compelling, even though the state hospital setting was implausible in that they are nowhere near as nice, patients can't smoke inside, can't have a lot of personal belongings all over, neckties, sharp things, etc. At least not in Washington State. Even so, it was a thoroughly engaging movie up until the last ten minutes when I became totally lost. If anyone can explain what happened, please email me and/or post a comment. *****spoiler***** Help, please explain: was the Doc really in hell the whole time, or was it a test which he failed and went to hell when he let Satan escape? Was Satan's mother the same being, changing forms, or were they two separate entities? What was the point of the Lupa character, and the custodian (Sinbad) character?
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spoiler - the ending
frankie-688 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
i didn't really appreciate this film. the dialogue was decent but they seemed to tread a thin line between spiritual and emotional, as if the writer was trying to dodge stereotype.

personally, i spent a lot of time trying to figure out the "who-dunnit" scape of the cast. i first thought la salle's character was a figment of ty's psychosis in dealing with the loss of his daughter. at one time i thought that ty was a schizophrenic that killed his family, or whose family was made up to torment him. for a while i was convinced that he was in hell cause he had jumped, and his daughter was a rep of his mortal form. the director i figured as ty's real psychiatrist who was trying to convince him to go on meds for his schizophrenia. then that completely unconnected scene in the club with the girl was ridiculous, and i have yet to realize what significance the video/documentarian crew played except to limit the supernatural in the plot, and maybe develop ty's character (making it more confusing).

i don't know what else to say. i ranked it 4 cause i'd rather watch something that poses intelligent with a promise of depth, than something that's all 8th grade level understanding. i just think they could lead us a little more and not be afraid to wrap it up.
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raysond29 October 2002
"Crazy As Hell" is ER's Eriq LaSalle's directorial debut and it is a good one to watch. Although the movie did not receive much credits,I personally thought it was quite insightful entering the daunting world of a mental institution. Eric did a good job directing this rather uncomfortable topic and kept it up reasonably well as a provokative thriller.

The uncomfortable topic was how do we cure mental illness? It is generally accepted by the scientific world of today,that mental illness is a body of chemical imbalances. One cures it with medication-and lots of it(to be read as...keep the insane as sedated as the Law will permit you to!) How can we say anyone is cured,if they depend on chemicals by the hour? What happens if they missed a dosage-whether accidentally or purposely???

Crazy As Hell argues that other non-medicinal approaches may actually be the solution if we view mental illness as the imbalance of perspectives. Which means,therapy is the better permanent solution. Problem is,(you really have to see this movie for yourself)to be reminded of just how insane and derange most of the patients in a mental institution are. They are simply impossible to talk to,much less to be given therapy. The ones whom you can actually converse with,are so in their psychosis,before you can remotely attempt to cure them they will drive you nuts first! Because there is a good chance that anyone of us could lose a big chunk of our mental capacity is very frightening cause you'll never know what to expect(especially when dealing with mental patients in a funny farm,much less the faculty that works there too).

