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Fashionable revenge film.
sakura0203044 June 2024
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People fall one after another on the streets of New York. In a different scene, a man is working on a golf course, collecting golf balls in his car, but he is feeling stressed... The film has no dialogue. On the other hand, there is a lot of information to be gleaned from the images and all the mysteries of the script are revealed. I feel that the fact that the film starts with a scene where a person falls makes it a good film. Personally, I find it interesting that the target of revenge is not the individuals who threw the balls, but the general public. This is a film to seek out when you want to watch a revenge film while making instant noodles.
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Irony towards the curent social structure,,?
ryuryukl3 March 2019
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This short film is interesting in that several different scenes seem nothing to do with each other and are hard to follow at first, but in the end, we can find out that the previous scenes are all related and meaningful. It is clear that the last scene is made to make us laugh, and I felt funny as well at first, but soon I realize another possible way to interpret this film, which is an irony towards capitalism. The main character works at the golf practicing field, which apparently is not a high-paid job, and it is likely that he might not be satisfied well with his job. It is for this reason that he goes to the top of the building to not only revenge people who hit the ball to him on daily basis, but also to pose a criticism towards the most capitalistic society, New York City. I would like to recommend this short film to all the people who are working hard for the sake of their communities.
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Scary but Profound
monakazu15 May 2016
I think a main theme of this short movie is revenge. This movie describes what revenge really is so clearly. There are many meanings and many kinds of things when people think about revenge, but actually, revenge is doing something to give someone bad effects which is the same as bad effects someone gave me. I could realize that again from this movie. When I saw the first scene of this movie, I couldn't understand what's happening, but at the end of this movie I knew there are bad effects which a man, he is a main character, is giving people. The mans revenge is scary but it's beyond my expectation, so I think this movie is interesting and so profound. There's no dialog and main character is only the man. However, viewers can understand what a revenge is, the reason the man wants to revenge, and above all, situation that he drunk with ecstasy for success with his revenge.
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The ending is amazing
akitagodfathers1 March 2019
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The story takes place in one normal day of New York city where people are commuting, taking pictures when suddenly fall down in the ground. The scene changes and there is a man driving a ball collector in a golf center who looks irritated.... Whacked! An unexpectedly interesting movie. It is amazing that what happened in the movie can be considered violent or insane. This movie, however, gives you no bad taste in the end. Instead, how the end betrays people's expectation provides a fresh sensation, like when you understand the answer of riddles. The black and white minimal screen is elegant. You will neither tell that the movie is in the late '90s nor its low budget production. There is almost no music since the sounds of the movie have a significant role in storytelling. The siren sounds make you feel anxious, the balls hitting sound are irritating, and the applause sounds after the man's swings mean madness. The man face expressions, in the beginning, are so good(the camera work as well) that you understand he is not satisfied with his job, with his life, and with the unfair situation, he is living. Two scenes in special reinforce his anger. The scene after collecting the balls which you can see how he pick a ball and loo against the people swinging. The scene before his swing in the roof where he recalls the ball sound, also, reinforce the anger. So many things to admire from this 5 minutes fil.
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Feel refreshed!
ysk-5731120 July 2022
This short film is made in 1997. The genre of this film is "revenge movie". At the begging of the story, many pedestrians suddenly fall down, and ambulances drive. This film's major character is a man, who works at a golf club. He looks exhausted and frustrated because of his work. In order to relieve his stress, he takes a surprising action.

I was surprised to know why pedestrians fall down on the streets. Viewers are not able to understand why they fall down on the street. However, after watching the film, you can figure out the reason. In my opinion, this film was elaborated because in the scene of pedestrians falling down, you can recognize some golf bowls on the streets, which is the hint to understand this movie. Of course, it should be difficult to find a little golf bowl on the streets, but after watching it, you will be able to recognize them. That is why you can enjoy this film twice. In addition to this, I love the story. Because of a variety of reasons, such as relationships, crowded cities, depressing news, people should feel frustrated. However, when you watch this film, you can feel like relieving some stress, so I do want those who feel irritated to watch the film.
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Unexpected Ending
sumigu26 July 2022
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Whacked! Is an interesting film about a man who makes a case. This is a black and white movie and was released in 1997. The story begins with a scene where people walking in the street suddenly fall down for unknown reasons. Why on earth do they fall down? The key person is a man who works at a golf course... The most interesting thing about this movie is that the truth of the incident is not revealed until the end of the movie, and the truth of the incident is not predictable. The viewer will surely be surprised by the unexpected turn of events. Maybe some people will not feel good depending on their point of view because lots of people will be carried to the ambulance. But this is a movie. If you are fascinated by the structure of the story and the unexpected ending, you can rate it as a good movie. It is refreshing to see a scene in which a person who usually picks up golf balls from hitters on a golf course for a long time now takes a turn to hit a golf ball and clears his head. First-time viewers of this short film may be confused in the beginning. But if you watch it all the way through, you will definitely find it interesting.
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Amazing Movie
daikibaseball-0427521 July 2022
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This story is an interesting story that you will be surprised at. There are two points in this movie. An ambulance siren barks and a street person suddenly falls to the ground. I don't fully understand what happened, so I'm staring at it.

