Dragon Warrior (Video Game 1986) Poster

(1986 Video Game)

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A classic and an enjoyable game.
Heimski_Hannes13 March 2011
Woah, this is it, this is the mother-bird, the granddaddy of all console RPG's. Its pretty weird saying that really, if you want a classic console RPG from the past... Then you're not going to get any "classicer" than this.

Lets start by getting the bad things out of the way. This game is way too grind heavy, from what I recall, almost 60% of my game-play time went into level grinding and there is alway's going to be a lot of level grinding, they never even let you see how much experience you need to get to the next level unless you talk to the king of Tantegel, which is also the only way to save your game and it can be quite annoying to get back there every time you want to quit playing unless you have the return spell.

Now that the bad things are over, lets talk about the good things this game has to offer. The exploration, this game is full of exploration, thats basically the core of this game and you're not alway's told where you're supposed to go next, but the world map is pretty small so it is alright. To be honest, I love exploration in RPG's and they should really have more of it these day's. The music was fantastic, for Koichi Sugiyama's first video game score it really captured the essence of the world of Dragon Warrior and there's no wonder why Enix hired him to do the music for the next game as well. What I also really liked were some of the little details that they programed into the game like when you open a door with the magic key, it closes once you leave the area, because who would want their door to stay open all the time? I also liked that when your enemy is asleep you have a 100% chance of running away, because why wouldn't you be able to run away from a sleeping monster? One more thing I just have to mention is that as you progress through a dungeon, the music starts to slow down little by little and that really added to the "creepyness" factor.

But to sum up, I loved this game, it may not be on par with the other Dragon Warrior/Quest games, but it was a great start to a majestic series and a lot of fun.

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Perhaps the greatest thing to ever happen to video gaming...
Normdogg198528 June 2004
Imagine that you were in the mid to late 1980's. You beat everyone you knew in all of your Atari 2600 games. Then a miracle happened. The Nintendo Entertainment System was created. You couldn't wait to try it out. You eventually got one and played/beat games such as Super Mario Bros., Mega Man, etc. Finally, Dragon Warrior came out for the NES. You saw it and you thought "Wow, this is different. I will buy it!" When you started playing it, you were hooked. You played it every day until you beat it. Why were you hooked? Because Dragon Warrior was indeed a different style of video gaming. Dragon Warrior was the very first RPG to ever be released on a console. Before this happened, RPG's were limited down to Dungeons and Dragons. If one were to play it today, he/she may not like it because it is primitive. However, that person must understand that this game became the origin of console RPG's. If it wasn't for Dragon Warrior, we would not have games like Final Fantasy, Lunar, or Chrono Trigger today. Therefore, the Normdogg rates this gem an excellent... 4/4
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A Classic NES Game
TERMINATOR18017 February 2002
I never get rid of my old videogame systems, no matter how many newer ones I buy, and this is one of the games I still play nowadays on the old Nintendo Entertainment System. It's a fun RPG, and anyone who plays videogames should know what an RPG is (Role Playing Game). It has some nice music also. And, for the system, the graphics are rather nice.

*** 1/2 out of *****
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An Honest Review
generationofswine4 November 2020
Yeah, I don't know how to rate this. I tried replaying it a few years back and it bored me to tears, even in the fast text mode it bored me to tears...

... but I still kind of remembered where most everything was and that just goes to prove how much I played and dwelled on this game as a kid. So there is that, 1986 ultra fun for the era RPG feel to it.

But now in my 40s, the prospect of walking around "fighting" pictures that pop up in a text mode isn't exactly as appealing as it was when I was a little kid.

But, back in the 80s, this felt EPIC! This was pure adventure. This was a world that you could explore with secrets and mysteries everywhere. And, even now, I feel it had a bit more story, a bit more methos compared to modern RPGs.
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But Thou Must
elonmusk-is_a_moron11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Still mourning the loss of Akira Toriyama.

Looking back at the rest of his work besides Dragon Ball, I decided to check some gameplays of the original Dragon Quest (Known as "Dragon Warrior" in the West), the game which basically cimented many archetypes commonly found in Japanese role playing games to this very day: Several decades later, its influence can still be seen in the most recent Pokemon games or even in some modern "Isekai" anime.

