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Holy Mother of God !!!
surfandski29 March 2005
This movie just blew me away. Before going any further let me say that I am giving it an 8 because I have yet to see Riding Giants and also that you should not rent the DVD unless you have an HDTV of 40' or larger where you can enjoy this movie in all its splendor. The camera work is absolutely fantastic. And whether you are a surfer or not, it won't matter, when you watch this movie you will be transported for 90 minutes into the tube, plus you get to see some terrific places. Better yet the whole family can enjoy it while you all go 'Wow, wow, WOW' every 15 seconds. Beware that if you are married your wife will probably end up pining a poster of Laird Hamilton in your room, and your youngsters, well they will be on the next plane to Hawaii, hell I am packing my bags as I's up.

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A long, but not endless, summer
tvspace11 August 2003
Step Into Liquid is full of breathtaking cinematography of (mostly American) surfers achieving heroic feats of beauty in the lap of Neptune. From the crazy Californians who boat 100 miles off shore to ride 60-foot waves breaking over an underwater mountain, to a paralyzed former surf phenom who manages to get back into the tide splashing near shore, to creative nutcases in south Texas who surf in the wake of oil supertankers in a 15-mile-wide canal, the movie offers a snapshot of the breadth of the sport as practiced in an endless number of ways wherever water, for whatever reason, forms waves.

Unfortunately the movie is not edited with the same grace with which its subjects navigate the waves. The director's ceaseless voiceover offers few opportunities for self-reflection during the film, and pounds the poetry into sentiment. Music is used haphazardly and too frequently to add unneeded emphasis to the footage. The use of "white boy angst" hard rock under much of the footage gives it the feeling of a cheap extreme sports video; all that's missing are the pseudo-MTV titles in the bottom-left corner to identify the Limp Biskit wannabees at the end of each scene. This film could have been great if it had been edited with a modicum of restraint, if the filmmakers had been content to let its themes be implied rather than stated over and over again in talking-head interviews and the voiceover. By the end you feel like you've watched a spectacular motivational seminar training film instead of a true drama.

Nonetheless the movie is mostly enjoyable, and the subject itself is interesting, amazing, and often funny (the Green Bay Packer fans surfing in Lake Michigan off the shores of Milwaukee ought to have their own sitcom, and might if the right person sees the movie...).
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The search for BIG waves continues ...
film-critic10 August 2005
The film had a point, a plot, and we felt like we were headed towards something "greater". Sure, this was a surfing documentary similar to Billabong Odyssey and Endless Summer, but there were unique aspects I hadn't seen before: Lake Michigan surfers riding the tiniest of waves and Texas surfers riding the waves made by huge oil and cargo ships. The film's premise was to show that surfers were everywhere and that the surfing lifestyle meant something more than just an attitude akin to a bad Keanu Reeves impersonation. Surfing means appreciating Mother Nature in her most awesome and dangerous aspect.

Though I appreciated having a plot and point, however sappy, I must say that I missed watching the BIG waves and the BIG tumbles that make you groan out loud or suck in your breath. When it comes to surfing, I am every bit the couch potato sportsman and like my fellow couch potatoes, I enjoy the game most when the stakes are high. This film lacked the big wave scenes that I love and in the end, I can't say I'd truly recommend the film over the others listed above.

So, instead of boring you with more details, I'll make a pledge. I'm going underground to the world of poorly made surfing videos that I've heard so much about. The videos that show the BIG waves and BIGGER tumbles. Think of it as research in case I ever get over my fear of Jaws and decide to do a little surfing myself. I want the real, uncensored, un-cheesy truth.

Grade: **** out of *****
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I'm Green (Or Should That Be Blue?) With Envy
Doghouse-65 July 2004
This is a film about people who have found that "one thing" that Jack Palance talks about in "City Slickers." I've never cared much one way or the other about surfing, but I can appreciate the commitment, passion, artistry, daring and athletic achievement embodied in the denizens of the sport that this film presents, all of it captured in some stunning and bravura cinematography.