Only this movie and two others that had come this close to studies of mental patients,"Shock Corridor"(1963);"One Flew Over The Cuckcoo's Nest"-Oscar winner(1975),"Sybil"(1977)-Emmy winner,and most recently; "Girl Interrupted"-Oscar winner(2001)---this one gives a long hard look at goes on inside the minds of certain individuals,especially if they had the capacity to snap at any second.
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Fascinating as Hell (spoilers)
scottiejarrett715 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Never watched "E.R" so this was my first experience with Eriq La Salle, very satisfying. Michael Beach was familiar from "Third Watch" where he played a likable, intelligent doctor, as he does in this film. Ty Adams, the controversial and outwardly over-confident psychiatrist, claims to "cure" mental illness without drugs. His outward egotism covers deep neuroses of fear and self-doubt, especially since his drug-free treatment resulted in the suicides of his daughter-patient, and then his devastated wife. Ty soon finds himself in conflict with Dr. Delazo (Ronny Cox), the passionless director of the mental hospital. Stress increases exponentially when Ty is assigned a new patient, the Man who calls himself Satan (Eriq La Salle). Satan seems competent, not psychotic, and he volunteered for treatment because he wants a soul. Outwardly charming and perceptive, Satan is compellingly honest yet marvelously deceptive. Every confrontation reveals a different incarnation in appearance and affect. Satan slowly strips Ty of his self-deceptions, revealing his inner demons and inability to cope. The last scenes took me by surprise, as each character is revealed in demonic form, and Ty's protestations don't save him from the fate he chose for himself. This film will stand on its strengths of characterization and theme even when the twists are no longer a shock.
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I kept saying this is "Crazy as hell" title perfect!
missleenia17 November 2016
I rate this high. All the acting was excellent. I know this movie was based on a book and they did a great job bringing it to life (even though I haven't read it). This really is a Christian message. It's so crazy and amazing. It's hard for me to find a good movie. What intrigued me was the phychiatrists persistence on his way of curing his patients which was viewed as very egotistical. His lack of belief in God caused him to be in what I'd say a testing phase for a chance to believe.The condition of the crazy house was hard to swallow (lol) but again him trying to save that girl when she stood near the window where there was immense light. Still he would not believe in a God or devil. The devil played the part very well, even by bringing up the garden of eden, asking doc. of his beliefs, he woulnt budge. Still the doctor would not get this place and Satan was getting under his skin but it wasn't till the end he finally believed. This movie was watched multiple times because each time something else would pop up I missed on. His wife and daughter were edging to get to him. How about that janitor? I definitely think his role was to save his soul. The doctor was a good man with no belief in God though which hurt his soul.Really good movie, each time I watch I find some clue. Put out part 2! That would be awesome! Nothing beats the power of God!
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Crazy as hell...CRAZY THRILL
flamin_eyez3324 July 2008
This movie is so twisted, what I l ♥ v e about it is that it's not your typical Hollywood American movie, the concept is different too. This movie is twisted and it makes you want to watch all over again to get all the clues. Eric la salle is very creative with his perspective also how every little detail from the first line is a clue. The plot is so, CRAZY! Eric la salle deserves P R O P S for this movie especially with such a budget and the amount of time he was given to put together this thriller think about the circumstances. now I'm not going to spoil the ending for you but the summary says it all crazy as hell crazy thrill! I ---L ♥ V E D--- this movie!
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An Ingenious Script and Acting
circlelink1 June 2005
Man o man does Eric LaSalle know how to write mysterious and psychological stories. This movies is wild. Very wild -- kept me guessing and I had to watch it a second time. Micheal Beach is wonderful and all the actors were sooo good.

The theme of the movies with the crazy people --- and the final question is -- Just WHO is crazy? Kudos to the actors and of course Eric -- he is so fresh and delicious as Satan! Very well written and should have won an award. Don't stop writing Eric -- Micheal --- you are too much --- I really enjoyed this movie. I was riveted to the screen and could not move -- it really captured my imagination and I recommend anyone to watch this movie if it comes on either cable or satellite. You will not be disappointed. I wasn't! A very excellent movie.

Miss Desmond
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anthromayer7831 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I thought that when I rented this movie i was going to be into those cheesy horror flicks that veryone has a laugh at like a non rated movie, or made ofr tv movie! I was wrong! What a great piece of work,

intelligent, though provocking with just a touch of fear


It's about good vs evil and good not always winning!
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edithisaok58021 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I had to watch this movie twice to get the concept behind it, but eventually I did. Warning: Potential Spoilers. It copies 'Dante's Inferno,' 'Angel Heart,' and the final tale that is featured in 'Tales From The Hood.' Consider the realm of 'Hades' and the name used in the movie 'Sedah,' and you can begin to figure the movie out from there. Also, notice what building the hallway looks like in the movie right as Adams is about to leave and he talks to the nurse, and you will understand this movie completely.