While the plot might be a little bit too basic, and despite the fact the limited technology of the era didn't allow to fully display the fun, creative artwork by Toriyama, it still retains an intense, wonderful charm.

Several RPG cliches we often taken for granted (Like for example, the fact the main villain had a secret alternate form during the final boss battle) started here; we are so used to see these kind of archetypes we constantly forget how groundbreaking used to be back then. Alas, the pioneers of the arts not always receive the recognition they truly during their lifetime.

At least Toriyama-sensei did receive some proper recognition and tributes while he was still with us. I know his work will continue having a strong influence in the future, due its unique aesthetic developed through the years, and also due the wild, almost child-like sense of wonder his stories had.

A shame great artists like him (And Kazuki Takahashi and Kentaro Miura) are now gone, while miserable scumbags that keep making this world a worse place (like Elon Musk or Charles Koch ) are sadly still among us. Such is Life, quite unfair.
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Classic Game for Original 8-bit Nintendo
Poncho_Flapjacks16 November 2001
ha who would of thought someone would review this eh? Well that's why I thought I would do it since no one else probably will. Anyway this is a RPG classic I once fell aleep while playing this game, not only that but I still had the controller in my hands while snoozing, true story. Although this game is ugly as sin by today's standards it's still a classic game and if there's still anyone out there who still plays their original nintendo then you should check this out(along with the original Final Fantasy much better than the crap they make now.While i'm at it if it's final then why in the hell have they made nine sequels,how many Video game or movie series have NINE sequels. Answer not very many at all off the top of my head I can think of one The friday the 13th movie series and most are not very good, not worth the dust particles on my shoe string. So my question why is it called Final Fantasy Maybe since we already know square soft will make another NINE sequals each getting worse and more ridiculus as they go, maybe they shoud change the name to Perpetual Fantasy, sounds more fitting.Also if any Die-hard FF fans come along don't be a moron and give me harsh words because your games are not to my liking i've liked the originals (I,II,&III) because they were good the rest of what i've played are down hill although i haven't seen IV since it was just released in the U.S., so basically when they decided to change to 3d(Big Mistake) fill the games with stupid story lines they shot their self in the foot then continued to nail it to the ground with a sledge hammer.Another thing I don't like all of this future crap thrown into it.If i wanted sci-fi I'd watch Aliens or bladerunner or you get the point. FF was supposed to be a fantasy blade and bow style game, they seemed to of lost sight of that afterall that's what most of the original RPG's were based on. If your still mad about me spilling the beans and the truth on your favorite "New Age" RPG line FF, I think we can call it that now, don't bother leaving me your unknowing thoughts about why it's still a good game because it's not, their more concerned with how good their silly little video clips are than the actual game.Remember you watch video clips you don't play them.)

Oh yea did you want me to finish my dragon warrior review ok that i'm done fuming about FF (or PF as I call it) we can talk about DW, anyway it's much better game wise and more true to it's ROOTS!!! and there's not an endless amount of sequals for this one either and it's been around about the same amount of time. not much to say about the game except that the graphics are now ugly but if you like fun classic RPG's then this is one for you as matter of fact i'd put it on my top ten list if I had one.there's also DW II & III released on the NES I believe and i've heard that their releasing a new one in the U.S. still in 2d format(not for spoiled teens who only get an itch in their pants for GRAPHICS because it will only be a bunch of high detailed sprites not polgons, I think it's to be released for the playstation.

Also castlevania fans their releasing the once japan only castlevania(2d sorry newbies that must have 3d)but it seems to be hard to find and it wasn't on konami's website last time I checked so it might take some looking to find it.
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The first RPG I played!
Adam87825 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers

I always remember this game!! It's pretty old enough, but I always enjoy the idea of it....as a man slaying monsters gaining experience as a way to gain strength was a great concept. It had 2 goals: to slay the final dragon, and rescue a princess. This game taught me to save money for things I needed to buy better items and weapons..it taught me not to rush through a game, and that taking your time is sometimes the better way to do things....followed by Dragon Warrior 2, 3, and 4...

People who have little patience may not enjoy this game because it's a game you cannot just rush through...it's a planning game.. One needs to build a strong character, gather info, and explore caves. If one can get past the repetition this game indeed has, they are in for a great time, with many hours of enjoyment....!
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