The joyous fulfillment and camaraderie radiated by the exuberant folks in this film is infectious. How many people are really fortunate enough to have found a singular, driving passion that becomes central to their entire existence? Too few, I fear. It's something you can't help but envy and - especially when it involves such sublime and spectacular abilities - admire.

Do give this one a try. Unless you're part of the culture this film portrays, you're sure to see (and maybe even feel) some things you never have before.
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Superior movie-making. Sheer pleasure to watch.
tyeve7 December 2004
I'm not a surfer, but, man, I sure wish I was. Before seeing this film, I was wary of a surfing movie made by the son of Bruce Brown, who made the famous surfing movie "The Endless Summer" something like 30 years ago. I expected that the son, Dana, would just be cashing in on his semi-famous name. But, those worries were unfounded. This documentary exudes a powerful love of and respect for the ocean. The surfing footage is unbelievable, it puts most special effects to shame, yet this is the real thing. The stunning cinematography complements the fabulous editing. I was spellbound. It's not often that I come away from watching a movie feeling exhilaration, awe, amazement. One word of advice -- watch it on the biggest, best screen you can find.
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Well, it has a lot of surfing....
RNMorton22 January 2005
Bruce Brown made (in my book) some of the most entertaining movies ever, most of which happened to be about surfing. Son Dana gives it a college try with mixed results. The quality, subjects, waves and angles of the surfing photography are fantastic. But this is definitely a different experience from Pop's work, which was largely visual (he started out doing them in a hall with live commentary over his video). Dad had cool shots with good instrumental music and frequent light humor. A pleasant 1 1/2 hour interlude with no place it had to be that sort of wrapped up whenever. Step Into is a much more polished, "busier" film -- louder music with vocals, tons of interviews, much more a serious documentary about the surfing life. Problem is, Dana brings some of dad's elements with him (like the constant narration) and I don't think it works as a whole. It doesn't take that much to make me happy with a surfing film, I adore the recent, pure and simple Thicker Than Water (2000). This one just has too much stuff I don't want. I tried watching it again and after a few minutes popped one of dad's old films in the VCR (sorry). Because I can't completely knock a movie that lets Gerry Lopez talk and has Laird Hamilton doing 50 foot waves I give it an 8 out of 10.
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Searching For The Perfect Wave
StrictlyConfidential27 March 2020
From Hawaii, to California, to Ireland, to Tahiti, and, yes, to even Lake Michigan - "Step Into Liquid" takes the surf-curios spectator, literally, on a trip around the globe where surfing enthusiasts are sure to be found searching for the perfect wave on which to ride.

Directed by Dana Brown - This 90-minute presentation not only features (for your viewing pleasure) plenty of dangerously defiant, daredevil stunts - But, it also contains some of the most awesome images of mega-monster waves that you are ever gonna see, as well.
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In search of the perfect wave
jotix10020 July 2005
Dana Brown, the son of legendary film maker Bruce Brown, continues the family tradition with his own take on the world of people that are totally committed to ride those waves, no matter where. In a way, this is another installment in the way Brown sees the world of the surfers as he takes us all over the world to show us what people will do in order to discover the perfect wave, and ride it.

The brilliant cinematography is amazing to watch. Things obviously have improved greatly since Bruce Brown pioneered this genre of documentary. We get glimpses of Oahu, with its rugged coast and giant waves. We are taken to places like Rapa Nui, Ireland, Viet Nam and even Sheboygan, Wisconsin, where we had no idea people will go to their rough lake to surf! Someone made a comment about the title being pretentious, but in reality, the line comes right from one woman that is being interviewed and says she feels like "stepping into liquid" whenever she is surfing.

The film is beautiful to watch. It could have used some editing, but in general Dana Brown ought to be congratulated by what he has captured on camera for fans of the sport and just plain folks that will be, no doubt, wowed by what they see on the screen.
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It Just Feels Good!
dlitt-114 March 2006
This movie just feels good. It's an uplifting look at the spirit and the courage of these men, women, and children that make the sea their playground. There's no plot, no special effects, and no actors, just surfers and the ocean. If you just want to disappear for an hour and a half and come out feeling like you've inner child has been renewed, this is the one.