The protagonist does not seem to be a high-paying job, he works at a driving range and is likely not satisfied with his job. Because of this, he goes to the top of the building, hits the ball every day, and takes revenge on the people.

The concept is very simple, but this movie expresses it in a very unique way. That is why we are fascinated by this story. It is unpredictable how it will unfold. It's only a five-minute movie, but in the end it reveals the mysterious truth of the collapsing corpse!
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Satisfying revenge movie
yukiaaa23 July 2022
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The guy who just do his work, mind his own business, being made fun of by the customers at the golf ground. He is attacked by them with golf balls, while he keeps working. And next scene, the guy who was being attacked is on top of the skyscraper with his golf ball and club. And this is the beginning of his revenge. Since the revenge emotion is very understandable for people who watch he film, I would say that essence makes this short film interesting.
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Hole in one!
nobaryuta23 April 2021
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The short film named "Whacked! Starts from citizens getting whacked by a mysterious force and falling down in New York City. Siren echo in the city, and the panic spreads all around. At the same time, we see a suburban golf range. The main character, a guy who gathers golf ball as his job at the golf range, is pestered by customers hitting his small truck with golf balls on purpose. This harassment gives him stress and, and he decides to strike back.

This short film has two features: no dialogue and it is in black-and-white. Thanks to no dialogue, I was able to concentrate on visual information in the film. The monochrome also helps me to understand that the film was classical. These features strongly impressed me as a classic film.

In my opinion, this story expresses disparity in wealth. The guy collecting the golf balls desires revenge on not only mean customers but also rich people and society. The relationship between mean customer and a guy is the metaphor of rich and poor people. Hence, the last scene of this film expresses that revenge by the poor people can be real.
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seizetheday-625728 August 2017
I could not know what kind of genre this movie is or the story. I thought it was a Science Fiction or horror movie because people died suddenly, but it is not. I cannot understand the story even now. It seemed SF movie, on the other hand it seemed golf movie. Generally, there are some stories in a movie. I can understand what kind of stories there are in each movie. I can enjoy some stories at the same time, but, in this story, it is not clear how many stories there are, in my opinion, so I could not enjoy enough. However, the movie that the story is not clear like this is interesting. What I want to say is when the story is not understandable, people can imagine the story freely. I think it is one of the ways to entertain audiences. In my thought, there are not many movies like this in Japan, but there are a lot of movie that we can understand the story very easily.
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The most terrifying film
y-melon032626 May 2014
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Whacked! is one of the most terrifying films I have ever seen. At first, this film starts with an abnormal situation which can happen in our daily life. In the first a few seconds, we are attracted by the strange situation and totally can't understand what happens there. However, we can see a big clue to solve it in the second scene which is difficult to connect with the first one. Is is in the final scene that we can understand this film. This film has only a little sound and nobody speaks. Moreover, we can't see the characters'faces clearly because the screen is dark and has only black and white. In spite of this, we can feel the main character's feelings clearly and understand his horrible action. That is because there's no extra things. It uses only important elements; the sounds are simple and distinctive and it points the camera lens at some subjects which are necessary. This film is only 5 minutes but it gives us an active question and fascinates our eyes in the first few seconds so it's really good film. However, I don't recommend it to those who are very stressed and young children because it is quite violent.
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Fearful but comical.
blue435 May 2014
This short film was made in 1998 and is a black and white film. At first this film makes viewers ask, "What is going on?" It starts with the mystery of people suddenly dropping to the ground in the middle of New York City. Then the story focuses on a man, who looks tired, depressed and irritated. He works at a golf club and it seems like his stress comes from where he works. Each time a ball hits his golf cart, the more irritation builds up inside him. As the story goes on the more questions come up. What does this man have to do with the strange thing going on in the city? The film overall is silent and has a tense atmosphere, however it ends with a very surprising result. It's only a five-minute film, but at the end it reveals the truth to the mystery of collapsing bodies!
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china-tr26 July 2016
People fall down one after another on the street. They are not injured or ill, so they are just walking or taking a picture. When I watch the scene for the first time, I am surprised and I feel anxiety. Why people fall down? In the next scene, there is a man who works hard in a golf course. He gathers golf balls driving a car. He is stressed out by his job. He wants to take revenge on society. He goes to a building and goes up the rooftop of the building after he finishes his job. He takes revenge on society in a surprising way there. I can understand the reason why people fall down on the street when I watch the last scene.

Everyone feels stresses every day. However, I think we should not take revenge on society like him. If you are stressed, you should reduce stress in a good way, for example, eating your favorite foods, singing songs you like, or taking exercise.
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south113 June 2024
'Whacked!' is a comedy short film that was made in 1998. Some people suddenly fall down, but no one knows why many people fall down. In another scene, a man works in a golf driving center and his job is collecting balls in a cart that golf players hit. During his work, his cart is hit by golf balls while he drives and he feels stressed every day. After work he brings golf balls and goes up to the rooftop of a high building. This short film has a big mystery regarding why people suddenly fall down, so the audience wants to know why this incident happens. This short film creates interest for us. I think you can enjoy this short film because it is an easy story to understand. Therefore, if you watch 'Whacked!', you can be excited.
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A good twist
justinforcier11 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers

A good twist A funny twist on a common New York slang with a nostalgic 1940's style. The film plays a twist on the common slang used when someone has been killed (used often in mafia films) and gives a funny play on the word.

