Running Out of Time 2 (2001) Poster

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Give it a chance and savor Lau Ching-wan's performance!
bcrain15 March 2002
I'm sure many people are going to say that this film is not as good as the first one, and they would be right. Many people are going to say that Ekin Cheng is not as good as Andy Lau, and they would be right.....

However, if for nothing else, watch this film for Lau Ching-wan's wonderful performance. He is truly one of the greatest actors in the world. In the last 6 months, he has portrayed a bra designer (La Brassiere), a hip-hop mahjong conman (Fat Choi Spirit, which I have not yet seen), and an ace police negotiator (Running out of Time 2). His performances, including this one, are always a joy. In this film, he is funny, edgy, exasperated, tough, and cool. I thoroughly enjoyed him.

Regarding the film itself, the plot revolves around a Robin Hood-style thief who steals precious art for a ransom, and then challenges a police negotiator to a game of "catch me if you can." The plot is simply an excuse to set up some "cool" scenes between Ekin and Lau, and most of these scenes worked for me. I particularly enjoyed scenes revolving around a smoke bomb in a police station and an extended chase scene which culminated with both participants on bicycles. I was also surprisingly touched by the resolution of a small subplot involving Lam Suet's gambling addicted character and Ekin. This subplot was important to me as it finally allowed me to feel some sympathy for Ekin's character. Some elements of the film didn't work as well for me. The inexplicable speaking of English in various scenes, the ever-present eagle, and the stupidity of Lau's boss immediately come to mind. Those annoyances aside, I enjoyed this film. Lau Ching-wan was wonderful and director Johnnie To included some signature style. Finally, regarding Ekin Cheng, I thought he was quite good in the film even though his character was not as interesting as Andy's in the original. While you're giving this sequel a chance, give Ekin a chance too.
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Time is of the essence... again...
paul_haakonsen1 April 2013
I watched the first "Running Out of Time" years ago, but I can't say that I really remember it. But now having sat down to watch the sequel - which I happened to find by sheer luck in my search for Asian movies on Amazon - then I think I will sit down to watch part 1 again soon. Why? Well, because part two was quite enjoyable.

It was a nice change of pace for a Hong Kong movie, to have a police movie that didn't include over-the-top action sequences or shoot-out scenes. "Running Out of Time 2" is cleverly put together with great acting and good dialogue. Plus the storyline was compelling and always managed to keep me interested in seeing what was lurking around the next corner.

The story in "Running Out of Time 2" is about a thief who has stolen some valuable items from an insurance company and is demanding a rather high ransom for the return of these items. The thief (played by Ekin Cheng) seems to always be one step ahead of the police department. The clever detective Ho Sheung Sang (played by Ching Wan Lau) is put on the case and has more than his hands full trying to catch up with the brilliant and slippery thief.

"Running Out of Time 2" is a cat-and-mouse story, that is clever and well thought through. Great entertainment and loads of good scenes throughout the movie. Normally I am not much fan of Ekin Cheng's work in movies, but I will say that he actually did a rather good job in this movie.

If you enjoy Asian cinema and Hong Kong cinema in particular, then you owe it to yourself to sit down and watch "Running Out of Time 2" - it is a police movie unlike many others. Well worth the time and effort to sit down and watch.
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Not as good, still enjoyable
BandSAboutMovies20 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Co-directed by Johnnie To and Law Wing-cheung, this sequel finds Inspector Ho Sheung-sang returning to match wits with another criminal mastermind, the unnamed man played by Ekin Cheng.

The man introduces himself by faking his suicide by jumping from a roof. He then announces that he has stolen several priceless Chinese treasures and will tell the press, ruining the insurance company that has been hired to protect them. Where Cheung in the first film relied on his brains, this mysterious magician can tightrope walk and seemingly disappear into thin air.

There's an amazing scene where a chase between the two rivals is paused for water and ice cream. The unnamed man also uses bald eagles to help him steal from people and if that joke means what I think it does, well done.

The follow-up is much funnier than the first film, but it keeps so much of what made me love that movie. It's definitely worth your attention.
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I found the highjinks of the bad guy who's a magician very entertaining
SinjinSB29 September 2002
Quite a bit different from the style of the original. Not quite as good, but highly watchable. I found the highjinks of the bad guy who's a magician very entertaining. I couldn't help but laugh at the continuing coin flip bit that runs through the movie. One of the most unique chase scenes I've seen in a long time...They start off chasing a bald eagle that leads them to the bad guy...then the chase is on. They run full speed on foot from day into night...then a wild bicycle chase and crash...until finally they give up to continue another day out of sheer exhaustion. Though it's not quite good, it did keep my interest throughout.

**1/2 (Out of 4)
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More of the Same
NIXFLIX-DOT-COM27 August 2003
RUNNING OUT OF TIME 2 is essentially a remake of the original, only this time Ekin Cheng steps into the role left by Andy Lau (whose character, supposedly, died at the end of the first). As Lau did, Cheng manuevers the same clever cop into his game. Also getting involved is Kelly Lin as a straight laced businesswoman whose important merger is threatened by the thief's games.