Dale Brown, son of the Endless Summer's Bruce Brown, does a splendid job of showing us big surf from around the world and the surfers who have made the pursuit of these waves a way of life. Along the way, we see generations of some of the best surfers continue to surf into their sixties and seventies with their own sons, daughters, and grandchildren. We even meet a middle-aged surfer that has a quest to surf every day of his life, no matter the weather, until he surfs over 10,000 days in a row.

It's not Shakespeare, it's a trip around the globe with some very likable people doing what they love to do. Our gratitude to Dale Brown and his crew for inviting us along.
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The summer continues. (spoilers)
vertigo_1427 August 2005
'Step Into Liquid' director and writer carries on the torch of his father, Bruce Brown's legacy with an even more intense, but momentary glimpse into a rather incredible sport in a sort of follow up made more than thirty-five years later after The Endless Summer. Though difficult for the loyal surfer to explain his love for surfing, which the surfers and filmmakers assure audiences that the "way of life" is as inexplicable as trying to explain what describe what colors look like, Dana Brown and others make an excellent effort in trying to reveal through words and visuals why this sport is indeed "their way of life." As the filmmakers traverse the globe, following more than just an endless summer, they feature thousands of surfers in even some of the most unusual locations (Wisconsin, Rapa Nui, Ireland, etc.) where the participants in the sport each have their own definition of the perfect wave, that extreme point where nature meets a fiberglass board and makes the rider feel so stoked and so addicted. It may be difficult to explain to the non-surfer, or probably even to the surfer, but Dana Brown and others make a wonderful attempt at capturing one of the oldest sports. While the actual ride itself is an intense experience, it is an adrenaline rush to watch it. And, even for the non-surfer, it can be appreciated on the level that you may feel this way about something you participate in, whether it be another sport or activity altogether. That, I highly admire.