At the beginning of the film you witness various people fall to the ground and ambulances rushing towards the scene giving you the impression that they have been murdered or "whacked". Then the film takes you to a golf range where you meet the main character of the film working as the driver picking up the golf balls. He seems distressed by the golf balls the customers aim at him on the job. When he goes home (I am presuming) you discover that he also takes up golfing, on the roof of an apartment building. He sets up his gear to fight his "ptsd" by shooting golf balls at the people of New York. The people in the beginning of the film we saw falling to the ground we're being murdered as the film has us believe, they we're being hit by golf balls.

This movie is quite entertaining to watch from beginning to end. I also like the idea of using a retro style of filming with no dialogue. I recommend anyone who wishes to pass the time to add this little five minutes title for a short entertaining film with a fun twist on the word we love in gangster films "whacked".
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amazing movie
bbc-ohs30 May 2016
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I watched "whacked" for the first time. I was surprised at this short movie. At the opening of the movie, many people suddenly fall down. I think the thing results from infection, but it is different. I think the main character was stressed out. He wanted to vent stress of work. Then, he tries to do the same thing he is made to do at the work. I think this movie expresses society stress is bad for people and it may makes a bad world, so the movie was made to lose society of stress. By the way, in the movie, many golf balls appear. I think these balls express the number of stresses which he has. I think he has many stresses. After the movie, I knew the reason many people fall down.
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mkminnieyk14 May 2016
In the beginning of this movie, a lot of people fall down and many ambulances resound with sirens. The audience don't know why it happens. It is a good way to attract the attention of the audience. This movie was made in by black and white, but we can understand the situation which is an emergency. Then the scene changes suddenly. The face of a man slides on full screen. I was surprised at it. It is an impressive scene. The audience can see only his face first, so we don't know what happens. They know that he is uncomfortable. They know what happens gradually. At the end of the movie, unexpected result happens. This movie attracts viewers' attention until the end. The way of making movie is so great. If the audience stops watching the movie, they can't understand the beginning of it and the relationship between the beginning and the end.
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The ending surprised me
kared-8508917 May 2016
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At first, I was surprised at watching this movie's ending. I was also attracted to it and felt refreshed. This movie starts from a scene that some people fall down by being attacked by some stuff. This stuff becomes clear in the final scene. There is a man who works in a golf facility. He is hit a lot of balls by golf player there. He become angry and quits his job. After that, he hold a grudge against people because he was caused stress, of course. Finally, he decides to revenge such people to give them same pain e felt. This leads to the beginning scene. He hits balls to people on the street from a roof of an office as he was done. In other words, a lot of people fell down in beginning scene because he hit them. This movie is a little extreme and violet, but I felt his performance is very interesting, and plot of the movie is very nice.
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otieno-nimesota10 July 2014
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This film has two successful points. The first one is its mysterious beginning. It begins with a doubt. The wail of some ambulance sirens sound, and people on streets fall down flat on the ground suddenly. We cannot understand completely what happened, so we gaze intently at it. The beginning wins the hearts of an audience.

Sound effects also work very well. The sounds of siren casts suspicion on the story, and the sounds that golf balls make express how the main character is under pressure. When he is freed from stress, the sounds of thunderous cheers also express his feeling. He does not say anything, but such sound effects and his look tell us what is on his mind very clearly.

The concept is very simple, but this film expresses it in a very unique way. That's why we are fascinated by this story. We cannot foresee the way it unfolds.
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Strange and scary
ogorisa26 May 2015
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This story is strange and a little scary. The begging of the movie is so serious. The editing makes us excited and pay attention to the movie. The sounds of the movie also effects on the contents and expression of the story well. The main character has much stress everyday . Why does he shoot golf balls from the rooftop? I think he wants to relieve pain and stress of daily life. He wants to complain about his life to the world by shooting balls. The title "whaced!" means tired,so he has dissatisfaction of his life. However, if he don't intend to do harm to someone, just wants to play golf, the story is cruel. I think it is a little scary, but it has deep meanings. It is the one of interesting movies I have seen.
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Liberation of everyday depression
risya-2021817 May 2016
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People suddenly fall down in the streets of New York, ambulances siren screamed. But the cause of it is unknown A man wearing T-shirts written "I ❤︎ NY" falls down. That's a massage for society. A man, a main character, ride a car collecting golf balls. That is his job. Some posters are on the wall of car. These posters show that the man isn't satisfied with his life. A lot of golf balls hit his car. A person who is irritated throws a ball at his car. It shows that he is treated as a goods for relieving stress. This is his job, and he puts up with it. When he goes home, he his his head over the door, because he forgets to take off his helmet. The action of taking helmet is a signal his job is finished.the screen is stressed. After finishing his job, he looks up at a high buildings in New York and goes to the roof. He hits golf balls there and hears a cheer. He seeks liberation of everyday depression.
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