Not as good as the original, as expected, but still clever. Although the whole cleverness does seem awfully familiar this time around.

6 out of 10

(go to for a more detailed review of this movie or full-length reviews of other foreign films)
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Pretentious Cop-Thief Cat and Mouse Game That Puts You to Sleep
dougjih11 April 2002
This movie is about a cop (Ching Wan Lau) trying to catch a super-clever thief (Ekin Cheng) who blackmails an insurance company headed by a Kelly Lin. Basically, whatever plans the cop tries the thief somehow knows them beforehand. This movie, covered by handsome lead actors, beautiful lead actress and good camera shots of Hong Kong scenes, really has no substance at all. It's all flash, and the flash quickly becomes dull too. I lost all interests a third of the way into the movie, and there is no redeeming quality after that, except for the cinematography, which looks good. Only consider seeing this movie if you can do so for free. Also, consider stopping watching the movie 20 minutes into the movie because it's all the same to the end: BORING. 6/10
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Sorta Waste of time 2
wu_who3 April 2002
5/10 The title is misleading. You'd think you would get action packed movie. Wrong, just ..I dunno. Parts were sorta funny, otherwise just trying to hard. If your going to watch this movie, don't expect anything great. But if your willing to lose 93minutes of your life, go ahead.
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Smiliar to previous
ryanmo-3517810 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Similar to its episode one, another clever criminal involves the cop to take the things he like, but this one is more magical with some unthinkable task, like walking between two buildings. The trick to get the money in the police station is most attractive , but the plot is weaker than the previous. Normal film...
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Not good enough
edge_crusher0114 October 2003
This held so much promise after what i believed was a very good first film 'Running out of time' with Andy Lau.

One of the main problems is the fact that Ekin Cheng is no where near as good as Andy Lau and i found him less intersting annd quite boring to watch. Also the story was incredibly pointless and unexplained, it was very hard to follow and pretty random...

All i can say is that i hope they do not make another one, as the first is a very good film and this was just not up to standard.
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Should be called Waste of Time 2
meggui8 January 2002
Since Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon came along, there's been a lot of talk about a revival of the Hong Kong movie industry. Don't believe it. The people now making movies in HK give new meaning to the word crass. Running Out of Time 2 is a perfect example. Ekin Cheng is the name draw, here, but he spends most of the film just grinning idiotically and flipping a coin. He flips the coin over and over and again and again. Why? Who knows? Sean Lau plays a cop who chases after the coin-flipping pretty boy. But once again: who knows why? There's a pretty actress in the female lead who runs some sort of company and she has to pay a ransom or something but she mostly just looks like she would rather be at a spa or shopping centre than in front of a camera. Nothing makes any sense. There is no action. There is no sex. There is no comedy. All there is is a name: Ekin Cheng. And you know what? Who cares?
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Worth watching! well done
mel_lum22 June 2006
well i have seen this movie many times repetitively and honestly i find it very good, though of course not as good as the first part because of the plots etc. This Running out of time 2 really tackles the mentality. Don't compare this show at all with PART 1 before watching this movie at all.. it'll just spoil the show throughout as u'll tend to make comparisons. I like Ekin very much in this movie; he portrayed the very intelligent mysterious character very well indeed. And as to what i notice, the last scene regarding Ekin walking on the wire connecting the buildings.. and also a few more scenes or rather a bit of the plot, involves ideas from Conan, a Japanese detective comic. Overall, well done; worth watching. Moreover, Lau ching wan's boss in that movie makes it even funnier! I wonder how did he manage to get promoted to assistant com!
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Less a sequel, more a remake
Leofwine_draca12 September 2022
RUNNING OUT OF TIME 2 is less a sequel and more a straight remake of the first film, with Johnnie To employing a co-director to share some of the duties this time around. Andy Lau's out - his character's terminal illness put paid to his presence - but Lau Ching Wan and his colleagues are back, this time hunting down a mysterious con man with links to a shady insurance company. Ekin Cheng takes over from Lau and is I think better in the part, more naturalistic and relaxed. As with the first film, the plotting is lacklustre but the quirky comedy works better, the bicycle race a highlight. I also really enjoyed Lam Suet's random subplot for some reason.
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Same time(line)
kosmasp1 January 2023
No pun intended - and while this seems to play in the same world or realm or whatever you want to call it .. it does change or tweak things a little bit. One actor for example plays a very different character ... has a bigger role. Others are referenced by different names too ... but we get our main guy from the first movie back. And I do assume you have seen the other one, so you won't be too surprised that Andy Lau is not back for more.

We get a new ... well "magician". And while things in the first one seemed convenient ... they are even more so in the sequel. Especially the coin toss thing ... which is a big part of the movie ... and may have a twist you do not expect.

All in all not as good, but almost equally as out there as the first one ... crazy you say? Yes but really meant to be. It's by Johnnie To ... and he can almost do no wrong ... for me at least.
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