This film offers amazing footage and it's accompanying glorious scenery (and sometimes, not so glorious) and interviews from more than just the most well-known surfers. The DVD package also includes a hefty supply of special features, including the full-game version of Kelly Slater's pro-surfer, additional interviews, and so forth. It is a stacked supply for surfing appreciation destined to make even the most indifferent of audiences stoked.
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mrboo500010 August 2003
I was really looking forward to this release, as I'm a big fan of Bruce Brown's Endless Summer films and various other shorts. I saw "Step Into Liquid" (what a pretentious title) on Friday with a sold out house. Dana even spoke before the film but sadly he wasn't much of a public speaker. I was immediately disapointed by the fact that the film had primarily been shot on hi-def video which was then transferred to film. It looked terrible! Poor color, hazy focus, feh. Secondly, the films music was such a letdown. It tried at times for a contemporary rock kind of a sound, but more often than not the music was bland and unmemorable (in contrast to The Endless Summer II with it's awesome Gary Hoey soundtrack). Thirdly, the film strived to be more about people instead of locations, but the people just weren't that interesting. They were trying to negate the standard surfer stereotype of the dimwitted stoned not-all-together -there water sportsman, but it didn't quite work. Listening to guys you know have just had a bongload search for metaphors between themselves and the ocean is dull, dull and laughable--stick to the awesome locations. And this is where I did enjoy the film. The places they go to and see are really cool. The scenes with the mammoth waves and the foil equipped boards were terrific too. Maybe I'll give this another chance on video, but for now I'm sticking with The Endless Summer films.
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Cowabunga, dude!! Surf's up in this valentine to the true extreme sport.
george.schmidt12 August 2003
STEP INTO LIQUID (2003) ***1/2 (Featuring as themselves: Rochelle Ballard, Shawn Barron, Layne Beachley, Jesse Brad Billauer, Taj Burrow, Ken Collins, Darrick Doerner, Brad Gerlach, Laird Hamilton, Dave Kalama, Keala Kennelly, Alex Knost, Jim Knost, Rob Machado, Chris Malloy, Dan Malloy, Keith Malloy, Peter Mel, Mike Parsons, Kelly Slater, Mike Waltze. Surf's up dude! Surfing enthusiast cum documentarian Dana Brown, son of filmmaker Bruce Brown who helmed the sport's quintessential flicks 'The Endless Summer' and 'The Endless Summer 2', picks up from his dad about the way of life for the thrill-seeking, daredevil and nature worshipping oceanographers of waycool as they embark on a globetrotting look at the awesome spectacle of catching a wave without it catching you! Jaw-dropping cinematography of 60 foot avalanches of ocean's crests glistening in glass clear blue water off Oahu, Ireland (!) and such exotic locales as Rapu Nui , Vietnam and Sheboygan, Wisconsin (!!!) Truly amazing for those uninitiated and for purists there is no substitute in realizing that it's a style of life and not a lifestyle. The real-life surfers show unbridled passion at what makes it all worth while – enjoying something you love; what's not to admire about that 'philosophy'.
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Great Film
AngelJOrlando5 March 2005
First off if you're a fan of any of the endless summer movies or others then this movie will be a great addition. Masterfully done, with scenes that make you want to get up and go to the beach. Any junkie of the ocean will be envious of the locations depicted in this film. A great use of expressions via actual spoken word and cinematography, to help people better understand the life of a "surfer". You cannot go wrong with Dana Brown, showing you the beauty of the world and mixing in a system of believes held by surfers around the globe. If you're like most of us than you probably cannot just get up off the couch and visit Maui, but sitting back with drink and watching this film you will have the same experience as being there. Visit's to Australia, Chile, Maui, Ireland, and surprisingly Texas, give a diverse look into surfing around the globe, but the message remains the same. Your loyal Fan, Angel
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Everyone in the world should see this movie.
Anonymous_Maxine11 December 2004
Step Into Liquid is one of those rare documentaries about a very specific topic that is able to have a strong effect on the viewer whether or not you can relate much to the topic at hand. That is, in fact, one mark of a good documentary. Touching the Void also does this very well. The original Endless Summer was before my time, although I would have seen it if it wasn't so hard to find, since I was so impressed by Endless Summer II, which I saw when I was in high school. Many of the people that appeared in those movies also appear in Step Into Liquid, enhancing the presentation of the camaraderie that develops between surfing friends.

I grew up in southern California, minutes away from the beach, and I've also lived in England, so needless to say I've heard plenty of surfing stereotypes, even just from the fact that I come from California. I never got into surfing much, mostly snorkeling and body-surfing and skim-boarding, but have nevertheless been asked by plenty of Londoners if I make a habit of describing pleasing situations or events with phrases like 'Cowabunga, dude,' or 'Totally tubular,' or if I surf to school.

Yes. Of course I do. Everyone in California surfs to school.

I didn't expect the movie to approach this topic, but I was hugely impressed by the way it told the stories of so many surfers and then summed it all up by saying that 'real surfers don't say 'Dude.' It turns your attention away from the automatic surfer stereotypes (which, as is also explained, were started in large part by movies like Gidget and Fast Times At Ridgemont High) and shows you why those stereotypes are so shallow and misled.

This never really bothered me because I was never the kind of surfer that you think of when you hear these stereotypes or even the word surfer, I was more of a beach bum who was into just about everything else under the sun and on top of the sand except for surfing, mainly because I couldn't afford a surfboard. Step Into Liquid, however, goes to great lengths to show what an intense and moving experience surfing can be, regardless of what the waves are like.

I think that the most important function of the documentary is that it shows how something like surfing can bring people together. We see professional surfers being towed into 50 and 60 foot waves and surfing at suicidal speed, but we also see a man traveling to Vietnam with his teenage son, surfing on everything from sand hills to waves less than a foot high while being followed and venerated by hoards of screeching Vietnamese kids. Then you have a group of guys who go surfing in Scotland, of all places, and bring together kids from northern Scotland with kids from southern Scotland, which are separated almost to the point of being separate countries along religious lines, with Catholics in the north and Protestants in the south (unless it's the other way around).