Give this a chance. It's a first attempt at a directorial debut. you may have to familiarize yourself with certain themes from Greek myth and literature, but once you get these themes down, you will want to keep watching 'Crazy As Hell.' I have to give this movie seven out of ten stars, but it was worth my time. I can't wait until it comes on the 'BET Starz' channel again.
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Location, location!
Rogue-3230 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this on cable last night, and then again just now - it's that kind of film, it requires that you see it at least twice in order to see what you 'missed' the first time. Most of it holds up, I have to say. My favorite part is at the end, when we find out that -=- SPOILER ALERT -=- DR. DELAZO is really the Big D, and he created the Eriq version of himself to study Dr. Adams more closely.

Regarding what's really going on in this movie: There are clues throughout, beginning with the most obvious, the name of the 'hospital' (as so many people have pointed out). I think that Sinbad's 'orderly' is not God, as has been suggested, but rather an angel, whose role it is to try and give Dr. Adams one last chance to possibly redeem himself. I also wanted to mention that the film has been compared in reviews to so many other movies but I don't believe anyone has mentioned the film that I think it resembles the most, Albert Brooks' Defending Your Life.

It's a bold movie, from start to finish, as La Salle mentioned in an interview that he wanted it to be. Mission accomplished, I would say, big time.

Interesting to note that Cox and La Salle share a birth date: they were both born on July 23rd. How's that for decent casting?!
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Deserves better Promotion
donnabrooks0126 June 2006
From the beginning roll of credits to the end, I'm drawn into the director's vision. I had to kill any preconceived ideas or take the chance of spoiling the thrill ride my mind was about to take. Mission accomplished. "Crazy as Hell" is movie entertainment at it's best. Visually, the camera directs me through the vision the creator wants me to see giving sometimes subtle, sometimes obvious clues. Teasers galore! Definitely classified as a psychological thriller of high caliber.

Such an eclectic, full-course meal for the mind. The settings, dialogue, casting and superb acting - almost flawless. I expected low grade meat and potatoes but was presented with and enjoyed stimulating delicacies that I will no doubt discuss only with acquaintances who I know can handle fine, deeper meanings. Not easily digestible Food-for-Thought.

I'll be recommending this movie forever and am looking forward to more from this talented director.

Although I purchased the DVD at a discount, I'd pay full retail value for this video any day. The financiers/producers will do good and realize better returns should they dare to promote this project with the proper respect it is due.
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macadam12230 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For me the cards were laid on the table pretty early when our rather prideful doctor drives up to the Sedah (take a look at that name and run it backwards) sanitarium where the heating is broken and it's always too hot... When we finally meet Eriq la Salle's 'Satan" we are well on our way to knowing what is happening. Good film, well acted. A little obvious (yup, the good doc had landed in hell by my reckoning, right at the start) but worth watching.
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crazy as hell
lytebludove15 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
At the very start of the movie when he was trying to enter the gates of hades or sedah hospital he was going to leave but a bottle stopped he from leaving by flattening his tire.Then he sees his wife and his daughter in his room, the daughter wants to set a place from her father but the mother said that Adams was not going to come. So i am assuming that the wife and daughter where already in makes sense to me now y the hospital was always hot. "The Man" Eriq La Salle was just one of the many formsms of the devil. As you watch you'll notice you never see The Man and Dr. Delazo in the same place at the same time. do not believe that sinbad was an angel because he was also show in the last scene when all the patiences were around the devil. i think sinbad was just another person who was also in hell and just wanted to help Dr.Adams so Adams wouldn't have to go though the same damnation as himself ." Helping you out brother to bother" as Sinbad puts it. When Dr. Adam researched The man all his finger prints belonged to evil people which were the souls he collected and one finger was blank. i believe that it was for Dr. Adam. Patiences Sins Lupa- Whore Cheryl- Suicide suzanne- Promiscuity Mandell- questioning religion Mr. Brennan- Running from things Selden- Having sex with mother Mr. Tobin-wanting to be a woman so bad he sold his soul Ms. Aslee- Murdering her husband I only have one question why were all the pictures on all the walls tilted?? the message at the end of the movie was good. they showed of the camaras and it was basically saying becareful what u do because their always watching!!!!!
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