From a technical standpoint, I was most impressed with the extent of the effect that they were able to achieve through the almost constant use of slow motion (so much for 'no special effects…') and the outstanding musical selection on the soundtrack. As a novice filmmaker myself, I love to see such simple effects as blending slow motion with certain music, because it has such a strong effect and is something that I've used myself dozens of times. This is the kind of movie that makes me want to be a documentary filmmaker.
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Great surfing film
tnrcooper6 April 2011
I saw this film in the theater when it was released and absolutely loved it. I don't surf but have always wanted to. I watched the film again on my computer and that only doubled my desire again, to want to surf.

Director Dana Brown-whose father Bruce directed the legendary surfing film "Endless Summer"-captures the "stoke" (passion) felt by surfers in places as varied as Vietnam and Wisconsin. The movie is not complicated. Brown visits various places where a variety of not-necessarily-typical-surfer-types (along with legendary big wave surfer Laird Hamilton) pursue their passion. We hear from long-time buddies surfing in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, we see surfers in the Gulf of Mexico surfing behind the swell left by supertankers, and we follow Dana to Vietnam where his crew tracks the surfers at one of two surfing clubs in that country.

It is hard to communicate how surfing makes one feel and it is a challenge for Brown. Nonetheless, he tries and I felt I appreciated how much the surfers enjoyed what they were doing, regardless of the size or the waves' origins. The surfing footage is fantastic and the joy felt by surfers is impossible to dislike. The pure joy felt by surfers is a welcome respite from the troubles of the world and Brown captures it expertly.
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Amazing cinematography, excellent music, touching stories, and bone shattering waves.
darthwhit14 September 2003
I grew up on the Oregon coast, the water is much to cold for anyone but true diehards to brave. I happened to stumble upon the high definition trailer to Step Into Liquid online. Once I had seen the trailer there was only one thing to do, watch it again, and again. I couldn't believe how amazing some of those shots looks. I am familiar with Endless Summer I and II but have never seen them. After I had watched the trailer several times I looked to find out when it would be released. Aug 21. In the only digital theater in Oregon to my knowledge. I marked the date on my calendar and waited. When the day arrived My girlfriend and I drove and hour and a half to Portland to see it. It was amazing. What you see on screen are people around the world surfing and enjoying themselves. Guys in the Gulf riding the wake off of super tankers, people in Michigan surfing the great lakes. These people are having just as much fun as the pros on what most people wouldn't even consider waves. You hear a few touching stories some excellent music and see some amazing waves. My only complaint is that there doesn't seem to be a soundtrack of any kind in the works. There is some really good music but some of which I can't even track down on CD. Hopefully they will put out a soundtrack. If you don't see this movie at least download the high definition trailer. It alone is gorgeous. I now want to learn how to surf, I just may need a wetsuit.
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Rewatched this again
nicktusk13 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Saw it when it first came out . I'd say it's in the top ten for actual real life surf movies . Dana brown , son of Bruce brown aka Endless summer . This film is in HD I believe or maybe 480 but had good resolution compared to old format of Endless summer 2 .

There are some epic surf sessions and segments in this film . The Malloy bros in Ireland was awesome . I like the girl section with Rochelle Ballard . Laird Hamilton obviously has some serious footage in this film with big wave riding and also the "hydrofoil" board . Most of well known top pro surfers of the early 2000s are in this film . The music and soundtrack is good also . They film different locations of the world . Pretty much every ocean and even the Great Lakes and some rivers .

To me the most touching and inspirational story part , was Jesse who was a pro or upcoming pro at one point , who injured his back surfing. He is permanently paralyzed. They help him out ( Rob Machado) and friends push him into waves belly riding his surf board . That part really hits home , losing a uncle to MS , who was in a wheelchair before he died .

Some great footage of Taj , Kelly , Robert August , also the Santa Cruz surfers like Peter Mel and Skindog and Barney . The last scene is in South America in Chile .

I really get jealous however , being a pro surfer to travel around the world to beautiful places to surf and that's their job , that's the only drawback about watching This .

I've surfed Southern California since I was 16 , it's fun and great . But I might possibly ever surf places like Costa Rica , Tahiti , or Hawaii every year like pro surfers do , I'm sure most people who surf and then 9-5 feel the same way . But that's why we watch these films is to get stoked ! Enjoy.
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perlner31 July 2003
This was a standard documentary about surfing. By standard I mean the format - interviews interspersed with footage of surfing and voiceover discussion of the sport. This film is only vaguely interesting if you are not a surfer or a surfer fan. It's not badly put together; it's slick and has some nice shots of surfers and the waves, though nothing that had to be seen on the big screen. There are attempts at some points to connect other parts of life to surfing, but those are largely unmemorable. This is not a movie to pay $10 to see in a theater, unless you are "stoked."
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Travelogue of Humans
tedg10 July 2005
I like surfing films, in part because moving water is one of the most cinematic things in existence.

And surfing photography has advanced tremendously in the last decade, both in the way the camera can be placed and the lenses that can be used. It matters I suppose that surfers had gotten more exhibitionist.

But given all this raw stuff, you still have to weave something worth watching. Despite the mundane story, I really liked "Blue Crush." It had energy and charm, thanks mostly to the editor.

This mostly misses. And that's because it focuses not on the surfing but the surfers. These guys and gals just aren't very interesting, and their ordinariness takes away from the extraordinary potential of the motion adventure.

Once we're locked into hearing about these guys we are forced into having to like them and that's a bad strategy for a movie. Only in one episode do we really go with the appeal, when some Irish American boys go back to Ireland and teach surfing to kids of mixed backgrounds (who naturally enough us all seem the same).

I think with iMovie and better music, someone could make a better, shorter movie of this material. It should be all about the water. In spite of this starting out with the clear announcement: "no stereotypes," it is precisely about stereotypes and the realization that the filmmaker can't see it is a profound weight.


Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
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Great, entertaining documentary
Zen41624 March 2011
This is by far one of the most entertaining documentaries I've ever seen. While all docs are meant to be educational or enlightening, it's the rare one that amuses you as well and literally takes you somewhere else, like on a mini vacation to exotic locales right from your living room. Dana Brown's narration is wry and informative without being too over the top or wordy, never detracting from the drop dead gorgeous scenery the movie provides as we follow various surfers around the world. There's touches of humor here and there and, while some of the said surfers are certifiably nuts, you don't have to be a long or short boarder to enjoy this film. If you like good alternative tunes, amazing locations such as Malibu, Ireland, Hawai'i etc., then check out this cool little jewel of a documentary.
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great movie experience
tensile13 September 2003
This is a great film to watch (especially in the theater), for surfers and non- surfers alike. If you're jaded of all the generic surfer/snowboard/skiing films out there, this film's originality and creativity will revitalize you.
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JoadleW shivered with delight as she Stepped into Liquid.
JoadleW22 November 2003
Step into Liquid is a thrilling ride over some of the worlds most amazingly beautiful and frightening waves. The roar of the ocean grabs you from the beginning. This movie demonstrates how difficult the skill of surfing is, yet how wonderfully connected all surfers are to mother earth and to each other. I appreciated the positive vibe that the director casts upon his subject. Surfing has been stereotyped in such a negative, dullard way that is was good to smile along with the talented adventurers and feel connected in some way.
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One of the top ten surf movies of all time
nicktusk-9559124 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
From Malibu to pipeline , to Ireland , to the Great Lakes , to South America, ending up in Maui . Step into liquid . Directed by Dana Brown son of Bruce Brown (Endless summer , Endless summer 2) growing up body, boogie boarding and surfing , in Southern California Browns are legendary in the industry . If you were a beginning surfer there's an excellent film to watch. It shows about at least 1000 rides and a lot of the footage is little kids also adults who are professional it shows are they stand up on the board which is very informative for a beginner. Highly recommend watching this film.

The film has all the great surfers in this. The Malloy brothers. Rob Machado. Big wave junkies Laird Hamilton and Dave Tamala. Legendary surfers Gerry Lopez and Kelly Slater. Female World Champion layne Bechley, Robert August, Rochelle Ballard , Duke , Brian Keaulana ,

The film starts off with some kinda cheesey Disney music , however the soundtrack is very good. From rock to blues to jazz and some alternative and heavy metal . Sort of a little kid vibe yet adult as well . This is an all ages film . If you love surfing or being in the ocean .

Plot: ( or synopsis) First intro of the film typical Bruce brown type introduction to a surf film . A montage of people having fun in the water surfing , body surfing , etc .

Beautiful clips of ocean waves and sun sets .

We get a glimpse of Lairds part at first but you wait to the end .

The Great Lakes section : bunch of old geezers ripping on waves Insane to do on a windy ass cold lake in Michigan. (They're dedicated m)

The man who surfs every day for 20 years at least that's is goal in Northern California.

The Malloy bros in Ireland ! Very inspirational part not just the extreme waves they serve and cold the fact that they were able to bring to communities of Protestant and Catholic Irish people together. It is fascinating.

Brief clip of Costa Rica with Robert August who was the star of ES and ES2 also in second Robert 'wing nut' weaver . If you don't know , know you know lol .

A clip of Malibu surf girls . Kicking the dudes asses .

Life rolls on 😢 happy but sad part about Jesse a paraplegic who surfs riding on his stomach . With the help of pro Rob Machado and friends .

Kelly pipe master slater vs Taj Burrow a huge showdown between rookie and Goat . Taj Burrow young up and coming ( not anymore) top Australian surfers of all time .

Watch Layne Beachley and good friend and also Rochelle Ballard top female pro surfers rip up Tahiti waves while goofing off girls just wanna have fun . Also Keala Kenly cutting to the huge wave of 'teahupoo'

Texas: yes they surf the wake of super tankers through the gulf .

Meet the Santa Cruz locals : Ken Skindog Collins, Peter condor Mel , Darryl flea Virtusko. Who hookup with the Hawaii crew Laird Hamilton and Dave Kamala and go on a tow in session at Jaws Hawaii a huge big wave surf spot .

A zinger is thrown in when Laird demonstrates the "Foil Board" a surf board you ride strapped into and literally glide above the water which is amazing !

Father and son surf Vietnam, his father being a Vietnam Vetran who look for spots to surf in Southeast Asia mysterious beauty.

To the ending section of the film Rapa Nui, Chili with the mavericks crew and the tow in crew with Laird , Barney , Dave , condor , and skindog surf while meeting some of the Rapa natives .

Grand Finale segment of Cortez Bank 100 miles off the coast of San Diego . A buried mountain that's tip touches the water . They leave on the Pacific Quest, Dana Point with Skinny , Mel , Brad Gerlach , and big wave extraordinaire Mike Parsons . Semi cheesy music at the end like Jurassic Park lol 😂 but still a great surf film .

One Tusk out !
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Amazing movie, made my heart sing
hschmisi25 September 2009
I have never seen a movie that could explain the passion of surfing better to me than this one. The interviews gave a wonderful insight in the reasons of why one might want to surf in the first place and the waves were just beautiful. Just the whole story about the surfing made this movie worth-while. All in all everything just fit together perfectly. The pictures were amazing and the music used to underline the feeling just hit the spot. Just watching the movie made me want to grab a board and make my way to the next possible spot to catch a wave or two. If you're in ANY WAY interested in surfing this documentary is a must-see!
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Visually stunning
paxbulliana17 January 2004
Parts of the film move slowly but the photography throughout is stunning and the human interest stories compelling. I especially enjoyed the segment of the Catholic and Protestant children surfing together in Norther Ireland and vignettes such as of Dave Webster who has been surfing every day for the past 24 years and of a fellow who became paralyzed in a surfing accident and yet continues to surf in his own way.

All of this coupled with some of the best surfing photography I have ever seen anywhere makes it a great film.
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